WCW Finals: Chris Benoit vs. The Undertaker

Chris Benoit vs. The Undertaker

  • Rabid Wolverine

  • Phenom

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Chris Benoit would make the Undertaker tapout. Undertaker only wins most matches because people are afraid of him. Chris Benoit would NOT be afraid of Taker. Even if he didnt win via submission he'd suplex Taker's ass to death. Taker is a great wrestler in his own right but he's not much of a technical move reverser. In all likelyness Benoit would suplex Taker silly, then lock in the crippler crossface. Undertaker wouldnt be able to hit any of his high impact power moves because Chris is too fast and he'd reverse them. (likely into a suplex or crossface)

Vote Benoit

This may be the most biased Benoit post I have ever seen, Taker has only tapped once in his entire career and the match ended in a draw, so the odds of Benoit making Taker submit are pretty slim, it doesn't matter if Benoit is afraid of Taker or not, Taker has proven in the past that he can beat Benoit, even after Benoit had the Radicalz jump Taker and injure his knee right before the match, Taker still went out wrestled a hell of a match and won, Taker is also much larger than Benoit so just relying on suplexs to beat Taker would burn Benoit out, it takes a lot of energy to suplex a guy who's roughly about a 100 lbs heavier than you, and Taker hits his high impact moves on everyone, you do realize Taker isn't the bald one dressing in red right?
I love me some Chris Benoit. I really do. It's a shame what years of numerous concussions and steroids will do to you and your family.

However, Benoit loses here. He'll put up a fight, or his name wouldn't be the "Rabid Wolverine." His arguably strongest hitting move, the suplexes, don't help him here. The Undertaker is so large, do you think he could get 3 of those off in a row? And even if he did, 3 in a row only really ever put down the mid-carders, or the odd main-event player. No way does Benoit land the German Suplexes.

Ok, now you have the Crossface. Holy shit, what a finisher. It's put down the greats, and the likes of HBK and Triple H have chosen to recreate it on their own. But really, a submission hold to take down the man who has never tapped? (You don't know how hard I fought not to capitalize that last bit, lulz.) Sorry Benoit, that isn't gonna work.

Now you have his last possible choice, the Headbutt. To use the Headbutt, the opponent has to, you know, stay down. The only times I remember Undertaker staying on his back longer than 5 seconds were after he was jumped or when he down right alongside his opponent doing the "Oh my gawd, we hurt each other a whole lot" spot. If Benoit can even set up the move, he might as well avoid the time it takes to do that and try the Crossface. It'd do more damage.

It pains me, but vote Undertaker. DO IT.
Chris Benoit would make the Undertaker tapout. Undertaker only wins most matches because people are afraid of him. Chris Benoit would NOT be afraid of Taker. Even if he didnt win via submission he'd suplex Taker's ass to death. Taker is a great wrestler in his own right but he's not much of a technical move reverser. In all likelyness Benoit would suplex Taker silly, then lock in the crippler crossface. Undertaker wouldnt be able to hit any of his high impact power moves because Chris is too fast and he'd reverse them. (likely into a suplex or crossface)

Vote Benoit

The fear argument doesn't work here. Look at all the guys who faced Taker completely unafraid, and got beat.

Shawn Michaels
Jeff Hardy
The Great Khali

The list goes on and on. Benoit may not be afraid of Taker before the match, but he would be afterwords, as he slowly regains conciousness in the middle of the ring, Taker long gone after his win.
And here's where Kayfabe takes a big shit in the ring for us all to step in. Clearly we can see from the match they had, that has already been posted, that Chris Benoit is more than capable of absolutely tearing Mean Mark's joints to shreds, and repeatedly keeping him on the ground largely negating his advantages. It's also shows that Booger Red (ugh) and his soup bones (double ugh) won with a roll up. A ROLL UP. And not even the tasty fruit kind... just the boring wrestling one. Though I guess the other kind would be a foreign (and delicious) object.

Angle got him to tap out. FACT. Close your eyes and plug your ears all you want, it still happened. Yes, it didn't end a match in a lose for Undie (I call him 'Undie' you know like UnderTaker or Underwear, two things that can both be full of shit) but what's with the horseshit of people choosing to talk about it as if it "doesn't count" because it's not an official lose in the books, thereby maintaining their precious "he never lost via tap out" argument. It's not up to you. You don't get to not count it. It happened. You saw it. It's been recorded. It can be replayed whenever needed. Did the submission not make the man tap? Did it not show that an applied force to a specific joint is enough to elicit a match ending response? Are we to believe that Chris Benoit can not duplicate that same effect or output that same force to produce a similar result? God by that logic whatever isn't written down in official history books must also be of the false, erroneous, "didn't happen", "doesn't count", type nonsense. Not to mention the entire "he doesn't tap" argument is predicated on the booking of the match... What's to say this match won't be booked to have him tap. Clearly they already booked it to show it could happen, he just got lucky as it resulted in a draw. The next time it certainly could be a lose...

