The Rock Addresses The Future With WWE


The Rock gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter which was posted online this morning.

The interview talks mostly about his Hollywood career, various changes he's made in representation, how his acting career has affected his personal life, etc. However, he does address his future with WWE to some degree.

"He has not ruled out a return to the ring, though he says its scale — both as an event and a payday — would have to equal or exceed his 2013 fight, and he continues to work with WWE, though film is his real focus."

So, the article suggests that The Rock MIGHT be open to return to the WWE in the role of a wrestler, but it'll have to be at a WrestleMania with an equal or greater payday than his return bout with John Cena at WrestleMania 29. It also confirms what we all pretty much knew already: his film career is his objective. Regarding his payday, I've no idea how much he made for WrestleMania 29. A personal guess would be somewhere in the $3 million range, which I think is what Floyd Mayweather made for his bout against Big Show at WrestleMania XXIV. At any rate, whatever he was paid last time is what it's gonna take for him to at least be interested.
The Rock gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter which was posted online this morning.

The interview talks mostly about his Hollywood career, various changes he's made in representation, how his acting career has affected his personal life, etc. However, he does address his future with WWE to some degree.

"He has not ruled out a return to the ring, though he says its scale — both as an event and a payday — would have to equal or exceed his 2013 fight, and he continues to work with WWE, though film is his real focus."

So, the article suggests that The Rock MIGHT be open to return to the WWE in the role of a wrestler, but it'll have to be at a WrestleMania with an equal or greater payday than his return bout with John Cena at WrestleMania 29. It also confirms what we all pretty much knew already: his film career is his objective. Regarding his payday, I've no idea how much he made for WrestleMania 29. A personal guess would be somewhere in the $3 million range, which I think is what Floyd Mayweather made for his bout against Big Show at WrestleMania XXIV. At any rate, whatever he was paid last time is what it's gonna take for him to at least be interested.

Like you said it's pretty much conforming what we already knew. As disappointing as it is for him to say he's pretty much in it for the money you can't blame him. He takes a huge risk every time he steps in the ring. As long as he remains the box office attraction he currently is I'd imagine WWE would have no problem matching whatever he was previously paid. He draws people back to the product that haven't watched in quite some time.

Personally, I think he will have a few more matches before officially hanging up the boots. The question is who does he face? Brock Lesnar is an option, I would love to see Rock and Heyman trading verbal blows. Though with Lesnar's physical style an injury becomes a little more likely. A match with Roman Reigns would be huge. I know most would disagree but I wouldn't mind seeing him face Cena in a tie-breaker down the line, WM32 at the earliest. I'm not sure how could happen from a storyline sense but I wouldn't seeing one more match with Triple H they always worked well together.
I got the answer for the rock wrestlemania 31 rock vs sting with both entering the hof the night before as co headliners and rock working a lil more heel or tweener then last run gives both an amazing spotlight and something that will sell a ton of ticket for wwe
I don't understand why The Rock wants more money for the match... yes, he's risking his health, but it's not like he desperately needs the money. I thought being in front of the fans that made him famous was good enough incentive but I guess that's not the case.

I personally don't want to see The Rock return. A match with Roman Reigns would be good, but Reigns can't work the microphone against The Rock like Cena could. I think losing to Cena was an appropriate send-off, and for the sake of his legacy, I think it's best to just accept the Hall of Fame offer and move on with his life, making rare appearances here and there when the time is right.
And this should put an end to the argument some people have that Rock doesn't care about money. This proves beyond any doubt that all Rock cared about was the money and the spotlight, and not about giving back to WWE or the fans.
And this should put an end to the argument some people have that Rock doesn't care about money. This proves beyond any doubt that all Rock cared about was the money and the spotlight, and not about giving back to WWE or the fans.

