When Stephanie McMahon & Triple H take over the WWE

CM Steel

A REAL American
For the last few months we've seen on WWE TV husband & wife Triple H & Stephanie McMahon-Levesque run shot in the WWE as "The Authority". And also in real-life the power couple will one day in the near future take over WWE chairman Vince McMahon's seat as chairmen of World Wrestling Entertainment. Stephanie will always be a McMahon when it all comes down to it. But with Triple H, he takes the brides last name when it comes to the business. But recently Triple H has brought back the majority of his friends from over the years in the WWE.

-Shawn Michaels
-Kevin Nash
-Sean Waltman/X-Pac
-Road Dogg & Billy Gunn
-Ric Flair

We all saw on Sunday night at the Royal Rumble in where "Triple H guy" Batista made his long awaited return to the WWE ring where the Animal won the 30-man Royal Rumble in Pittsburgh, PA. Two years ago Sheamus whose another "Triple H guy" won the Rumble after elimination Chris Jericho as the last man standing in the ring. Chris Jericho was a top name talked about backstage about winning the RR that year. But at the last minute Triple H made the decision to have Sheamus win it since Chris Jericho had just came back to the WWE. But then again, Batista just returned to the WWE from a four year break and now he has a first class ticket to main event Wrestlemania 30 in New Orleans, LA.

So, is this the future of things being ran in the WWE by Triple H & Stephanie McMahon-Levesque? A wrestling promotion getting ran by two people who view the business differently than Vince McMahon. This is a billion dollar wrestling company, not Willy Wonka & the chocolate factory!

What can you make of it?
Well I reckon WWE will go downhill from here on. We've already seen a massive decline in the last two years or so, with the product becoming almost unwatchable as of late. Given Triple H's ego and just how little Stephanie knows about what the fans want, I can't see WWE improving.

As you said, it's no coincedence Triple H's pals are coming back or winning major matches. Considering just how awful the product has become, it's hard not to be pessimistic about the future.
Since Triple H became an executive of Talent Relations & Talent Development, we have seen stars such as Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Damien Sandow, Antonio Cesaro,Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn (El Generico), etc These sorts of acquisitions and efforts towards talent development have really benefited WWE over the past year, and have set great expectations for the future. The in-ring product has also improved a lot.

Also, you guys do know that Vince McMahon has the final say on what happens on WWETV right?

You guys just need reasons to whine and complain.
How the fuck can people complain about Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels being on TV? Is it because Austin is nowhere to be found; Rocky is busy and Hogan has been working in TNA. These two are the biggest stars in wrestling history that are available and, no shit, they are getting used.

The NAO were brought back as HHH's henchman. They turned on Punk to further his feud with Triple H. Them winning the tag-titles further compounds the idea that Triple H is abusing his power.

Nash got a good pop and it was for one night only. Being mates with HHH definitely didn't hurt his cause. Hall and X-pac haven't been seen in ages so that is a non-issue. Sheamus is a talented WWE superstar. Everyone thought Jericho was going to win the Rumble in 2012 - they changed it up and he still got his shot at the WWE title.

Triple H isn't the dictator that everyone makes him out to be. There are loads of new talents getting their opportunity that don't have any notable connection with him. The New Age Outlaws are their to further a storyline. Nothing more. Triple H doesn't want to build the tag-division around them but having them can add to his feud with Punk.
^6 then why isn't DB in main event if hhh isn't a dictator, hhh doesn't give a fuck about fans or db would def be in main event, yet hes facing shamus
Things wont be that different when HHH and Stephanie take over complete control from Vince.

For one thing, HHH learned the business from Vince. So a lot of Vince's biases and blindspots are also HHH blindspots and biases.

For another thing, this transition has been going on for ten years. Stephanie was made Director of Creative WRiting in 2002 and has had some different creative roles since then.

Vince probably won't give up the final final say until the day he dies.

The list doesn't impress me much. NAO and NAsh are Attitude Era nostalgia acts. Yes, being HHH buddies means that the New Age Outlaws get the spot instead of Too Cool or a reunited APA, but so what. Shawn Michaels is on legendary status, I don't think anyone is complaining about the spotlight he gets when he gets it.

Sheamus is a certified HHH guy, but he's help his end of things. He's still in the prime part of his career, once again not a problem.

Batista is a mistake, but I think the whole WWE machine overrates Batista's star power.

The problem isn't what HHH and Stephanie will do differently. It's that they'll keep doing the same things as Vince.
Say what you like, sure they might have a good wrestling sense, and maybe all of whats going on is part of a big storyline.

But lets look at this, one of the downfalls of WCW was it being all about Hogan and his good old boys being put over. If you were friends with the power to be in WCW you would get the tv time.

How different is it in WWE at this moment? And how different has it been the past few years, guys like HBK, Sheamus, Batista, Orton and a few others have been put over consistently. It seems to be if your a buddy of the boss your put over. Even though Sheamus has deserved it, but he didn't deserve to be a WWE champion when he was early on. Just like with Batista now he doesn't deserve to win a Royal Rumble, basically hogging the glory of future talent.
Trips and Steph know far more about the wrasslin business than any of us ever will. To think otherwise is pure stupidity.

