What would/did make you watch TNA?

I first started watching TNA back in 2003 when they first came on FSN.They were small and kinda stupid but I saw what could be a diamond in the rough. I kept on watching even when I thought I could stand no more sometimes I would turn it on and just go to the bar lol
well what got me hooked on tna was the fact that it was nothing like wwe, they had more hardcore wrestlers. they could actually say bitch on tv and other stuff wwe would just not do. but like the x divison that is also another big reson i strated watching
If i was to watch TNA on a daily basis, the person who would make me want to watch would be The Rock if he was on the show with the same exact personality he had in wwe. I've always just loved watching him and he would be the one to make me want to watch it.

Now before you guys say anything about The Rock not ever going to be in TNA, remember the name of the thread is what did/would make you watch TNA, not tell me why the Rock is never going to be in TNA.
yeah that would be kool him making fun of aj, some more rock angle feuds. if that was to ever happen that would be history making stuff. not mention there is so much talent over there that he could put a good match on w/with.
Around February this year, I became nostalgic for the good old days of the Attitude Era, and so I decided to buy a stack of WWE DVD releases (Starrcade, Hell In A Cell, Greatest Stars Of The '90s, Rise And Fall Of ECW, etc.). After I was through with these, my interest in wrestling was revitalized (I had lapsed out of interest in it around 2003), and so I began watching RAW again.

Shortly thereafter, I ordered Summerslam in August and thought it was decent enough, so I kept watching. Despite my stance on Cena and stupid nonsense like Hornswaggle, I felt that the product was the best I could hope for these days, and so I ordered Breaking Point as well (Cena getting caned by Orton was the greatest moment in WWE in years IMO). While that PPV was decent as well, I started to get the feeling that things weren't going anywhere in WWE; next month's PPV, Hell In A Cell, simply confirmed that. Three PPVs in a row, and the card had barely, if at all, changed. Needless to say, I said, "screw that," and decided not to bother ordering HIAC.

Meanwhile, I was still very interested in watching wrestling, yet I had no quality source with which to sate my passion. Some time later, I ended up on Youtube, searching for videos of Stone Cold giving McMahon a Stunner and The Rock's amazing backstage interviews. One thing led to another and I eventually came across this wrestling fan's profile. During my casual glances around his page, I spotted a video in his Favorites: Unbreakable: Styles vs. Joe vs. Daniels. Then I saw that it was a match from TNA... now, I had heard about TNA before. I had watched an episode of Impact way back in 2006, involving Kurt Angle and some other guy. I found it to be boring, and I felt the six-sided ring was just some cheap gimmick to make themselves look different, so I never bothered watching TNA again. With that in mind, I didn't have high hopes for what I was about to watch, but this match seemed to be regarded as a "Classic" in the title header (the playlist name), so I was willing to give it a shot.

I began to watch it, and lo and behold, I saw wrestling as it was meant to be done. Great ring presence, fantastic execution of moves, and enough time to give the audience their money's worth. Since that day, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels have been three of my favorite wrestlers of all-time, and the sole reason I am watching TNA today. They convinced me not only to order TNA's PPVs, but also to pay for every single episode of Impact from January of this year until October (which is when I caught up with the show; I watched like 5 Impacts back-to-back over and over again). Granted, this year has had its share of ups-and-downs, and we all hate to see Nash hogging the spotlight for the millionth time, but IMO, it has certainly been better than what WWE has been doing recently.

Anyways, that's my story about how I came to love TNA.
What turned me to TnA many years ago was the poor quality of the WWE.
I never found WWE entertaining after the attitude era. You can't deny the fact that TNA's talent can pull off some interesting matches in comparison to WWE**
honestly I grew up a WCW fan always have been and always will be, and WWE grew so stale. I started watching TNA when it was on FSN simply because it wasnt WWE. I wanted a change and WWE wasnt giving it to me, now WWE has changed but for the worst
If you do already watch the show, what made you start? Did you just see a show randomly one day and become hooked?

I had been watching casually for a while. I first found it by randomly flipping through channels in 06 or so. Most of what I remember from back then was the AJ/Daniels/Joe stuff.... and in spring of 2007 when Christian was the world champion.... I watched it casually until 2008.

