The X Division Triple Threat Matches


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I'm going to vent a little bit here, you've been forewarned. The thing that brought me in to watching TNA was the X Division. It was different, and the matches were usually absolutely incredible. Now, all X Division matches are triple threat matches, and honestly I think it is making the matches stale. I'm not a fan of the all triple threat change. But I'm not a big fan of triple threat matches in general. I can only think of two triple threat matches that I am an actual big fan of. So my question really to everybody is, what do you all think of the triple threat change to the X Division? Do you think it's a good change, or should they go back to the way it used to be in the glory days of the division?
I don't like the X division having 3 guys.
I also don't like all the unknown/lesser known boring little skinny guys.
I think if TNA wants to improve the X division they should include the current mid card wrestlers and do away with the weight limit, and have it back to being mostly 1 on 1.
It was an OK idea when they put it in place to try and put a lot of emphasis on what was a dying division, but like other ideas they've had that made sense on paper but just didn't translate well to television (Gut Check), it's time to drop the stipulation IMO.

Fact is, nothing sells a performer (and by way, his division) faster than a feud. This isn't Jerry Springer. Three-way bouts are really difficult to pull off, and having a meaningful feud wrapped up in it that the crowd buys is even harder.

They were really onto something earlier with Sabin/King, and you could probably get anyone going with Manik/Suicide based on in-ring work. If you ask me, it's time to return to allowing just two men to go toe-to-toe again.
Looks like they looked back at all the memorable X-Division matches that fans loved, and they were the triple threat matches between Styles, Daniels & Joe. Then rather than taking the Paul Heyman route of, "we've done that already, let's create something new with young up and comers", TNA decided "let's give them too much of a good thing".

I for one hope they start an X-Division vs Heavyweight, champion vs champion storyline; and let the X-Division win and move into the forefront of the company. Why not highlight the thing that put you on the map, and make you stand out from other wrestling companies? Plus in boxing and the UFC the light-heavyweight matches draw more than the heavyweight matches nowadays. Capitalize on that trend, and focus on quickness and talent rather than size and power.
I personally don't like the whole concept of the three guys because it no longer allows you to become involved in a storyline with the X-Division. Lets look at whenever Kenny King was the X-Division Champion and it was him and Chris Sabin coming out for two weeks cutting promos as if there was no one else in the match and then all of a sudden Suicide/Manik would end up in the match. It was confusing and really very cringe-worthy to watch at how bad it was.

TNA need to go back to the 1-on-1 matches, this is where feuds developed and this is where you, if needed, where able to make 3 way matches to further the storyline with the other two men.
I get the argument about this trumping X-Division storylines but let's face it - is the X-Division known for its great storylines? Is that why people watch it?

99% of these guys couldn't cut a promo to save their dicks. How the hell are they going to carry a storyline and have people be invested in it? They can't, and TNA knows that. The ones who can speak and have some charisma get pulled up the card and rarely return to the X-Division (as it should be).

With that said, I don't mind the triple threats at all. They make for cool spots, I get to see more guys in the ring, they do their thing, get the crowd going and fuck off. That's their role and they're accomplishing it.

With TNA you still get your promo cutters and your nicer storylines with upper card talent. They do what X-Division guys can't and vica versa.
I can get past them not having a major storyline in the X-Division because...well...did they ever? I mean really, has there ever been a major X-Division feud that hasn't just been two guys competing over the belt? Sure there was Styles/Joe/Daniels but again, it was your basic face/heel/tweener matchup at the heart of it.

I don't think the X-Division needs overly complex angles, save that for the Main Event. I'm not saying never cut promos and not work their own respective gimmicks and everything. But I don't want overly dramatic storylines, the X-Division has always been about action and competitive matches.

And there it is, the matches. Doing Triple Threats every week pretty much reduces the amount of original (or at least fresh) matches you can see by a third. Because the majority of the time you've got folk doing spots here there and everywhere and it may as well be two complete matches just meshed together for the sake of it. Don't TNA realise in over-booking their matches in this manner they're severely limiting themselves long term what with there already fledgling division?

