What would of been your 'Monday Night Wars PPV'?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, this was very improbable but not impossible, nothing ever is in Wrestling. Cast your mind back to late 1998 early 1999. This is the era I believe both WWE and WCW were at their strongest as a collective and Wrestling was awesome. Steve Austin had cemented himself as the biggest star in WWE and Goldberg was picking up steam in WCW. WWE had D-X and WCW had the nWo. WWE had Chyna and WCW had Madusa.

Lets say Vince McMahon, Ted Turner, Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff met and agreed that in the interest of business, a WWE vs WCW PPV would benefit everyone. It would be the biggest event of all time. Booking the winners of each match would of being the hardest part and neither company would never of agreed but play the game!

What would your 8 Match PPV of being???

Mine would be:

Main Event - 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs Goldberg
The match everyone wanted to see. Tyson vs Ali, Schumacher vs Senna, Federer vs Sampras. Forums would of argued all day long as to who was better (maybe they did). 2 similar characters, similar looks and the biggest names in their company. Both were in their pomp aswell.

Result - Double DQ. Locker room pile into the ring.

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart
Mchaels and Hart always put on a great match, but this would of being personal after what happened in Montreal - an incident still fresh in everybodies minds! Maybe we could of got closure much earlier!

Result - Hart wins with a screwjob of his own.

The Corporation (The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Big Boss Man, Vince McMahon) vs nWo (Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff)
A few may be surprised I didnt choose D-X. D-X were great, but man for man I think nWo were stronger and it was a miss-match. New Age Outlaws were no match for The Outsiders. Rock was getting way over, Shamrock was legit scary and Bossman was a house hold name. I think having Vince and Bischoff thrown in who were both part of the respected groups would add more credibility and a better story.

Result - Vince gets the pin on Bischoff to not make the nWo look weak. nWo clear the ring and chase The Corporation up the ramp before posing in the ring. Corporation win the battle but nWo win the War.

The Undertaker vs Sting
Well we thought we may get this at WM27. It wasn't to be but even back in 98/99 it was still a sougth after match.

Winner - Undertaker wins with the help of his Ministry.

Team WWE (Triple H, Mankind, Kane, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn) vs Team WCW (Ric Flair, The Giant, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, DDP)
This is to get people on the card, but the Superstars chosen helped build/grow each company and they are synominous with their organisations.

Winner - Team WCW. Triple H turns on Mankind who is pinned by WCW. This reignites their feud on Raw and gets Triple H heat with The Corporation.

Owen Hart vs Chris Benoit
2 very solid mid carders here. Both trained in the same 'Dungeon' so a story there in itself. A match we never saw. Expecting pure wrestling.

Winner - Benoit. Hart was a heel so Benoit wins this with a roll up.

Chyna vs Madusa
Have to have a womans match and these 2 were the dominant forces in WWE and WCW.

Winner - Chyna goes over cleanly because she is bigger.

The Acolytes vs Harlem Heat
A nice opener. Both were credible tag teams in their respected organisations.

Winner - Harlem Heat go over cleanly.

*** A few notable names missing, Edge, Christian, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho to name a few but they wernt that well known at this time.
*** A few notable names missing, Edge, Christian, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho to name a few but they wernt that well known at this time.

In 1998-1999 how were these guys "not well known"? Did you even watch it back then?

In 1998-1999 Edge and Christian were tag team gold.

In 1998-1999, Rey Mysterio had already been in WCW for almost 3 years. (Three years in June of 1999) and won cruisereight gold.

