What to do with Peyton Manning?

Mr. HD

High Definition
I haven't heard this brought up a lot, so It'll be my job.

The Colts have the first pick in the draft and ESPN is saying that Indy should drop Peyton Manning and Draft Andrew Luck..... :wtf:

Ok, here's why this is STUPID. For starters, I personally think Luck is a bit overrated. He's good, but he just doesn't have the it factor that draws me to him, like everybody else. I don't see what separates him from any other College QB.

Secondly, do people hear themselves? DROP Peyton Manning? Drop the guy who has 4 MVPs and a Super Bowl Ring? Drop the guy who's been THE sole reason why The Colts have made the playoffs as many times as they have? Drop the man who's the face of the franchise? Drop a Proven Vet for an unproven Rookie?

I understand Youth Movement and looking towards the future or whatever, but let's be serious, I don't think The Colts would be that stupid to drop their Superstar QB. If they end up keeping Manning, they'd have to pay him, what, $100,000,000 or somewhere around there? To keep Luck and Manning, somebody is going to have to take a pay cut or something.

The only way Reggie Wayne, Robert Mathis, Jeff Saturday and all those guys are gonna stay around is to keep Peyton Manning.

Then I hear rumors of Manning going to The Jets? If that ever happens.....

Anyway, I wanted to get everybody's thoughts on all this.

Should the Colts do away with Peyton Manning and Draft Andrew Luck?

Should The Colts find some way to keep Manning AND draft Luck?

Let me hear your opinions.
I say keep Manning, I don't see any reason to get rid of him now if they didn't bother to do it at the beginning of the season and get a quarterback then.

Manning is 35 and getting up there in years, had a neck injury that took him out of the season but if they get rid of Manning then they basically have to start all over again building a team and you can still get 3-5 years out of Manning starts to show age. As long as he has an offensive line in front of him he will be an asset to any team. He is probably one of the top 5 quarterbacks of all time and much like Favre did for Rogers and Montana did for Young, Manning can help shape and mold a young backup into a great quarterback.

I say keep Manning, if you have to give up Andrew Luck so be it, find another quarterback in the second or third round and have Manning work with him while he warms up the bench for 3-4 years then when Manning decides to retire Indy doesn't suffer. If they just draft Luck and get rid of Manning then you still have at least 2-3 years before they have a chance at playoff contention because as good as he may be he is still a rookie and needs to be seasoned into a great quarterback. If they get a good quarterback in lets say the 3rd round, then you don't have to pay him and screw with your payroll too much and he has 3-4 years to learn from one of the greats in the meantime while Indy still stays in playoff contention.

If you get rid of Manning you get rid of your franchise, why build from scratch if you don't have to?
You have four and a half months until the draft. If Manning is looking like he'll be ready for the season, you keep him. At the end of the day, Manning has an NFL track record and Luck doesn't. Luck my look like the best prospect since Manning, but that's all he is right now: a prospect. If it's up to me, absolutely you take both guys if the money can be kept under control. Luck sits on the bench for a few seasons until Manning is done and then Luck takes the reigns. There's not a thing wrong with making him wait. It was done for years but now all of a sudden every rookie QB has to win 8 games his first season or he's a bust it seems. Keep them both, and if Manning doesn't work due to injury or ineffectiveness, give it to Luck. Until then, there's no point in such a risky and unneeded gamble.
The Colts have pretty much let it be known that they are both keeping Manning and drafting Luck. Peyton can't play forever and Luck is a nice insurance policy and could be a future star. Aaron Rodgers didn't become starter until his 4th season, Phillip Rivers didn't become starter until his 3rd season. A couple years from now if Peyton is still playing at a high level and Luck is showing he is ready to break out then they have a tough decision to make. Right now the decision is easy. For those worried about being able to pay both players, the rookie wage scale has made it so even the first pick in the draft doesn't get paid an obscene amount, especially in the first few years of his deal.
The problem with this situation is Manning is due like 28 million in March. While I know the guy practically is the OC, putting that contract with a guy that is more then NFL ready seems off-base. The Colts have cut ties with Polian(s) and Caldwell could be out soon enough. They are in full rebuild mode, and Luck is thought of by most as the most ready QB since Manning. While sitting and learning from Manning sounds great in theory, almost every single first/second round QB is getting thrown into the wolves either right away or during their rookie season since Ryan and Flacco pulled it off. If the team is going through a complete youth movement they should thank Manning for what he's done the past 12-13 years and trade him to a team that needs a QB to help them win now (Jets or Redskins would be good fits not only for those teams but for the league because it guarantees you either Manning/Brady or Manning/Manning twice a year). They could probably pull out a few picks (at least a first and second and possibly 2 1's) and they could use those picks to help speed up the growing pains process.

