How would you have liked the NWO to end and what would you have liked to see after it

Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
The late 90's saw a boom period in wrestling on the back of a ratings war between the WCW and the WWF. The two main storylines that emerged during this period were the NWO takeover in WCW and the Austin vs Mcmahon in the WWF. There is no doubting the fact that both these storylines were extremely creative both concept wise as well as in their execution. But alas all good things must come to an end. But only one of these two promotions realised it and that was the WWF.

The Austin vs Mcmahon feud ended, for all intents and purposes, at Fully Loaded 1999 when Austin defeated The Undertaker in a first blood match. But the WWF already had a story in place. The push of Triple H as the top heel of the company began on the heels of the Austin/Mcmahon feud and in the end it resulted into the Mcmahon/Helmsley era which also tuned out to be a good storyline.

The story was pretty different in the rival camp though. WCW probably had about 3 distinct chances to finish off the NWO storyline on a high note but it seemed that the success had gone to Bischoff's head and he was reluctant to end the NWO. The end result was that NWO dragged on for so long that the fans got bored with it and also a bit pissed because we never got to see a face or a group of faces triumping over the NWO.

Which brings me to the questions that I want to ask you guys.

How would you have liked the NWO to end and when?

What type of a story would you have liked to see after the NWO?

To answer my first question I would have liked the NWO to be finished off as Starrcade 1997 by Sting. That is, I think, what even Bischoff had planned. It was pretty apparent from the way things had been booked since Fall Brawl 1996 where the "fake" Sting had surfaced. Sting should have completely dominated Hogan in this match. There was no need for the match to even go beyond 10 minutes in my opinion. A simple match would have sufficed with Sting going on a rabid offense, a small Hogan comeback by some cheating tactic and finally ending in Sting's comeback and victory.

The second question is a bit difficult to answer. But the thing was that Bret Hart was coming into the promotion. What I would have done is for the night after Starrcade 1997 to have been a celebration night for Sting. At that night you could have Ric Flair asking out as to who would face Sting at the next PPV for the title. But none of the wrestlers would agree as they all have tremendous respect for Sting for saving WCW and everyone feels that he should be the WCW champion. But Flair is adamant that a championship match has to happen at the next PPV and having said that he brings out the guy who has agreed to face Sting and that guy would have been Bret Hart.

I would have started off a face vs face feud between Bret and Sting since it would have been foolish to turn either of them heel at that point. Simultaneously I would have startrd building up Goldberg as a monster heel. I would have planned towards the main event of Starrcade 1998 being Sting vs Bret Hart vs Goldberg for the WCW championship and would have booked Goldberg to win it and cement his position as the next monster heel.

Now I agree that my plan is probably a bit shitty but I guess you guys can come up with better ideas.
I actually like the Sting vs. Bret Hart idea, though 1997 would've probably been a tad too early to end the nWo in my opinion.

Actually, I would've liked to have seen the nWo drag on for just about as long as it did. No, not a "brand split" (Hollywood and WolfPac) and certainly not the 3 or so revisions that occured afterwards. Just the continual running roughshod of the entire roster, probably for the next year or so.

Until the "new blood" decided that enough was enough.

By having the New Blood feuding, and eventually going over, the nWo would solved a lot of the issues WCW had. Main complaint was that younger talent wasn't being pushed. WCW had a lot of arguably "young guys" on the roster that were very well educated in the business and were proven commodities in putting on 5 star matches. A group of these guys going up against the nWo would've elevated them to the main event scene in WCW and given these younger, yet established stars a chance.

Second, it would've given a lot of the older stars a way to segue out of the company a bit. Now granted, none of them wanted to and that was a large part of the problem with WCW. However, this would've been a good way to keep them in the ring and in storylines, but not at the expense of rising talent.

Finally, it would have definitely ended the hostile takeover of WCW by the nWo. A slow, steady buildup over a year or so, culminating in a War Games or similar team-oriented match at Starrcade with the NB dismantling the nWo would've been preferred. The remaining members could have moved on to form the later "Millionaires Club", but the New Blood would've certainly been in the spotlight.

The option to turn the NB heel, showing that they are even more ruthless and cut throat than the nWo could've also been an option.

