TNA Heavily Censored In UK

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Dark Match Winner
After watching iMPACT! on Bravo in the UK, it seemed everything was censored out, and by censoring I mean they cut to the crowd, some of which were old crowd clips from before TNA changed their logo.

Desmond Wolfe's two finger disrespect to the fans, the baseball bat assault by Sting and even having a choke during a match censored.

I was just wondering if this is only Bravo or that this happened in the USA also on Spike and if it did is this a movement on TNA becoming less adult orientated?
After watching iMPACT! on Bravo in the UK, it seemed everything was censored out.

Desmond Wolfe's two finger disrespect to the fans, the baseball bat assault by Sting and even having a choke during a match censored.

I was just wondering if this is only Bravo or that this happened in USA also on Spike and if it did is this is a movement on TNA becoming less adult orientated?

Or when Wolfe was choking Abyss on his back it cut to sweeping shots of the crowd?! Had a wtf moment at that one. And that was AFTER 10 Pm.

Maybe one of our American cousins can tell us if its the same on Spike!

Quite surprised at Bravos lack of balls with regards to this - considering the other shows they have that just sneak under the water shed.
I can't see why they've been doing this, seeing as they are heavily advertising a show that has blood, sex and gore in that Spartacus remake or whatever it is.

If this isn't the same on Spike, I'd really be puzzled, as Bravo tend not to give one about this kind of thing- it is very odd.
I'm glad that I'm not the only who noticed this. There have been a few censored moments in the last few weeks too. All past 10pm too.

Nice to see we can watch TNA PPVs on Extreme in the UK now though. Does anyone know if this is going to be the case for all TNA PPVs?
Nope guys sorry to disappoint you all, but TNA on Spike is not censored. We see everything from the chokes to Despond slashing Abyss with glass. Sounds like Bravo sucks.
What time was you watching it?

It could be because of the watershed as you're not aloud swearing, violence, nudity etc... before the watershed which I think starts at 9 so that may be the reason that so many things are blocked out.
Shame that Bravo have lost all their balls. I thought that they were a strong voiced program I hope they don't continue to censor as I am looking for what WWE can't offer me which is everything outside the PG guidelines.

(hope Spartacus blood and sand does not do this) TNA needs to have blood or Its plain sailing with the WWE for me!
I honestly don't remember seeing the choke during the match so I can't say about that, but if they censored a choke, you probably didn't see Abyss get cut either. I DO remember him getting cut, and they showed that in it's entirety.
There's nothing like that on Spike. Of all the things to censor too. All of the actions mentioned are very tame. You'd think they might go after the Beautiful People entrance instead of Wolfe's salute.
What time was you watching it?

It could be because of the watershed as you're not aloud swearing, violence, nudity etc... before the watershed which I think starts at 9 so that may be the reason that so many things are blocked out.

I watched it at 9pm so it was after the watershed.
Yeah I recored it because I wanted to watch T.V Hardest men on Sky one (Austin was on thier about 45-30 I can't remeber) but yeah I recored it at 9pm so after the watershed.
What time was you watching it?

It could be because of the watershed as you're not aloud swearing, violence, nudity etc... before the watershed which I think starts at 9 so that may be the reason that so many things are blocked out.

Actually just to correct you on the matter, that's not true. Violence can be seen before 9pm but not to an extent of someone being hit repeatedly. A punch for example is violence and can be shown.

Swearing can be aired before 9pm, provided that there are warnings prior to the show and the swearing itself is minor (i.e. bastard)

Nudity can also be shown before 9pm, the biggest example is 'How to look good naked' which is shown at 8pm. So long as it has no sexual situation attached to it and again warnings are shown.

As for why Bravo would cut TNA, well if it is before 9pm. Then the same reason Sky cuts WWE. It's the law. If after 9pm, then it could be either down to sponsers, Bravo have issues with extreme violence with its current rebranding or its in the contract between Bravo and TNA. Although really they could get away with showing it uncut, its not like people who often complain to Ofcom would watch Bravo.
mrt1702 said:
Hi there, was going to reply to the thread, but its apparently closed. Just wanted to rectify that the information you gave in the last post of the thread is incorrect, both WWE and TNA are on Sky/cable/pay channels in the UK. WWE appears on Sky Sports and Sky One, and TNA appears on Bravo and Extreme Sports Network, all of these are only available with a subscription to Sky or any other cable or digital provider. Our only general broadcast channels are BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4, and Five, and also a handful of what we call 'freeview channels' have been added to that recently due to the digital switch-over. TNA did appear on the freeview channel Virgin1 for a four week period last year, but this was only for marketing purposes to increase Bravo subscribers.

This is a PM sent to me by a new poster who's got more knowledge about why TNA is censored in the United Kingdom.

mrt1702 said:
Hi again, to put a complete end to the question asked on the forum, I emailed Bravo (the channel that shows Impact in the UK) on Saturday night, just received a reply from them in the last hour, they have said that the reason for censorship was a mistake on their part. Apparently they had mistakenly ran the censored broadcast that would be usually be shown in the daytime or early evening. Hope this clears it up!

So there you go. Was on accident all along. YAY!
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