UWF: Mock Draft III

IWF Presents Final Impact
Main Event
IWF World Championship Match

Hulk Hogan vs John Cena

IWF International Championship Match

Mr. Kennedy Vs Ultimo Dragon

IWF World championship No.1 Contender match
Kurt Angle Vs Bret Hart

Nature Boy Vs The King
Ric Flair Vs Jerry Lawler

IWF World Tag Team Match
Londrick vs William Regal & Paul Burchill

IWF International # 1 Contender match
MVP Vs Shelton Benjamin

Chris Jericho Vs Randy Orton

Bobby Lashley Vs Chris Benoit

Ladder Match
APA Vs Hardy Boyz

Finlay Vs Carlito​


Main Event
World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesner VS Yokozuna

At "A Cold day in Hell", Brock lesner made an impressive Debut, defeating both the Great Khali and Andre the Giant to win the Number One Contender spot. Now, he has the chance to go one on one with Yokozuna, who has ben undefeated since coming to BCW. Will Yokozuna show why he's the champion, or will Brock Lesner make his third win his most important?

Armageddon Hell in a Cell
Number 1 Contender Match
Batista VS Umaga VS Big Show VS The Great Khali VS Andre the Giant VS (debuting) Undertaker

When you have so many men wanting a title match, sometimes the best way to weed them all out is by sending them through Hell. Now, 5 of BCWs bigest men are going to fight for the Number 1 spot in the company, but they won't be alone. The Undertaker, one of the most dominent men in sports entertainment, will be making his BCW Debut in Hell in a Cell. Who will walk away from this match with a show at the BCW title, or more importantly, who will even walk out?

Triple Threat Match
Loser gets fired
Bubba Ray Dudley VS D-Von Dudley VS Spike Dudley

Last time we saw them, they were all sharing the Tag Team Titles. Now, thanks to a desision made by Bobby Heenan, these three men will do battle against each other. And the unlucky person to get pinned in the ring will be fired on the spot. Bubba and D-Von have been through alot together, but neither will forget that it was Spike that got them the Tag Titles to begin with. How will feelings be hurt in this match, and who will walk out Tag Champions, leaving a friend behind?

Booker T VS Mystery Guy (withVince McMahon)
At "A Cold Day in Hell", Booker T had his match won, when a large man in all black attacked him and joined forces with Vince McMahon. McMahon then told Heenan that he was doing bad business, because his new enforcer was on the general Managers payroll. This time, Booker T gets a shot at the mystery guy. Will we find out who this new person is? Will Booker T get his questions answered? Tune in to find out!

The Debut of Goldberg
Bill Goldberg. One of the most dominant men ever to step foot inside the squared circle, is joining BCW. What will he have to say about the newest company on the block? Will anyone step up to welcome him? And if so, will Goldberg appreciate the welcome, or just want to beat someone up?

Money In the Bank Possession Match
Edge VS Kane

Many people will agree when they say that Kane was screwed out of his Money in the Bank shot when Edge came out of no wheres and literally stole the breifcase. Now, thanks to Bobby Heenan, Kane has the chance to get it back. Will Kane be able to get what he thinks should be his, or does Edge have yet another plan up his sleeve?

#1 Contenders Match
The Outsiders VS The Road Warriors

The Outsiders and the Road Warriors have done battle here before, and now they will do battle again, for the Number 1 contender sop on the line. Last week, Scott Hall showed up for his match quite late, and just barely on time to help pick up a win for his partner. Was that all part of the plan? Or was somthing holding Hall up? And more importantly, for such an important match, will he show up late again, or even at all?

TV Title Match
Ladder Match
Monty Brown VS Mick Foley

They've never met one on one before, but the Alpha Male requested this match up to be made. He thinks he's made enough of an "impact" trying to be "extreme", so now he wants the TV title. When Mick Foley excepted, he though since Brown was so "extreme", he'd offer up and extreme match - A ladder match. Who will climb the heights needed to win this matchup?​
Wait, I though only the cards were due Sunday? I've got alot of work and christrmas-y family time going on right now, I'm not on much, but there is no way I am missing this thing. I can get my card rushed, but that would suck.
I wont be able to post it because I'll be gone for 2 weeks & they dont have a computer

Sorry but it was fun
Well CM, if your around long enough to get this message, why not post a super quicky? if you can get this round done, and you win, whomever of the other two wins might be able to wait a little while, prepare, make a perfect final show, know what I mean?... If I don't get an answer in 24 hours, I know it's to late....

