TNA 2 Hour Special

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Pre-Show Stalwart
If Wrestlezone is right then there is rumor of TNA doing a Monday night 2 hour special from 9-11pm on one of the mondays WWE is postponed due to the US open.

If so I think it is a good thing cause people are used to watching wrestling then.

So what are your thoughts on the talent they should showcase...the matches. Big Main Event? Title changes? What. How should they present themselves and what should they do to steal some of WWE's audiance to Thursday Nights?

Remember 2 hours is a lot of time to fill for a show that crams 1 hour full of matches and storylines.
wow, they could do so much there....I can't wait for it, because I miss watching wrestling on Mondays
Push all of their biggest wrestlers. They need to start the night off with a canadian destroyer just to keep people watching and just to show them what TNA is all about. Promise a hardcore match featuring Abyss or Rhino (or both :)) just so people can want to stay tuned in even more. Have Sting or Christian in the main event just so people who never watch TNA can see some familiar faces. For the love of God, make sure that LAX wrestles. That team is so entertaining. Have a paparazzi productions clip early in the show just to give some quick entertainment early. Don't let Monty Brown or Larry Zabysko on the microphone. Let AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels fight. Also, have a Samoa Joe match booked. And not against some jobber. Make it against Monty Brown or someone who can give him a challenge. Those are the keys to TNA having a successful monday night. I should be a wrestling writer.
Monty Brown is leaving soon so I think give him a push of some what so he can stay and not join WWE. CC can be in action. Have you seen 1 hour of impact.Imagine two...
2 hours of iMPACT! would be off the hook. If TNA does have another 2 hour special then 1 of the matches I would have on that show is Senshi VS. Petey Williams in an Ultimate X match for the X Division Title.
usa network will be showing the US Open.
Spike TV may choose to air the TNA special.
Canflam said:
2 hours of iMPACT! would be off the hook. If TNA does have another 2 hour special then 1 of the matches I would have on that show is Senshi VS. Petey Williams in an Ultimate X match for the X Division Title.

Your kidding me right?First of all Ultimate X shouldnt consist of two guys or else thats boring,plus they wouldnt show a match like that on Free Tv.Wait a few years...And isnt the us open tennis...?
Having a 2hr special on monday night would be huge for TNA! As stated before, monday is a night when a lot of people are used to watching wrestling, and even though there is more and more talk about TNA, there are still alot of people who have never seen TNA before and don't know who they are. Many people would tune in just because its Monday and to find out what all the talk is about. TNA would have the perfect opportunity to showcase everything they have; to come out with both guns blazin', and show what a company that really values substance over spectacle can do with a 2hr show.
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