I became a big fan of TNA Impact in Summer of 2008. Joe winning the title was pretty cool and then I started to watch more because I was bored from spending a long afternoon studying in the library after class (I live in a college town, there's literally nothing to do other than class stuff in summer) so still being bored that night I flipped channels and found TNA again. I found all of the feuds going on to be really interesting. AJ/Rhino/Christian were feuding with Angle/3D, while Joe was feuding with Booker, and Sting came back. After about a month's worth of Impact's I was hooked. I have never missed an Impact since then, I would say around June of 2008 was the last time I've missed one.
The main reason I watch iMPACT on Bravo on a Saturday night is because there's nothing else on that's worth watching, only boring crap like Casualty etc, more recently I watch it for the Knockouts, some of whom are fit as, and can actually wrestle, unlike some of WWE's Divas, who are attractive but couldn't wrestle their way out of a plastic bag.
The reason I watch TNA is for KURT,always been a fan and will always go where he goes.Booker T is also one of my favourites.He has charisma and is good in the ring,And I didn't know some of the wrestlers so it was an intertesting to see young guys.with talent.

Thats just me!
One of the things that got me into it originally was just the fact that I was getting bored and tired of WWE programming. I grew up a WWE fan when there was no TNA. But in the last few years WWE got boring for me and I needed an alternative. Sine I live in Orlando TNA was a natural choice. It's been some of the best years I've had as a wrestling fan and while I still watch Raw and Smackdown, Impact is a consistently entertaining and equally frustrating show to get into.

So I guess my reason is a dissatisfaction with WWE combined with the geographical convenience and great live shows TNA does. I rarely watch on tv always just go live lol.
What got my attention about TNA was when I heard Kurt Angle was joining. I was an on-and-off fan at first. I became a 100% fan when I saw my first TNA PPV: Bound For Glory 2007. That PPV still gets my pick as one of the most well booked TNA shows of all time.
I ordered the first ever weekly Wednesday PPV because, simply, it was a new wrestling company with a few names that I recognized. I stuck around because the Flying Elvises Vs. Low Ki, Jerry Lynn & A.J. Styles was really good. I have followed them ever since. Pre-six sided ring, up to their FSN run, their no TV run and finally on Spike TV.
First and foremost, being a wrestling fan. Its pro wrestling, so part of me has always wanted to check it out. I always loved WCW, well back in the late 90s at least. Also, as a fan of Wrestling, I realize the better TNA does, the more WWE will have to do. Competition breeds an overall better product.

Ive also being saying for quite some time that if they got rid of Don West, I would watch it. His overselling used to drive me up a fucking WALL, and I felt as if my intelligence as a wrestling fan was being insulted regularly. He is gone, so, that is another plus. His replacement, Taz, is someone whose work I always enjoyed as well.