I know Colts fans don't wanna hear it, but when you're cleaning house and drafting the best QB prospect in a long time you don't really need to hold onto that 28 million a year 36 year old QB. They aren't winning a Super Bowl anytime soon. They should do Peyton right and trade him to an immediate contender so that he has another chance to win a ring before he retires. It's both a business and a fair decision to him.
I haven't heard this brought up a lot, so It'll be my job.

The Colts have the first pick in the draft and ESPN is saying that Indy should drop Peyton Manning and Draft Andrew Luck..... :wtf:

Ok, here's why this is STUPID. For starters, I personally think Luck is a bit overrated. He's good, but he just doesn't have the it factor that draws me to him, like everybody else. I don't see what separates him from any other College QB.

You DON'T see what separates him from any other college QB? You're serious?

Okay, I am going to address only this portion because I have seen him play several times. (Not on TV, in person).

Luck has been the bane of my Trojans' existence since taking over at Stanford, but he is, without question, the best talent I have ever seen at the college position. I will attempt to explain why I think so and you can formulate your own opinion on if you think they are valid points.

First: Intelligence Luck has more intelligence at the QB position than I have seen in a very long time. Much of this has to due with being a natural student of the game. I know we overuse that phrase quite a bit in journalism, but if there was ever a person that warranted the title, Luck is him. He comes from an athletic family. We all know that his dad played in the NFL, but he also has been around the business of football his entire life and has been in the fortunate position to evaluate talent and make decision on those evaluations. Andrew studied under his father and his father helped cultivate this intelligence into his game. We're not just talking what Archie Manning was able to pass on to his son from his time in the NFL. Luck saw his father become the GM manager of several football teams, he even was the president of the NFL Europa. His father is also on several boards and was a high level official with the NFL and NFL Europa. Andrew understands the business side of the game and the strategy side of the game.

Second: High School System Luck played at Stratford High in Houston, Texas. Their system is well known for the implementation of Tight Ends in the offense. We obviously saw how well this translated to a similar system in Stanford. If you look at some of the best QB's in the NFL, they all use their Tight Ends in such a manner that it creates havoc all over the field. Luck isn't just another QB that knows how to throw the ball to his TE's, he can actually incorporate them into the offense in a strategic fashion that opens up the field for the running game and the deep ball. It's something that all of the greats have used to their advantage and not something you see a kid doing since his days in high school. Montana, Elway, Marino, Brees, Brady, Manning, and Aikman all had an incredible ability to incorporate every single weapon they had at their disposal. Not even just that, they knew how to use them to their fullest potential and other teams had to account for them as a huge part of the game plan. Luck knows how to read defenses at the line of scrimmage and tell his TE's to release their blocks early and head out to the flat for an easy 4-7 yard pickup. That kind of intelligence is RARELY seen at the collegiate level and this kid has been doing so since HS.

Third: Balance Andrew Luck has been bred to play in a pro-style offense. I have already mentioned the usage of his TE's, but he also runs the play-action to perfection and sells it more cleanly than any QB I have seen this season. In a time when most OC's are using Zone Reads and Read Options to sell the PA, Luck can do so like an NFL QB and then embarrass a defense with his ability to go through his progressions more quickly than any other QB since Manning. You must not have paid attention to how efficiently Luck ran Stanford's offense in the Fiesta Bowl. How much more Manning-esque can the kid get; he controlled the ball for almost 42 minutes of the game. It's a freak of nature that Stanford lost that game with the balance of run, pass, T.O.P., total yards, 3rd down efficiency, and overall tempo they controlled in that game. Read the box score on that game and tell me how many teams would win a game with those stats in the opposing team's favor. With Luck running the team, Stanford possessed the ball for 437 minutes and 15 seconds out of a possible 780 minutes this season. That's 56% of the season.

