The Wrestlemania Set Design and Stadium Layout

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
For all the set geeks like myself, who love the production aspect that goes into the show, here are the Mania plans for the stage, set, and stadium layout:

Here are some notes on the WrestleMania 26 set from the new issue of WWE Magazine:

* The dome in the University of Phoenix Stadium will be open, like WrestleMania 24, making it an open-air event.

* Over 1,500 miles of cables and wire will be ran through the stadium to light the ring, stage and entrance way.

* Close to 400,000 pieces of pyro will be used and shot over 200 feet into the air above Phoenix.

* The 110 foot tall above-ring structure will hold 30 tons of light, sound and video equipment
and look similar to the one at WrestleMania 24.

* A $250,000 four-sided LED big screen with 150 speakers will hang under the ring structure ensuring a great view for everyone.

* Before heading to the ring, WWE Superstars will first walk onto a 120 foot-wide stage that stands 8 feet above the floor. As of now, they will then head down a ramp to the ring that will be surrounded by cauldrons of fire. These fire cauldrons will be placed all around the WrestleMania set and will burn high or low, depending on what the action in the ring calls for. Each cauldron burns at about 1,000F degrees.

Two interesting notes.

They are doing an open stadium for this, which is always neat as you get to see the day progress into night pretty vividly. Being in Arizona, rain is probably not likely either, so that obviously isn't a huge concern.

Second, I am intrigued by the fire cauldrons. This is obviously being done for the hot, Arizona theme for the show. They are apparently going to be at the stage area, not the ring, and it sounds like they are going to be similar to the Inferno Match in so far as when a big move is pulled off in the ring, the fire is intensified for effect.

Other than that, it sounds like as stated, it will be similar to the Wrestlemania 24 set from Orlando, which was pretty neat.

What are your thoughts on the set being planned? Is there any particular things you could think of that would improve the stage or ring area then what they have here?
Great post, Sid.

I, for one, am stoked about the open-air stadium. Outdoor Mania > Indoor Mania. It makes pyro so freaking epic, and you can bet that they are going to try to make it as big if not more elaborate than mania 24. And part of the epicness that was mania 24 was all about the set and creating the atmosphere.

Again, great find Sidrow.
I've always enjoyed outdoor events compared to those indoors (from a viewing standpoint). The thing that makes it most enjoyable is the fact, like you said Sid, you start off the action with the day sky and you can slowly see it fade into the night with each match. The idea with the cauldron sounds pretty nifty and I for one will be looking forward to that setup. From what I've seen from football games, Univ. of Phoenix Stadium is an awesome venue and a great spot for Mania. WWE will really get a lot out of the stadium and I expect an awesome stage design and show. Great find Sid.
This all sounds pretty good. I loved the open air feel to WM24 and think it's great it's returning. The only thing was the lights went out during the divas match last time so hopefully that won't happen again. It was no big deal during the divas match, but you wouldn't want that happening during the main event. I also like the sound of the pyro that shoots 200 feet above Pheonix. That will provide a very impressive end to the show, like WM24. I also love the sound of the flaming cauldrons. If it's true that they intensify upon impact moves, that will be pretty cool. Overall, nothing to complain about, quite the opposite infact.
Awesome, Squid, I wasnt aware this was another thing we had in common. Im a huge atmosphere/production value mark myself (so how the fuck are you such a fan of TNA?)

Anyways, this sounds badass. The fire cauldrons and the open air stadium sound sick. The open air atmosphere always gives the show quite the epic feel, and im sure the ambience will be the same. It also allows them to do more with the pyro, like what we saw with WM 24, and how absolutely fucking RIDICULOUS that was haha.

Can't wait for this.
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