What would your Smackdown 'only' PPV?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Lets say WWE were to do a 3 hour Smackdown PPV and wanted to put on the best matches possible to erase the fact the Raw Superstars were not present, what would you have?

8 matches only. Smackdown Superstars only but you have have one Interbrand Open Challenge Match. Big Show also included though as a Tag Champ if you want him.

DIVAS MATCH - Natayla vs Layla
Smackdown doesn't have alot of Divas on the show and these are the best 2 without a shadow of a doubt. Not really spoilt for choices but a Divas Match is a must and this has to be it.

HANDICAP MATCH - The Great Khali vs Yoshi Tatsu, Heath Slater & The Usos A filler here, nothing else and to get other people on the card. Great Khali would go over with ease. He needs credibility back as he is a joke at the moment. The rest are future endeavoured anyway if you ask me so bury them. Slater only looks good when attacking in a pack so give him his moment (again) then have Khali drop a chop on his ginger ass.

GRUDGE MATCH - Christian vs Cody Rhodes
Both are similar size and can work the mic. Both are solid mid/main eventers, or potentially Rhodes is. I also enjoy watching both of them in the ring. I think they could click. A solid mid card match.

TAG TITLE - Kane & Big Show (c) vs Zeke Jackson & Mark Henry
I would really like to see some powerful, credible opponents for Show and Kane. I really think Jackson and Henry could be more than adequate opponents. Two big nasty black dudes!

INTERBRAND - Alex Riley vs The Miz
I don't think it will be long before we see these two square off anyway. I would like Alex Riley to offer an open challenge to a Raw Superstar and The Miz accept this challenge. I think the build up would be interesting, especially the promos. Decent story here and The Miz adds some 'Star Power' to the PPV.

LADDER MATCH - Daniel Bryan (c) vs Sin Cara vs Justin Gabriel vs Tyson Kidd
This could be for a Cruiserweight title but as they dont have one a Number One contenders match for the IC Title will do! All 4 men are similar size and throw them into a 4 way match with a ladder then you certainly have an exciting match! Lots of high spots and fast paced action. I think this match could steal the show!

IC TITLE - Wade Barrett (c) vs Sheamus
I think both of these are slightly under utilised. They are both big, both decent on the mic and come from the same part of the world. They also have history over in the UK Indie Scene. I think the build up to this would be enjoyable and yes, keep them both heel!

WHW TITLE - Randy Orton (c) vs The Undertaker
We saw this programme around 5/6 years ago. I really enjoyed their work at 21. Not sure we have seen it since but Randy now has his Viper gimmick and I think it would be interesting to see how he hangs with The Deadman!
Okay Seeing as Macho Man has passed today R.I.P Randy Poffo one of the all time greats :worship: I'll play along lets have some fun.

Randy Orton (c) Vs Cody Rhodes
randy over cody

Wade Barrett (c) Vs Daniel Bryan
bryan over barrett to complete the corre breakdown

The Undertaker vs Brodus Clay
taker over brodus

Brie Bella (c) Vs Layla
brie over layla (with help from nikki and i also dont wanna see kharma crush layla lol)

Christian Vs Mark Henry Vs Sheamus
christian pins sheamus

Ezekiel Jackson Vs Alex Riley
zeke over riley

Sin Cara Vs Rey Mysterio
no finish because r-truth invades smackdown and attacks rey

Kane & Big Show Vs The Uso's
uso's over kane and show just to freshen things up
Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett: Rumoured Mania match. Ultimately it would've been worthless to have this at Mania, but on a "B" show it'd be a great semi-main event. It'd be average at best an Barrett would go over.

Sheamus vs. Christian: Both talented workers, both good talkers, both in dire need of some direction.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes: Makes sense considering their history and with Orton struggling as a face and Rhodes flourishing as a heel this is the perfect match for both.

Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan:
Bryan can get back to having the best match on PPV much like he was doing in late 2010 and Sin Cara gets to add a great match to his empty WWE C.V.

Mark Henry vs. Ezekiel Jackson: Mark Henry is fairly over, Zeke really isn't. I'd have Jackson steamroll through Henry in 5 minutes with a succession of power moves.

Diva Match: Whatevs.
SmackDown - 3 Hour Special

Intercontinental Championship
Wade Barrett (c) vs Ted DiBiase

Winner: Wade Barret, due to interference from The Corre!

Steel Cage Triple Threat - 1st Contender for World Tittle
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus vs Christian

Winner: Sheamus - He will pin Daniel Bryan after two Brogue Kicks, one to Christian and other one to Bryan.

