Which two midcarders do you see main eventing Wrestlemania in the future?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I guess a safe pick would be Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins. Those guys look like they'll keep going up. But I also think Roman Reigns vs. Ryback might be a main event of the future. I think Ryback will get a 2nd chance one day, and by that time, Roman will be a solidified main eventer. I can see Ryback/Roman having an Austin/Rock face vs. face type of feud heading into WrestleMania 17. Yeah, I know, it sounds completely ridiculous but people would have said the same thing about Rocky Maivia and The Ringmaster.

Just imagine if we could go tell 2004 WWE fans that Tough Enough contestant Mike Mizanin will be main eventing WrestleMania 27 with the Doctor of Thuganomics. Or worse! How about telling 1995 WWF/WCW fans that Cruiserweight Champ Chris Jericho will be main eventing WrestleMania with The Connecticut Blueblood. No one would believe us!

I think John Cena and Randy Orton are here to stay for the next 5 years at least, but I think they'll be phased out of the WrestleMania main events at some point. We might get Roman Reigns vs. John Cena as a main event down the line, but I think the next few years will show us a few midcarders stepping up and carrying some future WrestleManias.

So who do you think they are going to be?
I think that this forum has already met its Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins overrating quota for the year so this thread wasn't necessary.

Reigns is the best option if I had to choose, however the entire roster pretty much sucks and don't have the talent to main event Mania imo. I'd rather have part timers, Cena, DB, and maybe Orton main event for the next 5-10 years instead of these one dimensional mediocre midcarders that are getting way to much love and ruining the business.
I think that this forum has already met its Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins overrating quota for the year so this thread wasn't necessary.
I got them out of the way immediately hoping people didn't repeat them. I would like to see more creative picks.

Reigns is the best option if I had to choose, however the entire roster pretty much sucks and don't have the talent to main event Mania imo. I'd rather have part timers, Cena, DB, and maybe Orton main event for the next 5-10 years instead of these one dimensional mediocre midcarders that are getting way to much love and ruining the business.
I think you're being too hard on the current crop of midcarders. Rocky Maivia was awful, Ringmaster was silly, and a lot of us couldn't stand Cena's silly rapper persona on Smackdown. These guys outgrew their midcard limitations and ended up being the top draws in WWE history. Now, I'm not saying that the next Hulk Hogan is sitting in the back of the locker room, but someone who's going to main event WrestleMania? A Batista, The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Mick Foley or Sid Vicious? Sure, I can definitely see someone of their caliber sin our midcard.

I can see Ryback, Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Rusev main eventing a couple PPVs in the future. But as for WrestleMania, I think Ryback vs. Roman is the safest bet. Although I can see something like Bray Wyatt vs. Rusev main eventing years down the line.
Hopefully Ziggler remains in the good graces of everyone backstage and in the front office and continues to get opportunities in bigger roles. As a former world champ, he definitley has the talent to make another main event level run, I'm just not sure the timing is right anymore. The ship might have sailed already for ziggler to get back in the main event picture, given the influx of young talent into WWE and plenty more waiting in NXT.
I got them out of the way immediately hoping people didn't repeat them. I would like to see more creative picks.

I think you're being too hard on the current crop of midcarders. Rocky Maivia was awful, Ringmaster was silly, and a lot of us couldn't stand Cena's silly rapper persona on Smackdown. These guys outgrew their midcard limitations and ended up being the top draws in WWE history. Now, I'm not saying that the next Hulk Hogan is sitting in the back of the locker room, but someone who's going to main event WrestleMania? A Batista, The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Mick Foley or Sid Vicious? Sure, I can definitely see someone of their caliber sin our midcard.

I can see Ryback, Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Rusev main eventing a couple PPVs in the future. But as for WrestleMania, I think Ryback vs. Roman is the safest bet. Although I can see something like Bray Wyatt vs. Rusev main eventing years down the line.
IMO, Rollins simply doesn't have the charisma or mic work to make it to that level. Maybe if the belts are split up again but not with the current one major title. Ambrose look will hold him back, especially his current ring gear...its awful and screams midcarder. Ryback, imo, isnt going anywhere. I wouldn't be surprised to see him released in the next few years.