And if C.M. is gone, is there much point in having another round of "eliminations" and then the finals? If he's gone then we might as well make the shows we're writing right now the final shows.
Slightly altered card for the show going up tomorrow:

Mr. Sam Presents
SEI's Final Ever Show


Main Event
SEI World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Rock © vs. Shawn Michaels

SEI World Tag Team Championship Match
The Motor City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin © vs.
AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Submission Match
Sting vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

SEI Television Title Championship Triple Threat Match
Rob Van Dam © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Samoa Joe

Elimination Tag Team Match
The Steiner Bros. - Scott and Rick Steiner vs.
Generation Next - Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs.
The Latin American Xchange - Homicide & Hernandez

Cage Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Colt Cabana

2-out-of-3 Falls Match
CM Punk vs. Triple H III
Slightly altered card for the show going up tomorrow:

Mr. Sam Presents
SEI's Final Ever Show


Main Event
SEI World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Rock © vs. Shawn Michaels

SEI World Tag Team Championship Match
The Motor City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin © vs.
AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Submission Match
Sting vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

SEI Television Title Championship Triple Threat Match
Rob Van Dam © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Samoa Joe

Elimination Tag Team Match
The Steiner Bros. - Scott and Rick Steiner vs.
Generation Next - Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs.
The Latin American Xchange - Homicide & Hernandez

Cage Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Colt Cabana

2-out-of-3 Falls Match
CM Punk vs. Triple H III

Hot Damn, I'm Mrs Sam!

I'm not letting this go.
Mr. Sam Presents
SEI's Final Ever Show


2-out-of-3 Falls Match
CM Punk vs. Triple H III

Triple H had severe difficulty accepting Punk’s victory in their first rematch, and so forcefully requested a second one, with his own stipulation in place - 2-out-of-3 falls, so as to prevent any further “flukes” from taking place. Punk, rather than allow his previous superiority stay untouched, accepted the challenge, and the intense rivalry is set to come to a dramatic conclusion.

The match started off slowly, with neither competitor wishing to take risks in such an important match. However, Triple H’s need for revenge soon took over, leading to a genuinely brutal brawl between the two, including shots with steel steps and ring posts. The first fall went to CM Punk, after he was unexpectedly rolled into a small package.

The Game didn’t take this well, battering Punk with everything he had and leaving him a bloody mess, before delivering a Pedigree onto the steel steps and getting the second fall.

Triple H went for the win almost immediately, but Punk displayed incredible resiliency by kicking out, and reducing the Cerebral Assassin to a similar state that he was in. Triple H kicked out of a Go 2 Sleep, so a second one was on order, and the Anaconda Vice was applied before he even hit the floor. The last fall, and the victory, went to Punk, after it was determined that Triple H had “got 2 sleep” so to speak.

CM Punk wins via pinfall.


Cage Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Colt Cabana

Jarrett was on a high after defeating none other than Mike Awesome, but it would seem that he didn’t quite get the respect he wished for. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and he left Colt Cabana a bloody mess. However, it would seem he underestimated Cabana, and was similarly left on his back, now with the prospect of a cage match between the two hanging over his head.

The blood flowed early in this match, at least over Jarrett’s face, which became what is known simply as the “crimson mask.” Cabana’s domination was almost complete until Jarrett, using a low blow and the steel cage as a weapon, fought back to even the terms slightly. Jarrett felt the conditions were right for an escape, but Cabana obviously felt differently, scaling the cage after him. The two fought atop of it until the two took a spill - Jarrett back into the ring and Cabana through the announce table.

Colt Cabana wins via escape.


