Unique Match Endings

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
I'm watching an edition of Raw from June of 98. Triple H and X-Pac, both faces and both members of DX, were forced to face off in a King of the Ring qualifier. Decent match until Rock comes out in the crowd causing a distraction and Owen fucks up Pac on the outside while HHH is distracted. Finally Hunter realizes what happens and he goes out to try to help X-Pac back in, but X-Pac knows he's too hurt to go anymore so he tells Hunter to get back in obviously because if they both get counted out then neither guy makes it to the next round. HHH wins.

Think of some other unique endings, good or bad.
Back in 2002 (I think) on Smackdown, there was controversy about Undertaker supposedly tapping out. Angle was the one to do this, but because Angle's shoulders were down while this took place Taker had technically won. The match resulted in a draw.
HHH and Austin both smacking each other with weapons, HHH lands on top of Austin and wins. Obvious I know but I cant recall episodes of Smackdown and Raw from nearly 10 years ago.
If I recall WCW was prone to having stipulation matches that wouldn't end by stipulation rules. I think at one time Nash couldn't use his powerbomb, but won the match that way. Something like that.
Rock vs Mankind in an "I Quit" Match.Mankind passed out or something and the rock played a video on teh tron of Mankind saying I Quit earlier which makes me wonder why he didnt use it earlier.
I guess the ducktape last man standing match. Cena v Tista.
I kinda guess Edge vs Kane at SS 2010 was pretty fucked up.It couldve looked good but Kane did a shit job of selling that spear.
Also didnt someone in WCW once win by pinfall in a first blood match?

Actually, I think the stipulation was that you had to bust them open before you can pin them. It might have been the announcers sucking badly at explaining what was going on as they were prone to doing. Hell a lot of the time you wouldn't even know if a match was for a title or not until 5 minutes in.
Cena vs. Orton Summerslam 2009

The match finished 4 times and Lilian Garcia fucked up big time. I liked it though.
In 1999 Hogan lost to Ric Flair in a first blood match despite bleeding after him, it was written into the story but very poorly as the idea was that the match wouldn't be ended by some small nick of blood. Only problem was Flair was actually bleeding much more than Hogan when the match got called.

I'm trying to find the cage match where Hogan and Macho Man beat down on people in a cage in WCW with pans and things and start to leave the cage, then macho man remember he left the objective of the match in the ring and runs back and gets it. I'll find it somehow, it's on a botchamania somewhere.
I don't know who was in it but it was this little guy vs a big guy. the big guy went for a chokeslam and when he hit the floor the little guy held onto his arm & rolled him over into an armbar & won via a tapout...something tells me it was a match over from japan
Surprised Montreal Screwjob hasn't been brought up. I mean the planned finished did sound unique, but you had an even bigger unique finish instead.
I kinda guess Edge vs Kane at SS 2010 was pretty fucked up.It couldve looked good but Kane did a shit job of selling that spear.

It wasn't just the finish that was shit in that match. ;)

I am a big fan of the the infamous duct tape finish from last year.. I also enjoy the way the Bellas have finished some of their matches. :shrug:
Austin vs Dude Love, Over the Edge 1998.

Vince was the ref and obviously biased against Austin. Dude accidentally knocks him out with the chair while aiming for Austin. Austin stuns Dude and covers and a ref comes out to count and gets in a 2 count but Pat Patterson who was the timekeeper interferes and knocks the ref out. Dude meanwhile locks in the Mandible Claw and first Patterson and then Brisco decide to count the finish but are both stunned by Undertaker, who was the enforcer for this match. Austin then hits a stunner on Dude and counts the three count using Vince's hand for the win. The match itself is very good too.

Also there is the ladder match between Austin and the McMahons where some fourth guy ends up taking the briefcase for the McMahons. I don't think WWF ever revealed who that guy was.

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