X Division Revolution: The New Generation; New Rules and Stipulations

While i do like the idea, I don't see how it is going to improve the X division. For years the X division was the crown jewel of TNA and helped put the company on the map in the first place, But in recent years the division has recieved far less coverage and is now made up of only handful of guys who nobody really cares about. If TNA are serious about once again pushing the X division, then they need to be putting the spotlight on the division a lot more during impact and bring in some new tallent so you don't see them same two or three guys fighting over the title time and time again. Another good idea might be to drop the tv title and have the x division title as the only mid card title in the company with the division returning to being about no limits and not weight limits like it used to be. This way TNA would only have one title to focus on and it would allow guys like samoa joe to compete in the division again.
So many "What if"s accompany these new regulations. I guess thats what we keep us watching.

I wonder if this rule will last longer than the "X-Division champion going into Destination X can get a shot at the TNA title" stipulation. I was actually looking forward to that and look at what happened. :disappointed:

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