Oh please, there's not a wrestler out there who would do differently in his position. The Rock is the only crossover star that has truly grown beyond the narrow confines of the WWE. He's become something bigger, and it's the WWE that benefits from him coming back...the PPV buys bear this out.
And this should put an end to the argument some people have that Rock doesn't care about money. This proves beyond any doubt that all Rock cared about was the money and the spotlight, and not about giving back to WWE or the fans.

How dare The Rock want to earn money for working!!!

Seriously this argument is ludicrous, every time The Rock has wrestled he has risked being injured and missing out on a movie and millions of dollars.

Do people really expect The Rock to wrestle a match at WM and be paid peanuts like a nobody? This is the single biggest crossover star in wrestling history, as well as being arguably the biggest action star in Hollywood right now.
Again the "Rock is the greatest thing in the world" supporters come out. Look, I'm not saying Rock isn't a star, or that he shouldn't get paid well. I'm saying that his return was not based on helping WWE or giving back to the fans, rebut it was fueled by money and attention for himself. The quote in the opening post very clearly states the Rock wants equal or more money than he got and wants it on the grand stage of Wrestlemania only, which provides him with the biggest spotlight possible in WWE.

If he only cared about giving the WWE and the fans something, he would appear on one of the smaller PPVs instead, not solely at Wrestlemania. Throwing PPV buyrates, or crossover success into this means nothing, because that has nothing to do with his reasoning to come back or not. If he wants to avoid injuries, stay with the movies where he can have stuntman do all the physical stuff and leave the wrestling to guys who actually want to be there, not just for the money but for the actual wrestling.
If he came back as Hollywood Rock to face Roman Reigns and they built the feud around being the people's champ it would be worth whatever amount of money IMO. I'd have him come back as a face and overtime turn into Hollywood Rock to the point where Reigns has to confront him.
I'm surprised he considers wrestling after the past two WrestleManias he got hurt.

I figured he'd just come back in a non-wrestler role like the host of WrestleMania again since it's in California this year, have the Hollywood theme and headline the Hall of the Fame.

I wouldn't be surprised if he wrestles. I'm hoping he wrestles Reigns. He could use the big win over The Rock, which may could be his last match
Well the Rock has every right and all the leverage in the world to make demands on pay. Yes he gets exposure for his films in WWE and that's nice but they need him more than he needs them.

Him vs. Reigns what I'd like to see most, but I'd love to see him do mic work against Bray Wyatt. Perhaps Rock/Reigns vs The Wyatts or some incarnation as that.

Reigns would really benefit from any rub the Rock could pass to him and would solidify Roman as a bonafide top superstar. And I mean the TOP guy ahead of Cena.
That's pretty much what I would have expected Rocky to say about his future as an active wrestler.

I don't get why people are whining about him "being in it for the money". Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest box office attractions around at the moment, commanding a huge salary for every movie he appears in, millions of dollars a time. For him to consider stepping back into the wrestling ring, where the chance of injury is high which could result in him missing out on these mega money movie pay days, then of course he would have to be paid a vast sum of money. The bigger he becomes in films, the more money WWE will have to pay to entice him to wrestle for them, it's not rocket science.

The Rock loves the wrestling business, he was born into it. But he isn't going to risk huge paydays for a wrestling match unless WWE make it financially worth his while. I have absolutely no problem with his comments, and I think we will see him in the ring again at some point, but only a couple more times at most.
People can bitch about The Rock's money demands if they like. But if he gets injured he might lose out on a film role with would lose him several more million. It's a fair price based on how little he'd get from having another match and how much additional income it'd bring in for WWE.

His final match with Cena was the correct ending for his wrestling career anyway.
Before people continue complaining that Rock only came back for the money, shouldn't they ask themselves, "How much (or little) did he agree to get paid in his last few WMs?"

Perhaps he's mentioning that he'd want more money to do this simply because he didn't agree to a vast amount in the past. Who knows? Or maybe now for various reasons he's wise to what he is risking (his health and millions more in blockbuster films) and how much the company may have been unfairly making off of him.