Elimination Tag Team Match
The Steiner Bros. - Scott and Rick Steiner vs.
Generation Next - Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs.
The Latin American Xchange - Homicide & Hernandez

The three teams were thrown into the match for the mere reason of the spectacle that would almost definitely be produced. Generation Next had already lost out to both LAX and the Steiners, and look for redemption. The Steiners and LAX looked for the same thing, proving that they deserved their spot , that they were the best candidates for tag team champions. Little more than pride is on the line, but that’s precious enough.

The Steiner Brothers dominated early on in the match, Aries and Strong ended up waiting on the outside taking on big Hernandez while Homicide was picked apart in the ring. Until Generation Next became the next targets, that is, and LAX were allowed some time to recover. The Latin team came back with a vengeance, Hernandez clearing the ring and Homicide attacking the downed with his trademark fork. Strong was taken out with a Border Toss and Scott Steiner was finished with a Gringo Killer. It appeared it was all over for LAX’s opponents until, incredibly, Aries and Rick teamed together. A Steiner Driver eliminated Homicide and Hernandez was finished with a 450 Splash. As Steiner celebrated his pin, he was all of a sudden pushed into a small package, leaving Generaton Next ultimately victorious.

Generation Next win by pinfall.


SEI Television Title Championship Triple Threat Match
Rob Van Dam © vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Samoa Joe

A tournament was kicked off to find the best candidate for the challenger to the TV title, but Joe and Guerrero couldn’t be separated in the finals. The match was then announced as a Triple Threat match. Joe and Guerrero look to continue their rivalry with a new prize on the line, but Rob Van Dam merely looks to show his abilities when it comes to defending Television titles.

Van Dam was taken out of the match early as Guerrero and Joe, inexplicably, double teamed him, leaving him badly battered on the outside. With him out of the way, the two looked to finally settle their rivalry, with Joe just eking out the advantage with his fast paced strike moves, even hitting the Muscle Buster.

However, RVD came back into the match and knocked Joe right out of the ring, before getting the win by hitting the Five Star Frog Splash on an already hurt Guerrero.

Rob Van Dam wins by pinfall.


Submission Match
Sting vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Sting held a massive grudge for Austin supposedly costing him the championship against The Rock and demanded this match from Bischoff. Austin, never one to turn down a fight, obliged by beating Sting down viciously and throwing him from the entrance ramp into electrical equipment. In order to make sure a similar occurrence wouldn‘t grant Stone Cold victory, Bischoff announced this titanic meeting would be a submission match.

Sting attempted to keep Austin down in the early goings, but it seemed this failed as soon found himself being out brawled in the crowd. Stone Cold brought him back in the ring and started to take apart Sting limb-by-limb. However, the latter used some smart reversals to get back on top, and a steel chair to further damage Austin’s weak knees and backs. As Austin fought back, also using weapons, both were shedding copious amounts of blood, sweat and even tears. Sting finally came out on top and locked in the Scorpion Deathlock. It seemed Austin would pass out rather than tap out, as he did against Bret Hart all those years ago. This time though, he managed to reverse the manoeuvre, and Sting ended up being forced to submit.

Stone Cold wins via submission.


SEI World Tag Team Championship Match
The Motor City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin © vs.
AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Shelley and Sabin requested “deserving” challengers to their newly won titles and they certainly got them with the debut of AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Bischoff set up the match immediately. This match would be a test of sheer athleticism and would decide who would be SEI’s ultimate tag team.

The two teams were very well matched in the beginning, control switching as a member of each team was pushed away for a certain amount of time. Sabin took both himself and Daniels out for time after he hit the latter with a Suicide Dive while the former was perched on the apron. Shelley and Styles were left to face each other one-on-one. Styles initially got the upper hand, but Shelley managed to send him tumbling out to the end of the ring, at the expense of going with him. As they got up, they were hit by Sabin and Daniels respectively from over the ropes. The match took back to the ring, where again, both teams fought for dominance. The Guns’ managed to perform superior team manoeuvres and sent Styles to the outside again, before taking down Daniels with a springboard dropkick from Sabin followed by a Shellshock from Shelley. Styles was merely a second too late to break up the ensuing pin with a Spiral Tap.

The Motor City Machine Guns win via pinfall.

After the match, the teams hugged and shook hands, before Styles & Daniels put the belts around the Guns’ waists.