In 1998-1999 Jericho was very well known. You remember his "Man of 1004 holds" promo? This occurted during this time frame and people speak of it as his best promo ever. Oh, and just that one little thing he did in 1999, what was it, oh yeah, he jumped to WWE and was one of the most anticipated debuts....
He also doesn't realize that by the time Goldberg was a big name Shawn Michaels was at home with a broken back. How is HBK going to wrestle Bret Hart if he had a broken back? I know this is a hypothetical PPV, but come on bro.. know your history and make realistic mathups here. Plus why would a heel faction take on another heel faction? Coporation vs nWo? Dude everyone wanted to see DX vs. nWo. Plus how deep into 99 are we talking here? Because by May, Rock was out of the Coroporation, Triple H was in the coporation, and Owen Hart was dead, RIP. It's a good topic but for a hypothetical PPV, your card is flawed. Lol.
Stone Cold vs. Hollywood Hogan

Your Austin/Goldberg matchup isn't bad but I've got something I like better for Goldberg. This is still a great matchup as it features the two dominant forces for both companies during the peak of the War. I'd have Austin overcoming numerous interference attempts by the nWo, with stunners galore, to get the win.

Shawn Michaels vs. Sting
"The Showstopper" versus "Showtime" in a match that features two men who were already their companies biggest stars before the War and carried that over into the next era. This would probably end up being the match of the night. With Austin going over Hogan in the Main Event, I'd have to give Sting the win here. Sting ducks Sweet Chin Music and then grabs HBK to hit a Scorpion Death Drop for the win.

D-X (HHH, X-Pac, New Age Outlaws) vs. NWO (The Outsiders, Randy Savage, Bret Hart)

The two bigges stables of the War go at it. I had to pick Savage and Hart for the NWO team for name value. I'd play on X-Pac's split loyalties and have him hesitate during a chance to take out Hall or Nash and then have Savage or Bret slide in for an attack and a victory.

The Rock vs. Diamond Dallas Page

It would be the battle of "People's Champs" that so many people talked about during the era. I'd have The Rock go for a People's Elbow only to have DDP jump up and catch him with a Diamond Cutter! Rock barely kicks out thanks to the will of people cheering him on, and then gets the win with the Rock Bottom.

The Undertaker vs. Goldberg
This would be epic! Imagine the sight of the Undertaker getting up from the spear and Goldberg not knowing what to do. The only way to end this one would be with some kind of double count-out or something, as both men just beat each other into nothing.

Team WWF (Foley, Shamrock, Kane, Owen) vs. Team WCW (Flair, Giant, Luger, Raven)

I thought about making Team WCW just the IV Horsemen but who'd want to see Mongo on a night like this? You could probably find other mixtures of talent to throw into this but these were the top four names I could think of from the era for each side who I couldn't fit into other matches. I'd give Team WCW the win with Flair pulling a "Dirtiest Player in the Game" trick for the win.

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

I wanted to make it Angle vs. Jericho but Jericho had already gone to the WWF before Angle even debuted. This is still a great matchup as the two best technical wrestlers from each company face off. I'd give the Angle the win as Benoit tries to put him the crossface but Angle blocks and then reverses into the Angle Slam.

20 Man Battle Royal

WWF: Bubba Ray, Devon, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge, Christian, Goldust, The Godfather, Val Venis, D-Lo Brown

WCW: Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Booker T, Stevie Ray, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, Disco Inferno

Dark Match... Steve Blackman vs. Glacier

Just for fun. Imagine all the kicking!
I love the topic! Awesome thread, although i disagree on the matches. Here is what i would have for the 1998-1999 Monday Night Wars PPV

First match: Cruiserweight Tag Match
Malenko, Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon vs. Xpac, Taka, Christian

winner: Malenko, Mysterio, Dragon

8 man tag match
APA & NOA vs. Steiners & Harlem Heat

Winners: Steiners & Heat

Submission Match
Owen vs. Bret

Winner: Owen

8 Man Tag Match
DDP, Jericho, Benoit, Luger vs. Kane, Shamrock, Edge, Vader

Winners: WCW

Undertaker vs. Sting

Winner: Sting

10 man Elimination Tag Match
Flair, Hogan, Nash, Hall, Goldberg vs. Austin, The Rock, HBK, HHH, Mankind,

Winners: WCW, Surivors: Goldberg

Main Event NO DQ Match
Bischoff vs. Vince
My card will be based on ring skill alone. I don't think it's necessary to have all the marquee names, considering that the card being billed as WWF vs. WCW is enough to sell the event. No Hollywood Hogan needed.

Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk (No Holds Barred): NWA throwback match and card opener. Who better for Ric Flair to pull a blade job with then a hardcore legend like the professor of Funk-U? A no holds barred match between legends. Winner: Ric Flair

Edge vs. Scott Hall (Ladder): Scott Hall may be a drunk, but he along side Shawn Michaels made ladder matches relevant before the Rated R Superstar and friends had that very special TLC match. Winner: Edge

Dean Malenko vs. Essa Rios: Malenko always worked wonderful matches with high flyers, and Rios never really had anyone in the WWF who could pull out solid matches with him. Winner: Dean Malenko

Chris Benoit vs. Ken Shamrock (Submission): Idk what else to say other then this would make technical wrestling fanboys' dreams come true. Winner: Chris Benoit

Big Van Vader vs. Steve Regal: I think these two would work well together. I'd imagine it to be a hard hitting, suplexfest. Very Japanese Pro Wrestling type of match. Winner: Big Van Vader

Eddy Guerrero vs. Owen Hart: Both high flying/technical wrestlers. I can imagine the reversal powerbombs in this match to be fierce. Winner: Eddy Guerrero

Randy Savage vs. The Undertaker: Two show stealers at WrestleMania's, and they'd have a chance to do it on this card as well. Winner: The Undertaker

Main Event: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (Last Man Standing): By this time the screw job had already happened. What better way to end a feud then a last man standing match? Winner: Shawn Michaels
Opening Match

APA vs Harlem Heat
2 great tag teams with different styles won by Harlem Heat

DX (HHH/Road Dog/X pac/Bad Ass) vs NWO (hall/Nash/Savage/Steiner)
HBK comes down to get involved and HHH pins Hall

Sting Vs Undertaker
Even then these 2 where a dream match won by taker

SCSA vs Hogan
This is the money math that we will never see won by hogan of course since he would back out if he didn't

The Rock vs Ric Flair
The promos alone would be worth the price won by the Rock

Benoit/Eddie vs Edge/Christian
Would probably steal the show with Benoit getting pin on christian

Foley vs Giant
Foley gets beating of life but comes through in the end..

Goldberg vs Owen Hart with brett hart special ref.
Build up keeps you guessing if Brett will side with WCW or Owen chooses owen in the end.

Main Event
Vince Mcmahon vs Ted Turner
I'm just curious, do people even read these threads?

First of all, the OP mentioned that the time frame was late 98 - early 99. Shawn Michaels was nowhere to be found in wrestling at this time, so why are people mentioning his name?

As for the OP, mentioning things like Edge, Rey, and Jericho were not big in 98-99 shows that he wasn't watching the shows back then.

Then you throw in Goldberg - Austin, honestly they had NOTHING in common other than that they were both bald white dudes and were the biggest things in their respective companies. I never understood why magazines and "fans" wanted to see this one. This match would have sucked.

If it were Hogan-Austin and Goldberg-Undertaker, then the matches and build up would have been awesome.

Some of the above posters got it right.

1. Main Event: Vince vs Bischoff (Lumberjack match)

no contest as everyone would get involved here to make a double DQ

2. Austin - Hogan

Hogan wins, like someone said, if he didn't he would've walked.

3. Undertaker - Goldberg (Sting could be here instead)

Goldberg runs away.

4. Flair - Rock

Greatest promos ever would come out of this one. Rock wins.

5. DX - nWo

you can throw whatever names you want, from Buff Bagwell to X-Pac to Mongo.

