The Terry Funk "Satchel Ass" Campaign

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
The Terry Funk Campaign


Oh, you want Wikipedia facts? Well, I don't got any of those for ya today. This man doesn't need it; this is a man that brought you nuggets of wisdom just like this;

Terry Funk said:
Oh, and by the way, Mick... Don't ever call me Dad again. And I won't call you son. I'll come up with something appropriate... like um... like Satchel Ass.

My daddy always told me don't ever trust whose ass is wider than his shoulders and that seems to fit you, Foley...


Words so wise, they've been immortalized in this graph.


This man is Terry Funk, and he has a dream. A beautiful, beautiful dream.


And since that man was bold enough to share his dream, I'll share mine; that this man wins the 7th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament. This man has everything you could possibly want.

Want classic matches? This man has got you covered

Want someone that can cut passionate promos? Terry can do that, too

Someone that can do the gimmick matches for thr third and fourth rounds? God damn it, that's The Funker

Terry Funk has every reason and credential possible to be known as the greatest of all time. And it's time this man got his due, and wins this year's Wrestlezone Tournament. He's got technical ability, he's got great promos, he's a top draw in professional wrestling. This man is indeed one of the greatest of all times.

So tell us, Terry... How long do you plan on staying around in the tournament this year?

The Dusty Sucks Eggs pic is my favourite Funk pic ever


Any wrestler that can rock a poncho is definitely uber cool
You can count on a push for the Funker from me... Talk about a guy who never gets enough props.

He's one of the most unselfish, talented, AND toughest bastards to ever grace the sport of professional wrestling and it's about damn time he gets the respect he deserves!

Vote for the Funker in the 2013 Tournament or you've got no balls.

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