Fourth: Reads and Progressions Luck goes through his progressions faster and more accurately than most 3rd or 4th year QB's. He rarely tries to force the ball into tight windows and when he does, he places the ball into a spot that only his receiver can come up with it 95% of the time. He actually relies on his outlets and trusts them to make big plays for him rather than forcing the ball down the field. In the world of football, having a QB that is comfortable with picking up 4-6 yards because he trusts his outlets is paramount to success. He also has effortless arm strength. Look at his 51 yard throw in the Fiesta Bowl, he flicked that ball, ON TARGET might I add, as though it were a simple 7 yard come back route. Sanchez is still struggling to make the proper reads and he has had multiple years in the NFL in addition to his time at USC.

Fifth: Preparedness Luck is the most prepared QB of anyone I have seen come game day. He spends hours and hours and hours in the film room, working drills, learning defenses, studying tendencies, and learning coverage schemes. The only people that are likely to have spent more time studying film and such are the coaches on both teams. He did this all having been a full-time student as well. That says a lot about the work ethic of the kid. Probably someone that you would like to have running your team for the next 10 years.

Sixth: Playcalling ability Luck ran much of the Stanford offense from the line of scrimmage. Not the crap that you see with teams like Oregon and Georgia Tech; Luck actually read the defenses and called audibles just like Brady, Manning, or Brees would on Sundays. The Stanford coaching staff trusted him enough to allow this at the collegiate level and that's almost unheard of in the NCAA. He orchestrated their drives and playcalling just like Manning did for the Colts; They would send some general stuff in and Luck would read the coverage, use the clock, use hard counts, and change plays as he saw the defenses' reactions. Weeden, Thomas, Barkley, and Moore weren't even allowed to do this. Sure, there were times when coaches gave them the go ahead to change the play if they saw something, but you can bet your ass that they weren't allowed to just call out plays like they were running the fucking offense. Luck was able to do that because he proved time and time again that he had the ability to do that.

Oh, did I mention that the kid can also run?

Simply put, if you think he's overrated, I don't know what it is you think that will come along or who you think is better. I could not stand this kid when he was at Stanford, but he is the FURTHEST thing from overrated that a player can be. I honestly don't think you can be sold on the kid if this doesn't change your mind. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone that wishes he'd never even played at Stanford. I'm not a Luck fanboy, but game recognizes game and that dude has game.
For starters the Colts must do thorough research on Peyton Manning's condition and get every possible doctor's opinion they can. I am assuming that they'd like to also seeing Manning throwing the ball around (if they haven't already). IF they feel that Manning can come back and play at or close to a level he played at before then I think they don't necessarily have to draft Luck. They could consider trading the pick for a huge bounty and building up the rest of the team. Hell, they could get a bevy of draft picks and use one for a later round QB. Manning is the Colts. It was painfully obvious the he runs that offense and when he's in there, it's clicking.

If Manning can't come back, then I think they probably go with Luck but don't count out RGIII either.

Then they will figure out what to do with Manning. Can they sucker another team into trading for him.
What out for the Cowboys. I know they have Romo and it's really not his fault for their struggles but if Manning becomes available, watch for Jerry Jones to make a move. He's all about the big splash and putting butts in the seats and Manning would do that. Plus, they could hype the hell out of Manning vs. Manning twice per year.

It really boils down to Manning's health and what the Colts think they can get for the #1 overall pick. Are they better off fixing the rest of the team and stockpiling picks for later, which would Manning or a free agent QB at the helm OR are they better off drafting a young rookie for the future?
If the Colts feel that Manning is healthy, they should keep him, allow his contract to automatically extend (this happens if he is still on the roster as of March 1) and try to get the best trade package they can get for their #1 pick. They have a ton of holes, and if they can get 5 draft picks over 2 years or something like that, that will be a greater benefit to the team than keeping Manning and drafting Luck.

