Where's the persona?


Gone. For. Good.
So in under 36 hours, Finn Bálor will compete against Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules to determine the No. 1 contender for Brock Lesnar's Universal Championship.

What I want to discuss is about the lack of discussion of the demon persona of Finn Bálor. It hasn't been mentioned much like when Bálor was about to face Seth Rollins at Summerslam last year.

So does it mean that he won't be using demon persona at Extreme Rules just to keep the persona undefeated on main roster, assuming that he actually loses? Or like Finn Bálor couldn't do it but Finn Bálor as demon could do it. If my assumption is true then I can understand why it isn't being mentioned. Demon persona has some good potential so you need to protect it. Even in NXT, it was protected until his last match against Samoa Joe.
It's a multiman match so there isn't much point using it in a 5 way feud. No doubt we will see the demon when he has his 1 on 1 feud with Bray Wyatt. To be honest there isn't much speacoal about it anyway. He puts some paint on and has a different entrance.

Excuse me whilst I go shit smarties.
The Demon King persona will only show up every so often for special events. Unless WWE has something special planned for one of the so called B ppvs, the persona will only pop up at shows like the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series.
Yeah like you say, they want to protect something that fans really enjoy, which is his Demon King thing. The likelihood too is that he won't be winning the match, hence there's no concern for any damage to that character. The problem is though, because he was gone for so long, we haven't seen or heard anything about the character in almost a year. That's a long time for something like that to be missing from Balor's character when arguably, it's the best thing he has to offer from a character perspective. Hopefully it won't be too long before the Demon King is back. I have found his return somewhat underwhelming and this could really lift his momentum. Maybe that's just me though.
The demon King persona is probably the only thing that attracts me to finn balor at this moment because it's such a unique character that appears only when Finn truly needs it. So to waste it on a five way that's pretty much to determine to throaway opponent for LEsnar at the next special event would be a wasted of the character.

If he get to do a program with Lesnar then maybe then you can use it because it would make sense there and even if he lose with the character, it doesn't really hurt it because they already did it in NXT and it didn'T hurt the character in the fans eyes, so i don'T see why it would hurt it here.
It's just another one of WWE's many inconsistencies that we have to deal with. Balor uses The Demon King persona to get an edge over his opponents, and considering he's facing four of the best in the company tomorrow it would seem like there's no better time to use it. But if he uses it and loses, the luster on the gimmick is gone. It makes sense to not use it but it'll be pretty annoying when in just about a months time as they're building towards Summerslam it'll be all Balor, his opponent (probably Wyatt) and the commentators can talk about.
They should save it for Summerslam when they have an extra 45 minutes to kill. Imagine Demon Balor crawling on all fours at Mania this year with that gigantic ramp? That would've been a LONG ass entrance!
I think it was wise of them to not bring up the Demon persona at all in the build up. And even wiser of Balor to bring out the Demon in the match itself. If Balor is not winning, he needn't use it. The Demon character should remain undefeated for a long while.

Wise of WWE to not mention the 'Demon King' at all in the build up as I feel they just drove the whole idea into the ground during the build to Summerslam. It was Michael Cole beating it into our heads about how 'Demon King' is going to rise and he represents the evil side of Balor. They should just let it be and let the crowd react organically if and when The Demon does return. The surprise and amazement factor would be better than hyping it up in advance and then it not living up to expectations in my opinion.
wait for his heel turn, which must be around the corner. With Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose all on Raw and faces in feuds with heels, its only a matter of time before he aligns with Gallows and Anderson I hope and challenges Reigns and two guys of his choice at Summerslam. Balor Club vs Shield at Summerslam. Add Lesnar vs Joe vs Strowman in a triple threat, Mahal vs Cena, Owens vs Styles

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