The Pointless Thread it a Brit Show? If it is I obviously haven't seen it. and also remember, I'm still a young'n, sorta, so i haven't watched too many shows from early 90's.
It's a movie made in AMerica, there's two of them short circuit and short circuit it
Yeah, I've definetley heard of it (outside this forum) now that i think of it, but I've never seen it. Oh well. No absolute need to go see it now, is there?
oh, and a little off topic, you and justin repped me, and it says i have 23 rep points, but i have one green bar. When do i get two?
when you get 100, every 100 rep points = a bar
yikes, Grandma, oh my. But its not like an old lady, Ohhh My, its a short, quick, very deep voiced, Oh My, usually with an loud inhale before hand. Much like Conan O;Brien's "I'm Gay." ever watch that guy? hilarious. but yes short circuit, ill get onto that.
yikes, Grandma, oh my. But its not like an old lady, Ohhh My, its a short, quick, very deep voiced, Oh My, usually with an loud inhale before hand. Much like Conan O;Brien's "I'm Gay." ever watch that guy? hilarious. but yes short circuit, ill get onto that.


Oh My
so is this now the Oh my thread?!

It's 2:40 am and I'm still awake Oh My
haha nice sig, close to better than mine. i'm at a cool 9 40, so its all good.
haha! I'm not back to university until the 24th...and I've been off since May
Where did peanut butter come into place?

The first peanut butter was the ground paste that the Pre-Columbian peoples of Mexico used as a base for a number of their "moles" most notably in the one which is today called mole de cacahuate

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