when was the last time the wwe made you cry?

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Nope, I guarantee you I've never cried at wrestling. I couldn't even think of a time when I thought to myself "you know Sleepy, that's a real tear jerker".

I got really pissed when Jericho ripped the head off Eugene's Easter bunny...and the death of Moppy was kind of a sad story... but nah, nothing legitimate.
WWE has only made me cry twice and one was completely not their fault at all because the emotion and realisation struck me during a video package they showed.

The first time was when I discovered the WCW Nitro I was watching would be the last and that WWF had bought the company.

The second time was during the tribute package to Eddie Guerrero.

I'll admit right now that despite everyone else including my friends crying while we were stood in the Citrus Bowl for Wrestlemania 24 when Flair got pinned, I honestly had to fake it. I couldn't cry, not even shed a single tear. It was a sad time at the moment although I strangely had a sort of feeling that it wouldn't be the last time I'd see him wrestle (I was right as were others who predicted he'd still wrestle after that match) but it was kind of odd seeing one of my friends - someone that was almost double my height, tough and a close friend of Kane, Taker and Nash no less - weeping like a baby as Naitch walked back up the ramp waving off the fans.

Seeing my friend like that for the first time kinda hit me in the gut and I had to look away which helped me in faking my crying over Flair.

I would've probably cried for real if we hadn't left our seats to get merch and go to the hotel while Taker was posing in the ring with the title because as soon as we left, the pyro on the roof of the arena went haywire and would've hit us if we'd stayed a little longer.
Actually, I have to say Wrestlemania 24...HBK/Ric Flair. I was there live and the atmosphere, the emotion was incredible and as Flair lost and was fighting tears and then burst into tears as nearly 72 000 people were chanting "Thank you, Ric" I can't say I was crying totally, but I for sure felt my eyes getting watery. I actually saw lots of people, young and old, male and female...either fighting back tears, getting teary eyes, or out right bawling.

However, if its just when I actually cried it was after Eddie Guerrero died. That RAW/SD following, the tributes to him, the teary-eyed goodbyes. I am not ashamed to say I cried watching.
There have been a lot of moments that have made me sad in the wwe but only one made me cry.....
For example benoit and eddie at WM 20 I didn't cry at the event I cried years later when I watched this moment again and realizing they were so happy back then and now they are dead, that definetively hurt a little bit, the retirement speeches of edge and shawn obviously made me sad because you could see that although they knew it was their time they didn't want to leave, the benoit, hart and guerrero memorial shows were difficult but the only time that I've cried is in the middle of ric flair's retirement at the raw after wm 24....I cried because his 30 year career was over!!! Honorable mention for christian winning the title at extreme rules this year!
cry no but watery eyed, sure

Owen tribute, Eddie tribute, Benoit tribute
Eddie winning the title
alot of HOF acceptance speeches again Eddies
ending of wmXX

all great moments and memories but again, for me anyway, never got those tears rolling. this is wrestling and over the 18 years iv been watching iv seen alot and you have to have a passion in order to come back every week and watch guys come and go over the years. these moments are great but on to the next ones.
last time had to be edge!!!! favourite of mine from the brood days, funny good promos, excellent heel and face which few wrestlers can do now!!! Sad to see him leave, wuda loved a final fued or match with Cena. Bit like a rock/austin final match!!!! shed a tear when he was forced to retire!!!
I've never been full blown crying, but I was fighting tears during the Eddie tribute. I mean, how could you not?

Also, I didn't cry, but I was real upset when I found out my favorite wrestler Edge had to retire.

Maybe because I've been watching wrestling longer than most of you have been alive, but why I would I cry during Guerrero's tribute when I remember Eddie Gilbert, Hawk, Terry Gordy, Kerry, Michael, and Chris Von Erich, Public Enemy, Louie Spicolli, Davey Boy Smith, Bobby Duncum Jr., Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, Buzz Sawyer, Pitbull #2, Chris Candido, Bam Bam Bigelow dying and that's and off the cuff list of guys under 50, at some point you're not surprised.