Don't just take one comment and immediately assume the worst. Also, so many people around here seem to just LOVE the idea of having something negative to say about someone that the majority likes.
At the end of the day, they're all in it for the money. Who cares. It's a business.

Has anyone listened to any shoot video from any wrestler? Austin? Nash? It's always and always has been about making money and what the pay day is.

Whatever The Rock gets $ wise, he deserves it. He is a draw. Always has been. If I were him I wouldn't even entertain the idea of another match.
Notice he didn't SAY money... he said SCALE!

It has to mean something if he's going to risk another 20m plus payday like he nearly lost over Hercules and being at Mania 29. He doesn't say what Scale IS but if it's putting over his kin and "passing the torch" as Hogan did for him, then I am certain that is what he is referring to.

I can see why WWE desperately wants RR v Rock and on paper it will work... Rock goes into HOF the night before (not this is not for the title) and is facing his cousin the following day in a "blood feud" where he has to "retire" if he loses... and of course he does... it'd make news all over the world that he lost, that he has to "hang it up" and that it was to a family member will only egg the cake.

He knows damn well wrestling and WWE can't match the paydays... only that the ones he has left he wants to do something special with or why bother?
Again the "Rock is the greatest thing in the world" supporters come out. Look, I'm not saying Rock isn't a star, or that he shouldn't get paid well. I'm saying that his return was not based on helping WWE or giving back to the fans, rebut it was fueled by money and attention for himself. The quote in the opening post very clearly states the Rock wants equal or more money than he got and wants it on the grand stage of Wrestlemania only, which provides him with the biggest spotlight possible in WWE.

If he only cared about giving the WWE and the fans something, he would appear on one of the smaller PPVs instead, not solely at Wrestlemania. Throwing PPV buyrates, or crossover success into this means nothing, because that has nothing to do with his reasoning to come back or not. If he wants to avoid injuries, stay with the movies where he can have stuntman do all the physical stuff and leave the wrestling to guys who actually want to be there, not just for the money but for the actual wrestling.

No one ever said Rock didn't want money... It's the fact he could be making more money with his time... he doesn't need the money he just wants his fair share.
What do you think is new about this?
So Rock is honest and says he wants the right money... this is somehow your proof it's only about money???

Rock hasn't got time to put in a second full time schedule. He's retired from wrestling, he makes a little time to go back if everything is right.
It's nothing new that The Rock is goal oriented. He doesn't want to come back and wave to the crowd like some other past stars, he's bigger than that... He doesn't want to do skits with Eugene or Coach like he had to do in the past. He's always looking to raise the bar.

You have no idea what The Rock was getting paid or expects... if he had any issues before... and you don't know what Rock would consider a big event.
Obviously Wrestlemania would be one, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't do a different PPV if everything was right.

All you're doing is trying to tell his fans he doesn't care about them.... What you don't understand is, we support him, want what's best for him, grateful anytime he comes back, want him to do well in Hollywood, thankful for the WWE career he's had. He's not a bad person, so nothing's going to change that.

"The guys that want to be there, not just for the money"
...Yeah cause none of the full time wrestlers want to get paid their fair share... all of them are just happy to wrestle on house shows with no goals... all of them turned down more money in Hollywood.
I think they should paid him whatever he asks and stop bitching about it. IDC if he's a part timer as he is the best draw in the company ever and makes Wrestlemania that much more credible and he also is a lady magnet unlike Pat Patterson who likes it from behind. I think the Rock is worth 5+ million dollars.
Most of the things I'm gonna say have most probably be said somewhere above, but I will say my thoughts anyway.

The Rock is rich. If anything, he doesn't need any money, but any money available is money to be taken. If he can make some more, he will obviously try to do so. That being said, doesn't this make Rocky a hypocrite and a liar? Let's recap a bit.