Main Event
SEI World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Rock © vs. Shawn Michaels

The main event in every sense of the phrase. Shawn Michaels earned this match a month ago when he defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock has successful in defending his world heavyweight title ever since he won it at SEI’s first ever Pay-Per-View, New Era. Tonight, a match that only come second to Austin/Hogan in everybody’s all-time wish list takes place to end the roller coaster ride that has been the first season of Sports Entertainment International. There’s no way it won’t be a classic.

The crowd were on their feet the entire way through this match, more excited than would generally be thought possible to see two of the biggest professional wrestling legends ever go at it for what has become known as one of the industry’s number one prize, and which The Rock has proudly worn around his waist for months. Although The Rock was still in his heel role, the crowd were very unsure who to cheer for so, as is common sense, they gave both a non-stop standing ovation as they pulled everything, every trick they had ever used out of the bag in an attempt to win. From Shawn Michaels going back to his high-flying roots (and being tossed clean out of the ring onto the guardrail) to The Rock performing the People’s DDT.

The crowd were ecstatic as The Rock delivered the Rock Bottom to HBK, but Michaels wouldn’t be pinned. The Rock hit the People’s Elbow, but Michaels still kicked out. Another People’s Elbow, and he still would not be beaten. The Rock dragged him to his feet, talking trash directly to his face, when HBK hit the super kick out of nowhere. Both competitors fell to the ground, and the referee began the count. On the count of 9, both kipped up simultaneously. They looked each other in the face, before delivering blows to each other. The Rock succeeded and Layed The Smackdown on Michaels, but he stayed standing. The Rock Irish Whipped him and went for a Spine Buster, but received a clothesline instead. Michaels scrambled to the top rope as quickly as he could, before delivering a Diving Elbow Drop on the Rock and beginning to tune up the band. The Rock stumbled to his feet but caught the Sweet Chin Music, signalling to HBK to “Just Bring It” proceeding a Rock Bottom attempt. HBK elbowed out of it before hitting a lightning fast Sweet Chin Music and falling on top of The Rock.

Shawn Michaels wins via pinfall and is the new SEI World Heavyweight Champion.

After the match, both superstars shook hands and The Rock handed Michaels the belt, before applauding the new champion as he made his way up the ramp.


Wow good card. I procrastinate to much, and I had already made half my card before CM dropped out. I don't have my card finished. Sorry. But if you will give me a 24 hour extention, I PROMISE I will make my card tomorrow. You owe it to me to give me the extention. I've been here all along, and I just had so much going on. And I really don't want the tourny to end like thi, and I'm sure you don't either. SO what do you say? Let me have my card up in 24 hours?

PS Exelent card.
Welcome to what is potentially BCW's Final show. Here is where I pulled out "most" of the stops to earn your votes, and although the card was majorly screwed up halfway through writing, here's to hoping it works out for us all.
Triple Threat Match
Loser gets fired
Bubba Ray Dudley VS D-Von Dudley VS Spike Dudley
There was no way that any of these guys could go into this match and give 100% knowing a friend would be fired. But after a while, Bubba Ray and D-Von started to form a tag team and double team Spike, but Spike continued to fight back. Just as it looked like Bubba Ray and D-Von were going to put the finishing touches on Spike and keep the better half of the tag team employed, The Great Khali made an unexpected appearence and attacked all three men. After knocking all three uncounsious, he laid Spike Dudley on top of BOTH of the other dudleys boys for the count, therefor firing BOTH Dudley boys.
Winner: Spike Dudley (both others got fired)
After the match, Khali continued going to work on Spike dudley, beating him to nearly a pulp. After a visious beatdown, Khali posed in the ring as Paramedics came down to tend to the Dudleys. Bobby Heenan then came to the ring with a mic. As he watched the Dudleys get loaded onto the strechers, he said "See what happens when you don't listen to what the boss says?!" He then leaves the ring, as Khali follows. It is unsure if Heenan and Khali have an agreement of somesort, or what is going on.
Booker T VS Mystery Guy (withVince McMahon)
Booker T came into this match not knowing exactly who he was going to be facing, and that didn't help him at all. The large man in black dominated almost all of the match, and when Booker T finally got the upper hand and went fore the Sissors Kick, the large man simply grabed his leg, lifted it strait up, and slammed him to the mat, picking up the pinfall afterwards.
Winner: Mystery Guy
After the Match, Vince McMahon (who was at ringside all along) announced that next week, on live e-tv, he would reveal who his man was, and that Bobby Heenan should find himself a guy to help.
The Debut of Goldberg
In what was sure to be a great moment in BCW History, Bill Goldberg made his long awaited debut to the land of the Behemoths. He instantly declared that he felt he should be fighting for the BCW Title, not that "washed up 'roid'ed up muscle brain Lesner." Before he could continue on his plans in BCW, he was interupted by none other than Santino Marella. Santino tried to tell Goldberg that this company was being built around guys like him, people that draw rating. Goldberg didn't take to nicely to Santinos rant, and quickly shut him up with a spear, much to everyones enjoyment.
Money In the Bank Possession Match
Edge VS Kane