6. Team WCW - Team WWF (elimination match)

The rest of the big names here, Sting, Big Show/Giant, (depending on when the card takes place) DDP, Faarooq, Mankind, Shamrock, Eddie, Macho, Owen, Bret, etc, etc.

7. Harlem Heat - Edge and Christian - Hardy's - Horsemen (Benoit/Malenko) (fatal four way)

this one could have a ladder or not, whatever stipulations

8. WCW-WWF 20 Man Battle Royale

This one would fill the lower card needs. Have the luchadors, crusierweights, vanilla midgets, whatever you want. This card would be too big anyway to just have 8 matches.
In 1998-1999 how were these guys "not well known"? Did you even watch it back then?

In 1998-1999 Edge and Christian were tag team gold.

In 1998-1999, Rey Mysterio had already been in WCW for almost 3 years. (Three years in June of 1999) and won cruisereight gold.

In 1998-1999 Jericho was very well known. You remember his "Man of 1004 holds" promo? This occurted during this time frame and people speak of it as his best promo ever. Oh, and just that one little thing he did in 1999, what was it, oh yeah, he jumped to WWE and was one of the most anticipated debuts....

Compared to the rest of the card? They were all fillers I'm afraid and not as high up the food chanin as the rest. Hey Gabriel and Slater are current Tag Champs, would you have them on a Super PPV? Jericho was underused in WCW, hence why they let him go. Casual fans probably didnt know who they were or at the very least didnt care for them back then.

He also doesn't realize that by the time Goldberg was a big name Shawn Michaels was at home with a broken back. How is HBK going to wrestle Bret Hart if he had a broken back? I know this is a hypothetical PPV, but come on bro.. know your history and make realistic mathups here. Plus why would a heel faction take on another heel faction? Coporation vs nWo? Dude everyone wanted to see DX vs. nWo. Plus how deep into 99 are we talking here? Because by May, Rock was out of the Coroporation, Triple H was in the coporation, and Owen Hart was dead, RIP. It's a good topic but for a hypothetical PPV, your card is flawed. Lol.

Christ, just play the game and dont get pedantic. The PPV never happened but we dont need to 'pick' at various little things. See the rest of the posters card and just enjoy.
my god! if you don't have Austin vs Goldberg then you are not wrestling fans back then...Goldberg vs Austin is one of top dream match in everyone list and next is Undertaker vs Sting. now you can say all negative you want about goldberg right now but in those days Goldberg is Austin of WCW in term of draw, sell merchandise, tickets and he was massive over. another dream match is DX vs NWO ....those 3 matches are dead set dream match that everyone wants at that period of time and PPV money making match.
Would be a 5 hour PPV event due to having 20 main card matches.

2nd Main Event: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hollywood Hogan

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

After Austin def. Goldberg, Hogan comes out and challenges Austin to a match to determine the better legend between the two guys who defined two eras.

Main Event: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bill Goldberg
For obvious reasons

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Vince McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff: Lumberjack Match
For obvious reasons

Winner: Vince McMahon

Cactus Jack & Terry Funk vs. Hollywood Hogan & Randy Savage: No Holds Barred Match
Mick & Hogan are two legends that have never ever faced each other, so I put them together. Funk & Savage are just there because I had nothing else in mind for them but it still makes sense, Hogan & Savage = Mega Powers and Funk & Cactus = Best Friends.

Winners: Hogan & Savage

Sting vs. Undertaker
For obvious reasons

Winner: Undertaker

The Rock vs. Ric Flair
Like one guy mentioned, you'd have awesome promos here.

Winner: Ric Flair

Ken Shamrock vs. Bret Hart: Submission Match
For obvious reasons, just look at the match stip

Winner: Ken Shamrock

DX (HHH, X-Pac, New Age Outlaws) vs. nWo (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner & Curt Hennig)
For obvious reasons

Winner: nWo

Al Snow vs. Big Bossman vs. Raven vs. Perry Saturn: Hardcore Match
4 hardcore wrestlers at the time.

