Who is the Real "Best in the World"

Best in the world..right now???? John Cena im sorry not a huge fan but you cant deny hes the biggest name in WRESTLING today

of all time...hmmm thats a tough call i mean on one hand you can go with Ric Flair..i mean do I need to go into details of why he is the best?? lol

Or you could go with Hulk Hogan..i mean...when you wanna talk changed wrestling..you think Hulk Hogan...
I guess Ill give my top 7 who i think are the best past and present

7.Scott Hall- Its a personal choice..When I watched WCW growing up and still watch the stuff online he was always my fav one in WCW hands down..i thought he was soo cool great in the ring..also he got the shaft in WM10 cause a lot of people dont even remember he was in the match with HBK even ric flair said " HBK went out ther and had the greatest match of his life with a ladder"

6.HHH- Back when I started watching wrestling Hbk Just joind DX so he was my fav at the time..But I ll get to him later...in the Attitude Era when people were Jizzing over Rock and SCSA..I was..the biggest HHH fan...thats probably why i dont care for the Rock today ( he was always put over him and always beat him) and hope he loses at mania..but i digress...I thought HHH was the coolest thing in the AE hands down..from his cockiness to his "im better than you attitude to his overall ring general-ness...I think i liked him even more in 2002-2005 the evolution era

5.Rick Rude- again another guy who had this cockiness that thought was awesome..sucks i didnt see him in action live (im only 21) if watching his matches and vignettes online are half as good as seeing it live then hed be on top of the list...great worker

4 Randy Savage- dont even need to explain why his guy should be considered best in the world :worship:

3. John cena...okay..stop right there.. i see you guys ready to jump down my throat and bash me to no return.. but guys...take a breather. Now that I have your attention.. to say this man is anything short of a future Hall of famer is outrageous..It disgusts me when people say hes a cancer to the business..out of all of the big names in the WWE..being Rock, Austin Lesnar Hogan...hes the most loyal..all the stars i mention before either abruptly left dropped the ball or didnt want to put over rising stars so they quit..I dont care what anyone says that man is a company man..household name..i mean how often do you hear any stories of him in a negative way?? does he get arrested?..nope..does he get suspended for drugs?..nope..Does he refuse to put people over??? nope for god sakes he let 7 rookies beat the hell out of him and make him his bitch for like 3 months

2.Kurt Angle.......good god..when you want the show stealing match..when you want a awesome WRESTLING match..you call this man..from his good ol boy days to his wrestling machine days he shows hes still got it and hasnt slowed for anyone or any injury...my all time fav wrestlemania match is angle/lesnar mania 19 that match was pure gold..not talking about the botch im talking about the match itself..i could watch it all day

see this is where it gets tricky...my number 1 is actually two people:

i guess 1A is Ric Flair- one of the best talkers in the game..Its like you take the mic work of HHH and add the wrestling skills of HBK you get Flair...i could go on and on about him but best in the world is really a good phrase for him

and my 1B...

the showstopper himself..HBK- JR said it best " his name may not be at the top of the list,. but it doesnt take long to hear his name called" this goes back to my number 6 pick HHH its because I was a huge fan of HBK that after HBK left for four years it just transferred to HHH lol..when i first started watching wrestling HBK was joining DX and I thought his cockiness and bad-ass-ness was sooo cool..I would copy him all day lol its a shame the era he created he couldnt experience it cause of injury...But if you want proof HBK is the best..watch his match at bad blood 1997 with taker...in the HIAC matches its my fav over foley and taker...foley and taker was famous for two bumps..HBK fought 45 mins in a wayy better match iMO.. give me that match over foley taker any day...Then the man comes back form a career ending back injury and puts on a clinic every year he was back...go back and watch HBK-Cena at amnia 23...one of my fav HBK matches and my fav Cena match. or watch the one hour rematch

I know this is really long but when you say best in the world you really cant pick just one... but you get my point its all about preference...this is my personal list of best in the world i know its not the same as every ones list..:banghead::shrug::worship:

Fantastic list, and I agree with everything on there. I'd probably add in Piper, Sting, Undertaker, The Rock, and Austin somewhere in the middle of the list if I were making a long list, though. On a side note, I firmly believe that CM Punk and Orton will be considered among the best after they retire (hopefully before), barring a tragic injury.

As for today, I think CM Punk has the whole package right now, followed by Cena and Orton (if I'm leaving out part-timers).

EDIT: ..and Bret Hart... there are so many amazing people to list. This is such an unfair question!!
Best "Wrestler" of all time is Kurt Angle, hands down. The guy is a legit gold medal winner. Best "Wrestler" today, even though he's retired, I think HBK is still the best.

Best "Superstar" of all time, I believe it's The Rock. The guy reached an iconic status with even reaching his full potenial(Before hitting is prime). He is the most popular wrestler in WWE history. Best "Superstar" today, that's Cena. He's been the face of the company for many yrs.
I think Hulk Hogan is hands down the best of all time. He captured the hearts of the world and made wrestling more famous and popular than it had ever been, his character turned wwe into the stand alone wrestling company and helped make wrestling part of the ever growing pop culture.
I became a fan of wrestling because of Hulk Hogan and also because of those selfless foes who jobbed to him.

An honourable mention goes to The Rock because it was him who made me start watching wrestling again.
If we a talking based on pure wrestling skills...there is only one man who can be be named Michael Mcgillicutty Sr.

Mr. Perfect. The consummate professional. Gold in the ring and a pretty decent interview as well.

