When is the Right Time to Retire?

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
Every once in a while I see posts on these threads that bash someone for staying in the business too long and "overstaying their welcome". I also used to see people bash the Rock for leaving way too early but since his return early this year most of the IWC has changed their tune and said "I respect him for doing what made him happy". There was also a CM Punk video on this site that stated that he was going to retire in 6 years and a lot of the people who posted there were criticizing that claim. These different views on retirement have led me to create a thread where everybody could voice their opinion on when the right time is to retire. When is it? Is it based on age? Is it based on the person? Is it based on drawing power? Mic Skills?

IMO the perfect example of the perfect retirement is Shawn Michaels' retirement in 2010. He was 44 years old, a walking 5-star match, and just about as good on the mic as he's always been (which isn't that good compared to other legends in my view). He left while his reputation was still good, stayed long enough to span over 3 decades and entertain us for a long time and seems happy with his decision. Flair should've retired as an active wrestler before the new millennium in my view. He just was out of the shape, incapable of great matches (unless being carried by a legend), and a complete shell of his former self. Randy Orton said it best in 04 when he said "this generation will only remember you as the old man who kissed HHH's ass". Kids of today will have NO IDEA about Ric's wheelin' and dealin' kiss-stealin 16-champ ways of the 70's and 80's.

I don't think it's based on age, I think it's based on ability. I'd like my fav wrestler of today (Orton) to wrestle at least for another 7-8 years and I'd want him to retire before his age becomes too noticeable either in his body or his abilities. Once that happens, he other becomes a manager or opens a restaurant. I know we have no say in the lives of pro wrestlers, but in a perfect would, how and when do you see your favorite wrestler hanging up his boots?
Before you get to the stage Ric Flair is at?

No, seriously that question is hard because ultimately only the wrestler in question can answer but in my opinion a wrestler should retire when he either no longer has the passion (either through staying around too long or just the fact they have done everything they possibly can in the business) or when they can't go in the ring without putting themselves in huge danger, or can't cut it anymore. Other things come into play sometimes though like the need for money and so on... so really it depends. I think another good question would be when should a wrestler step down from trying to hog the limelight and allow younger stars to shine?! If a wrestler who once had it all or were in the main event scene gets to a point in which they can't cut it anymore but still have the need to carry on they should at least do all they can to stay out of the light and just play the part of helping fresh wrestlers get over nd become stars. Wrestlers that have been in the WWE for many years and in the business even longer but have a really unselfish attitude..like William Regal, Goldust and even Kane to me are perfect because they are happy to put new talent over.

So yeah that is just my opinion and obviously I have no right to suggest anybody who has dedicated so much to something to pack it all in but I do feel certain wrestlers damage their legend status' by carrying on when they are not even a shadow of a time gone by.
I think a wrestler should retire when he/she can no longer reliably perform in the ring. In other words, when they can no longer safely execute moves and fall in a way that doesn't injure themselves or their opponent. Wrestlers have a responsibility to protect their opponent, not just themselves.
theres a few key factors in retirement...

Injury/Health: The obvious one....dont take anymore needless risks, if your body is no longer up to it then be smart and say its time to try something else.

When You Are No Longer Relevant/Cant Reinvent: There is people in wrestling that can reinvent themselves such as taker, jericho ect but then again you have people who have being doing he same schtick for years. When you are no longer relevant, that should be when you consider retirement.

When the passion is gone: Another obvious one....If you no longer care about the work you do then you have no reason to continue to put your body on the line. Just call it a day.

When there is nothing else left to do: People like HBK, The Rock, Austin all fall under this and it is probably the perfect way to retire but some dont get that chance. They accomplished everything and then some and are left with nothing else to do other than to risk getting hurt or becoming irrelevant i.e. Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan.

