Val Venis & His Mouth.

The problem is, who cares, the backstage stuff is barely any of our business anyway. If melina did sleep with Knox/Batista, is that ANY buisness of ours? No, not in the very least. Thats jersey shore crap, it doesnt make us seem like insiders, it makes us look like teenager girls arguing over bieber. How about Venis stop trying to grab attention, and go directly to Morrison if its that serious. MANY wrestlers cheat on their spouses, melina is not any different. BUT she is an adult. Grow up peeps
tis but a work. These are wrestlers, stirring shit is what they do. I bet the Melina/trish thing is a work. Shit I believe that 90% of the montreal screwjob is a work.

These guys are carney bastards at heart.


It's not a work. The definition of a work is a situation being created or exaggerated for the purpose of being used to fuel a feud or a storyline and ultimately to make money off of. Val Venis is not an active competitor, which means NOTHING he says or does is a work.

I think Val is absolutely right, Morrison is a punk. I love him as a talent, but to hitch his wagon to Melina is completely moronic.
My main problem with this is how Val seems to take a situation that I'm sure he doesn't have a great idea of information about and blows it to huge proportions.

Should Morrison have given Trish the "cold shoulder"? Of course not! Is it a huge deal? Of course not! So much politics have gone on in the world of wrestling for years so why is Morrison being a little upset about it a big deal?

If we wouldn't have heard the reports here not one of us would have had any clue about this situation at all. It wasn't evident during the match itself and we saw basically all we needed to out of a time limited match. In my opinion, if Morrison denied Trish's ideas it certainly wasn't to get himself over as he barely got any time in the ring.

If Val(Sean) really thinks he is gaining any respect by sounding ignorant with a vulgar internet video I have to question his motives. Even if he is right he went about it in the wrong way and could have sounded much more professional than he came off. I have appreciated much of his columns and work but really feel like he his beating a dead horse with this one and went about it in the wrong way.
I see this as what VKM Would say if he was NOT A BILLIONAIRE.
It's out there in the locker room, people know this is Vince's playground.
Vince's opinion runs the show.
Not Melina's or anyone else's.
Trish brings more to Vince's table, that's that.
Morley says what the boss can't get away with saying. Not in a public forum anyway.
Who's business is it? Vince's business.
Who doesn't have the right to say whatever they think? No one.
I don't care who anyone sleeps with, and that's not really what this is about to me.
Is she right? I guess we'll never know.

It's not a work. The definition of a work is a situation being created or exaggerated for the purpose of being used to fuel a feud or a storyline and ultimately to make money off of. Val Venis is not an active competitor, which means NOTHING he says or does is a work.

I think Val is absolutely right, Morrison is a punk. I love him as a talent, but to hitch his wagon to Melina is completely moronic
No, the definition of a work is just "working" someone. CM Punk talks about how he loves to work everyone. On the indies he said he "worked" (his words here and he knows more about wrestling than you) his former employee into thinking he was some sort of chemist.

How many legitimate wrestlers have you known or met? The ones I've met will do characters for the drive through at McDonalds, crank call their own mom and act like they're dying, they work each other all the time in the back.

As Hulk Hogan says LIFE is a work.
let me start by saying tht im prolly the biggest morrison mark on here and im a huge fan of tht i took care of tht while i think val might have gone a little too far he really was speaking the truth in tht vid i never heard anything about melina fucking mike knox but i did hear about batista and i always wondered y jomo never did and/or said anything about it honestly it seems like hes VERY whipped by melina and honestly i think he should dump her she seems like a bitch off screen and im sure he could find another chick whos hot and can do a split :shrug: i think if morrison doesnt dump melina its gonna b the end of his career :disappointed: he screwed himself maybe next time he will learn not to disrespect 1 of the top people in wwe
Telling it like it is while defending one of his good friends in Trish Stratus isn't wrong at all. I've heard for years that Morrison and Melina have always been whiny superstars, and this is no different. While I am a fan of Morrison, he has accomplished NOTHING to earn the right to snub Trish the way he did. Diva or not, Trish is a legend in the wrestling business, and her input should always be valued. Melina wasn't even a little bit relevant at the time Trish came back. How am I supposed to believe that Melina got snubbed? Kelly Kelly got snubbed in favor of Snooki, and we didn't hear a damn thing about Kelly complaining. If Venis is fired up about this, then he has a right to say whatever he wants (no matter how drunk he is). Just because Morrison is fun to watch in the ring, and lots of people want him to be champion in the near future, doesn't mean he's a good person and doesn't mean he didn't deserve what Venis said.
ok... lets look at ALL of this. Batista metioned the relationship in his book. its been reported that its been anywhere between 3-5 wrestlers that Melina had been involved with and Morrison would accompany them on dates. been also reported that Vince McMahon himself thinks so little of Morrison as a man for just letting all this occur in front of him. Giving Trish a cold shoulder wont do you any favors with management...ESPECIALLY this close to possible roster cuts. Honestly if Melina & Morrison were released, it wouldn't impact WWE much.