However, if they have any reservations about Manning's health at all, they need to cut or trade Manning, draft Luck and move on. The Indianapolis Colts have to do what is in the best interests of the Indianapolis Colts, not what is in the best interests of Peyton Manning. Great players, even Hall of Fame players, get traded, get their feathers ruffled. Peyton Manning is not above the Colts, no matter how important he has been to the team.
Unless some team out there offers something crazy in return for Peyton in a trade there is really no reason to trade him, just keep him. Manning has another 3-5 more good seasons in him before he steps aside. Luck should be fine sitting on the bench for the foreseeable future just learning & getting a feel for the NFL style of the game. Also it should be noted that there are few QBs in the game right now that would be better for a rookie to sit behind & learn from than Peyton Manning, I don't know too many other QBs that will put in as much time to work with their teammates on in practice, & meetings. I could definitely see Peyton working one-on-one with Luck for the next few years, helping him to get better & more prepared for when the time comes when he has to take over & run the show as starting QB. So, as I said before, unless the Colts are offered something to good to pass up in exchange for Peyton, or they just can't afford to keep both QBs on the roster, they should keep both and have Luck learn behind one of the best the game as ever seen. After all Aaron Rodgers did it & it seems to have worked out pretty well for him so far.
You have four and a half months until the draft. If Manning is looking like he'll be ready for the season, you keep him.

Yes. Or, draft Luck and sign him, then let the two of them go to training camp. If Peyton looks as if he has a few more years left, trade Luck; he's got the college rep to bring something good in return. It's not as if no team will take him, leaving the Colts stuck with both contracts.

If Peyton looks as if his health just won't let him go much longer, keep Luck and either drop Peyton or get whatever game action you can out of him as he tutors Luck.

All of this is based on the belief that there was more wrong with the Colts last year than simply missing Peyton. For one thing, why would the absence of their quarterback cause the defense to sag so badly? If team management decides there's a larger renovation job than originally thought, get rid of Peyton and let Luck develop as the team rebuilds.
We all need to remember that the rookie salaries have been changed and "capped" so to speak so that it's not ridiculous guaranteed money to the #1 overall pick.

This means that there will be many teams willing to make a trade for the #1 overall pick.

Keep an eye on the Skins.
It's not like Peyton Manning fell off playing wise. His first major injury of his career- you have never heard of him being out in the past with nagging injuries. You keep Peyton and let him play it isn't like his skills are diminished. Personally I don't know what you guys are seeing but RGIII is a monster and to me is the best quarterback coming out of College. Needless to say if they do draft a QB you allow him to play under Peyton till the time comes(ie. Phillip Rivers behind Drew Brees and Aaron Rogers behind Brett Favre).
I believe the colts should thank peyton for all he has done for them and wish him well and not pay him that bounses and just let him walk.I know it is hard to do with one of the best quarterbacks in the game but at his age and and the trouble he has had with his neck i think its time.This is the second time he has had work done on his neck in i believe the last 3 years.I just done seethe risk vs reward on keeping him.Trade him and get what u can for him and cut your losses
Now that the Colts have hired a new GM and fired coach Caldwell, I think it's getting clearer as to what their plans are. The Indianapolis Colts are severing ties with everyone in the front office who has been a part of the Manning era. They are in essence, starting with a clean slate. I am now 80% convinced that Peyton Manning has at least played his last down of football with the Colts, if not the NFL. The Colts will cut Manning before his roster bonus kicks in on March 08. Every move they have made has made that decision easier. Andrew Luck will be the starter at the beginning of the season.
The problem with this situation is Manning is due like 28 million in March. While I know the guy practically is the OC, putting that contract with a guy that is more then NFL ready seems off-base.

I missed this post and didn't realize until today about the $28 million bonus due on March 8. Despite the fact that Peyton is football royalty, it changes everything unless the Colts can assure themselves medically that he can make a full return. I mean....$28 million dollars? What if they pay him his bonus, he goes to training camp.....and decides he can't do it?

In 2004, Allan Houston of the New York Knicks refused to have surgery on his knee that was being urged by the medical staff. He used all the verbal expressions we always hear from athletes: "I know my body better than anyone else does" and "The team isn't showing me the proper respect by wanting me to have surgery if I say I don't need it" and "I can guarantee for an absolute fact (I remember the quote) that I'll be ready by training camp......without the surgery."

Then, when training camp rolled around and he wasn't ready at all, we heard him say: "Hey man, what can I say?" and "It is what it is."

