Was Val Venis suppose to be a shot at Buff Bagwell?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Wrestler Marcus "Buff" Bagwell has been wrestling for over 20 years and got his biggest break in the now defunct WCW. But before his wrestling career really got started, he appeared in a few softcore porn movies. And that had me think about something. Around that same era in wrestling the then-WWF debuted a wrestler under the name Val Venis. Sean Morley had been wrestling in Mexico before being called-up to wrestle in the big leagues that was the WWF as the character Val Venis-A veteran porn star.

The WWE are no strangers when it comes to mocking their rival promotions. Like the storyline during the attitude era where they had Hawk of the Road Warriors out to be this drunken wrestler with serious issues. When indeed it was the WWE taking a big shot at Scott Hall over in WCW on Nitro. Now what if the same thing was done here with the Val Venis gimmick spinning off of Buff Bagwell? And did anybody see him on that episode of Showtimes after hours series "Gigolos"? What a way to fall "hard" on your ass Bagwell!
I'm gonna say absolutely not, was Buff Bagwell meant to be a porn star? no he was just an arrogant ladies man or atleast he thought he was, i lost interest in him when he became Buff Baggwell, before that when he was a young Marcus Alexander he was awesome, as Buff he was just an annoying prick, and he wasn't the first to have that style of gimmick. Rick Martel had a similar gimmick a decade before Buff Baggwell and what about Big Poppa Pump ya don't think he was exactly the same thing but on a dial that was turned upto 100.

Val Venis was a porn star atleast in story he looked the part and he played it well and connected with the crowd, he had charisma, had the ability until he injured his knees and back and was on the fast track to IC gold, i'd say that if anything trying to WWF was just trying to one up the competition not taking a stab at them except ofcourse mocking the Outsiders which maybe wasn't mocking them as much as they had invested alot of time and money into Diesel and Razor and then they left leaving WWF without those very over characters and mocking Hogan and Macho Man openly.

On the whole WWF was all Sex, chauvinistism, Relationships and extreme violence and adult themes in general, meanwhile WCW was slightly racey for the most part.

Val Venis was just the most obvious, but they also had Mae Young, Sexual Chocolate, The Godfather, The Dicks, Beaver Cleavage, next to The Godfather ofcourse and all his ho's and the list goes on

Vince coined it, while the competition was trying to promote rasslin as real, WWF was taking a more adult approach and trying to imitate life
No it's doubtful because both of these guys were stuck on the midcard. You don't really parody, mimic, or ripoff midcard wrestlers.
I see where you are coming from but considering Buffs gimmick wasn't even really chippindales I would go with no Buff was kind of a rip between the narcissist gimmick luger had goofy like doink the clown because buff always acted kinda stupid but was always into himself. I think Val if anything was just a Russo gimmick they came up with to make the attitude era edgier if some of the skits Val was in mimmiced a Buff Bagwell porn scene I would say it would've been a legitimate arguement but in this case no
I always saw Val Venis as a parody of Rick Rude with the volume turned up due to the content of the Attitude Era. It would make some sense that the WWE would want to mock Rude around this time since Venis debuted only a year after Rude's "double-book" incident between Nitro and Raw.
I didn't know he was in softcore porn. I think it would have been more obvious if it was intended as a parody. When you look at Gillberg, the BWO, the Job Squad,WCW's Oklahoma, and Nacho Man & Huckster, when promotions want to poke fun at somebody they're about as subtle as a fart in an elevator.
Buff Bagwell? No, that's a stretch. Rick Rude? Maybe. Rude walked out on WWF to go join the nWo, appearing on a live Nitro and a taped Raw on the same night. Venis pretty much stole Rude's hip-swivel taunt. But even that, I doubt. Venis wasn't really portrayed in a bad light. Yeah, he was porn star, but that was a good thing in the Attitude Era.

And by the way, the Hawk thing was not a shot at Scott Hall. The fake Razor Ramon was a shot at Scott Hall. The Hawk angle was based on Hawk's on real life issues at the time.
I didn't know he was in softcore porn. I think it would have been more obvious if it was intended as a parody. When you look at Gillberg, the BWO, the Job Squad,WCW's Oklahoma, and Nacho Man & Huckster, when promotions want to poke fun at somebody they're about as subtle as a fart in an elevator.

the bWo was started in ECW not WWE. as for the take off of Rick Rude comment made earlier i never thought of that tho Rude wasn't ever promoted as anything other then a ripped body.
Wrestler Marcus "Buff" Bagwell has been wrestling for over 20 years and got his biggest break in the now defunct WCW. But before his wrestling career really got started, he appeared in a few softcore porn movies. And that had me think about something. Around that same era in wrestling the then-WWF debuted a wrestler under the name Val Venis. Sean Morley had been wrestling in Mexico before being called-up to wrestle in the big leagues that was the WWF as the character Val Venis-A veteran porn star.

The WWE are no strangers when it comes to mocking their rival promotions. Like the storyline during the attitude era where they had Hawk of the Road Warriors out to be this drunken wrestler with serious issues. When indeed it was the WWE taking a big shot at Scott Hall over in WCW on Nitro. Now what if the same thing was done here with the Val Venis gimmick spinning off of Buff Bagwell? And did anybody see him on that episode of Showtimes after hours series "Gigolos"? What a way to fall "hard" on your ass Bagwell!

Let's look at that last comment...Getting paid to escort/screw women OR hauling it up and down the indy circuit to scratch out a living???
And the down side to the first choice is???
Unless that last line was a joke. But I never saw Val Venis as shot at Bagwell
Val Venis porn gimmick came from the mind of Vinny Russo.
Vince McMahon told Russou that they needed a character for
Sean Morley.So Russo & Morley sat down& got to know each other
over about 3 sit down. Well RUsso went back to McMahon & said
Morley comes off as a sleazy porn star. So they took that idea & ran
with it.
so Bagwell had nothing to do with it. Jim Ross said in an interview that
Bagwell was in line for a push when he came to the WWE but he ruined everything.
He had bad attitude.he had his Mom call in with excuses for him, not
to mention the horrible match he had.
I don't see the WWF at the time even caring for Bagwell. He wasn't even on the agenda, they were by far and away destroying the opposition. Not even in the mind of Vince. Creative: "Badwell?", Vince: "who?".
No to the OP question.

Also, let's correct the idea that the Roadwarrior angle was meant to mock Scott Hall. It wasn't. That was meant to make a storyline out of a real life issue that Hawk was having. He was a major addict and alcoholic and it caused him issues in his career.
Wrestling has always had the pretty boys pushing sexual appeal. Rick Rude anyone? So no, I think they're both just a similar type of character that has been done many times.
I always saw Val Venis as a parody of Rick Rude with the volume turned up due to the content of the Attitude Era. It would make some sense that the WWE would want to mock Rude around this time since Venis debuted only a year after Rude's "double-book" incident between Nitro and Raw.

This. Pretty obvious.

The mic work at the beginning, disrobing, swivelling the hips. And Vince was probably like "Buff Who?"

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