Now if we are talking overall impact on the industry, as much as it pains me to say it.... Hulk Hogan.
Without the Hulkster there would have been no Austin, Bret, Hennig, Rock, Cena, Punk ....or WWE. Hogan made wrestling and will always be the best in the world.
ok ill do what i think this thread is trying to say, the best wrestler in the world today, always will be and never gets mentioned is THE UNDERTAKER.
Undertaker has made any opponent in any match look good. Over 20years has reinvented himself, his moveset and at his size is much more than a "powerhouse" He can jump from the top rope, jump over the ring, has put on the best matches throughout time. The Undertaker still entrigued and entertains the millions. And he can still do it at what looks like the final part of his career. His last 3 wrestlmania matches have stole the show.
As always with this type of subject, the definition of "best in the world" needs to be explained, and everyone you listen to sees it differently. Personally, I see it not necessarily as the best technical wrestler nor the best performer, but rather as the one who inspired the most people to want to see them in the ring. Then, we have to determine whether we're talking about the best of all time......or the best right now.

To that end, Hulk Hogan would be my pick for best of all time in terms of getting people to watch him, even as much animosity as I have for what he's become. As for best in the world according to whom I wanted to watch, I'd say Randy Savage because I couldn't keep my eyes off him and his antics when he was in WWE. As a heel or a face, he kept me at the edge of my seat. He scared me too, which was part of the appeal.

Best in the world today IMO is John Cena, hands down. If there are 43 guys in the ring, I watch no one but him because of the way he acts, the way he moves, his work ethic and his overall presence. He's #1 in WWE for a reason......in fact, for a lot of reasons.

If you want to choose the guy who was the best technical wrestler.....that is, the one who would come out on top if every match were a shoot, I'd admire guys like Kurt Angle, Bob Backlund and Lou Thesz.....and I'd pick Ken Shamrock, whom I feel would be devastating if wrestling was "real."

Yes, I'm sure that's not a popular pick, but can you imagine him going at it if his life really depended on it?
Fantastic list, and I agree with everything on there. I'd probably add in Piper, Sting, Undertaker, The Rock, and Austin somewhere in the middle of the list if I were making a long list, though. On a side note, I firmly believe that CM Punk and Orton will be considered among the best after they retire (hopefully before), barring a tragic injury.

As for today, I think CM Punk has the whole package right now, followed by Cena and Orton (if I'm leaving out part-timers).

EDIT: ..and Bret Hart... there are so many amazing people to list. This is such an unfair question!!

Yeah I was going to add sting..I mean the best to never go to WWE hands down

then taker..Who while hes larger than life and his streak is amazing and has more mania moments than anyone..i woldnt put him in my top 7 top 20 def just my personal opinion
Orton And Punk are great at what they do and are sure fire HOF'ers buttt they still dont have that "larger than life feel to them" well Orton kinda does not really CM Punk..not dissing him or anything I think hes pretty cool but just not best in the world

then We get to the Rock...again growing up..I was not a fan of the Rock at all..never saw the appeal..I was a huge HHH fan and wanted him to e the biggest star..but with that said I cant deny his larger than life persona and feel to him Its just for me personally hes not in my top 10..top 20 yes I guess I was a HHH mark lol Side note I was at Summerslam 2000 when I was 10 years old and cried my eyes out when HHH lost to the rock lol
Kurt Angle hasn't retired. He is at TNA and I think he's training to compete in the Olympics this summer.

Yes, but the poster you quoted wrote: "Best 'Wrestler' today, even though he's retired, I think HBK is still the best."

He wasn't referring to Kurt Angle.

Incidentally, Angle was recently quoted as saying his chances of making the Olympic team were slim.
The three that were the best all round talents in the history of the business are HBK, Macho Man and Ric Flair IMO. Right now I'd say CM Punk as his in ring work, his character, his mic skills and his popularity are all very strong, he has the charisma to back up his skills.

If you isolated it to best in the ring then I think Cody, Dolph and Bryan can all challenge him for that credit, I leave out Jericho because I don't see him being back for long.

If you are talking pure star power then Cena is still the guy but Punk is catching, and Cena and Triple H are the only ones that can match him on the mic right now.
it's an difficult question cos when you see the entire history of wrestling,many wrestlers are the best in the world.
An guy like Lou Thesz was the greatest wrestler of all time,when he debuted in this sport.
Bruno sammartino was good and don't forget the one and only Gorgeous george,Snuka was an good athlete in the 80's.
to make an list was too long for to describde the best wrestlers in the world.
Best in the World is really dependent on each person's point of view. If I'm going for workers in the ring, people who could work on the mat, add their own unique moveset and be a great storyteller, my list (just off the top of my head) would be:

Technicians/ Storytellers
1) Randy 'Macho Man' Savage RIP
2) Bret ' The Hitman' Hart
3) Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat
4) Chris Benoit
5) Kurt Angle
6) Ted 'the Million Dollar Man' DIbiase
7) Tito Santana
8) Edge

Current in WWE
1) Daniel Bryan
2) Chirs Jericho
3) Dolph Ziggler
4) C M Punk
5) Triple H
6) Miz

Greatest Entertainers/ Box Office Stars
1) Hulk Hogan
2) Stone Cold Steve Austin
3) The Rock
4) Rick Flair
5) John Cena
6) Triple H
7) Roddy Piper

The term best is truly hard to define in wrestling. So many tremendous performers have come and gone and so many have been unseen, that any list you make just seems incomplete.
your list is good but one men misses to this that, it's Stu Hart he makes good trainor with Owen Hart,Bret,Tyson Kid,Natalya he has revolutionned the world of wrestling.

If he wasn't here many wrestlers are not on the top of theirs carreers respectives,Steven brisco was an good name 'too.
Bare in mind I judge this PURELY on their WRESTLING performance, not on any personal issues outside the ring. Any my defintion of what "working" is may clash with some of you ROH fans..

Living: Ric Flair
No Longer with us: Macho Man Randy Savage (the nWo run)

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