Once Vince actually retires, things will not differ much, if at all, as power transitions to Trips and Steph. They'll still be interested in, and required to commit to, making the company as much money as possible. The whole point of the business is to make money. If you don't think that the board of directors directly influences booking decisions and roster moves, you're not very intelligent.
There is a salient and crucial point a lot of people are missing through all the reports WZ and other sites...

They might not be running it by themselves... Steph has been shipping stock and most importantly WWE is desperate to get into China...

Quite recently Shane McMahon sold his interest in the Chinese PPV venture he had been involved in, so is extremely cash rich, probably moreso than Stephanie by a large degree... he also has those all important contacts in China, who would likely only want to do business with him involved...

It would make a lot of sense if Shane is in the real world quietly building back up an interest, perhaps not enough to control but enough that Trips and Steph cannot run roughshod once Vince is out of the picture... Of course he was a little pudgy and grayhaired last time he was photoed, but that can easily be sorted and he could end up back onscreen as well...

The important thing is that they will likely remain a public company until the network takes off, then they will try and take the company back into private ownership most likely and this scenario then becomes very important.

Until that time, we have to trust that Vince knows what he is doing... I doubt they will be left to run it 100% themselves... someone will be put in there to safeguard his vision, if not Shane maybe even a Mark Callaway or Pat Patterson...someone will be the "Lucius Fox" for Vince so to speak...
There is a salient and crucial point a lot of people are missing through all the reports WZ and other sites...

They might not be running it by themselves... Steph has been shipping stock and most importantly WWE is desperate to get into China...

Quite recently Shane McMahon sold his interest in the Chinese PPV venture he had been involved in, so is extremely cash rich, probably moreso than Stephanie by a large degree... he also has those all important contacts in China, who would likely only want to do business with him involved...

It would make a lot of sense if Shane is in the real world quietly building back up an interest, perhaps not enough to control but enough that Trips and Steph cannot run roughshod once Vince is out of the picture... Of course he was a little pudgy and grayhaired last time he was photoed, but that can easily be sorted and he could end up back onscreen as well...

The important thing is that they will likely remain a public company until the network takes off, then they will try and take the company back into private ownership most likely and this scenario then becomes very important.

Until that time, we have to trust that Vince knows what he is doing... I doubt they will be left to run it 100% themselves... someone will be put in there to safeguard his vision, if not Shane maybe even a Mark Callaway or Pat Patterson...someone will be the "Lucius Fox" for Vince so to speak...

That is another point to consider... when the family business needs Shane's business sense soemday down the line, he's going to be there.
Since Triple H became an executive of Talent Relations & Talent Development, we have seen stars such as Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Damien Sandow, Antonio Cesaro,Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn (El Generico), etc These sorts of acquisitions and efforts towards talent development have really benefited WWE over the past year, and have set great expectations for the future. The in-ring product has also improved a lot.

Also, you guys do know that Vince McMahon has the final say on what happens on WWETV right?

You guys just need reasons to whine and complain.

Pretty much this in a nutshell.

WWE's developmental system is universes ahead of where it was when Big Johnny was running it. People have wanted to see fresh faces brought up & into the picture and they've been getting that. If you've ever watched NXT, you can tell that there's a big difference, all in all, between Vince & Triple H. Generally speaking, Vince does like a lot more silly, corny comedy. Not that some of that doesn't pop up in NXT, but it happens quite rarely. I'm not sure how much final say Triple H will continue to have in NXT once the WWE Network launches, however.

As for what ultimately goes on, however, Vince McMahon still ultimately has the final say. He trusts Triple H's judgment, otherwise Trips wouldn't be where he is, but it's ultimately Vince who has the last word on anything and everything that goes down. For every single bit of into that we know, or at least we think we know based from what we read off the dirtsheets, there's probably, at least, 10 others that we're totally in the dark over.

We ALL get carried away sometimes when we read something on a site, I'm guilty of it as well, but I don't think that Triple H views his old friends as being the "future" of WWE. Triple H is going to have ideas or do things that some aren't going to like or agree with. For instance, maybe he thought Batista coming back would be a big hit with fans. Or, maybe it was Vince's idea as he likes the idea of as many past stars to be part of things during WrestleMania season as possible to jack up the nostalgia factor.
It's not like HHH is bringing back has beens that have no talent left like Hogan did with the Nasty Boys and Beefcake. X-Pac isn't some dope. He has talent, knows wrestling inside and out and will make a good tutor and has a good mind behind the scenes.

Same goes for the NOA. Not to mention you can't argue they've helped spice up the tag division, which is one of HHH's goals. Why not bring back his buds who were one of the best and still able to wrestle at a high level.

Arguing against Flair and Michaels being on tv is ridiculous. Both have plenty to offer in non wrestling roles.

Maybe HHH is bring back old friends, but at least these guys can help further the company.
I have no idea why people are complaining about NAO. Road Dogg has been with the company backstage in some capacity for a wile now. Billy was brought in last year to help talent backstage as well. So it is not like Triple H went out and got them to come back to the company in the past month.
An opportunity showed itself to bring them back to TV to further a storyline and it was taken.
It seems like a smart move to me.

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