Winner: Perry Saturn

Kane vs. Giant
Big man vs. big man and both were much better at the time than they are today.

Winner: Giant

Edge vs. Chris Jericho
Technical & high flying masterpiece as both men wrestled those styles around the time.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Lex Luger vs. Bradshaw
Both powerhouses even though Bradshaw wasn't on Luger's level but still the mean Texan could've still given him a run for his money

Winner: Lex Luger

Owen Hart vs. Chris Benoit
No explainations needed

Winner: Chris Benoit

Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Couldn't think of anything else but they were top midcarders at the time, so eh

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Harlem Heat (Booker T, Stevie Ray, Dennis Rodman & Karl Malone) vs. Nation Of Domination (Farooq, Kama Mustafa, D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry)
Could not think of two other black WCW wrestlers, so I added Rodman & Malone since they competed in WCW.

Winners: Nation Of Domination

Chyna vs. Medusa
Obvious reasons

Winner: Medusa

Christian vs. Ultimo Dragon
Couldn't think of anything else for these two.

Winner: Christian

Dan Severn vs. Dean Malenko
Submission specialist vs. submission specialist

Winner: Dan Severn

Marc Mero vs. Billy Kidman
Marvelocity vs. Shooting Star Press

Winner: Billy Kidman

Kaientai (Taka Michinoku, Sho Funaki, Mens Teioh & Dick Togo) vs. Team Lucha Libre (Rey Mysterio, Juventud Gurrerra, Pyscosis & Eddie Gurrerro)
Those were the only real high flyers they had back in WWF at the time.

Winners: Team Lucha Libre

Dark Matches

Gangrel vs. Mortis
Horror gimmick vs. horror gimmick

Winner: Mortis

Steve Blackman vs. Ernest Cat Miller
Both karate specialists

Winner: Steve Blackman

Val Venis vs. Disco Inferno
One was a ladies man, the other was a disco freak. Gimmicks were kinda close to each other, ladies man & disco. Filler match really.

Winner: Val Venis
I think Rasha's card is pretty much perfect, with Austin v Hogan, Rock v DDP and Undertaker v Goldberg.

However, the one match that is missing would be the battle between the main power behind each company, Vince McMahon against Eric Bischoff. During the Monday Night Wars both companies regularly took on-air shots at each other, with Easy E calling out Vince at one point, giving away Raw results on Nitro and regularly mocking the competition on live TV.

Vince would have loved to have gotten his hands around the throat of Bischoff around this time, as WCW had become a major threat to the success of the WWE, overtaking them in the ratings for nearly 2 years before Vince's boys climbed back to the top. Now, I would not expect Eric Bischoff v Vince McMahon to be a great match, but Eric was a pretty decent martial artist and Vinny Mac could pull out a decent hardcore style match that didnt require much actual wrestling skill, so I don't think a match between these two would be that awful to see.

It would have to be a street fight, with both men busted open in the true spirit of the Monday Night Wars, and I would expect to see Vince coming out on top, defending the honour of the WWE with a Mac Stunner victory. However, it would not have shocked me to see Bischoff win, with the help of the nWo, making the guys from WCW into even bigger heels.
I'd have the arena set up with entrance ramps on either side of the ring, one for WWF and the other for WCW. Above each of the ramps would be a Turner/Titan tron and a glass booth where Vinnie Mac and Easy E would be sitting, watching their companies go to war.

Match 1 - Singles Match: Owen Hart vs Curt Henning.