When he came back 3 years ago, he said that he was home and that he is never leaving again. Lie. He only showed up like 10 times. He said that he does all for the fans, that being in front of the fans is what makes him get chills and that he loves the business etc. Lie. If he actually did all that, he wouldn't back out just because of the money. The risk of injury is there, but I think it outweighs whatever money Vince can pay him. The only thing that he should consider about coming back is the injury and no one could say anything against it. Everything else though it just wrong. If the Rock wasn't in the WWE, he wouldn't be where he is now. He should pay WWE a visit more often, even if the money isn't a perfect analogy of what he is worth outside the wrestling business.

As I said, he should only base his decision on how likely an injury can be, and how will said injury possibly affect his Hollywood career. If money is the reason why the deals break up, then I will lose all respect I have for the Rock.

That's how I feel about the negotiations of his return. Let's assume now that he does indeed come back to work a program for WM31 for starters and I will later assume that he will work more.

Personally, I wouldn't like to see the Rock back. He was amazing, one of the greatest of all time BACK IN THE ATTITUDE ERA. When he came back this time, he was basically John Cena #2. Too much pandering to the crowd, bad overall promos (apart from the Rock concerts!), and of course mediocre-to-solid matches at best, either that be against Punk or Cena. Like it or not, Cena is really good in the ring overall when paired with a high tier opponent, and Punk is well, Punk. If the Rock couldn't get a top tier performance out of those two, then I can't see how we can see something at least decent with Lesnar, Reigns, HHH or whoever else he might be paired with for WM31. Also, there is always the thing about returning part-timers...

Since we assumed that he is coming back though, I'd obviously want to see him used as good as possible. For me, the best thing that he can do is feud with Roman Reigns. For Vince, Rock vs Lesnar is probably the best choice, since it is probably a highly marketed match. But it does nothing for the locker room. That's why Rock vs Reigns will work wonders, most possibly. The history is there. Reigns can work either as a heel or a face, making the Rock the corresponding opponent. I still feel though that Reigns isn't gonna be able to ascend to such big levels (beat HHH, then beat the Rock) in basically 9 months time. He isn't that talented on the mic or in the ring yet, to either afford to take the risk and make him the next top face, or waste a Rock's match against him. Maybe this could work for WM32, where Reigns will have proved if he has what it takes to get that shot.

That is why the Rock can't be used against Reigns yet, which brings me to his next possible opponent, Dean Ambrose. Vince might not be high on Dean as of yet, but as fans, we know to some extent what is good for us. Everyone portrayed Dean as one of the best heels at this time, yet he has proven that he can be an awesome face too so far. This leaves enough space for the Rock to work either as a heel or a face. I think the clash in personalities will make great promos and a decent match to go along with it. It seems like a match made from a movie, a Joker-like character in Dean vs a hero-type guy in Rock. I believe there is money to be made there.

A match I wanna see if Orton vs Rock. I don't really know the reason why, but Orton is one of the biggest stars ever, at least in my eyes, and the Rock is also. A feud between them might not have some sort of serious back history or might seem kinda weird between the two, but there will easily be something to make the two interact with each other.

Even though I generally don't like the idea of Rock vs Cena, it would make kinda make sense, since we would get a final winner, then again, we know that WWE likes to even both combatants out, so this match is highly unlikely.

There is always the possibility of HBK vs Rock, but the bottom line is that the Rock should be used against some new guy that the management has faith in. As said above, Dean is a guy that can use this rub at WM31, and Reigns get his at WM32. Still, I don't think the Rock is needed this time around. It seems like we are in an era where WWE has realized that they can't depend on Cena forever, so they try to not use him on so many high angles, but instead as an enchantment talent. Someone can be profited by a feud with Cena the same way, if not better, they can with Rock. Same goes for Lesnar. After conquering the streak, he will eventually lose to someone (reports say Cesaro), which also gives a great rub to them. Orton is in that territory too, where he will slowly start to be used as an enchantment talent, and HHH also realized that about himself. The Rock isn't needed. We don't even know if the Rock will make money again for the WWE, since most people saw how disappointing his last run was. I say he isn't really needed. There is already enough talent around to carry the show.

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