So my match would be Bray vs Reigns. Bray will be the top heel at some point and they are obviously pushing Reigns to the moon, so maybe this one could happen. This match would be awful though.
It's usually the guys who do the best mic work early in their career that become real superstars. That being said, I expect to see Bad News Barrett headlining WM's and SS's. He's one of those talents (like the Rock) that no matter how hard you try to make him a heel, you can't make the crowd boo him.
Barrett vs. Bray Wyatt could be a great long term rivalry like Austin / Rock or Cena / Orton. Both are good wrestlers and have excellent mic skills.
Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt would be, IMO, a thoroughly interesting and entertaining build.

How do you manipulate the mind of a man who's straight-up insane? And now that Ambrose on his own, but Bray still has Harper and Rowan, there's the whole uphill-battle aspect.
I think people are missing the part of midcarders. Bryan is a maineventer and Reigns is pretty much pushing it now, so that's my thought.

I think Bray and Cesaro will. Maybe not in a feud but Bray gets over regardless and Cesaro was such a hot commodity at Wrestlemania. I could see them having a feud down the line. Here's how I picture the feud working. Cesaro has made a career out of not really having an identity, from what I've been told he had a few different gimmicks before settling on the Swiss Superman, he's rushed through quite a few managers. So why not have Cesaro turn face for a while and have Bray take control of him, saying that Cesaro has no direction. Cesaro joins the Wyatts for a few months eventually helping Bray to a world title win(which I figure he'll have 2 or 3 in his career). But eventually Cesaro gets tired of being a buzzard and turns on Bray, probably after winning the Rumble. Leading to a huge match at Mania. Cesaro fighting off Rowan and Harper trying to secure the win. I'd be all for this feud if executed well.
I don't consider Rollins and Reigns mid card at this point, nor Ambrose for that matter... The Shield were main event from their debut and all are basically still there, so it's not worth counting them or Wyatt as they are all pretty much a lock.

The ones I am looking at the ones no one else is...

Darren Young:- Just yesterday I see a pic of him looking JACKED... new bearded look hiding the "Cena of Color" jibes... he looks ready for a big push and this sudden controversy over Michael Sam doesn't seem like "controversy" to me... it seems like a way to bring Young back strong... if he comes back "out" but with the chip on his shoulder, beating people down, bad ass... pissed off at WWE... it's not what people expect from WWE... they expect Rico, Chuck & Billy etc... Hell if they do this right... they could get a Michael Sam mania match... Think back to how LT and Tyson's involvement began... a disgruntled employee with the celebrity involvement... Could the world handle two guys wrestling each other at Mania who were both gay?

I reckon so...but they could also do an interesting tag team match too.. .

Adrian Neville - I include him purely as I view anyone with the NXT championship to be the equivalent of a midcarder on the main roster... they don't start at the bottom when they come up to the main roster... Paige didn't, Rollins didn't and Dallas didn't... I think Neville is gonna lose at Takeover but come straight into the main roster and kick some ass. He has the look, the unique moves and the opportunity to make a big splash on the UK tour if Barrett isn't fit by then. I can see a quick IC or US title win on his debut at the next UK RAW and it would be great... and the sort of thing people would want to see in spite of spoilers...now if they put him with Heyman as a manager to keep Paul onscreen but not Brock... that would be very interesting.

Barrett - He will come back and probably go right into the main event... they keep talking November but they are truly better waiting and giving him 30 in the Rumble... whatever happens he will return a face...he was nearly there when he got hurt and the fans always love the return of an injured guy... with his gimmick he is perfect to be the guy who upsets Trips' plans to stop Reigns winning the Rumble, the crow is gonna go unglued anyway but if he uses the "Bad News" line on the boss...ruins his night the fans would go mental for it... he could fight Trips himself (and beat him) at Mania... (again the Bad News moment even in a retirement match.) It'd do more good than Trips v Sting...or BNB going back to the IC title scene.
I could see Antonio Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler as a WrestleMania main event. Cesaro has a ton of strength and some great intensity, and a great move-set (other than the Swing, which should never be used outside of house shows). Ziggler is one of the overall best in-ring performers WWE has today, and its absurd that he's barely a midcarder while far less talented performers are being pushed to the main event scene. Any WrestleMania main event with Dolph Ziggler in it is a must-buy in my eyes.

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