Houston played only 20 games that season and was never the same player again. He also somehow managed to accepted his salary that season, which was in excess of $20 million.

My point, as it applies to Peyton Manning, is that you can't rely on the athlete's word in medical matters. I'm sure Peyton is determined to play and is 100% sure he'll be able to. But he can't be impartial in regard to his own medical condition, and if he's unable to go, do you think he'll return the $28 million if he isn't contractually required to?

I say, release him before the bonus is due, unless the team can be completely sure; and I'm talking about not relying on the athlete's word that he will be. He won't starve. If he's that adamant about playing for the Colts, let him defer the bonus until he's shown he can perform. If he won't, release him.

Yes, I know he's Peyton Manning......but that's a lot of money. If he wasn't 35 years old...... if he hadn't had such a serious injury.....and if the team didn't have such a highly regarded rookie quarterback on the way, it might be a different story.

But....$28 million?
okay, now Colts owner Jim Irsay needs to just shut up already. It's obvious that he wants to cut Manning, but now he is trying to make it about Peyton's willingness to return to the team with a lesser contract. IE, so that when Manning is cut, he can blame it on Manning's unwillingness to reduce his contract to stay, which he will claim was necessary because of the uncertainty of his health. Obviously, Peyton Manning is not going to take a pay cut and is going to be cut so that Irsay doesn't have to pay him the 28 million bucks he would be due on March 8. But for Irsay to try to manipulate the situation to make it look like it's going to be all Manning's fault when it happens? Bullshit. Just man the fuck up and and say, "yeah, we plan on cutting Peyton Manning to make room for Andrew Luck". Jim Irsay is making a total fool out of himself.
Not a doubt in my mind, Peyton will be starting come September. Draft Andrew Luck(even though RGIII to me is better). Allow Peyton to mentor him until he's ready to step aside. Just not seeing a bad ending between Peyton/Colts. It wouldn't be good business for the Colts if they dropped a sure shot winner for a prospect. Since Ryan Leaf I've been very weary of high profile College Quarterbacks.
Peyton Manning was a high profile college QB. Finished 2nd in the Heisman voting to Charles Woodson, and was in the exact same draft as Leaf. Manning's success neutralizes Leaf's failure.

Drew Brees was a high profile College QB (got screwed out of the Heisman by Chris WankerWeinke)

Matthew Stafford was a high profile College QB. Threw for over 5,000 yards and 40 TDs this year.

Point is, like with every position, you can hit or miss in the draft. Some excellent college players make excellent NFL players, some make terrible NFL players. Some complete unknown college players get to be 6th round draft picks, and a little more than a decade later, are being compared to Joe Montana. The draft is a crapshoot. You can't let Ryan Leaf's failure override common sense.

The Colts got rid of both Polians, fired Manning's head coach, and have done everything they possibly could to tip their hat. No way in hell Manning stays in Indy. They have already started making excuses for the divorce.

It wouldn't be good business for the Colts if they dropped a sure shot winner for a prospect. I agree with this...however from the Colts position, they don't know if Manning is a sure shot winner anymore. From their perspective, Manning WAS a sure shot winner, but because of the neck injury, aren't convinced he can be that again. If they were, they wouldn't be drafting Andrew Luck, they would draft a different position. You don't draft a backup QB with the #1 pick overall, you draft a starter who you believe is a franchise QB.
I am from Indianapolis, have been a Colts fan for my whole life and this entire city is in love with Peyton Manning. Everyone loves Peyton and I know Peyton loves this city in return. With that being said, it just does not sound like Irsay is willing to pay Peyton all of this money when he doesn't know how healthy Peyton is. I personally would rather see Peyton not play football at all if he couldn't play for the Colts. But if I had to choose a team I'd like to see him go to, it'd be the Arizona Cardinals. I would go nuts to see him and Larry Fitzgerald together. He has the best shot at a Super Bowl with Arizona and Houston so those two could work for him.
Tomorrow it looks like the releasing of Peyton Manning will be official. He has increased his throwing regimen and it is being reported that he is nearing full strength but the Colts obviously don't want to pay the $28 mill he will be due. I never though I'd see Manning in another NFL uniform outside of the Colts but that looks like what we'll be seeing. Now the question is, where does he go? There will obviously be a lot of interest but I would say Washington, Miami, NYJ, KC, and Arizona have the best shots. Cleveland sucks too much for him to want to go there and I just can't see him in Seattle.
Tomorrow it looks like the releasing of Peyton Manning will be official. He has increased his throwing regimen and it is being reported that he is nearing full strength but the Colts obviously don't want to pay the $28 mill he will be due. I never though I'd see Manning in another NFL uniform outside of the Colts but that looks like what we'll be seeing. Now the question is, where does he go? There will obviously be a lot of interest but I would say Washington, Miami, NYJ, KC, and Arizona have the best shots. Cleveland sucks too much for him to want to go there and I just can't see him in Seattle.