Go back to one-on-one matches. Create a functioning way of of establishing a number one contender and at least then you'll get more for your money. Fuck it, bring back the X-Division trophy.
The reason they changed their X-Division matches to three-ways is because the single matches weren't delivering. The blame doesn't fall in singles matches, but on the performers. The only matches of the X-Division I was enjoying were the matches on Pay-Per-View. Matters were made worse when RVD and Christian York were placed in the division. Two men that may be athletic, but could not pull of the high-risk and fast paced moves the X-Division is all about. I believe that is what led to the decision of Three-way matches completely, as they can be very good if the wrestlers put on their best, but why don't they do that in the singles matches?

Like IDR had mentioned; Three-way matches are difficult to throw on and it is hard to tell a story. While the stars of the X-Division aren't known for story telling or promos, there are still a few that can actually do that, so placing them in Three-way matches with no real story is unfair. Even if those wrestlers that can't do anything but perform, they can still put on some great singles matches.

What I would do is have those that actually have potential hold the title and cash it in as "Option C" as some would say, or have them in well built fueds against each other similar to AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. That is why these single matches are important. What storylines have we had in the X-Division since we got this new format? When Chris Sabin faced Austin Aries and Manik, they had Manik taken out early, and I think that was so they could let the other two put one of the best matches in TNA of the year, and it helped build Sabin as a legit challenger to Bully's title, pinning a former World Heavyweight Champion and the man who started "Option C."

So I would agree with the majority here and would return to the single matches; not only being amazing but also ones that involve story and creativity.
X-Division has never been about the storylines IMO the only standout one would be Joe vs the X-Division. Anyway I think the three-ways are fine. The matches have been pretty good! And I like the "rotation" idea.

The only time I think it was an issue really was when Aries put Sabin over, they had to take Manik out of the match. But remember these were exceptional circumstances, with the whole Aries/Suicide plot, put in there to make Sabin a main eventer and new world champ.
I don't believe that the X Division will ever return to the days in which it was really the centerpiece of TNA, or at least one of the centerpieces. Most of the wrestlers who were part of the X Division in its glory days have moved onto other companies, have generally faded into relative obscurity and/or wouldn't be all that relevant if they returned. While people have often expressed the desire to see the likes of Styles, Daniels and a few others return to the X Division; it'd have to be viewed as a big step backward with the X Division in its current booking format.

Triple threat matches, like most gimmick matches in general, aren't supposed to happen all that often. If they do, they lose their novelty. To make matters worse, X Division matches now consist of three interchangeable wrestlers with no hype, build or anything being told to try to cram 15 minutes worth of action, which usually consists of one spot or another, into a 4 minute match. The result is a match with wrestlers in it that's largely forgotten about as soon as it's over.

The only way the X Division is going to feel at all like it's something that's a worthwhile aspect of TNA, aside from the a few weeks out of the year for Destination X, is to create feuds, storylines and wrestlers with characters for the fans to want to invest in. The only storyline in the X Division, apart from Destination is, consists of a random gathering of three interchangeable cruiserweights that have no real reason to wrestle other than killing 5 minutes of air time. As I was typing this, I suddenly remembered that there's an Ultimate X match set for tonight's show to determine a new champ but I can't think of any of the three men who are competing in it.
As I stated in a previous post, would it be so bad to bring back the X-Division trophy? Sure it's just another stupid fucking prop but it helps establish order in an otherwise quite ridiculously booked division.

You can at least create an angle with that if you re-integrate Kaz and Daniels into the X-Division scene. Give one of them the title, one of them the trophy, have them compete in the triple threats and boom. Great heel building, it gives us a chance to get invested with someone potentially toppling them, gives us more Kaz and Daniels, and it helps them (longtime staples of the division) to help build a new star.

It doesn't have to be a longtime thing. But I think of all the things that could save the X-Division, it's them.

And it harks back to Daniels days in ROH, which we can all wank to knowing about.

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