TNA Created Stars

Wow His entire 108 day run little over three months and he got to stay a face. 1 out of 5 or 6 doesn't seem like a trend to you?

Okay, here is your scenario... let me first draw your attention to the section that you put in capitals. Think I've already proved it isn't 'ALL'.

Why because the bookers at TNA have their head so far each other nether regions they can't see the light of day. You don't understand here let me give you ANY AND ALL TNA CHAMPION STORIES....

Wrestler 1: Current Champion heel goes to the ring for weeks taunting wrestler 2 the babyface to come out. wrestler 1 find friends to jump wrestler 2 or does it himself. finally the PPV comes and the babyface wins giving the crowd that warm cuddly feeling ( like the marks they are) following week Babyface Wrestler 2 turn heel and now new babyface wrestler 3 comes out. Now you rinse and repeat with different players until all your fans have left and you look like a pile of crap.

Oh I am liar? Anderson, Bubba ray, Sting, Angle, Rhoode, Hardy the list goes on and on and on. TNA is a Joke and will remain that way until they can figure out how to maintain a face champion.

Okay, first off, the creative team has completely changed in the last twelve months and has revolved over the years so the butt comment is just asinine.

Okay let's run through the last number of reigns to test your theory:

  • Bobby Roode's fits (logically enough, you'd have to be a complete fool for it not... but it's really no different to Christian's feud with Orton over the WHC), although we're still waiting for the warm fuzzy feeling.
  • James Storm won as a face, lost as a face and is still a face.
  • Kurt Angle turned heel in a face / face match-up so that doesn't fit.
  • Sting won as a face from heel Jeff Hardy and had a standard face / heel feud with Mr Anderson with the belt moving back and forwards.
  • Jeff Hardy turned heel to win the belt, lost and then regained from a face Mr Anderson.
  • RVD won as a face from a heel AJ and remained a face until he was forced to relinquish the belt.
  • AJ won as a face from a heel Kurt and remained a face for the first three months of his reign before turning heel under the tutelage of Ric Flair.

It never came because TNA fans are such hypocrites and D-baggy that when Beer money used a beer to win it is cheered and praised but when roode does it alone it is hated.

How are TNA fans hypocrites - you're meant to cheer faces! When the Dudley's were in WWe, what was the difference between them getting cheered for putting certain women through tables but booed for putting other women through tables? In the first instance they were portrayed as characters we should cheer and in the second, they were portrayed as characters we should jeer.

When Beer Money used the bottle to win matches, we were in on the gag and laughed along because we're meant too (the same way we cheer when Roddy Piper pokes his opponent in the eye). When Bobby Roode busted James Storm with the bottle however, of course we booed - he'd just stabbed his best friend in the back and then he spat on him.

This paragraph saddens me because it just portrays you as a TNA hater because faces getting cheered for cheating is not restricted to this federation (how do you work out when to cheer and when to boo Randy Orton?).

Well personally I think AJ has more talent then being a mid card talent but now we can see where most of TNA thinks AJ belongs. But why go, the chance at greatness, AJ has a huge skill set and could be top talent if used right. But maybe your right he does get a light schedule AJ vs Daniels for the next 5 years good fun. Nothing like watching the same match over and over and over...just sell and Aj and daniels DVD then they can both retire.

But Big Show vs Cena ticks all originality boxes then. AJ is in his mid30s, there has been no rumours of WWe even being interested in him and it would be a big 'if' for him to go to WWe - he could be the next Daniel Bryan (and he'd be almost 40 if they go the same slow build they went with DBry) or he could be the next Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, JoMo, Shelton Benjamin. Most TNA fans love AJ but there is no guarantee that WWe fans will do the same and even if they do that doesn't mean he'll be pushed to the moon (Zack Ryder).

Ryback is a bad concept too, However Ryback is squashing who? exactly nobody you will remember, Crimson well he gets to dominate the TNA roster. and Undefeated wrestler since 2010 but gets no title shot 2 years no losses but still no world title shot. Come back in two years if ryback is undefeated ( won't happen) and tell me about his lack of titles.

Crimson hasn't dominated the roster, while he is undefeated, he looks anything but unbeatable and the main reason he isn't being mentioned as a title contender is that he is a heel and so is the current champion. I can't second guess how his story will progress but, logic dictates, that he'd have to have a run with the secondary heavyweight belt before he'd be allowed to challenge for the top prize.

Most talked about title reign in a 10 year span wow now that is something to write home about, oh wait that title wasn't even brought in until 2007, some lets trim the fat and 6 years. really most talked about. it was in 2009 when Aj was the most talked about. They only reason you think that is because "longest regin is crammed down the throats impact over and over again. But at least when I see roode I think TNA champ, unlike CM punk where I think....Oh crap that is who is the champ....the thing...clobberin time.

No, let's not trim any fat, the lineage of the TNA Title runs back through the NWA period - there was no period where there was two belts. When they moved from one to the other, they vacated the NWA belt and gave it back. You're hard to impress, the organisation has only been going for ten years - he can hardly be the most talked about TNA champion in the last fifty years, can he? I've followed the company from it's inception and, while there has been some great reigns (notably Joe's first run), the reason I believe Bobby's to be the greatest isn't because of the length (it wasn't even mentioned until recently never mind 'crammed down our throats') but because of the story.

He will get defeated by Robbie E and the title will once again lose it's grace, Devon shouldn't have it because it is a booster for young talent, Robbie E shouldn't have it because Jersey shore is no longer a popular TV show, Maybe they should do a character like Captain America...the avengers are big right now.

I'm as tired of the Robbie E involvement as anyone and I don't think there a snowball's chance in hell of him taking the belt of Devon. As much as I hate to say it, I believe the guy that will end it will be Garrett and what happens from there :shrug: - possibly Crimson. The TV Belt is a definite work in progress, but then again, so are the IC and US belts so hope always springs eternal.
First off let me say that just because someone wrestled in an organization before TNA does not mean that they are not still considered a "TNA created star". Look at Hulk Hogan and WWF, he wrestled in promotions before going to WWF yet is still considered a WWF creation. Same holds true for several other stars.

With that said, even though Styles, Joe, Daniels, Aries, MCMG, and others were stars in smaller organizations, it doesn't do any good if no one is able to see you. For those reasons I consider the above stars TNA creations. One of the people that might surprise people is I also consider Morgan a TNA creation. Yes he wrestled for WWE before but was never given the means to succeed (a stuttering gimmick? seriously?). TNA gave him the means to succeed and he has.

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