And Flair's retirement, it might have been moving if it wasn't for the previous 10 years when Flair had become a parody of himself.
I cried during shawn michael's farewell speech on RAW, I honestly don't know how ANYBODY could watch the end of RAW that night and not get choked up, as the legendary career of HBK came to and end.
My top emotional moments were and are the Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero tributes.
The wrestling world lost two of the greatest in the world and had unfinished careers.
They had successful careers without a doubt but i felt they were ripped from the palms of fans and family alike.
Only once, the Eddie Guerrero '3 Doors Down (Here Without You)' video package:


6 years later, every time I hear this song on the radio or see it on TV, I think of this video and Eddie :(
Hogan losing to Warrior but i was a kid at the time. The one that brought a tear to my eye was the night after Owen died. He was an amazing performer and for it to happen the way it did was just shocking.
Lots of times. The last time I cried would probably be when Christian won the title, I was so happy I shed a tear. When Shawn Michaels retired and when Edge retired, their retirement speeches made me bawl. But I cried the most for Eddie Guerrero it was so shocking, I felt depressed the entire day.
No storyline made me cry, but unexpected circumstances in the WWE made me shed some tears, when eddie died that was the biggest one, seeing that he was my favorite wrestler. I remember being really happy when I watched his last match, and he was going to have a chance at the title again...and hearing that he passed, it was a very very sad moment. Once i saw it was a tribute edition of raw and saw all the video packages and the superstars talking about eddie and just crying i couldnt help but do the same, still do a litte each time i watch one of those vids...and when Edge retired, i did have a couple of tears, but not much, just sad to have this happen to a good wrestler and a good guy like edge...only two times i have ever "cried" in wrestling and both came unexpectedly.
When HBK retired I had tears in my eyes not because I was sad. But because I was proud and I knew unlike Flair he meant it. And to this day he's not broken that promise.
When Mr. McMahon died..... hahahahahaha

Seriously, if you guys are crying from a wrestling program (or any TV show for that matter), you have some serious issues that require professional help. I mean hearing that one of your favourite wrestlers passed away or something tragic like Cena actually getting pinned clean might be shocking, how can you actually start shedding tears over it?
I teared after watching the Eddie RAW tribute show again last year, but other than that never. And yeah I sympathize with a lot of people here I was just so damn sad the day Eddie died but it never really hit me until a while later. I might have cried when Benoit died but that was a stressful year for me alltogether, chris was probably the straw that broke the camels back.
When Mr. McMahon died..... hahahahahaha

Seriously, if you guys are crying from a wrestling program (or any TV show for that matter), you have some serious issues that require professional help. I mean hearing that one of your favourite wrestlers passed away or something tragic like Cena actually getting pinned clean might be shocking, how can you actually start shedding tears over it?

Maybe because when someone passes away its tragic, specially if they touched your life in any amount of way. When Michael Jackson died many fans started crying . Why? Because he was an instrumental part of their lives. Not to mention that when someone passes, like Eddie Guerrero, they leave a family behind and people who have lost a family member can understand what they're going through and it hits them on a personal level. Wrestling to most of us isnt just a TV show, its part of our everyday lives and when someone you grew up watching and sometimes even wanting to be like passes away it closes a chapter in your life you might not have been ready to close.
Honestly the only time i've ever cried while watching WWE was when Edge retired. Such a sad way to go out for one of the greatest to step into the ring
For me, i cried at the Eddie Guerrero tribute and when Edge had to retire, Seeing Edge cry made me cry :(
I've never actually broke down crying but when Bobby "The Brain" Heenan gave his farewell to Gorilla Monsoon on Niitro, I was a bit choked up. If fact I watched it again just a few days ago and it did it to me again. You can just tell how much Bobby missed him already and it was so sad.
I was truly upset when Eddie Guerrero died. I think I was emotional because everyone else was, so, it was like a domino effect. Problem was, after a while of the Eddie chants every other minute, I got annoyed. Don't get me wrong, I miss him as much as the guy sat in the rafters, but, that was just too much.

First, I was upset when Chris Benoit died. Then I found out what he had done. Now I cry because I even felt upset for him. His career was classic, but what he did easily overshadows it.

Owen Hart's tribute show made me choke. I walked out the room. When Bobby Heenan did his speech about Gorilla Monsoon also made me choke and I feel his pain so much. When Edge retired on SmackDown and all the superstars came out and clapped him.

I'm not sure if I cried or just had an orgasm in my pants when The Rock's music played when he returned in February. That may not be upsetting, but my spirit lifted tremendously.

I bawled my eyes out once December to Dismember (2006) finished. What a pile of horse shit.

And finally, I have to say it. I cried my eyes out when Cena won his 10th World Fucking Title. For lords sake. Please Vince. C'mon. He can't wrestle, well none of them can, but he is certainly at the bottom of the list for looking like he can. And now he is a 10x WWE Champion. Piss take.
I never necessarily cried for anything, but the deaths of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit affected me a lot. They are on my top 10 favorites of all time. To see Eddie, who just got his life back together and was on the road to a positive light, die out of the blue was really shocking to me. Benoit still affects me because of the circumstances that follow from it. One moment on a positive note though that I will treasure forever was Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 26, and Raw afterwords. HBK is another big favorite of mine, and to have the privilege to be at both his last match and Raw live was special to me. That's a moment I'll always hold dear to me as a fan of professional wrestling.
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