Both guys were great workers, but after a 10 to 15 minute, suplex filled match with lots of near falls I'd have Hart getting the win after locking in the Shapshooter and Henning tapping out.
Winner: Owen Hart (WWF)

Match 2 - 6 Man Tag: Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman vs The Brood (Edge, Christian & Gangrel)

I'd give them about 10 minutes, lots of big spots and all out brawls around the ring. I'd have Rey landing a top rope bulldog on Gangrel, followed by the legal man Billy Kidman hitting the Shooting Star Press for the pinfall. As the WCW guys celebrate in the ring I'd have the lights dim and The Broods music start playing, followed by blood being dumped down on them.
Winners: Guerrero, Mysterio Jr & Kidman (WCW)

Match 3 - Hardcore Match: Mankind vs Raven

We know from ECW that these two worked really well together, and both were the most "hardcore" guys in their promotions. Lots of wepons, tables and big spots. Have them brawl all around the arena. I'd have Mankind get the win after charging at Raven at the top of the entrance ramp and locking in the Mannibal Claw, which sends them both falling off the stage and crashing down through a stack of tables. Mankind lands on top and the ref counts it.
Winner: Mankind (WWF)

Match 4 - Singles Match: Kane vs Sting.

Both were fairly dark characters and could have worked an intersting match together. I'd give them a solid 25 to 30 minutes, with Sting being able to easily carry Kane for that amount of time if need be. I'd have the end come when Kanes lifts Sting up for a Tombstone, but Sting slips out and lands behind Kane, nailing a Scorpion Death Drop for the three count.
Winner Sting (WCW)

Match 5 - Tag Team Match: The New Age Outlaws vs The Outsiders

X-pac would come out with the Outlaws but would shake hands and hug with The Outsiders before the match. Lots of spots with X-pac being in both corners, seeming to have no side, but with both sides acting suspicious of him. After a solid 20 minutes of tag wrestling I'd have a series of spots which results in the ref going down and X-pac being cornered in the ring by Hall, who's trying to get him to do the Wolfpac salute. X-pac throws a spinning back kick instead, but Hall ducks and Pac kicks Jesse James right in the face. X-pac looks shocked and leaves the ring while Hall hits the Outsiders Edge for the three count. Billy Gunn pushes X-pac away as he drags Road Dogg from the ring while Nash and Hall celebrate.
Winners: The Outsiders (WCW)

Match 6 - Singles Match HHH vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Forgetting about whatever cureent heat these two might have against each other, this would have been a really great match. Lots of brawling and with all the usual spots from Trips and Savage, I'd have Tripps win after 25 minutes after rolling out of the way from the Flying Elbow Drop and hitting the Pedigree.
Winner: HHH (WWF)

Match 7 - Singles Match DDP vs The Rock

Both have great promo skills, both were very entertaining wrestlers and both wanted to be known as the Peoples Champion. This match kind of sells itself. I'd have DDP win via the Diamond Cutter, but it would be after a very, very close match with lots of near pinfalls.
Winner: DDP (WCW)

Match 8 - No DQ: Goldberg vs Undertaker

This is a tough one to call, but I'd have Goldberg going over Taker after the usual Spear & Jackhammer. I'd definately want it dragged out though, maybe 20-30 minutes or so, which would have been very long for a Goldberg match, but I think Taker would be able to carry him nicely. I'd have them beat the shit out of each other, with lots of blood and brawling, but at the time Goldberg was just too un-stoppable.
Winner: Goldberg (WCW)

Match 9 - Main Event: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs "Hollywood" Hogan

To me this is the ultimate dream match of the generation. The new school vs the old school. Hogan would play dirty and try to cheat at any chance, but Austin would win after hitting Hogan with the Stunner. The night would end with Austin drinking beer followed by an all in brawl between WCW and WWF.
Winner: Steve Austin

Note: I know it was supposed to be only 8 matches, but I found it too hard to try and cull it down any further so I just went with 9.

The final tally was WCW with 6 wins and WWF with only 4, but WWF winning the main event for than makes up for it.

There are also some notable wrestlers who I didn't use: Luger, Jericho, Benoit, Steiner, Saturn, Kanyon, Shamrock, Booker, Angle, etc. I just couldn't find a spot for them on my card, but all were awesome wrestlers.

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