The clincher though, was Hulk Hogan. Definately. This is likely to be his last run in America, probably ever. I am so excited and thakfull to have the chance to enjoy my childhood hero, one last time, while I am an adult, and fully able to enjoy it. Hulk Hogan is what got me, lets see is TNA can keep me.
well, at first i was flippin through channels back in '07, and i came across a replay of lockdown, and i watched the duration of the lethal lockdown match. the only thing i recall is being vaguely interested in the sting character, but i flipped over after lethal lockdown and forgot about it. about a year later, in jabuary, i flipped over to impact, but got very confused by the raisha saeed character, and switched again. i finally watched a full episode in march, their first live impact, and what impressed me was the speed. short entrances, flips over the top rope, multiple hurricanranas, and i believe there was a big 6 man tag in the main event, involving sting. after that, i started watching weekly, then watchde lockdown, where everything was pure awesome. the only thing that bored me was bg vs kip james. but from there i was hooked, and ive watched ever since.
I started watching TNA a few weeks into the guest host madness on RAW. I was tired of the same ol same on WWE week in and week out. TNA was a refreshing change, and I haven't stopped watching since.
Tonight may be the last night that I ever watch wrestling. Let's face it, for the most part, WWE and TNA shows and pay-per-views have been far less than entertaining. Many times I watch the shows and wonder who is letting the product get on television. Yes, there are the occasional great matches and segments but they are becoming few and far between.
So tonight, after watching wrestling since the mid eighties, I find myself asking the question why even watch the product? There are so many other choices on tv that are quality well run programs. If WWE and TNA cannot deliver tonight and put together two quality shows after weeks of build up and a plethora of top starts at their disposal, then quite frankly it is not worth watching anymore. My gut tells me that both companies will drop the ball...
What would make me watch TNA is if they didn't try so hard to be WWE and did there own stuff, seriously there roster is EX WWE guys.. and also they shouldn't be competing with wwe.. first they need to get there ratings up, then tackle wwe, but not directly, thats where wcw made the mistake.. and what happened to wcw? I would much rather see a war with ROH if TNA was to move to mondays... one thing i would like to see is vince russo bring back SEX.. that was a good faction for TNA standards... vince needs to be on TV period!, he is probably one of the most hated characters in the business.
What made me watch Impact back in the day is that for one I used to go to the occasional show at Universal, and for two, they have much better wrestling than WWE gives you. There are a bunch of different styles in TNA while most of the matches in the WWE barely differ from each other. I stopped watching though because a lot of the shit they do storyline wise is just so nonsensical, it was like they were on a whole new page every 3 months.

Last night I tuned in because of the hype and I have to say they delivered for me on a level that I haven't gotten in a while. I totally marked out for most of the night and was legitametly impressed by most of the matches throughout the night. Hopefully they can build on this, smooth out the rough edges and build some of the new gys but I liked what I saw. Right now, even if its trying to be like WWE or WcW was back in the day, I'd take that over what Raw is now.
TNA does nothing different than WWE does really. infact they try to hard to be them which will never happen... how are you going to create an alternative when you try and mimic the alternative? and i heard on the frontpage there destroying the 6th sided ring on the tapings.. if they get rid of more of these gimics i might watch more of TNA
Sting. When he joined the little company TNA instead of joining his WCW mates in the WWF invasion angle, I thought I better check this out... Came for the Sting stayed for AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels... and have been watching ever since
The thing that got my attention about TNA for a few weeks was when I got a job, and I had school so sometimes I'd read spoilers to get caught up. I came across this website
and found headlines with TNA News and Booker T is heading to TNA and stuff and got interested :p

Got me watching my first TNA, my second TNA and then the third one I fell asleep during watching it and just never watched it again until yesterday.
To be honest. It was an alternative to the same old thing happening on Monday Nights and Friday Nights. I got sick and tired of seeing the same faces week in and week out. Then along comes this other organization with a few familiar faces I hadn't seen in awhile along with guys like Daniels, Styles, Sabin, and more. I started watching TNA when it first became available off of PPV. I think it was on Fox Sports here. Then it disappeared. I was very sad, then Spike TV picked it up. I watched it cause it was fresh, exciting and new. Something the wrestling world really needed.
I got interested when I was channel flipping on my TV, and I saw Jeff Hardy beating up Abyss. Since I was a huge Hardy mark at the time I had to watch TNA then saw the X division and just remained a fan.
The first time I learned of TNA was by checking the TV guide. I came across a TNA PPV and checked the info. It had Team 3D vs Team Canada in the card and it didn't have any of the more well known guys in the info. I thought it was an MMA company. However I was watching the PPV commercials channel when a commercial for a TNA PPV came on. It was Slammaversary: This Is The One (2006). I noticed Sting, Christian, Rhyno and Jeff Jarret and saw the six-sided ring. After hitting Wikipedia, I learned of Impact and I little by little became a fan. What permanently set me as a fan was Matt Morgan's debut. A few month's prior he was wrestling on WWC (Puerto Rico) and made a stop on my small home town. So seeing a guy grow in success like that really reeled me in.
For me, it was a friend showing me a Barbed Wire match with Abyss. I can't actually remember who it was against tbh, but it started me looking at TNA. I've been a fan ever since...

Hmm, gonna have to figure out what match it was. *trundles off to trawl through his DVD collection*

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