Yea, it's a sad day indeed. I might have to change my Avatar real soon as a matter of fact. Probably the greatest QB of all time, IMO. It's kinda bad the way he had to go out, but I never thought I would see the day. Don't even get me started on the speech when he was choked up. Had me glued to every word he said. Speaking as a Colts Fan, I'm gonna be honest and say, I got into Football and more specifically The Colts because of Peyton Manning. It's hard to see him go, and The Colts were certainly never be the same, and I won't forget how they pretty much ran him out of town, but like he said, "all good things must come to an end." I'm gonna miss Peyton Manning as a Colt.

That being said, I know I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this, but wherever Manning ends up, I'm gonna be right there cheering him AND the Colts on. So, I'll have two teams to root for, but I'll mostly be rooting for whatever team Manning ends up on. I personally hope if Manning ever does face The Colts, he puts up 40 on them.

Moving on, the best choice, IMO, is Arizona. With the Cardinals, he has a pretty much guaranteed shot to win the division and take this team to the playoffs. The only legit threat in that division is San Francisco and with Manning as the Cards QB, they'll be cake. I'm not saying the Niners are garbage. They are FAR from it, but Manning likes the challenge of a tough nosed, defense. Look at how he owned Baltimore and the Jets that year they went to the Super Bowl. The Cards defense is actually better than I thought. If you watch some of the games, the lineman are quick off the snap and their corners are very, very speedy. The only question mark is Beanie Wells. He can't seem to stay healthy. But of course, there's the dream match up of Peyton Manning and Larry Fitzgerald. I can't wait to see that.

Cross out The Jets and Chiefs cause Manning isn't good in cold weather and quite frankly, I think the whole New York environment wouldn't be good for him. If you think people are comparing Eli to Peyton now, imagine if he signs with the Jets...sheesh. We won't hear the end of it. Besides, the Jets aren't that good.

Miami is a solid choice. They looked pretty damn good towards the end of the season. Their defense kicked it up a notch, Reggie Bush finished well, and with Manning, it's not a guaranteed playoff spot cause it's still the AFC and you have Tom Brady and the Pats in your division. Although, with Manning at the helm of the Dolphins, they could prove a formidable opponent for the Pats for the division.
Funny how things change, isn't it? Two years ago, who could have ever seen the day when the Colts would just drop Manning? It seemed like he was a Colt for life. It's just crazy the things that pop up and turn everything on it's head.

Where should Manning go? There have been a few teams consistently mentioned since his release first became probable in the eyes of the sports media. Washington, Miami, Tennessee, among others. As to which team is the actual best fit, or the most likely, opinions seem to vary.

I, however, cannot resist picking my favorite team as the team Manning should join. That team is the Miami Dolphins. That's right, Peyton. Come to Miami. You know you want to. For God's sake, haven't we suffered enough? Aha, you say, but the Dolphins finished so strongly last year, surely they don't need Manning that much. Au contraire, I say, we need Manning in the worst way. That team that finished "strongly" is the same team that started the season 0-7. Nothing like being eliminated from the playoffs by Halloween.

The team has endured over a decade of unbridled mediocrity at the QB position since Dan Marino retired. Nothing has been able to get them over the top, from Ricky Williams' brilliant rushing in the early 2000's to Bill Parcells dropping in for five minutes to the recent acquisitions of Reggie Bush and Brandon Marshall. (Don't get me started on them getting Bush....... different subject.) They need Manning, even if just to get people interested again. Fans in Miami aren't quite as die hard as fans in Green Bay or Chicago or what have you. Joe Robbie stadium needs to be filled with fans who believe again. (Yes, it's still Joe Robbie, I don't care what you say.) They've had the life sucked out of them for the last decade.