Im probably forgetting some others but i think those are the main factors in deciding when ones time is up.
The right time to retire is going to be different for each wrestler because it has little to do with age. It often comes down to whether they can work decent matches anymore. Look at Steamboat when he came back for the angle with Jericho. He was 56 and proved he still had it. Then you have guys like Flair who just can't walk away despite being decades past their prime. The only time it doesn't depend on ability is if a career ending injury happens, like with Edge recently. He could have stayed and put his life in danger but instead he was smart and retired. So, it honestly is different from one wrestler to the next. Some will see much longer careers than others and have the ability to warrant sticking around longer while some do not and need to retire when the time comes.
Wrestling is just like acting there really isn't any real timeline for retirement. As a person gets older they can go from carrying the show to a supporting character and smaller role. You can change roles from in ring competitor to a managerial role or part time wrestler. You see many wrestlers officially retire due to injury but if healthy you hardly see any retire permanently.

They can be useful in short use similar to what the Undertaker does. He comes back for Wrestlemania and maybe one or 2 PPV a year then is gone for the rest of the year. It keeps the legacy going and doesn't make them look silly by being a full time wrestler.

Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair still have the name value and could use it to help benefit the younger wrestlers. Instead they believe they are still the stars and keep hold of the limelight. Once it gets to the point where they are keeping the limelight on them instead of shining it on others.

As with actors they is a use for everybody whether it one match a year and manager role. Or lend themself to a feud for a month or two.
It is really hard to say as every wrestler is different and I think its easy for us fans to sit there and be judgemental and not really understand how that wrestler is feeling and
I think we forget that for most wrestlers they spend 20 or 30 years sometimes more of there lives on the road entertaining us and to just suddnely wake up one day and say I have to retire isn't going to be easy for them. Its not easy to just walk away from the fame as fortune.

I mean someone like shawn michaels that guy could probaly have went another 5 maybe even 10s years. from a fans perspective he was still the best and could still wrestles, entertain and was still relevant so in our eyes he shouldn't have retired but at the end of the day it's the wrestlers choice and if they feel like they no longer feel the need to wrestle and have accomplished everything and could still keep going in the fans eyes it really doesn't matter as it's the wrestlers choice and who are we to judge.

You often hear fans, myself included that rock, austin, goldberg trish stratus, lita, booker t and many more could and can still go so why arent they wrestling but like I said it's there choice to retire whether they can still wrestle and are still young or are no longer relevant or are to old.

Then you have guys like flair and hogan who are still around. are they older ? of course
can they wrestle like they use to ? no not at all. But does that mean there not relevant or still arent popular and have star power. I think they still have star power and name recognition and I think most people would rather see flair and hogan try wrestle 1 more match than see cena v del rio so what does that say. I think if hogan and flair were to walk away today and never step foot or make another appearance in a ring again I think alot of fans would be dissapointed and moan that they turned there backs on the fans.

so it;s really hard to say when a wrestler should retire but I think the only person who really knows that answer is the wresler himself
When you have become well established in the wrestling world, and have had multiple career highlights I.E Shawn Michaels: First ever ladder match, X3 WWE Champion, Greatest Match of all time W/ The Undertaker.
And even though that he does not know when to quit(unfortunately) Ric Flair, who has been in the business for decades and is a 16X World Champion, but for the sake of it, lets just say that hes retired.
Three contributing factors to ones decision whether to retire from pro wrestling or not.

1. Money

Money is the root of all evil. Wrestlers love to live lavish lifestyles some have even made enough money to last themselves a lifetime. While others are still having to work today just because of the almighty dollar.

2. Risk of Injury

Are you getting too old to still go, or do you still have some spring in them knees? Only you really know the answer to that question when deciding to retire. Most will retire before they permanently injure themselves.

3. Passion

First and foremost you must have a passion to do this, because in the beginning you were busting your ass and breaking your bones for barely nothing money wise. Then you might get a lucky break and start making some decent cash. Maybe you even get lucky enough to make it to the WWE and be financially stable while still putting your body on the line. It all comes down to how bad you want it. It doesn't matter if you are young or old, you have to have a heart and a passion for the business. Otherwise, you wouldn't have even started.

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