Interpromotional Match
Natalya vs Kharma

Winner: Kharma, by DQ, after all the WWE Divas assault her

WWE Tag Team Championship
The Great Khali & Jinder Mahal vs Big Show & Kane (c)

Winner - No One, Double DQ- The Great Khali will attack Show and Kane, Jinder Mahal enters and referee lose control of the match

Single Match
Ezekiel Jackson vs Mark Henry

Winner: Mark Henry - That will start a great rivalry, Henry will be cocky around him and saying that he won against him because he was stronger
, etc etc

Stretcher Match - World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Cody Rhodes

Winner: Randy Orton - John Cena can't lose an I Quit Match, well there is no way that Cody Rhodes could put Orton in a stretcher!

That could probably be one of the best SD shows ever!!
My Card:

WHC Match:
Randy Orton (C) Vs. Cody Rhodes

Number 1 Contenders Triple Threat Steel Cage Match
Christian Vs. Sheamus Vs. Mark Henry

Grudge Match:
Sin Cara Vs Chavo

Intercontiental Title Match:
Wade Barret Vs Eziekal Jackson

Divas Title Match:
Natalya Vs Kharma (I Know Brie Is The Champ)

WWE Tag Team Championships:
Kane & Big Show Vs The Usos Vs Great Khali & Jinder Mahel Vs Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater

Tyson Kidd Vs Daniel Bryan!

Interbrand Match:
The Miz Vs Alex Riley!
WHC: Paper Bag Match: Randy Orton(c) VS Cody Rhodes (w/ Ted Dibiase Basically whoever can knock out their opponent and put a paper bag over their head. Maybe a lame gimmick but it fits well with Rhodes character and you could always have Ted interfere. Rhodes wins.

Grudge Match: Sheamus VS Undetaker
Would love to see this feud. Taker wins but not easliy.

Intercontinental Title: Ladder Match: Wade Barrett (c) VS. Christian
Barret wins with interference from The Corre.

Submission Match: Daniel Bryan VS. Tyson Kidd 2 of the best on the entire Smadown Roster as far as bell to bell wrestling is concerned. Bryan Wins.

Tag Titles: Kane & Big Show VS. Alex Riley & Broadus Clay A good way to get Clay and Riley in a match with 2 veterans. Kane & Show win by DQ.

Sin Cara VS. Yoshi Tatsu Exciting high flying match. Good opening bout

Divas Match Don't Care.
-Smackdown PPV-

Main Event
World Champion Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

Barrett is the only threat to Super-Randy and delivers the Wasteland for the vicotry and his first World title and a chance to rule Smackdown with an iron fist.

The Undertaker vs. Sheamus
Sheamus beats the hell out of Taker but makes a mistake and is caught with a leaping DDT and a Tombstone.

Interpromotional Match
Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk

The winner would be the fans as I would book them atleast 20 minutes. If rumours of Punk leaving is true Bryan goes over with a reversal of the GTS into the Lebell lock.

Big Show vs. Ezekiel Jackson
Jackson defeats Show to push him as the WWE's next powerhouse as Show's career is winding down.

Christian vs Cody Rhodes
These two could put on a great program as Rhodes is working up the ladder and Christian is that next step for him to reach the top. Christian maybe with a rollup type victory to see that Rhodes needs a bit more experience. Rhodes attacks Christian after the match.

Sin Cara vs. Justin Gabriel
High flying match up would see Sin Cara get the win over the master of the 450.

Brodus Clay vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Great Khali
Frekish side attraction match - the win might go to Kane as he is a former World Champion and needs to been seen as relevant
Randy Orton vs. Kane - World Heavyweight Championship
Both men have dark gimmicks, Viper vs. Big Red Machine.

The Undertaker vs. Sheamus
I know Taker is banged up and not likely to compete till next WM but this is a fantasy card, so I'd bring Taker back for this match with Sheamus.

Christian vs. Cody Rhodes - IC Championship
I think these two could work a good programme together and would have a decent match together.

Nexus (Mason Ryan, Skip Sheffield, David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty) vs. Corre (Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel & Ezekial Jackson) - Tag Team Championship
Seeing as this PPV would take place after the Raw PPV, I'd have Ryan & Skip defeat. Show & Kane for the titles then defend it against in a Nexus vs. Corre match where if any member of Nexus wins the match, they retain the titles for Sheffield & Ryan, if any member of The Corre wins the match then that member of The Corre is one half of the tag champions and gets to choose who he's champion with. I would have CM Punk is Nexus' corner but I wouldn't have him compete in the match as none of the others are on his level.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. William Regal
This would be an unadvertised match, a late addition but it would be another interesting Highflyer vs. Technician match.

Mark Henry vs. Great Khali
Filler match.

Natalya vs. Kharma - Divas Championship
Kharma wins the Divas Title from the Raw PPV and defends against Natalya in another diva dream match.

Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan
After that match they had on Smackdown, I'd love to see this again as the PPV opener and I like Highflyer vs. Technician matches, it reminds of the Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio matches in WCW.

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