As for what Sean "Val Venis" Morley had said, if you look past the profanity, there is alot of merit to his words. If Melina wants a spot, earn it...she cant even get on RAW anymore so what makes her think she will get on the biggest show of the year?
Maybe val didn`t choose the rights words and got over the top but he is absolutely right. Both Morrison and Melina should the head out of their a**, this thing has not done them any favors. All in all, very entertaining vid.
ok... lets look at ALL of this. Batista metioned the relationship in his book. its been reported that its been anywhere between 3-5 wrestlers that Melina had been involved with and Morrison would accompany them on dates. been also reported that Vince McMahon himself thinks so little of Morrison as a man for just letting all this occur in front of him. Giving Trish a cold shoulder wont do you any favors with management...ESPECIALLY this close to possible roster cuts. Honestly if Melina & Morrison were released, it wouldn't impact WWE much.

As for what Sean "Val Venis" Morley had said, if you look past the profanity, there is alot of merit to his words. If Melina wants a spot, earn it...she cant even get on RAW anymore so what makes her think she will get on the biggest show of the year?

Val is definitely one to know about losing his spot. He first debuted around the same time that Edge did. While both were popular, it was Edge and not him that had the staying power. Val could not evolve past his pornstar gimmick, unfortunately.

And like a few other posters have said, Vince has to think that John is a weak man for not having the cojones to do anything about the other men involved in his relationships. There is a such thing as people having open relationships, for all we know maybe she lets him have sex with whomever he likes as well. However, because of Vince's age he will think ill of it no matter what. The older generation has traditional values.
Is Morrison a punk for disrespecting Trish? Yes. Does he deserve to be criticized? Yes.

Is Sean Morley a pompous jackass that spends more time dragging out the dirty laundry of others in a attempt to get unwarranted attention? HELL YES.

He drags out the Hardys background in trampoline wrestling and insults their ring work by saying that "it doesn't take skill to jump off a ladder, you just need to be stupid." Well done, Senor Penis, with that argument you pretty much dismissed the majority of Mick Foley's career along with hardcore wrestling in general. This attack had nothing to do with the Hardys misbehaving in TNA, it was just a cheap shot to sound "off-the-cuff" and "hard-hitting."

Similarly, dragging out Melina's sex life has nothing to do with her in-ring and promo work as a Diva. It is completely irrelevant to the situation between her, JoMo, and Trish. Maybe I'm wrong, but when Mark Madden criticizes TNA, he doesn't use irrelevant incidents involving the people he's criticizing to smear them. He sticks to the point!

Morley should follow the example of another Matt Hardy trasher, Paul London. London decided to stop the YouTube war and walk away, because he realized he was making himself look just as petty and foolish as the guy he was criticizing. Morley has tripled this stupidity with the YT vids, the tweets, and now this job at WZ that he can't update on a regular basis. I have no respect for this tosser.
I'm not gonna lie, I really enjoyed watching Val tell it like it is.
I mean yeah I guess it really wasn't his business to blurt out all of that on camera, but hey, it's not like he really LIED about anything.
Is Melina a ****? Probably yes (i say probably because I don't know her personally)
Does she need to earn a spot on the roster and not cry and bitch about it? Of course
Is Trish far better than Melina? Not even contestable
Is Morrison an idiot for snubbing her? Again, of course.

