
Dark Match Winner

Right we all know that in January the WWE and TNA are going to go head to head on a Monday night!! Raw V TNA... now we can all assume that this is the night Hogan will be revealed in TNA...they want/expect their best ever rating. They hope this will catapult them to into proper competition with the WWE!! Now at this moment Vinnie Mac won't be too woried however TNA need to be on his radar!

So..he will want to crush them in the first "battle" (too soon to use this terminology?)...if we blow this out of proportion (and for the puropose of this thread I'm gonna)!!! This is the night the Monday Night Wars could begin again!!! The Wrestling Community will not know what to do...mahem...great!! May bring WWE out of this sh***y PG era...make WWE more compulsive ...make us want to watch more and more!!

Now whatta way to show that TNA is not nearly half on the level of the WWE by thrashing them tenfold in the ratings on this night and what better way of doing it than having the "Great One" return (no not for good, that aint going to happen)!

Have the most electrifying man in sports entertainment return to Raw...

Special Guest Host 1 Night only...The Rock!!!!!!!

Creative-Don't build it up for weeks but make very ( not so quiet) hints at it!! Have subliminal messaging...etc etc...make it expected and have him Special Host Raw!!! Now that would surley kill off any TNA momentum?? Show them who the biggest "dog" in the yard is?? !!!

On two different promotions we have the Rock V Hogan all over again!! Who would win out?? Who would you tune into see?? Do you think this could/is going to happen?

And lets all fantacise for one the start of the show Rock disses WWE/current talent at the the end ...CENAAAAA comes out to FU the Rock!!!!! End the show!!....could leave the door open for Rock V Cena...

Fantasy is over!! But how great would it be!!!!!

Question to you:

Could this happen?

Do you think on this night it will be the Rock on Raw??

General thoughts on the subject...!!

**Let the battle Begin**
If Vince is smart he'll keep the product bad and make it even worse. Let TNA lead the battle, let TNA grow and then turn it up when they think they got it in the bag. Vince will always, ALWAYS crush TNA one way or another. He has his ways. Wiping TNA away quickly is what the fans don't want. If he cares about what the fans wanna see he'll let TNA give him a run for his money and then do a "battle". But it's Vince, and he doesn't give a crap about us.

Sorry. Correction. Doesn't give a crap about the people that watch Monday Night RAW, SD! And ECW at home. We don't pay him anything.
i was actually thinking about this today and talked to my friend about it.

i think the rock is suppose to be guest hosting raw in january so there is a good chance that this could be happening and could have already been booked to come back on that night.

as for the rock vs hogan i think the ratings will be better for raw in the begining and i think hogan wont come out until towards the end of the show and maybe they could start a hogan vs sting fued

the only problem i have is having cena FU/attitude adjustment the rock at the end of the night because if it could be for one more night i wouldnt end it on a bad note if anything have some sort of confratation between them but who knows the rock has also said that he wants to give back to the fans it isnt known how much is gonna give back i hope enough to make cena vs the rock at wm 26.

either way this could be a very VERY big night and if the rock isnt gonna be a guest host for this night you would have to think it could be someone very big either a legend from the past or someone who is big outside of the wrestling
If Vince is smart he'll keep the product bad and make it even worse. Let TNA lead the battle, let TNA grow

You think the smart strategy is by weakening your own product and hoping the rival strengthens theirs?

Remind me to never hire you as a business manager, as that is some of the dumbest advice I've ever heard/read.
Vince for someone who doesn't see TNA as a thread seems to be sweating a little bit. Not so much sweating TNA but rather the Spike TV/TNA/UFC alliance there seems to be. Vince knows his product has sucked lately but hasn't cared because of no competition. Soon as Hogan signs with TNA he starts pushing new faces and heels. I will be tuning into TNA as they have a HELL of a lot more to prove on that night than Vince does. Oh and there's no way in hell Rock vs Cena is going to happen unless Vince is ok with Cena playing the heel. The Rock won't get booed. As much as Vince wants him to be Cena isn't Hogan.
Right we all know that in January the WWE and TNA are going to go head to head on a Monday night!! Raw V TNA... now we can all assume that this is the night Hogan will be revealed in TNA...they want/expect their best ever rating. They hope this will catapult them to into proper competition with the WWE!! Now at this moment Vinnie Mac won't be too woried however TNA need to be on his radar!

So..he will want to crush them in the first "battle" (too soon to use this terminology?)...if we blow this out of proportion (and for the puropose of this thread I'm gonna)!!! This is the night the Monday Night Wars could begin again!!! The Wrestling Community will not know what to do...mahem...great!! May bring WWE out of this sh***y PG era...make WWE more compulsive ...make us want to watch more and more!!

