Sheamus vs Finn Bálor - on the grandest stage of them all?

Just Zay'n

Occasional Pre-Show
I think most would agree that Sheamus is cashing in his briefcase in the near future - it definitely seems like the right time, and there have been small things like his Titantron getting a pretty cool redesign, hinting that they may be giving him a huge push soon...

So, assuming that he walks into WM32 as the champ, who would he face? Could his recent match with Bálor in Dublin be a teaser for what is to come, and could WWE have been 'testing the water' with these two?

Not to mention the fact that many sources have claimed Bálor will be moving up to the main roster soon - and of course, the most logical thing to do would be to introduce his Demon entrance at Wrestlemania.

And if he did debut that entrance at Wrestlemania, the match itself would have to be big. I don't think it could get more epic than the Celtic Warrior versus the Celtic Demon, re-enacting the Irish legend.

Let's face it, Sheamus versus Reigns would not be worthy of the biggest Wrestlemania ever (I like Reigns, but his victory would probably be the most predictable match result of all time...). Neither would Sheamus versus Cena (ugh). So if you ask me, assuming Sheamus walks into WM with the title, Sheamus vs. Bálor is the only match that would be worthy as a WM WHC match!
Those who don't watch NXT will have no idea who Finn Balor is, so debuting him at Mania in the main event I can't see happening. While it would most likey be a great match as both can go in the ring, is that really the main event they want to go with.

Besides from what I'm reading, most fans are dreading a Sheamus run with the belt. He's been around a long time now, and his first run was horrible, second was much better. Personally I would like to see someone new with the title going into Mania, like Reigns or Ambrose, or even Owens. Sheamus just won't be able to bring the same kind of attitude to the title that Rollins did.
Oh no I never said he'd debut in the main event. Apparently he's slated for a main roster debut soon, and he's been working dark matches at RAW and Smackdown tapings, so people will know who he is.

Sheamus being terrible (he isn't) or not is irrelevant. They picked him to hold the MITB briefcase, meaning he'll be in the title picture whether people like it or not. Whether he holds it until Wrestlemania is another thing.

I really can see Sheamus vs. Bálor at Wrestlemania, maybe it won't be for the title though, as Sheamus could drop it before Wrestlemania. One can dream though!
I love the thought process around here: "don't push people too fast unless it's someone that I like."

You're talking about what people are calling the biggest WM of all time and you want someone who some people haven't even heard of yet fighting for the title in it. Ok. Reigns isn't ready but someone who hasn't debuted yet is? That's about par around here.
The goal is to pack 100,000 fans in to Dallas for WM32. Tickets are already on sale, but even still it will come down to the wire for a true sell out. I haven't seen or heard of a single person who wants Sheamus as champion, that doesn't bode well for selling 100k tickets.

I'm a big fan of Balor, but I'd be money he hasn't debuted on the main roster before WM, let alone challenging for the WWE title. They are gonna go with something way more safe with that much money on the line, look for something like Rollins/Ambrose, Cena/Rollins, etc.
Okay, I want to give you a nod on this for the Irish folklore reference. I can't shake the feeling though, that we'd see a similar thread about Finn and Cesaro if Finn was Swiss, or Barrett of Finn was British. Maybe not from the OP, but I know we'd see the variant topic. Finn vs Sheamus will be good down the road, but let's not pair them simply because they're both Irish. I'm sure they'd be given a proper reason to feud on screen, but it would be so transparent that you could almost imagine Vince and creative waving at you through the 4th wall.

I'm with you that the 'Demon' entrance is worthy of a WrestleMania debut. I've even said so in a handful of other threads. I think it needs to happen after a few weeks of 'Finn Casual' before you debut the Demon, much like they did in NXT.

A better pairing going into WrestleMania would be Kane. Although the Corporate persona seems to be gone, Kane spent a better part of the year as a 'demon trapped in a man's body', so to speak. That's a parallel of both characters that's much more creative than two Irish guys fighting. On top of that, Kane can lose clean at WrestleMania at this stage of his career and not take much damage. Sheamus and a debuting Balor don't necessarily have that luxury.
Im all for a Kane/Balor feud at WM32, with Balor hiding his own demon entrance till than.

I can live with Sheamus cashing in, just hope he don't hold the big one for too long. Maybe a loss to Lesnar? Setting a Lesnar/Reigns II match.
The 'demon' is so corny.. It's almost awkward to watch.. There's already a demon in WWE and his name is Kane.. Kane doesn't wear clown makeup either.. Finn Balor shouldn't wear any makeup, get rid of that crappy gimmick and just be himself, he would still be over.

This thread makes you sound like a mark.. Nothing to do with Finn Balor is worthy of being a World Title match.. He's not World Championship material and never will be. Reigns is a bigger star and a way better talent, has proven himself more in WWE and the fans are behind him.. I'd rather Reigns/Sheamus easily.
I like Finn Balor and Also i like Sheamus (before present gimmick)....
So i am totally on for Finn Balor VS Sheamus....
But not for WWE World Heavyweight Champion....
He as WWE World Heavyweight Champion especially now is a too bad thing to happen but it will happen most probably...
I like Finn Balor and Also i like Sheamus (before present gimmick)....
So i am totally on for Finn Balor VS Sheamus....
But not for WWE World Heavyweight Champion....
He as WWE World Heavyweight Champion especially now is a too bad thing to happen but it will happen most probably...

Same, I like both wrestlers. But not for the WWE Title and especially not the main event at Wrestlemania.

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