Venus had some pretty spot on points, the language was of course questionable but some wrestlers are so afraid of doing this and it backfiring on them that I'm glad Venus had the balls to say this stuff and genuinely mean it (or at least it looked like it)

All in all I have to agree with Venus, Morrison is an idiot for being with Melina and really just needs to apologize to Trish and accept the business for what it is, when Melina starts to NOT suck, THEN he can snub divas all he wants but until then, he needs to know his role. And hers as well.
Haha Sean Morley is hilarious. I like the fact he buried Morrison and Melina like that. Melina is ugly to me and I dont know why shes even on tv. Her look isnt that good and thats why she is with pro wrestlers. The only part I dont agree with is Morley defending Trish so hard just because they are buds and both canadian or whatever. Eve Torres is way hotter than Melina Or Trish and she was left out of a match at mania and she was the womens champ at the time. Also I like how Morley dared Morrison to fight. John Morrison won tough enough and now look at him , being punked by an old washed up Rick Rude copy cat.
Some completely ******ed posts here... people dont seem to realise that John expressed his opinion on the match up choice and gave someone the cold shoulder... end of the day...we watched the match! and there wasnt anything wrong with it! Why the fuck are people complaining?

Its like playing football/soccer and finding out even though there is someone whos regular and practicing hard making a name for themselves doesnt get a chance, but a well known person gets the call up just for being...well...well known? What happens? They may act somewhat coldly towards the person, but in the end? They have to move on and get on with the job, and thats exactly what John did! He wrestled and put on a show! Trish has done her job, lets leave it at that?

Vals opinion on this was just swearing and labeling...sorta represents the smarks on these forums towards John Cena IMO...
Why doesnt Val Venis/Sean Morley have the right to an opinion.

Val is completely and utterly right with everything he has said, even i have lost a lot of respect for Morrison recently.

Venis is right saying that it is Vince's spot and he needs to chose somoene to pick for that spot to make the most money.

Trish is a far bigger draw even after being away for some time than Melina is right now.
And WWE needed to advertise the new tough enough series, where trish is a trainer.

John Morrison will have made a fair bit of money from the match so he needs to stop being a pussy and get on with trying to forge a good wwe career, something he wont do for a while with the current heat on him.

Val Venis has more respect now than Morrison will ever have for talking the truth.
I thought it was a great shoot, straight from the hip! Val told it like it is and didnt hold back. Everything he said was spot on. Morrison hasnt held the big one yet, and while I appreciate his ability in the ring, he just isnt believable as a champion. He has the personality of a fish finger and as a man he is small. Letting Batista sleep with his Girlfriend and doing nothing BUT giving Trish Stratus the cold shoulder for apparently taking her shows this guy has no nuts at all.

This wasnt Melinas spot anyway. Shes a heel, it would of made no sense. If anyone should be annoyed it should be Kelly Kelly because it looked like it could be her spot. Beth Pheonix and Natalya also have reason to be pissed as they are much higher up the food chain than Melina, but dont be pissed at Trish, its Vince and WWE Management who amde the call.

Anyway, I wouldnt shed a tear if Melina or Morrison were cut in the up coming clean out. Morrisons should be on TNA, great 'wrestler' but zero personality. He would fit in well with AJ Styles.
Regardless of weather or not Morley was "right" to make this vid there is alot of truth in his words.When she was passed over for the spot at Mania,she should have looked at the reasons why(the fact she was/is a heel is irrelevant,if WWE had wanted to use her in the match they could easily engineered a face turn a few weeks before).She's not over enough,lacks in ring talent, completely froze on commentary during her feud with Natalya and just all in all didn't deserve it.Hell,what even makes her think she was in line for the spot if Trish hadn't done it?What about current Woman's champ Eve.Surely as champion she had a more right to be involved than Meliana? Natalya and Beth Pheonix would also be ahead of her in the line.
As for Morrison,he should have acted professionally.He may not have liked it but guess what?That's his job.
How do we know Morrison and Melina snubbed Trish? How do we know it was because of WrestleMania and not because they don't like her? How do we know Mike Knox went with Melina? According to Wiki, JoMo and Melina have not been a couple since prior to Batista, how do we know this is not the case? This is only a what if, but maybe the reason John doesn't react to Melina's (alleged) 'indiscretions' is that he is actually homosexual. What does JoMo and Melina's past history have to do with WrestleMania - if they were happily married with no infidelities, would it make any difference?

