Your in charge of Survivor Series


Championship Contender
If you were given complete control of this years survivor Series, how would you book it?

Include the matches and who wins each match.

You are in complete control but you have to use superstars on the roster.

Heres mine:

Match 1: Team Big Show: Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Hart Dynasty, and Rtruth vs. Team Punk: CM Punk, Alberto Delrio, Cody Rhodes, Drew Mcyntire, and Ted Dibiase
Winners: Team Big Show
Soul Survivor: Big Show

Match 2: Kofi Kingston vs. CHristian for the IC title
winner and new IC champion Christian

Match 3: Team Miz: The Miz, Alex Riley, Usos, and Dolph Ziggler vs. Team Bryan: Daniel Bryan, Kaval, Santino, Kozlov, and Mark Henry
winners Team Miz
Soul Survivors: The Miz and ALex Riley

Match 4: Team Laycool: Laycool, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Tamina, vs. Team Melina:Melina, Beth Pheonix, Eve, Natalya, and Kelly Kelly
winners Team Melina
sould survivors: All of Team Melina

Match 5: Jack Swagger vs. UnderTaker for the World Title
Winner and new World CHampion Jack Swagger

Match 6: Triple H vs. SHeamus for the WWE championship
winner Sheamus

Match 7: WAR GAMES
Nexus vs. WWE
Barrett, Gabriel, Otunga, Shefield, and Cena who lost at hell in a cell vs. Randy Orton, Jericho, Edge, Kane, and John Morrison
Winners: Team WWE because Cena turned on Nexus and cost them the match
Soul Survivor: Randy Orton
Match One:
Stipulation: Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs Christian
Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Interference from Del Rio)

Match Two:
Stipulation: Womens Championship
Michelle Mccool vs Natalya
Winner: Natalya

Match Three:
Team Big Show: Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Hart Dynasty & Kaval vs Team CM Punk: CM Punk, Rhodes & Drew, Del Rio & Dibiase
Winner: Team CM Punk
Soul Survivor: CM Punk & Del Rio

Match Four:
Stipulation: United States Championship Match.
Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison
Winner: John Morrison (Distraction from The Miz/ Turn Morrison Heel)

Match Five:
Stipulation: Last Man Standing
John Cena vs Wade Barrett
Winner: Wade Barrett

Match Six:
Stipulation: Singles Contest
Randy Orton vs The Miz
Winner: Randy Orton

Match Seven:
Stipulation: Where it all began. Buried Alive Match.
Kane (C) vs The Undertaker W/Paul Bearer
Winner: The Undertaker or Kane? (Kane Retires or Perhaps Undertaker Retires?)
Match One
Team Cena: John Cena, Big Show, Rey Mysterio & The Hart Dynasty vs.
Team Barrett: Wade Barrett, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre

Winners: Team Barrett
Sole Survivor: Wade Barrett (last eliminating Rey Mysterio with help from Del Rio, finishing him off with Wasteland for pin & win)

Match Two
IC Championship
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. MVP vs. Kofi Kingston

Winner: MVP

Match Three
Team Laycool: Michelle McCool, Layla, Alicia Fox, Maryse & Tamina vs.
Team Melina: Melina, Eve Torres, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly & Rosa Mendes

Winners: Team Laycool
Sole Survivors: Michelle McCool & Layla (last eliminating Eve Torres with Faithbreaker followed by pin & win by McCool but knowing WWE, this will just be first pin for win. So either, my ending would be the same)

Match Four
US Championship
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Alex Riley

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Match Five
WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. The Miz (c)

Winner: Randy Orton by Disqualification

Match Six
Team Sheamus: Sheamus, Chris Jericho, Edge, Jack Swagger & Ted Dibiase vs.
Team HHH: HHH, John Morrison, R-Truth, Christian & Kaval

Winners: Team HHH
Sole Survivor: HHH & John Morrison (last eliminating Sheamus; Pedigree to Sheamus followed up by Starship Pain for pin & win by Morrison)

Match Seven
World Championship - Buried Alive or Casket Match
Undertaker (c) vs. Kane

Winner: Undertaker
1) Team Cena vs. Team Barrett
Cena, Show, Mysterio, Hart Dynasty vs. Barrett, Punk, Del Rio, Drew McIntrye & Cody Rhodes

Winners: Team Barrett
Sole Survivor: Barrett (last elimination Rey Mysterio)

2) US Championship
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Alex Riley

Winner: Daniel Bryan

3) Team Laycool vs. Team Melina
Layla, McCool, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Tamina vs. Melina, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Rosa Mendes

Winners: Team Laycool

4) IC Championship
MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Kofi Kingston

Winner: MVP

5) WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Miz (c)

Winner: Randy Orton by DQ

6) Team HHH vs. Team Sheamus
HHH, John Morrison, R-Truth, Christian, Kaval vs. Sheamus, Chris Jericho, Edge, Jack Swagger & Ted Dibiase

Winners: Team HHH
Sole Survivors: HHH & John Morrison (last eliminating Sheamus)

7) Buried Alive Match for World Heavyweight Championship
Kane vs. Undertaker (c)

Winner: Undertaker
November 21, 2010. Miami, Florida.

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett

Buried Alive Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Undertaker (c) vs. Kane

John Cena, Daniel Bryan, The Hart Dynasty and Evan Bourne vs.
Sheamus, The Miz, Alex Riley, David Otunga and Heath Slater

Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Michael McGuillicutty, Kaval and MVP vs.
CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio

Michelle McCool, Layla, Alicia Fox, Maryse and Vickie Guerrero vs.
Beth Phoenix, Melina, Kaitlyn, Eve Torres and AJ

Match 1:
Team Big Show vs. Team Punk:
Winner: Team Big Show

Match 2:
Diva's Tag Match
Winners: Face Team

Match 3:
Team Cena vs. Team Sheamus
Winner: Team Sheamus

Match 4:
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Rey Mysterio

Match 5:
WWE Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett
Winner: Randy Orton

Match 6:
Buried Alive Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Undertaker (c) vs. Kane
Winner: Undertaker

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