Wrestlemania at Wembley Stadium?

Forget commentators and all that stuff. If the event isn't televised, commentators aren't going to be there anyway. Why would they?

When I say we don't get bells and whistles, I mean there is no special lighting for wrestler's entrances, no pyro, or anything. Imagine what wrestling looked like back in the early 90's before WWE began doing all that. That is what I am getting at.

I think the best way to show you and compare what our house shows look like, and what your house shows look like, is to visually show you.

These are a few clips of what the Overseas House Shows look like, and some of the entrances.


Now, this is what the House Shows look like in the United States.


There really is no comparison. Like I said ... no pyro, no entrance lights, not even a lighted up gate .... no nothing.

I think the key differences between the 2 are the number of fans there, which has a massive bearing on the arenas used and the facilities used at said arena. I still maintain that overseas house shows are awful, polished turds if you will and I think it's about time overseas fans at least got a B grade PPV off the actual PPV calendar.
I think the key differences between the 2 are the number of fans there, which has a massive bearing on the arenas used and the facilities used at said arena. I still maintain that overseas house shows are awful, polished turds if you will and I think it's about time overseas fans at least got a B grade PPV off the actual PPV calendar.

Well, you guys draw way more fans to your House Shows, so you get more production elements added to the shows ... where as we have virtually no production elements on our shows.

Of course, we actually drew 20,000 fans to one of our arenas in Los Angeles, California and sold out the building ... and we still didn't get any entrance lights, pyro, or anything. Their policy simply must be that in the States, we simply don't get that stuff, no matter what.

But, I will say that most of the time, the matches are at least pretty decent over here. And the Main Event matches are always excellent. So perhaps the quality of wrestling may be better in the U.S. on our House Shows. The only thing I can assume is that the guys are worn out from the jet lag in traveling on your shows. I don't know.

It's just from a Production element standpoint, the quality on your shows clearly puts ours to shame.
Living in Essex it would be a dream come true. Being only 16 and the only on in my family that follows wrestling I have no chance of getting time off school to go Wrestlemania :(. If it was held at wembley it will be a granted sell out no doubt. Even if I there is only one ticket left for the event, and even if it is in the worst seat ever I would do it just to be part of Wrestlemania

I don't see why people think the time difference is a problem. Wretslemania happens on a Sunday, so lets say the UK gets WrestleManis, they show it at 7pm live, and the folks in the USA would have it on a Sunday afternoon, which I think is a good time to have a major sporting event. The rest of the world do theirs at afternoons on the weekends so why not the USA?
I don't see why people think the time difference is a problem. Wretslemania happens on a Sunday, so lets say the UK gets WrestleManis, they show it at 7pm live, and the folks in the USA would have it on a Sunday afternoon, which I think is a good time to have a major sporting event. The rest of the world do theirs at afternoons on the weekends so why not the USA?

Like has been pointed out, there are several problems with changing the time it's aired in the U.S. .

First of which, is that it gets people out of their normal routine. That equates to lost revenue, in case some fans (and you know they're out there) don't pay attention to the change in time.

Also, if you hold the event at 7PM in England, then that means it would be airing at 2PM on the East Coast ... and 11AM on the West Coast. Being that events are held on Sundays, a lot of people and families are actually at Church during that time. So, that is more money out the window.

But more importantly, I believe WWE is actually contracted with the cable and satellite companies to air the PPV's at the set scheduled times they are right now. That is 8PM Eastern Time, and 5PM Pacific Time. So, if that is the case, then their hands are tied.

WWE is simply not going to jeopardize any potential loss in Revenue for their PPV Subscribers in the States. It is essentially their bread and butter, and the biggest source of revenue for the company .... far more than any live attendance gate.

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