Who Do You Watch TNA For?

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Sting, AJ Styles, The Beautiful People.

Sting - Basically, he's my favorite wrestler of all time and always will be. I know he's nowhere near as good as he use to be, but I still love the man as much as I did when I was a kid. I don't think that my admiration for him will ever go away, and as along as he's on any wrestling television program, I will always check it out just to see what he's up to.

AJ Styles - Been a huge fan of his since I first saw him back in 2003. I thought he had an awesome look, and was absolutely tremendous in the ring. And to this day the guy lives up to his nickname every time he steps in the ring: Phenomenal. However, just like with Sting, his best work remains in the past in another company (ROH).

The Beautiful People - Not only are they easy on the eyes, but they're truly fun to watch. They all have great chemistry with not only each other, but with all their opponents as well, and they're right now some of the best heels in the entire business, in my opinion. This is the one thing TNA has managed to keep doing the right thing with ever since they debuted. It gives you hope that they'll eventually get it right with everyone else....
i used to watch tna for christian, however, i slowly came to really enjoy the show for what it was and now i could say i like it more than raw most weeks, but less than smackdown. I am a big fan of A.J. Styles, i really dig what Alex Shelley does. The Beautiful People draw me in and not just because they're (semi) hot most of the time. i really enjoy the ditzy sorority thing. I like Homicide and Hernandez a lot as well. so yeah, i started out very casually with tna, but truly i got drawn in, so the people i mentioned are my favorites, but really i enjoy most of the roster.
Well, I tune into TNA for many reasons. I love to see the various divisions being showcased week in, week out. I love the KnockOut's division as it offers something not seen in the WWE & most of the female competitor's from SHIMMER are showcased doing what they do best. Basically, its the wrestling first with looks second. Not to knock back the KnockOut's on looks, but they aren't models like the divas in the WWE. The X Division speaks for itself. The Tag division actually has some sort of division unlike the WWE with solid factions happening like the MEM & Beautiful People.

However, if i had to nail it down to wrestlers in particular... it would have to be Kurt Angle [he is the reason I started to watch wrestling in the first place], Sting [watching the one of the greatest wrestler to never step inside a WWE ring is a treat since in Australia we only have WWE or TNA on our cable channels] & Sarita [A promising Lucha Libre reminding me of Lita, but better in my opinion]. Apart from that, there is just the divisions I watch. I will say the Main Event division is nothing special to me since they haven't planned it right [aka MEM].
I will usually watch Impact all the way through regardless of who's on, but there are a few people that I will always watch when they come on, they include:

AJ Styles: I absolutely love his matches, they are by far the best in TNA. No matter who it is with, AJ is able to put on a good to great match everytime out. Even his match with Shane Douglas, who is shit, was above average. The match he had with Morgan last week was one of the best TV matches TNA has had in a long time. Not only that, but his mic work has really been improving. I'm a huge AJ fan.

Booker T, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner: Not so much for their wrestling ability, but for their mic work. Nash is stil absolutely fantastic on the mic, his promo with Sting awhile back was pure gold. Even if it's simply commentary on a match he is incredible. Booker and Steiner are usually nothing more than crazy buffons, but they entertain me like no other.

Abyss: He may not be the most graceful or athletic in the ring, but there is something about Abyss that I just love. His character is actually quite complex and intriguing and his promos always have so much intenstiy. I enjoy his matches as well, especially his hardcore ones, they can be quite brutal.

Awesome Kong: The fact that she's so different is what makes her great. There is no other women's wrestlers like her today. I love almost everyone of her matches, even the squashes. Something about watching someone so dominant is just great. On top of all that, her entrance music is epic.

Don West: Not really someone you wait for since he's on the whole show, but he is definetly a reason for me to tune in. Being the only full fledged heel announcer in wrestling today really helps to set him apart. Some of his comments are so ridiculous that I can't even believe he said them. Like a few weeks ago when Deaner had a match, he said something like "That's why you don't do meth kids." It was just so unexpected and something you'd never here from the WWE that it made me laugh.

There are a few more, but those on the people that will keep me glued to the TV when they come on.
I actually prefer TNA to WWE. Who know's why but I do. Maybe I just like the cheap, low quality feeling TNA has.

But there are 3 main people I watch TNA for. And while it might reveal the inner "mark" in me, I don't care. First off is The Beautiful People. While they don't appeal sexually to me, their character are just beyond fabulous.

They play fierce bitches, and thats right up my ally. Not to mention Angelina is a pretty decent in their own right. I just like the obvious character potrayal and their persona brings me in.

The next two are the obvious AJ Styles & the Guns. First off, both are sexy as hell. 2nd, they are my "type" of wrestlers. Fast, spotty at times, and they just bring that overall sence of action I enjoy. I',m the type of fan who enjoys watching a flip and a sommersault over watching a submission and slow pace "story".
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