What now for Wade Barrett?

Pay Per Ghost

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A talent that was pushed to the moon with the hottest storyline of the year is now on the tether of losing momentum at the worst possible time.

With his faction buried and his nemesis in another feud, what happens to the leader Wade Barrett? Does he disband Nexus for their 'incapabilities' and go it alone? or does he trudge on looking for other victims with his pack?

He could always work a program with Taker following up from the Buried Alive match. A feud with the deadman does you relevance wonders and at this time of year, it's gold!

So people, What About Wade?
I think at some point with Nexus he needs to win the WWE or WH championship just to cement Nexus as a dominant stable. But like you said its bad timing for that. In other months the world title placement doesnt matter as much, but were coming to wrestlemania where there cant be filler runs.
I think Wade needs to disappear for a little bit. When he returns, he should be independent of the rest of the Nexus crew. While Cena/Ziggler doesn't appear to me to be a long term angle (I suspect that more than anything it was planned to help bring attention to the Tuesday SmackDown special on USA), Barrett and Cena need to be kept apart for a long while. Barrett could be the next real contender for the US Championship, picking up on his rivalry with current champion Bryan. Let him build up momentum in the lower cards for a little while before sneaking him back in the main event in the next year. I think they know that we aren't interested in any more of the current Cena/Barrett feud, but if they play their cards right they could easily come back to it by this time next year and have some fresh matches, provided Barrett improves during the time in between.
I can see Barrett going in one of three directions.

A) He will come back and have to live down the failure of Nexus and try to re-establish himself. While risky and a trickier storyline to work, it could be for the best. However, the right feud will have to come along. Potentially, a feud with Otunga makes sense, as both could blame the other for the failure of the group.

B) He could move to Smackdown! and claim that he is going to be forming a new group, an even more powerful group and will be taking over this show. It would make him look weak to an extent (which can be good for a heel) and it'd also give his story layers. As his group SHOULD be bigger and better, and he'd be able to gain his footing due to the fact that it would essentially be the exact same thing, but have a different feel to it. His adversaries would also have ammo, considering the Nexus failure.

C) He's stays gone for a little while, getting people to wonder what happened to this guy so close to the top of the world. He could then come back at Royal Rumble or whatever PPV is in between the Rumble and WrestleMania this year, and attack either Cena or someone else near the top. He could claim he needed to regroup and take care of some loose ends and that he won't be relying on anyone this go around. Then, he can challenge them for their spot or title, depending on whom it is, and face them at WrestleMania.

All of these could work, some are easier then other. But, realistically, because he was shot to the top so quickly, only few strategic moves seem to help his character, in my opinion.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with him.
Honestly, it seems like Barrett is NOTHING without leading the Nexus or controlling Cena. I think it was a bad idea having no Nexus involvement in last night's RAW because it showed how RAW could still be a good show (possibly better) without this over-drawn, now pointless angle. They need to break the Nexus for good then somehow show Barrett as powerful at Cena's level without having 10 guys attack Cena first. The problem is, Cena's only purpose with the Nexus was to destroy the Nexus which he accomplished and having no Nexus on RAW just pushed the point over more.

Barrett & Cena would be a good angle for Wrestlemania but there is nothing to make it an angle because Cena is done with Barrett and the Nexus angle as of last night. It seems like poor writing to me, unless Nexus is going to make a big impact tonight on the live Smackdown, I wouldn't count on them (or Barrett) for anything in the near future.
I think that Barret has to break up NEXUS, and leave them to a side for him focus a little bit more on the WWE Championship. He could be a great champion if he want it.
i think the best option to continue to push wade barrett with nexus is to have him feud with the undertaker when he comes back. undertaker wanting to get revenge from when they attacked him..have barrett go over taker in the end and then feud with edge for the w.h. title and evetually capturing it to give nexus more credibility as a whole.
all together though nexus should be on smackdown i dont think wade barrett will shine at the moment due to all the new pushes (miz..morrison..etc)
Contrary to what most people believe, this was a great time to end his feud with Cena. The next 2 PPV's are ones that he can be involved in the main event without being in a feud, the Rumble and the Elimination Chamber match. WWE can have him win either and all of a sudden, he has a built in feud with the champion or ex champion.

