Trevor Murdoch

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Really? Of all the people to come back? I never liked him. I hated his tag team with Cade and I hated him even more when he was the singing cowboy. Murdoch is a waste of a roster spot because they have so many guys better to push rather than someone who sucks as much as Murdoch does. I hope he comes back only as a jobber if he reurns. That is all he would be good for.
Man, some of you "guys" dissappoint me. Concerned with the man's looks and other physical appearances. What do you want: everyone to look like the Rock? Different builds, appearances, and personalities is what creates good stories. Imagine playing a fighting video game with all of the characters fitting the same mold and having the same background. Would that be a fun game? I don't think so. Give the man a break; I'm happy for him and his son.
Murdoch's okay, but he's nothing special. I'm pretty sure he'll be a tag team specialist if he ever makes it back to the main roster. He's not good enough to be out on his own and he does end up being a singles competitor, then he'll reach his ceiling as a midcard talent, nothing more. He lacks the tools to be a legitimate singles competitor, his look isn't conventional and doesn't fit today's product, he's not too good on the mic, not great in the ring, he's just somewhat average.
Former WWE superstar Trevor Murdoch, partner of the late Lance Cade, recently had a series of tryout matches with WWE and told that he will be returning to the company soon after being released back in July 2008.

Unfortunately for Murdoch, his chance to return to WWE has fallen through - and he' now considering quitting the industry entirely as a result.

He wrote on his Facebook page on Wednesday:

"Well I got a call from Johnny Ace saying they weren't going to go threw with my contract. He told me "budget cut's". I say bullsh**. I think I'm done with pro wrestling. Anybody know of any job opening's?"

Murdoch isn't coming back.
Which one was trevor murdoch again? Seriously? Hes that fat trailer park trash guy right? I keep on getting him confused with his fail partner lance cade.

Listen, he had a chance and he failed. He sucks hard as a pro wrestler. I dont see how anyone could be excited for this loser unless you live in texas(as you would be able to relate to him).

Hes fat, is ugly, is slow/sucks at wrestling and i cant remember anything he said memorable on the mic. He has no charisma. This guy doesnt deserve a second chance.

Oh and lol saying he could pull off a flipping piledriver/canadian destroyer. He sucked at that too. He botched it everytime. It looked like a sunset flip pin at best. Even then it was sloppy. This guy has nothing going for him and im glad hes done with pro wrestling. He should get a security job at wal mart in texas because i dont see him achieving anything better in his life.
OMG, I can't wiat for his arrivalz.

No, seriously, I like his rough brawling style, but nobody cared about him. His stereotypical gimmick won't allow him to be any thing other than a mid-carder at best. He just falls in line with the "mediocre wrestler" class.
I certainly will not be losing any sleep over Murdoch not returning but I would not have been against him coming back. So what if a "mid carder" is all he would ever be.. not everybody on the roster has to aim to become the face of the company or become an Era defining superstar. I liked his rough unconventional look and wrestling style and although the whole concept of his character was hardly original.. it's nice to have a gimmick like that around especially in a time where most of the roster is made up of quite bog standard wrestler type guys.
He's returning, I could see him being one of those guys who's a heel because "he didn't fit the wwe mold" and hates guys like Cena. Would fit with R-Truth's conspiracy gimmick.
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