I'm not a fan of either JoMo (his matches only seem to lead up to the latest parkour spot) or Melina (walking sick note), but everyone seems to be taking Morley's comments as gospel. Not once during his rant does he provide any backup to the 'facts' he's presenting.

If he wanted to say JoMo and Melina were unprofessional - fine; if he wants to point out why he thinks Trish was more deserving of a spot on the WM card - that's his right. He crosses the line by going 'behind the curtain', kayfabe might have reduced but it has not completely vanished. However, most people perceive it to be and the comments made by Morley are being regarded as factual and are discrediting people in their private lives. As a manager in a major company, comments of this nature would result in severe conduct - whether factual or not, because it's none of his or anyone else's damn business.
Do you think the WWE take into account what he is saying about co-workers and punish him?

They will. I think they have to, simply because they are a publicly traded company. With that, they have an image to protect. Especially with the PG rating they currently go with.

Do you think this guy worth the resign as a producer with his constant slander of the Es talent?

I think that he simply needs to be sat down and told how to behave. These were backstage situations that should have stayed that way. I'm sure he's a decent talent backstage, but he needs to make sure to handle himself as a professional and as a proper representative of the company.

I think that he should be warned. If it doesn't shape up, he should get the axe.

Do you think Val is begging attention because he is involved in a hugely famous company but working at the non famous ranks? (Backstage producer)

Possibly. I also just think he's a bit of an old timer that doesn't like how some of the boys in the back might be getting a little soft. Regardless, he has to move past that point as this isn't a great example for some of the younger talent.

While I think that he makes some valid points, he needs to address the issues in a more straight-forward manner.
How can Val call Melina a "****"? Wasn't Val Venus a porn star before being a wrestler? Doesn't that make him the real "****" in this situation.

Venus is someone who just needs to talk shit so he can get his name onto the dirtsheets to make him feel important or relevant in wrestling. Val Venus was not even relevant when he was wrestling in WWE or TNA.

Will WWE punish him? Probably not, they may just tell him to curb his potty mouth, but to be honest I guess most people didn't know he was still linked with the WWE, I certainly didn't.

Finally to all the people saying Jomo should leave Melina. Have you seen this woman? She is superbly hot and can get into some fantastic positions that I am sure Jomo is enjoying. I say to Jomo, just strap it up and live your fantasies with her. Just don't make a ho a housewife!
Okay, The facts, since that seems to be what most people are ignoring here.

Melina sleeping with ANYONE, including Morrison, is none of our concern. That crap is for lonely tabloid people to sit around and debate. I thought this was Wrestling, not Flavor of Love or the Bachelor. This is the same crap as Matt/Edge/Lita, as Lita stated in her interview on Byte this, Let her entertain you for two hours on monday, and let her live her life.
You people judging, and speaking on her sexual/Personal lives dont make you any different than paparazzi stalking britney spears, which is sad.

Those of you defending Val and his ''Truth'' seem to not understand that, it goes to Morrison/Melina as well. If Melina came out and interfered with a beat down of Morriosn from Ziggler or Laycool, we have NO IDEA how much the crowd would pop for that or not. So to automatically say ''She isn't over'' or is ''Irrelevant'' is ignorant talk, since even the match that Wwe cared so much to put on with Trish barely got 5 minutes of attention, and Morrison/Ziggler didnt even get any time in. So if they cared so much about trish, Why not give her more time. Its a power play for Tough enough, and If Morrison/Melina spoke against it, what ,makes them ANY different than Val going on a rant about it?

Its not like their rookies, Morrison goes back to Tough enough and the Bishoff days as well as Melina, and you guys say ''Earn your spot'' as if she's been there for 3 days. The Bellas get more screen time than Melina AND have the divas title. Why? Who knows, Melina paid more dues than them both, and she isnt the champ. So that renders the fact of a earned ''Spot'' moot.

3: Should Morrison/Melina be punished for speaking up, NO, depending how they approached it. If you are dissatisfied for someone getting a promotion over you, and your curious of why, you speak up. Thats how jobs work. Entertainment or not.

I respect other opinions, IF its their own, AND, in regards to wrestling, it doesnt involve OUT of the ring situations.