While I don't think he will win either, he won't leave the main event scene yet. Feuds are always started in the Rumble. Somebody who he throws out, or throws him out could lead to backlash, Otunga is an obvious way to go, with the rest of Nexus forced to side up. A feud with Daniel Bryan could do well. Bryan has that Shawn Michaels ability to make other wrestlers look even better than they are. Plus, letting Barrett compete and hold a belt, if even for a little while, would be a good thing.

And, like I said, Elimination Chamber in February. I could see a switch to Smack Down to help improve their chamber match. Too many names on Raw side with Miz, Morrison, Cena, Orton, Sheamus, and possible returning HHH and Punk. Put him on Smack Down side and add hime to Kane, Edge, Mysterio, Del Rio and Big Show.

One other option is have him team up with Punk. Have him do the majority of the wrestling to ease Punk back in from injury. They obviously have a common enemy in Cena. Orton could be out of the title picture for a couple months. A Cena/Orton vs Barrett/Punk could be new and good for all involved.
I've heard a few rumors that the whole Nexus might jump brands to feud with Show. This should keep Nexus busy 'till Show destroys them, cause Cena didn't completely cast them away.
Well clearly there are going to be problems with Nexus once Taker gets back, so I don't see Nexus completely disbanding. They were doing perfectly well in the main event on Raw, so I don't see why they wouldn't do perfectly well on the main event of Smackdown.

They're going to feud with Taker. This is about as obvious as HHH feuding with Sheamus when he gets back.
Similar to what Calderownz said i could see Barrett moving to Smackdown and taking over with a more bigger,better,stronger establishment.He did have a major part in costing Taker the buried alive match and it was never said why Nexus was involved and it seemed like it was going to a future storyline for when Taker were to come back.So imo it would make sense if Barrett went to Smackdown,besides Smackdown is in need of a major storyline.
OK THIS IS OBVIOUS Nexus is not over. They could not go out like that there is too many questions left like who's the higher power why did they attack undertaker and of course what is their main goal since they formed aka. (the greater picture according to wade barrett). I like the idea that somebody before me said they stay out till royal rumble and wade appears as an entrant along with nexus. They dominate most of it and cena appears and everyone who's not nexus works together against nexus eventually it gets down to cena and barrett with the 30th person coming out and its Triple H. (Note. there have been rumors of him being the leader of nexus). Cena has a smirk on his face with trips looking like he is going to join cena and attack wade but then he turns and joins wade and attacks cena and knocks him out and then wade walks out of the ring and HHH wins. They reveal HHH was the leader and eventually it sets up either cena vs wade or cena vs hhh if cena wins at elimination chamber. Tell me if you think this is what is going to happen cause I honestly think this is going to be the storyline.
Though the Cena-Barrett feud seems to be over, I don't think this is the end of Nexus; there are too many unanswered questions and WWE is not TNA.

I expect their higher purpose/power will be revealed by Wrestlemania, and I have no doubt that will be a major storyline (which will most likely see the return of Mr. McMahon from his Nexus-induced coma.) We may also see the implosion of Nexus depending how their merchandisesales are doing.

Either way, Barrett will find a way to stay relevent; management seems to have a lot of faith in him and I can't imagine him being dropped after an epic feud with the company's biggest draw. However, I find the prospect of Barrett vs. Undertaker a little worrying.

Barrett is great, but after his recent loss he doesn't have enough time to make himself seem like a credible threat to Undertaker's streak. Plus, this match isn't big enough for Undertaker as he's coming to the end of his carear.
I don't know what to think of Barrett at this time. In one way I'd like to see him drop off for a short while and maybe take the US title from Bryan, but I can't shake the feeling that removing him from the main event scene now might hurt him for a long time.

I really like Barrett's potential. Maybe, just maybe, they should take Nexus off tv for a short while and restructure them. They could come back with a healthy Sheffield, and perhaps a stand out talent from the current NXT show (Is their one? I haven't watched it.). After that, they could attack Cena out of the blue, finally putting him out for a minute. Once they finally do go over Cena, Barrett could take the championship, go on a little run and face Cena upon his return.