1. I'm pretty sure TNA announced Hogan being on this show already, so that's a given.
2. This TNA show is 1-night only, so it is a 1-off battle, not the beginning of a "War."
3. Even in this PG era (which is WAY better then you give it credit for), WWE will win the Ratings, because RAW is an established show, and TNA on Monday isn't. When Nitro debuted, they strategically picked a week that RAW was preempted, in order to maximize viewers (a brilliant move). TNA is choosing to intentionally go up against RAW, the longest running wrestling show currently on TV. There is NO WAY TNA will win this 1-week battle. Unless the expectations are to get a 1.0-1.5 rating, which means they may have a shot.

Now whatta way to show that TNA is not nearly half on the level of the WWE by thrashing them tenfold in the ratings on this night and what better way of doing it than having the "Great One" return (no not for good, that aint going to happen)!

Have the most electrifying man in sports entertainment return to Raw...

Special Guest Host 1 Night only...The Rock!!!!!!!
1. No Matter what, they will not win ten-fold, unless TNA pulls a 0.3, because WWE hasn't pulled a 4.0 rating in forever. They may (and most likely will) double the rating, but no way will they tenfold it.
2. They may very well use The Rock to kill them in the ratings, but they wouldn't need to do that. They could put a half-way decent show together, and win the night.

Creative-Don't build it up for weeks but make very ( not so quiet) hints at it!! Have subliminal messaging...etc etc...make it expected and have him Special Host Raw!!! Now that would surley kill off any TNA momentum?? Show them who the biggest "dog" in the yard is?? !!!
1. 100% completely wrong. If you want to "kill off any TNA momentum" (since when did they have any), you not only announce The Rock as the host before hand, you do it NOW. Give fans as long as possible, to make sure they have their asses in front of the TV at the time.
2. Surprising a 1-night appearance never works, because they nobody knows it's happening. even dropping suble (or not-so subtle) hints won't work. You need to take all the doubt out of the picture, and work off the idea that people are stupid. Some viewers would not pick up the hints (because they are stupid, or don't know enough about The Rock), and they would not be drawn to the program unless you tell them directly.

On two different promotions we have the Rock V Hogan all over again!! Who would win out?? Who would you tune into see?? Do you think this could/is going to happen?
WWE will (even without The Rock), they are established, and are running pretty solid right now. And in your scenario, nobody knows that The Rock is on RAW, so the battle doesn't happen.

And lets all fantacise for one the start of the show Rock disses WWE/current talent at the the end ...CENAAAAA comes out to FU the Rock!!!!! End the show!!....could leave the door open for Rock V Cena...
1. So you surprise people by bringing in Wrestling's biggest crossover star, and make him a HEEL?!?!?!?! That kills his appeal with the crowd, or even worse the crowd follows him, and boos the people he is ripping. Or he rips the heels, and everybody likes him, then Cena attacks for no reason, and gets booed out of the building. STUPID idea.
2. And then you tease a match that will NEVER happen. The Rock is NOT wrestling again, so why tease a blockbuster match that will never happen. Not to mention The Rock would not want to risk injury between filming movies.

Fantasy is over!! But how great would it be!!!!!
I would be garbage.

Question to you:

Could this happen?

Do you think on this night it will be the Rock on Raw??
Rock could host, and that's all that would happen from your fantasy.
General thoughts on the subject...!!
1. Your grammar sucks
2. The Rock being a heel is even worse.
3. TNA will have their one show, lose the ratings, and then eventually they will make the Monday show a weekly thing. When they do that, then we will have a true "Monday Night War 2."
4. All that being said, I am really looking forward to this Monday night showdown, and I do believe The Rock will host, and I would like to see what Hogan does in TNA (beside pin all the top-lever stars, and win the world title).
5. Finally, when you type your post, read what you type. If you see a little squiggly red underline under the word you typed, then the spell-checker thinks the word is spelled incorrectly. If you right-click (for PC users), a menu will pop-up with potential correct spellings. Utilize this function, and your post will be more legible.
Here's my take on this wwe v tna situation. If WWE chooses to respond in any way, shape, or form well then...that means something...not a whole lot but it still means something. WWE if they are in fact looking at this date to use the rock on...they should advertise. To me....although tna's production value is not great is still more interesting than wwe has been for months. I may flip the channel from time to time to wwe. Usually I catch a segment or a match or two. On rare occasions does wwe hold my interest. Yesterday out of boredom, I stuck through a whole episode, surprised that I even had them on a whole 10min. To me the show was..okay I guess, the bit that I have seen these passed weeks have involved shameus and I like that he's being pushed.

TNA vs WWE, I have to say even though wwe does interest me a bit at this point, and raw wasn't as predictable as it use to be...I'll choose Hogan over Raw. Raw though like I've stated has managed to interest a bit, is not entertaining to me. So yes, I would choose tna over raw on january 4th. If wwe does decide to get the rock to guest host then I will most likely watch it on my hava player on my laptop with one ear on wwe with headphone and the other listening to tna. The only thing as of now that has me saying this is rock's promos. Other than that, for me...there is no reason to tune into raw

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