Is TNA In Trouble With It's TV?


Getting Noticed By Management
First of all I'm not a TNA basher, and I'm not predicting that they are going out of business. However, in the last few days we have learned that Spike has cancelled TNA Reaction and Bravo will not be airing Impact in the UK. TNA apparently has a large following in the UK,and now our brothers across the pond aren't going to be able to watch it. The only logical reason a TV provider would stop showing a program is because of bad ratings. So I ask, do you think this is seriously bad news for TNA, or are we just reading too much into it.
I think you're reading too much into it. Wasn't Reaction always known to be on a trial run right now? I thought they signed it for a set number of episodes and knew it wasn't going to be permanent, at least right now. Plus they're already saying that third hour of Thursday night TV will still be something TNA related, so it doesn't really matter. As far as in the UK, I have no idea. If it's popular there, then the ratings shouldn't be that bad. Dunno why they aren't carrying it.
Reaction was pretty much known to be on a trial run. As for TNA not having high ratings in the UK, it has been quite touted that TNA was getting higher ratings in the UK than WWE RAW was. It has also been argued that the reason being is that TNA airs earlier than RAW does time slot-wise. With that information in mind, I doubt that TNA not showing on Bravo in the UK has anything to do with ratings and more than likely has more to do with a contract negotiation that couldn't be reached. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bravo and TNA to co0me to some kind of agreement here shortly or possibly another UK based Television station picking them up.
I think it's definitely a bad thing for TNA to have two shows canceled. Within a week of each other. Especially Impact in the UK. Not having it's main show on TV in the UK will hurt them bad when they tour over there. I doubt as many people will buy tickets to their shows. Without being able to watch and know whats going on with the product. From what I have read they usually do great business over there.

So I definitely think losing Impact will hurt TNA unless they get another TV deal in the UK soon. However I doubt it will hurt them bad enough to force them to go out of business. In my opinion losing Reaction wont hurt them at all. It never really took off which is obvious considering it's low ratings and being canceled.
Well before we get all crazy how about we do some research before we throw around things about shows being canceled.

Here is the thing about TNA Impact in the UK.

Luke Price passed on a link to an article by stating that Sky in the UK is expected to shut down Bravo and Channel One "as part of a major shakeup of the Living TV Group." The report noted Sky decided to focus all of its attention on the Living TV channel portfolio and gameshow network Challenge. TNA Impact currently airs on Bravo (Sky channel 123, Virgin Media channel 136) on Saturday.

Right there is an article stating that the actual network was shut down. So they didn't cancel Impact. They shut down the network.

Now about ReAction. Both Dixie Cater and an executive from Spike TV said an announcement will be coming shortly about future programing from TNA coming to Spike TV to replace ReAction.

IMO ater reading everything I think ReAction may have been a test run to see if a second wrestling show from TNA would work like Xplosion. I think if Xplosion could air on a different day and get around 750,000 - 1,000,000 people Spike would be more than pleased. ReAction was always getting around 650,000 - 800,000 people watching it. If this was actual wrestling instead of just interviews there is a very strong possibility you get more viewers. Not to mention this can help get more air time for your wrestlers which means more exposure for the company.
The news here is bad for TNA, there is no spinning it.

True, UK Impact isn't cancelled for poor ratings. But its channel got nuked, and no one seems to be picking it up. The outcome is that no TNA in the UK, and TNA loses whatever rights fee it was getting from Bravo.

True, Reaction isn't being cancelled, it's just not being picked up permanently. The outcome is still no third hour of TNA on Spike, and TNA loses whatever rights fee it was getting for Reaction.

This is bad for TNA's balance sheet, bad bad bad.

What does it indicate about TNA's overall viability? Well, networks aren't falling over themselves to pick up TNA programming. Spike just dropped Reaction, and no UK channel has snapped up Impact. Does that mean that TNA's ratings and demographics are weak? Yes. Does that mean that Impact on Spike is in trouble? Not until 2012, that contract is pretty set. And even then, with 1.0 ratings, Impact will still be attractive enough to keep on the air, but maybe at a lower price.
Don't jump to undue conclusions yet folks - Sky show WWe so that hampers them showing TNA as part of their line-up. They cancelled Bravo because most of it's big primetime shows clashed with their own.

However, Extreme Sports has both the TNA PPVs and Xplosion - if rumours are to be believed, it should only be a short period before they also pick up Impact (which makes sense as Impact is the main build up for the PPVs).

From what I've heard, Reaction was an experiment - it may yet reap rewards, I have read elsewhere on this forum that the numbers are encouraging for the timescale in question (and even if they are just quietly dropping it, Manswers is very funny:lol:)
This seems mostly circumstantial. Reaction was signed for just one season. I thought a second season was already signed, but I guess there's still questions regarding that. Reaction's season finale has been slated since it was signed, it's pure coincidence that at the same time, the network that broadcasts TNA Impact in the UK is shut down. To my understanding, TNA has a strong following in the UK, and with the Maximum Impact tour coming soon, I highly doubt Impact will stay in the shadows like this forever. I don't know the nature of the canceling of Bravo, but if it was sudden, you can't expect deals to be struck immediately. Normally, when a nee show is made, a pilot airs and after it airs the full deal is struck based on it's success. Between the pilot and the shows full debut there's a gap of time. You gotta expect the same for Impact in terms of contract negotiations if the channel was shut down abruptly.

If there is a positive to all of the this, it's that it may help boast TNA Xplosion's ratings and eventually bring it to the US while TNA signs a new, more firm TV deal in the UK.
This is bad for TNA's balance sheet, bad bad bad.

What's bad for their Balance Sheet might be good for their Income Statement. When a business has several divisions operating at once, they often take the ax to divisions that are losing money so that the ones that are making money aren't dragged down. Perhaps Impact is profitable and TNA is being smart by shedding the unprofitable elements like Reaction.

In the past months, they have trimmed their bloated roster in order to save money and they've probably cut down on some of their production costs to do the same. This is smart business and may ensure the long term prospects of the company.

Of course, the entire operation might be losing tons of money, meaning that it's just a matter of time before the whole thing shuts down. No one can operate at a loss forever. When WCW was losing $60 million/year, the guys at Time-Warner put up with it for only so long.

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