I don't know. It's just an idea. I'd like to see Nexus and Barrett actually going over Cena, because they really never did. In the grand scheme, it was a multi-month feud that consisted of nothing but Cena going over Nexus time and time again...
Though the Cena-Barrett feud seems to be over, I don't think this is the end of Nexus; there are too many unanswered questions and WWE is not TNA.

I expect their higher purpose/power will be revealed by Wrestlemania, and I have no doubt that will be a major storyline (which will most likely see the return of Mr. McMahon from his Nexus-induced coma.) We may also see the implosion of Nexus depending how their merchandisesales are doing.

Either way, Barrett will find a way to stay relevent; management seems to have a lot of faith in him and I can't imagine him being dropped after an epic feud with the company's biggest draw. However, I find the prospect of Barrett vs. Undertaker a little worrying.

Barrett is great, but after his recent loss he doesn't have enough time to make himself seem like a credible threat to Undertaker's streak. Plus, this match isn't big enough for Undertaker as he's coming to the end of his carear.

I totally agree with you here. Barrett is the MOST relevant one in Nexus. I cannot foresee why they would push him to the back and have the others be the forefront, if that is the case, why would they have named him winner of NXT season one? To me that would totally go against the reason of him winning. Win or lose, he is THE force to be reckoned with. After watching many of his FCW matches, he has IT. I agree, each member of Nexus has something they bring. But Barrett is a full package of talent, mic skills, braun, and sheer fight. I agree that some of his in-ring work is a bit rough, but bear in mind, he's from the bare-knuckles background and that is a rough training if you've ever known people who do that. In many other interviews I've read that Cena has spoken highly of him, and he has spoken highly of Cena. No one would've elevated him that highly if they didn't think he was that capable. I don't think he's going to be pushed out that easily. Like many before me have said, each member of Nexus will probably end up doing some mid-card thing. Exception going to Hasky, and Mackelcuddy (pardon the Cena reference...I just love those names) with their family legacy behind them, they will more than likely land in a cushy spot somewhere on the roster. But Barrett does possess immense talent and will get gold sooner rather than later. I can only hope that he's not the one left in limbo and we are left to watch as Lackey Riley gets to soak in Miz's limelight, I would say "Please WWE creative, Barrett won for a reason, and let's not lose sight of that. There is more to him than just becoming a one trick pony." I can only hope this new light with CM Punk will bring new air to the Barrett side. I for one happen to enjoy seeing what Barrett brings to the table and would be sad to see less of him on WWE.
wade and nexus need to disappear from tv for a couple of weeks and then turn up and invade smackdown - nothing is mentioned in commentary except they've gone - no sign of them . wade challenges edge for the title and trhe undertaker when he returns interferes with the match giving edge the win - this could set up a wrestlemania match barrett vs undertaker barrett stating as undertaker did to hbk if you loose you leave - it also gives the other members of nexus to feud with kane big show rey etc even re unite the brothers of destruction
i think theyre gonna have Nexus off tv for a little bit at least to sell the "injuries" inflicted on Barrett and the rest of them. But i think they will be back eventually. Sooner or later the storyline will have to end.
no idea on how he'll be brought back. this is WWE 2010, not WWF 1998 to expect really the unexpected. as others have shared their thoughts/ideas, i may as well do the same. i think the best way to bring Barrett back is:

i think you just gotta bring the Nexus in the same way they did that one night where they attacked everyone around the ring. bring them in a "shoot" fashion where it's basically "look we tried to play by your rules and we looked like idiots, now we're doing this on our own". that's the only time they honestly looked powerful/relevant. sort of like when the nWo started out, jumping people, but just doing it and running, no "circle the dude and beat them up", use weapons, destroy them. make their matches "non sanctioned" matches. do basically what Cena did, but in a more violent fashion. i think to put over Barrett, they just have to destroy Cena, keep him off tv for a few weeks/months before Mania or so.

this group, if it stays together, needs credibility it lost when the "rebel group" turned into "just another stable"
I kinda wanted to see a Darren Young vs Wade Barret fued,maybe Nexus vs guys like D Young who are midcard faces who are currently doing nothing (Big Zeke,Tatsui,Mark Henry,Kofi Kingston).Bring back Skip Shepfield,Michael Tarver and have them rejoin Nexus to make it stronger.Tweek it to your liking but thats what Wade Barret & Co.'s next fued should look like
Despite being absent from RAW this week and their feud with John Cena looking like it's over, there are still a couple of unanswered questions with the Nexus, namely;

Why did they attack the Undertaker? and What is 'the bigger picture'?

