Trevor Murdoch, the next Garth Brooks?

Skullz Crack'Em

Lord of the Skulls
I sure as hell hope not, but WWE didn't have Murdoch sing for nothing, it will probably be his new gimmick when he and Cade splits up, so I guess this must be Murdoch's approach to win over the fans, but will it work? Monday night, the fans booed him at first, but when he finished singing, some fans were actually cheering for him, so there is a good chance that WWE will have him continue this new gimmick. Personally, I am not thrilled by this in the least, for one, I am not a Country music fan, and two, I don't care much for Trevor Murdoch, but I will give the guy a chance to see if this makes him better or possibly even worse, he can't be any worse than Jillian Hall lol.

What are everybody elses thoughts on Trevor Murdoch's possible new singing gimmick?
I actually really liked his singing, and got a probably ******ed idea in my mind, but with all the pointless cd's they put out, a Trevor Murdoch cd doing country covers would actually be kind of intresting to see. His voice was surprisingly really good.

Id suggest pairing him with Jillian Hall and have a singing tandum, but who knows how well that would work. but jillian's singing would have to improve so have her not force sing bad (god i hopes its forced that bad). it would be something different
I can't even believe that they are moving towards breaking up these two men again. What for? So that Trevor Murdoch can become the next Roadie Jesse James and Cade can become another unnamed jobber until they reunite them? It's a travesty and a waste in a time when the legitimacy of the WWE's tag team division is greatly underclassed.

I mean this all made sense during the days when Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels split from their respective tag teams to pursue singles careers because the division was filled with other teams to carry the banner afterwards. But the WWE is struggling greatly and in danger of the WWE tag team titles going the same route as the cruiserweight title.

You know, it's a sad sad day when the Women's title gets more prestige and exposure than the tag team titles in a fed where there are so many talented tag teams present. I can only hope that the WWE knows what they are doing with this latest move.
God, I hope we don't have this as a gimmick for Murdoch.

1. I don't think Murdoch is talented enough for any kind of a push, so I don't feel like seeing him MORE.

2. I hate country music.

3. Jillian already has a singing gimmick.

Even though I feel Cade is 10x better than Murdoch, I still don't think he's good enough for a successful singles career. They should just keep these guys together to help out the tag team division. Why push Cade on Raw to the IC title when Burke is doing nothing on ECW and could fit in easily as IC champ, for instance?
I don't see the point in splitting them up, as they're the only established Raw team that there really is right now. Neither are great as singles wrestlers, but a country singer gimmick is better than nothing. Like someone else said, this is just to pass the time until they're reunited. He actually has the voice to make something like this work to an extent. Better than Rockabilly at least.
I thought it was a one time thing with Murdoch expressing his feelings towards Cade in an attempt to apologize for his mistakes. After last night's Damn! segment with Trevor, the make-up lady, Trish who was looking fine like she always does, and Ron "Damn!" Simmons, I realized I was wrong. It wasn't the singing, it was the coat. That coat is the signature of a future country star. All country singers wear wicked, as in horrible, coats like that or at least that is the steretype. But then again he sang "Friends in Low Places" and "Stand by Your Man." Maybe it is an apology to Lance.

Trevor isn't a bad singer by any means, but as a couple of you already pointed out, we already have Jillian Hall. If country singing is just one of his hobbies, that's fine with me, but if his new gimmick is a country star, count me out. Keep Cade and him together is what they need to do, but they won't. Hopefully they both can have sucsessful singles careers, but the only one I see having one is Cade.
all i know is murdoch has to get rid of that stupid fn coat, he looks like an idiot..i personally dont like him and the direction they r goin in as a tag team is horrible, the gimmick they r doin is horrible...they have this whole down south gimmick, but you dont even see it....they should look like hicks if they are gonna act like it, not where that stupid coat and the stupid coat cade wheres
There is absolutely no reason to do this. One of the few good heel tag teams on the roster. I personally wish they would keep this team, because if they want a tag team divison they will try to make a heel team that over...... whihc would be this if they weren't being split up.

I really hope the WWE reconsiders this because they should help the tag division..... at least try to make it slightly worthy of even being there.
Yeah WWE need as many Tag Teams as they can get, but C&M were getting pretty boring, so they may aswell have broken them up. This singing thing though is a joke, Murdoch will just be on Heat within the next couple of weeks, or they could move him to ECW or something?? I dunno. I don't think WWE are going to forget Cade though. Most people don't probably, but I actually do like Cade. I think he could go to Smackdown or stay on RAW, maybe challenge for the US or IC Titles?
Im saddened they are splitting them up as well, because of the fact WWE needs to make the Tag Team Division to be revised, but they werent doing it. Tag Teams need to be high energy, with flash to get over right now. Why not put Lance with Burchill now? that would work. Take the titles away from the boy wonder and the hardcore nobody. For Murdoch though, I see him being partnered with a woman, maybe Candice Michelle when she returns or Mickie James. He could also feud with Burchill and Katie Lea if hes not put in a tag team. He could team up with DH Smith, to give that poor guy a chance.
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Concerning Trevor, I highly doubt it... but you never know sometimes when concerning the WWE. Murdoch's future looks REALLY dim in singles compared to what Lance's could be, but who knows. If that country-singer gimmick gets over with the fans, maybe he can get out of low card? I don't know, but I'll be watching them both, but mainly Lance... he's actually entertaining.
Lets just put it this way:a midget bastard son of Vince,A female singer who makes people go deaf,an annoying Italian who makes me wanna break the TV,the whole Edge/Vickie thing.The point is,I don't wanna see another stupid gimmick.I think this whole country singing thing should be dropped.It is stupid as hell.As talent goes,I'm not sure how much Murdoch,or Cade for that matter,has.If they have any.I guess we will see.But i don't think we need to see this stupid gimmick they have going.So I think it should be done away with.But cause the fans think it should be gone,of course it will stay around.

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