Honestly, I think that's what Bischoff and Russo were going for in the dying year(s) of WCW, but it was simply a matter of too little too late.
I would have had the NWO still dominate WCW until Starcade 98. To end it in 97 was just way to early. That night have the main event be Sting v. Hogan again. All during the night have various NWO members getting picked off and taken out until its just Hogan and Bischoff left. Main event time. sting is in the ring waiting on Hogan and Hogan wont come out. Finally after about 5 minutes here comes Luger, DDP, and The Giant carrying Hogan to the ring. Almost like a sacrafical lamb. Sting just destroyes Hogan in a few minutes and WCW is finally victorious.
I'd have kept everything as it was through Starrcade '97. Then, after JJ Dillon vacated the World Title, there should been a second Sting/Hogan title match with an added stipulation; Sting wins, and the NWO disbands (the other stip could have been "Hogan wins and Sting joins the NWO or something, but that doesn't matter).

During the build-up to this match, we could have also had the same power struggle between Hogan and Nash that eventually led to the Wolfpac being formed. Only this time, instead of the Wolfpac, Hall and Nash interfere in the match and cause the NWO to be disbanded to screw Hogan. They could easily say "we started it, and now we've ended it."

The aftermath would have been wide open. Sting would have the belt and he could go against anyone from either ex-NWO or WCW. Hogan and Nash could continue their feud with Hall maybe being caught in the middle, or perhaps Hogan/Savage teaming up as some kind of heel version of the Mega Powers. You could have had all of the former NWO guys trying to earn their way back into WCW with winning matches or other "jobs" they'd have to perform.

I think this would have been the ideal scenario as it still gives you everything the NWO had to offer at its peak while then opening things up in the company and allowing more guys to get involved. It also would have left the Horsemen as the only solid stable and maybe helped launch Benoit's solo career earlier.
The way I wanted the nWo ended, would be at the hands of the creators. Hogan, Nash, and Hall. Well, I would of rather seen just Hogan. I think it would of been good seeing Hogan on TV screaming at the mouth on how he was going to take apart the nWo brick by brick. It would of been a better to bring back the Yellow and Red.

Having Hogan, do the Mid-card deal, till he gets to one of the main guys of the nWo, would of been great. Good way to end the nWo, and get on with something new. End the whole power struggle deal of the nWo.

Now, what would of I wanted to see after-wards. Well, Benoit and Jericho getting pushes in WCW. Why is that, two good talents that should of been main eventing instead of Nash and Hall.

Now, why would I have wanted to see that.... We would still have two dances to go to on Monday. Still have Competition. Hell, the WWE was able to use Jericho and Benoit to get the edge over WCW, would of rather seen those two have More success before reaching the E.
My memory isn't good enough to remember how things played out or when they happened, or how long it dragged on after Starcade, but I agree that would have been a logical point for the end of the nWo. I have never been more hyped for a wrestling match in my life, and I probably never will be again. I was the perfect young age to be a total mark, and after weeks and months of Sting attacking the nWo on Raw, I was on the edge of my seat for the Sting/Hogan match. I don't even remember if the Wolfpack had come into the picture by that point, or not until afterwards. But regardless, I think we all could have done without the red and black, the LWO, NWO 2000, and whatever else watered it down.
I think the NWO storyline started going awry in August 1998. Bischoff decided to create a 'NWO conspiracy' angle, similar to the last 6 months of TNA, and make everything seem disorganized. Hogan retired, Scott Steiner took over, Hall and Nash were feuding. This period was dumb. But it all made sense when the NWO reformed with Nash lying down for Hogan. Of course, 95 percent of wrestling fans still don't get what happened or liked what happened. I loved it but that's just me. If i could rewrite some of what happened, I wouldn't have changed anything until March 1999. Ric Flair, as part of the Horsemen, won a cage match with Hogan to win his final world title. Flair finally beat Hogan, Flair won a final World Title and subsequently the original NWO angle was ended. Flair turned heel, Hogan turned face and the NWO went their own ways. The NWO should not have ended so quietly at this point. The Horsemen (Benoit, Flair, Anderson, bring in Guererro and whoever) should have continued this major feud with the NWO (unfortunately the major NWO guys were injured) and lasted until the end of summer. Benoit and Guerrero could turn on Flair and join the NWO. The Hitman, playing wildcard between friend of Flair's and friend of NWO, should have won a match with Flair for the title in the November pay per view. Hitman would win, with NWO help, and Hogan would be steamed because he won the World War 3 shot at the title against Flair in February. They should have teased a Hart heel turn to the NWO, kicking Hogan out. Then, rush the February matchup to December at Starcade 99 and have a Hitman vs Hogan match. The dream match of the century, Hitman vs Hogan, the last week of the century. Hogan could start showing signs of going back to red and yellow in the weeks leading up. Then at Starcade have Hitman pin Hogan with Hogan receiving very little support help from the NWO. Hogan comes out the next Nitro to confront the NWO and they seemingly make up. In a rematch in the main event have the NWO turn on Hogan only to have Hart come to Hogan's rescue. Have Hart and Hogan team for a month or so and then have Hitman turn on Hogan and take over the NWO 2000 at Souled Out. Then red and yellow immortal Hogan could face his largest challenge of his career: The NWO. Hall and Nash could have kicked out the excess fat and brought in younger, fresher guys. The NWO could have been taken over by mostly unproven guys who'd bring the 'new' back into the order. Hogan could have faced off against Benoit, Guerrero, Hitman, Hall and Nash. Hogan could have built up young talent by making them look good as heels (although they'd still lose to him). Bring back Savage and the two could have another legendary feud (as Savage was originally the leader of the Wolfpack). You could have Hogan, Goldberg, Flair and Sting face Hitman, Savage, Hall and Nash. It could have been epic.

