Which Hogan was the better promo guy - Hulk Hogan or Hollywood Hogan?


Dark Match Winner
Hulk Hogan


Hollywood Hogan
Promo starts at the 2:00 mark.


Feel free to contribute. You can put out another promo.

I also feel there a lot of more "Hogans" there.

Hulk Hogan WWF.
Hulk Hogan WCW.
Hollywood Hogan NWO
Hollywood NWO after the split black and white.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan Babyface/Heel
Terry Bollea
Hollywood Hogan WWE Heel
Hulk Hogan WWE Face
Mr America.

You can point out if there anyone special but if you laid it all together the bad guy and the good guy.
- Who would win the best promo maker, Hollywood or Hulk?.

Hollywood Hogan vs Hulk Hogan.

Who wins?
Hollywood Hogan was the better promo guy in my opinion. Hulk Hogan's promo were always nearly the same but Hollywood Hogan had different type promos every week. Hollywood Hogan had more depth to the promos he delivered compared to Hulk Hogan.

This was a great Hogan promo (1999).

Surely there should be options of Hogan pre vitamins and prayers. Cool little angle with Andre, Hogan and Freddie Blassie



Also another option would be Hogan in Japan that was an entirely different prospect to Hogan in the US because he always seemed to take his working boots to Japan. Not to mention he was over like rover with the Japanese fans.

I think Hogan's persona worked better within the context of the early 90s regardless. I still get a kick out of his OTT promos vs the dungeon of doom etc
Hogan was completely reborn when he turned heel after years of the same old, vanilla routine. It was such a breath of fresh air to see him walking to the ring differently, talking differently, and being cool once again. Aligning with Hall and Nash made him cool by association. His promos got much better, and I think they're to thank for that. Suddenly, he was the cocky heel who didn't say all the right things anymore and sure as hell didn't tell kids to pray, train, and take their vitamins anymore. Hogan was never squeaky clean again after that, even using the occasional swear word in his promos after he turned face again. It's pretty rare for a wrestler to be able to completely reinvent himself in his 40's, but Hogan did it. His promos greatly benefitted because of it.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan you could relate more to in my opinion. The ole happy go lucky glad to be an American superhero was just boring and overdone in my opinion.

The heel Hogan was just amazing and you stayed glued to your television as you didn't know what you were getting.

With real american, it was the same ole shit.

I wish I could take a time machine and go watch the promos as they happened with my age right now.
Hollywood was the better talker but Hulk was a great promo for his time. personally i loved the Hollywood nWo rants, bischoff holding the mic for him and everything. priceless.

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