What If: The British Bulldog


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What If: The British Bulldog turned on Bret Hart, and sided with Jim Neidhart and Owen Hart, at the 1994 Summerslam?

After watching the 1994 Cage match, and seeing the ending it really set-up a two against two feud with the Anvil and the King of Harts against the British Bulldog and the Hitman, but the real ideal question is.. what if the Bulldog would've turned on Bret, siding with Owen as well? Truth is, Bulldog didn't get much of a push after helping Bret (neither did Anvil regarding Owen, for that matter) but instead of Bob Backlund against Bret Hart at that following Survivor Series, I could've easily seen a 6 man tag, or even a Survivor Series elimination match with all the Harts.

It could've been Bret Hart, along with Keith and Bruce (whom were in the 93 Survivor Series) against Owen, Bulldog and the Anvil. OR, it could've been Bret, Keith, Bruce & possibly another well known Superstar against Owen Hart, Bulldog, Anvil & Bob Backlund. Either way, I don't see how the Backlund storyline benefitted anyone, short of Kevin Nash, who had nothing to do with the Hart Family saga.

Furthermore, I'm fine with Nash against H.B.K. at Mania XI, however, instead of Nash against Hart at the Royal Rumble, it could've easily been Bulldog (heel) against Diesel, or Bulldog against Bret. I think the British Bulldog missed out on a good opportunity to turn heel, when he decided to stay face. What are everyone else's thoughts?

Another possible outcome would've been Owen Hart actually winning the W.W.F. Championship, with the help of his Brother-in-Laws, only to drop it to Diesel, still continuing with that type of storyline, and having Bret cost Owen the title. I mean they really could've went so many other directions with this, that could've helped benefit Owen Hart and the British Bulldog, instead of Bob Backlund. What are everyone's thoughts?
It's possible I suppose. I'm not really that huge on WWF from 1995, partially because of the title scene at the time. Having the Bulldog go heel and win the title could have been very interesting. He and Owen could have had a title match at an In Your House that could have been interesting to say the least. Both would have been transitional at best though which I think is best for everyone. I'd like to see both with the belt as they're both great midcarders that I would have like to see given a shot at the main event. A heel turn could have been great to see the domino effect that follows.
I think this would have been a great term due to a couple things.
First, it would have been refreshing for the Bulldog. He was one of my favorites at the time and his look was always better with the long hair imo. He never did much after this and that's a shame because he was a pretty good wrestler. Think back to one of the best IC title matches ever when he beat Bret Hart for it. A heel turn would have been a good change for him and it might have even catapulted him into the main event and a future world title run, which it is a shame that he would never get.
Another reason was, they could have turned him and had Owen win. His is a guy that I really don't understand how he was never a world champ after being pushed in the main event so hard and having an awesome feud with his brother. I think he could have been one of the top heel champions and led a stable of his own, which as I said might well have resulted in Bulldog breaking out and becoming world champ.
This could have prevented the bulldog from signing with WCW years later, thus having him not perform at Fall Brawl where he broke his back.

The Bulldog would still be alive with us today, accepting his name into the hall of fame in the later years where he would grow old.

This could have also catapulted Owen into main event status and he would not have ever became the blue blazer....Owen would have inducted Bret into the hall of fame and the world of pro wrestling might be a lot better off.

Endless scenarios here....
I would have loved Bulldog to turn heel because like Big Will says they did nothing with him after the cage match. I would have loved to have seen Bret vs Davey for the WWF Title at SSeries 1994. Mybe even Bulldog win and they have Bulldog/Diesel for the title at The Rumble in 95, loosing to Nash then him going on and having his reign for nearly a year when Bret wins it back at SSeries 95. I hated the Diesel/HBK match at WMXI. I also hated the match Bret had too at that WM. Poor booking by Vince to be honest

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