This match was sure to be hot, no pun intended. Kane came in furious that he had been robbed, only to have to watch Edge enter holding the case. Kane wasted no time going after Edge by literally meeting him on the ramp. The two brawled for a while, eventually rolling into the ring to continue the brawl while the bell rang. Kane eventually got the upper hand, and at one point, was going for his signature diving closeline, but as he came off the turnbuckle, Edge quickly ran under him and, in an atemped to spear him as he came down, sholderblocked his right knee. As Kane landed, he fell to the ground grasping his leg. Edge noticed the distraction and got out of the ring to grab the Money in the bank breifcase. As he rolled back in, the referee ran to him and told him not to use it or he'd be DQ'ed. Fans at ringside could hear Edge shout "thats the point" at the referee. As Kane slowly got to his feet, Edge ran at him, only for Kane to punch the breifcase out of Edges grasp, followed by a lightning quick chokeslam, followed by the three count.
Winner: Kane (new Money in the Bank)
After the match, Kane grabbed the case, and after staring at it for a while, he walked to the ring apron and shouted for somthing. The time keeper then proseeded to hand him a pen. Kane was signing the contract! He opened it, and as soon as the case was opened, the evil smile on his face quickly turned into a huge ugly facial expression that words can't describe. He closed the case slowly, then for some reason, began to pummle Edge with it. As Kane attacked a motionless Edge with the breifcase, Security came down to pull Kane out of the ring. As security was running to the ring, as was Bobby Heenan. Heenan then dropped a bombshell, saing that before the match, Edge had already signed the contract, but with an undisclosed date. Kane was furious, and continued trying to attack Edge, but more security eventually pulled the big man to the back.
#1 Contenders Match
The Outsiders VS The Road Warriors

These two teams have met up before, but never against each other without the Dudleys. So this match was to go down as one of the greatest tag team matches of all time. Except for one thing. As Kevin Nashs music played, he came to the ring alone, without a partner. Once the match started, the road Warriors quickly went to work on Nash and almost had the match won when Kevin Nash sprang back and started to clean house. Just as he had both Road Warriors down, Scott Hall finaly showed up - beer bottle in hand. He stumbled to the ring and got on the turnbuckle just in time to make the tag. As soon as he was tagged, he climbed the turnbuckle and dived at a down'ed Animal -and missed an elbow drop by a mile. Animal crawled over and pinned the drunken Scott Hall.
Winners - The Road Warriors at 9:46
Kevin Nash got in the ring and helped Scott Hall up, and they got out of the ring, Hall triping over the ropes and falling out of the ring. They eventually made it back, with Hall tripping all the way to the back.
TV Title Match
Ladder Match
Monty Brown VS Mick Foley
The match started off like any normal wrestling match until Monty Brown knocked Foley outside of the ring. Monty then got out of the other side of the ring and grabbed the ladder, set it up, and climbed it, but Foley got back in and knocked him down before he could grab the title. Foley then proceded to climb the ladder, but Brown knocked HIM down just as he was knocked over himself. They begin a brawl for a while, and eventually climb opposite sides of the ladder. At the top, they exchange blows, and Monty tries to give Foley a suplex. He gets his feet of the ladder, but can't get him up, and sets him back down. He tries this a few more times, but keeps falling. On the forth try at lifting him, he fails again and sets him back on the ladder, and this time the middle of the ladder literally snaps and both men fall strait down, landing face first on each half of the ladder. The ref checks up on the and declares a no contest due to both men being injured.
Winner: No Contest 13:49
EMT's comes to the ring and help bring both guys to the back, and two referee's each grab a half of the ladder. As they're carry the halfs back, the camera catchs sight of one and notices a huge dent on the side of it from someones head.
Armageddon Hell in a Cell
Batista VS Umaga VS Big Show VS The Great Khali VS Andre the Giant VS (debuting) Undertaker