People can go on and on about Melina on here, as if they, in a drop of a dime, would lay down with her, I know I would, she's gorgeous. And the double standard crap is sickning to me. Male/Wrestler cheat ALL THE TIME, Yet no one judges them, but a female, she's a ****. How about, as adults, let them do what they want, and as entertainers, if its not on Sunday, Monday or Friday nights, its really none of our buisness, I'd like to see someone debate this.
There's one phrase that all the Venis defenders are using: "tell it like it is."

Personally, I would like that phrase banned from the urban dictionary. "Telling it like it is" is a common validation for being a complete asshole and saying whatever you damn please. Some guy said that Venis had a great shoot straight from the hip. Shots from the hip tend to be messy and inaccurate. I'd rather watch shots from Mark Madden, which are shot from a laser-guided sniper scope.

Where was Morley's "telling it like it is" commentary during the buildup to Wrestlemania?
John Morrison giving cold shoulder to Trish Stratus was unprofessional and stupid. The reason behind this was even more stupid. Melina saying that Trish took the spot of many divas that work throughout the year is lame as lame can be. Well guess what? The Rock's 15 minute promo did that more than Trish's 3-4 minutes of a match!

Wrestlemania spot is not akeen to the salary you get for your work, it's f'in Wrestlemania spot!

Melina is a fool and a tool for having such a rubbish opinion and John Morrison is a bigger fool and tool for believing it and behaving the way he did. It is not your right to be in Wrestlemania, it's a matter of chance and luck!

But for Val Venis to post this video devaluing and insulting this pair for this incident and the incidents which may be true, may not be true, may have been a complete different story? Val is an even bigger tool! But no, he is not a fool. He's just that notorious jack-*** who gets fun out of calling names and insulting others.
And to say John Morrison is a pussy or that he won't stand-up for himself? That's stupid! If ever there was a thing going on betn Batista and Melina while the two were in a relationship, then Morrison should have confronted Melina, not Batista! Batista was not his girlfriend, and he didn't rape her, so why should he be angry at Batista for doing something that Melina agreed. The only person he should be angry at is Melina. Not Batista, not Mike Knox. If your girl is not right, why do u expect others to be right? Why would you confront someone that your girl slept with instead of confronting your girl itslef? I mean, she has a mind of her own, right?

And that brings me to a recent news. For everyone saying that John Morrison is not confrontational, or that he doesn't have the guts to stand up against something wrong, here's some news: he was banned from a club for lifetime. He was confrontational there. That is not a nice behaviour by any means, but that doesn't sound like a lesser-man at all.

But the amount of things being said about him, I really hope he comes out with something, a video or a tweet or something because he can't let is slide and make a probable rumor a fact of his life.
Val Venis just likes the sound of his own voice, all he knows is what he reads on websites, so from this point on he'll be known to as "Attention ****e"

1. Melina in that match makes ZERO sense she is and has been a heel for the past couple of months (I wonder if Attention ****e even WATCHES the product, if so he'd know that)

2. Maybe Morrison was just unhappy being in the piss break break match where he got about 10 seconds of time. Anyone ever think of that?

3. How would the Attention ****e know about Mike Knox? I think he makes shit up to get more hits for his videos.

Basically, the only reason he makes these videos is so that he can feel important, because nobody gives a damn about him, these videos keep him in peoples minds.
I think many people who are questioning the facts of val and the relevance of melina feeling snub about the wm spot. I think the biggest problem I have with it is the fact that this isn't the first time I've heard someone say these same things. It's not the first time I've heard people questioning Morrison's manhood as far as sticking up for himself while everyone else bones his woman. I could see if these things just sprang out of thin air, but all of this has been out there. Val isn't breaking any new news about it. I think sometimes you expect a man to be a man. Stand up for himself. Grow some fucking balls jomo. even the "cold shoulder" story makes him sound like a bitch. I don't care how big batista is, he wouldn't be fucking my girlfriend without me saying anything. And that's me speaking as a man. and it's fact that Batista was fuckin because he said so in his book or whatever, so why should it be so hard to believe that mike knox and the other guys who said they smashed actually smashed? JoMo should drop that hoe and handle his as a man. But like someone before me said (FitFinlay4Life) maybe JoMo is a HoMo. You can say what you want about Val but i think he is speaking what most men are thinking, man up and act like a man.

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