With the Undertaker attack there's been speculation that it will lead to a Barrett/Taker match at Wrestlemania. I can't see that happening because how are Wade or the Nexus meant to be any kind of threat to the Streak when John Cena beat them so handily? Why would the Undertaker have any problems doing what Cena did? Plus moving them to Smackdown right after being given the runaround by Cena would make them look weak:


"Oh really? Well I've got John Cena on speed dial and he's gonna come whoop all your skanky asses."

As for the 'bigger picture' you can only assume that means a 'Higher Power' type figure who will turn out to the mastermind behind the Nexus. If they go down this route though it will probably only serve to undermine Barrett's leadership, and whoever is really in charge will become the focal point of whatever feud they enter into. It's going to be really difficult to re-establish the Nexus' dominance now that they've been figuratively castrated by Cena.

To be honest, I'd forget both the Undertaker attack and the 'bigger picture' and concentrate on making the Nexus credible again. I'd send them after Bryan Danielson because they've got history and they could put on some decent matches between them. I'd continue with Barrett and David Otunga not trusting each other, and Otunga looking to challenge Wade's authority all the time. And I'd try developing feuds for the other members of Nexus as well, instead of just throwing them into random matches here and there.
It's hard to say what WWE will have up their sleeve for Wade Barrett right now. He's most likely gonna be off television at least 1 or 2 additional episodes to sell the whole deal. But after that, I don't exactly know what WWE will have planned for him.

He could easily slide back to just being a dominating guy in the main event with The Nexus and beat up various people. It doesn't seem that lightly because it would just be running in circles for Nexus, and most importantly Wade.

And of course there's just letting them do some actual wrestling. Maybe give Wade Barrett a few of the mid-carders to work with. Obviously it would bring him down a bit, but there's really nothing else to offer Wade right now. Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton won't be happening any time soon again, neither will John Cena vs Wade Barrett. There's nobody else for him to really work with, considering John Morrison is gonna be busy with Miz.

So, the only possible thing right now seems some kind of floating around and fighting some of the mid-carders like Bryan Danielson and whomever they want to throw in the direction of Wade and The Nexus.
What's next for Barrett? I expect him to still be featured very prominantly. He was a part of the "Tribute to the Troops" Main Event tag team match. The announcers made a point of pushing how tough he was repeatedly during the match after he had been "buried" under chairs at TLC. So basically, it was 3 days off of TV for Barrett, before he made his return in a Main Event. Id say thats pretty prominent myself.

As for where he's headed, I think contrary to popular belief, Undertaker's return will not lead to another feud with Kane. Rather, Undertaker will appear to feud with the people, and most noteably, person, who buried him alive. That would be Nexus, and Wade Barrett specifically. Barrett specifically discussed that there was a reason for why they buried the Undertaker, which David Otunga re-iterated. I expect that to be a feud down the line, possibly at Wrestlemania if Taker's healthy.

Right now, Barrett will be re-grouping. I don't believe that the end of Nexus will be at the hands of John Cena. I believe that Nexus will combust from within. Barrett will attemptt to re-assert his control over Nexus, and they will realize he's abandoned them at every turn. The in-fighting within the group will lead to a feud heading into the Rumble, with Barrett ultimately emerging victorious and cementing his place as a top heel. He'll be one of the last to go in the Rumble, and will be a part of The Raw Elimination Chamber.

He won't win either, but he'll stay on the cusp of the main event scene until a relevant feud comes along, perhaps with Randy Orton, if Undertaker isn't healthy. Nexus and Barrett were ultimately responsible for softening Orton up that allowed Miz to take the WWE Championship from Orton. Miz and Orton likely had their blow-off match on Smackdown, so id expect in the here and now for Orton to attempt to exact revenge on those who cost him the title. Wade Barrett lead the charge, so he will likely be Orton's target. I expect a Barrett/Orton feud, which we got a taste of for the title. However, it was very secondary to the Cena/Nexus angle, so no proper Barrett/Orton feud was done. I expect once Barrett re-groups and exerts control or domination over Nexus that his next feud will be with Randy Orton.

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