How likely is this scenario? Tough to say, but probably not as likely as I would hope. The Dolphins are looking for a QB, just like every year , but there has been talk of them trying to draft one or signing Matt Flynn, former backup to Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay. Because you know....... he had that good game......... game as in singular...... as in one.........

I can only hope Stephen Ross, the Dolphins owner, decides he wants Manning and wants to pony up the cash. Manning said, I believe, that he was willing to sign an incentive-laden contract, meaning his base salary would not be very high, but he could earn more money be performing well.

I can only hope and keep my fingers crossed that Manning comes to Miami and we finally have another good QB in the teal and orange after so many years of the Job Squad being in charge.
The main stumbling block for a lot of the teams might be Salary Cap space.

If I were a fan of the Dolphins, Jets, Cardinals or one of the other teams on the lower end of cap space, I would be concerned about whether or not you can put together a contract that could match that of other teams. Having 7.9-10.7 million under the cap is certainly a reasonable amount of space to get just about any FA you want...but when there is that much interest in Peyton Manning, it's a very real possibility that a team like the Kansas City Chiefs, who have a shitload of cap space, might make an offer to Peyton Manning that there is simply no way in hell your team can match. They want him, and they can realistically outbid anyone else. That doesn't mean they WILL get him, but that if they wanted to, they could put together a contract offer that couldn't be matched.
A couple early favorites seem to be falling behind in the competition to get Peyton. I've heard reports that he won't be going to Washington because he doesn't want to compete with his brother for a division title. It's also being reported that Arizona is a long shot because they have a weak offensive line. I'd say the leaders right now are KC and Miami, with Seattle probably third.
I really don't think the Redskins and Jets have a shot. Peyton doesn't want to fight his brother in the same division, and going to New York really wouldn't help anything at all. Eli already has one more ring than his brother, and the "who's the real king of New York?" stuff will start to become a problem after a while.

Peyton wants to win, and I highly doubt he'll walk into a situation, where he as to struggle, so that cancels out Arizona. Manning could go to Seattle or Kansas City, and both of these destinations are realistic possibilities.

Seeing Peyton Manning in a Dolphins uniform would feel like a dream for me. The Dolphins haven't been able to find a steady and consistent starting QB since Dan Marino's retirement, and the search for a starting QB has felt like one long and painful nightmare over the years. Chad Pennington couldn't stay healthy, and Chad Henne's tenure as starting QB was horrible from start to finish. Also, I don't want to see another Ray Lucas, or Jay Fiedler.

Stephen Ross has the money, and he's more than willing to spend it. And Peyton does have home in Miami, so we do have a comfort zone factor working for us. There's also the possibility of Reggie Wayne joining the Dolphins, if Manning signs. Reggie Bush really came into his own during the end of the season, we still have Brandon Marshall, and Jake Long will be back this year, so the Dolphins could have a strong, high scoring offense. And we don't have too many worries on the other side of the ball. Jason Taylor is gone, but we would still have one of the stronger defenses in the NFL.

The Dolphins will always have some trouble from the Patriots and Jets. Both of these teams are usually in the Playoff picture at the end of the season, and climbing up the rankings in the AFC East will be a tough task for years, but Manning could definitely give us a fighting chance.

I would welcome Manning's arrival in Miami, but the sudden "fan support" will drive me nuts. It pains me to say this, but South Florida has to have to the absolute worse fanbase for any pro sports teams in America. The overwhelming majority of "fans" in South Florida are VERY fickle, and the fucking bandwagon jumpers will come out of the woodworks, if Manning signs with the Dolphins. The vast majority of fake fans in South Florida will only support teams, who are in the spotlight, or they only support teams, who have a legit shot at winning a championship. It happened with the Marlins in 1997 and in 2003, and it happened when the Heat signed Shaq, and most recently LeBron James and Chris Bosh, and it will happen if Manning comes to Miami.

The fake fans down here will stay far away from any team, that piles up too many loses, and they won't stick around for the tough times.

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