This match was expected to deliver a solid show, and did not fail. When the Undertaker came out, the building roof was nearly ripped off by the sound of the screaming fans that wanted to see him. Finally, as all 6 men were in the ring, the bell rang and the match began. Almost imediatly Batista got out of the cage and started to look for a weapon outside of the cage before climbing to the top of it for no reason at all. All 5 other men were still fighting in the ring untill Khali noticed Batista and started climbing as well. When Batista reached the top, he grabbed a smal black bag at the top of the cage, and help it open upside down, and started tropping thumbtacs into the ring from above the cage. The four guys in the ring began to get hit by these tacks and freaked out. Meanwhile, Khali finally reached the top of the cage, and in a breathtaking moment, he powerlifted batista and tossed in through the top of the cage, literally breaking the steel meshing.
Umaga and Andre the Giant were brawling beside the ring and the cage, exchanging blows, then The Big Show, who had been tossed into the ropes by Undertaker, flipped over the ropes and landed on top of both Andre and Umaga. Undertaker then looked at Batista, the only man still in the ring, who still hadn't gotten up from the fall. Taker started kicking around some of the thumbtacs into a small ple, then picked up Batista and attemped a Tombstone Piledriver, but was hit in the back by hali, who had dropped fin from the open hole Batista made. Khaliwrapped his arms around both Undertaker AND Batista (still upside down) and gave them both a double bearhug. Undertaker powered out of this and gave Khali a powerbomb onto the pile of tacs, then went for the pin and got it.
Winner: Undertaker at 38:61
The three guys out of the ring didn't even see what was going on in the ring, and they freaked out. They got in the ring and attacked Undertaker, almost forming a team. Soon enough Khali gained consiousnos and joined the onslaw, whick included Khali and Andre lifting Takers arms and legs and tossing him strait up into the top of the cell before falling back to the ground, and Umaga setting in the corner outside the cage and running into him ass first. Finaly, they all left, and Taker and Batista were both left a bloody mess in the ring.
Main Event
World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesner VS Yokozuna

This match was sure to be a classic, between two of the biggest baddest men in all of wrestling history. Both men came out to a mixed reaction of cheers and boo's. It was a great physical matchup, with one high spot being a point in time where Yokozuna was about to drop the BANZAI on Lesner, but lesner actually stood up in lightning speed and powerbombed Yokozuna off the corner for a near count. The match ended simelarly when Yokozuna was attempting another BANZAI, but he landed this one. The referee started to count the pin, but Lesner started to literally lift Yokozuna off of his chest! He lifted him up enough to toss him forward, and then once standing, he grabbed Yokozuna for the F5, and while delivering it, his strength gave out and Yokozuna fell on top of him for the three count.
Winner: Yokozuna at 37:17
After the match, Yokozuna offered to shake Lesners hand, but once again, Lesner refused. As Lesner went to leave the ring, Yokozuna started to pose for the crowd - untill he was leveled with a SPEAR from Edge! Edge then grabbed the MITB, and stared at Yokozuna, who was laying on the ground hurt. Edge never went for the pin, he just stared there looking down as the show went off the air.​
Sorry it came late, and since I had made half the card before CM dropped, I really didn't want to re-write the whole thing, you know how much of a bitch that cam be. So I just rushed the whole thing as if there would be a final round. T'was fun doing this tourny with you, and I'd say "Congrats " for winning, but it's not over yet! lol

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