Oh wait, how silly of me... his "prime" is the Deadman etc. etc. etc. and he's some superhuman zombie, undead ...thing, with magical lightning powers, that doesn't tap (undead joints dontcha' know), can't stay down for more than five seconds -BTW who ever said that is a blind moron-, that can't be killed, and if he does you know.. get killed (triple ugh) can rise from the dead, and send opponents to hell in return. To. Hell. Really people....? Really? Do you even realize how fucking stupid that sounds. By the way this must be WWE Universe Hell, or maybe just Pro Wrestling Hell not normal people Hell, because as Edge showed you can actually come back from being sent there. By the by, for what he did wouldn't Benoit also be in hell? So shouldn't he also be some newly risen from the grave, eternally damned soulless abomination of all that is good and holy; a hell spawned undead super zombie Chris Benoit now filled with murderous rage and a lust for blood? Cause in that case Benoit would beat Undie's ass even more... probably even kill him. Good thing he can rise from his grave like the guys from Altered Beast.
After a long absense of not posting i am back.

Undertaker in my opinion is the superior wrestler in this match. He can beat you in so many different ways from the tombstone, chokeslam, last ride and hells gates. Benoit in his prime is a fierce competitor but his biggest weapon is the crossface, how many times have you seen the Undertaker tap out? With that said i cant see the Undertaker losing this one.

Undertaker wins.
Benoit is a great wrestler, but not in the league of the Undertaker. Taker is overall better then Benoit. Not only can Taker be the big man, he can brawl with the best, and then make you tap out with a couple different submissions. Taker wins easy here in my opinion.
I'm gonna say Chris Benoit. Benoit is a WAY better wrestler than the Undertaker and can reverse all of Taker's moves with ease! Plus Chris is far more determined and always gives his all! And Chris is also Canadian, :D that is something Undertaker is not!
I'm gonna say Chris Benoit. Benoit is a WAY better wrestler than the Undertaker

No he isn't. He's only better when it comes to technical wrestling and maybe submission. But other than those 2 things The Undertaker is better than Chris Benoit in just about everyother aspect of pro-wrestling.

and can reverse all of Taker's moves with ease!

Not really. He might be able to reverse some but not all.

Plus Chris is far more determined

Really? How is he far more determined? Please enlighten me on that.

and always gives his all!

And Undertaker doesn't?

And Chris is also Canadian, :D

And this is relevant because...?

that is something Undertaker is not!

And Chris Benoit is not from Texas and for that matter American. That's something The Undertaker is and Chris Benoit never will be.
Chris Benoit had a great run in this thing, and I'm voting for him just because he's so far behind I don't foresee him catching back up to the Undertaker. I am, however, going to begin on explaining why the Undertaker isn't as great as people are pushing him to be.

This is meant to be the Prime Undertaker, right? So what Taker would that be, exactly? Because his best year's have arguably been within the 2000 decade, not the early 90's.

In the early 90's, he was nothing more than a freakshow/stage act. He came out with spooky music, a creepy manager, an urn, and unimaginable powers that made him roughly like all the rest of the Superstars from that era - no selling cheap pieces of shit. (You know it's true)

So the guy could sit up, and seemingly be impervious to pain. Doesn't mean he was never beaten. If you're going off the Taker that largely relied on his immortal powers, then you have to factor in how one-tracked he could get whenever someone focused on getting the urn.

He's lost to the likes of Tatanka, Kama, and lesser named individuals, all because they've found ways around his mystical powers. Are you telling me Chris Benoit can't figure out how to do that? Please.

Taker has strength and I'd arguably say he's just as quick as Benoit, but once again if this is the really Old School Undertaker, then it's the slow moving, easily escapable version that anyone and everyone could just hit and duck.

IN the end, the Undertaker will win as obvious by the votes. But Chris Benoit could easily defeat him in this style of match. Why? Mainly because everyone else seemingly found great ways around Taker's unbeatable character, in tournament match-ups.
If you're referring to the Undertaker cica 1990-1995, then yes, I believe Benoit could beat him. It wouldn't be easy, probably still taking everything Benoit had and Benoit still wouldn't be able to make him tap. However, I think Benoit's overall superior athleticism to Taker at the time, coupled with his determination and knowledge could be enough to get a win over Taker by means of a surprise roll up or sunset flip.

Could Benoit beat the Undertaker of the past 10 or 12 years? Not a chance. While he's not as "invulnerable" as he was in the early years of his career, Taker has still become tougher overall by improving himself. He's in better physical condition, he's faster, more agile, possibly stronger and doesn't just rely on overwhelming, sheer brute force. He's had to adapt to high flyers, brawlers, powerhouses, technicians and guys that have a little bit of everything rolled together. Benoit's biggest moves were the diving headbutt and the crippler crossface and they're nothing Taker can't handle. As I said in a post during the match with Sting, Taker has withstood offense and big finishing moves, many of which, are substantially greater than anything Chris Benoit had. He doesn't have anything to keep the Taker from the past decade or so down.

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