The logical conclusion to the NWO did not have to happen as soon as some on this thread are suggesting. The angle was the front and center of WCW, WCW was built upon and heavily invested into it. It wasn't even just an angle, it was the foundation and should have continued in the form of younger fresher guys turning heel and throwing out the older overexposed guys who would be faces. WCW would be very strong now with older guys like Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, Flair, DDP, Luger and Piper and there could be less one sided affairs with the NWO always on top. The NWO could also have turned on Bret at some point, with Nash and Savage gunning for his title. Savage could have won the title from Hitman, and been kicked out of the group and lose the title back to Hitman. To keep Hogan busy at this point, have Savage, as a face, feud with face Hogan to benefit from their real life hatred. Slowly move the focus from the old NWO to the younger NWO. At Starcade 2000, Hitman could have faced Benoit if he were still in WCW and possibly been part of the NWO. Hitman could lose the title to Benoit and get kicked out. The NWO could then go with no leader and feud with Hitman (since it never really happened) until WCW was bought in March. In those three months, the Hitman could have also turned the tide for WCW. The faces could have talked the younger guys out of their NWO direction and most could turn on Nash and Hall. This would culminate at Uncensored 2001 in a match where either NWO or WCW gets to run the company. This would give the NWO one last ultimate chance to take over complete control. There could be an epic main event with Hogan, Goldberg, Hitman, Sting, Flair, Luger, and Savage representing WCW vs Hall, Nash, Steiner, Jarrett, Benoit, Gurerrero and a mystery opponent. Near the end of this match have someone from WWE (Triple H or Shawn Michaels) come out to join WCW and then have him Sledgehammer or Superkick Hogan so the NWO could win. Then on the final Nitro, have the NWO announce their new member and point to the jumbotron to show Vince. Vince could laugh, put an end to WCW, have Shane show up to shake hands with the NWO and then tell the fans it was his idea from day one to end WCW in 1996 when he sent Hall and Nash to WWE to kill WCW. Vince could declare that the NWO owns WCW and since Vince owns the NWO he now owns WCW. The Klik could have reunited in the ring and Vince could terminate WCW contracts. Hogan and WCW would come out and demand one final match perhaps for a WWE contract. WCW guys could reign triumphant to win WWE contracts (with Jarrett losing for sure). The show could end with a cliffhanger with a main guy like Hogan not winning his match. On Raw the next week, Vince could terminate all the WCW contracts anyway and possibly the NWO ones since the NWO was now not needed anymore to do Vince's dirty work. And the NWO guys could infiltrate WWE and take over Raw or Smackdown and, against Vince's wishes, bring back Hogan as their leader and also Savage. Hogan, Savage, Hall, Nash, Triple H, and Shawn. Vince could try to disband them when they get out of control but they could end up taking over. Vince could request help from Easy E and he'd turn on Vince. Vince would have to reunite with Stone Cold and the Rock and have them fight the NWO. WWE could be doomed, NWO turns on Vince and Vince rehires the old WCW guys (the Invasion) to come back and help out WWE's roster. After a year of feuding, culminating at Wrestlemania 2002 (about the time the NWO eventually ended for good), there could be yet another stipulation that every match is a WWE loser must retire or NWO guys leaves the group match. NWO vs WWE the whole pay per view where whichever side has more victories wins and forever eliminates their competition. WWE guys are forced to retire or NWO disbands. Hogan vs Stone Cold, Taker vs Nash (like the WM before Nash joined NWO), Hitman vs Michaels, The Rock vs Savage. vs Flair vs Triple H, Sting vs Hall, Kane vs Big Show, Goldberg vs the rest of the NWO in a handicapped match, Angle vs Curt Henning, Vinny Mac vs Easy E (all dream matches or real life feuds). The NWO guys lose every match and the next night on RAW there could be a final moment in the ring as the NWO guys officially disband the group and remove their shirts. Shawn and Triple H could remove them to reveal DX shirts and superkick Hogan and there could be a brief DX vs NWO feud or DX vs the ex NWO guys left over. This could bring a legitimate end to the NWO and finally showcase the dream meeting between both super groups with an ending around Summerslam 02. Hall and Nash could turn on Hogan, again, reunite the Klique with Triple H and Michaels and then Hogan would have more epic feuds. This would logically move away from an NWO angle as vitamins and pills Hogan combats the DX mentality and wins. Perfect segue for the PG Era and for a guy like John Cena.
I would have liked it if the NWO ended before countless people joined it. That got too complicated. It would have been cool if some of the guys in WCW who weren't originally from WWF could have joined together and it would then have become a stable war. Then the WCW guys would have needed to go over in the end because this would have prevented things like the fingerpoke of doom from happening, and Goldberg's streak could have ended in a better way too. (He would have been in the WCW stable as an enforcer of some type!) I'm not really sure what I would have wanted to see after the NWO ended.... but anything is better than all the confusion that followed. I guess for different guys to get pushed and chances to win titles that they didn't get in real life, so that they would have better legacies.
heres what i do. book Starrcade 97 the same except have Bret Hart the ref of the Hogan/ Sting match instead of the Bischoff/Zbysko match. you can play up the is he nWo or not angle going into the show, and have him make a clean count on Hogan to give Sting the title and make him an instant loved face. afterwards, WCW is flying high and setup Hogans automatic rematch for Souled Out in a steel cage. the stip is this is the last match between them, no more rematches after this. lead into it w/ the nWo still strong but the newly reunited WCW locker room fighting them tooth and nail. Sting goes over Hogan again which sets up Super Brawl. Scott Hall had already earned his title shot at SB by winning WW3 so have Hogan and the nWo come out and he demands Hall give him the title shot. he has one week to decide or hes out of the nWo. make it look like the entire nWo, even Nash are siding w/ Hogan on this.
the next week, its time for Halls decision. when he tells Hogan no, Hogan gives the sign for the nWo to jump Hall, they circle him, but then look at Nash. he gives the signal and they destroy Hogan. i mean have them just brutalize him to the point he needs to be carried out on a stretcher. have Savage try to make the save and have him get destroyed too. Nash gets on the mic and says they've been waiting months to get rid of those two washed up has beens and finally him and Hall can take the nWo to the top of WCW. this sets up fueds between a new nWo led by the Outsiders against a WCW coalition of Sting, Luger, Giant, DDP, and the Steiners. Flair should be the one to end thenWo and reforms the Horsemen and gets Malenko, Benoit, and Mongo McMichael w/ Arn Anderson in the JJ Dillion role. Bret Hart decides too that he wants to be the one to end the nWo, so he forms the "Hart Dungeon" w/ the Bulldog, the Anvil, and Chris Jericho.
these three groups can fued with each other for control of WCW for the spring and summer. this enables Sting to defend the title against not only nWo members, but WCW heels and members of Flair and Harts factions. the whole time, Goldberg continues his rise as a huge monster face w "the streak". have all 3 factions try to recruit him but he never gives any of them an answer.
this all sets up a War Games match at Fall Brawl in september. WCW vs nWo in a 5 on 5 war games match. if WCW wins, the nWo must disband. if nWo wins, they get all the titles and Bischoff is put back in charge of WCW. Flair, Hart, and Sting all agree to join forces and form a 5 man super team to take out the nWo. it ends up being Sting, Luger, Flair, Benoit, and Hart vs Hall, Nash, Syxx, Buff Bagwell, and Curt Hennig. the night of the ppv, the WCW guys start showing up laid out in the locker room. first Luger. then Benoit. then other guys like DDP, the Giant, the Steiners, Mongo, and the Bulldog. Hall and Nash come out and brag about how all of team WCWs options are hurt and they will be short handed for the night.
the match is under way and its down to Sting, Flair, and Hart against the whole nWo team. when it comes time for the 4th member of WCW to come out. Goldbergs music hits and he clears the ring. but it then becomes a 5 on 4 advantage for the nWo. no 5ht member comes out for team WCW for a few minutes until Hogan suddenly appears, enters the ring, wipes outthe nWo. he motions for Sting to put the deathlock on Nash. nash submits. the nWo is done, Hogan and Goldberg are solified as major faces, and the nWo members can now branch out as singles heels or as teams.
the rest of the year Sting can defend the belt against face and heel guys. Goldberg wins WW3 in november earning the title shot at Starrcade 98. Sting vs Goldberg can be built as a match of a lifetime with both guys playing the face and showing respect for each other. during the match, the ref takes a bump. Benoit, Booker T, Jericho, and Guerrero come down to the ring, they beat Sting down helping Goldberg get the win, the title, and turning them all heel. 1999 begins with Goldberg leading a "New Blood" faction of all the younger mid card guys in WCW against the "Old Guard" of guys like Sting, Flair, Hart, Luger, Hall, Nash, Giant.
The nWo was never meant to end. There was supposed to be a roster split after Starrcade '97, with Nitro becoming the nWo show, and Thunder becoming the WCW show, which never happened and the whole thing lost it's course. It was an innovative idea for the time and I would've liked the abovementioned scenario to have actually happened. It would've put the buisness ahead as a whole and it sure as hell would've made Thrusday Nights more interesting. Thunder was useless, because it couldn't serve it's purpose after Starrcade. The whole thing went downhill from there with the overbloated nWo and all, because they didn't know what to do with it.
I dont think it ever really had to end. It could of just kept evolving like the Four Horsemen. However, I do think that changes definatly should of been made to it. I would of liked to of seen it take a long hiatus sometime in the fall of 98. When it eventually did come back they could of changed it to more of group of guys that liked kicking ass and winning belts together as opposed to an organization that was taking over. I would of loved to see a huge blowout at fall brawl 98. We could of had Hollywood vs Wolfpac instead of that god awful 9 way wargames.

Wargames 98
Hollywood:Hogan, Savage, Hart, Steiner, The Giant
Wolfpack: Nash, Hall, Lugar, Sting, Henning

I think this would of been an amazing match. Have Wolfpack win and evetually go there own ways. Hogan could of come back as the red and yellow to a huge pop as well. A year or two down the road, they could of reformed and gotten a huge reaction instead of just anthor watered down version.
I'll start with how I would've done the build up a little differently.

Hogan, Nash, Hall were needed for the group. But don't make it huge, it's fine that others joined like Million Dollar Man, Syxx Pac, The Big Show, Scott Steiner, fake Sting. But no one else really fit the bill for nWo to me. So no Stevie Ray, Buff Bagwell, Horace Hogan, Crush.

Hogan seemed to lose to every month to a different person. It didn't really make it look like Sting was needed. Luger beat him, Roddy Piper & I'm sure some others. So make Hogan still unstoppable like he was as a good guy. Keep the build up with Sting coming from the rafters.

Then have the match from Starrcade between Sting v Hogan, Sting beats Hollywood cleanly. No special ref, just a regular match & Sting becomes the new World Champion.

After that we'd start to see the nWo unravel. It'd be more & more obvious that it was just for the original 3 & we'd see some nWo guys turn good and fight with WCW.

The last straw would be the big rematch of how it started, Hogan, Hall, Nash vs Sting, Savage, Luger. WCW wins & the three nWo guys fight & go their own way.
The nWo should have been killed off after the Hogan vs Goldberg in Atlanta. Since Hogan lost, Nash and Hall could have kicked him out. Hall and Nash then would start having their egos clash because they both wanted to be the leader. As a result we would have a feud between Hall and Nash, and Hogan would take a break or go after Goldberg.

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