The {Original} Wrestlezone Tournament

Grrr not happy about some of the results... but I guess it just makes it easier for me to decide some of the matches this round, haha.

This is getting beyond interesting. Should be an interesting end to the tournament :)
Dude with the wikipedia bracket you have the rock defeating flair in the tower of doom match you might have to fix that.
Im takin an Austin/HBK finals... Its gonna be hard for me to see Taker lose so close to the end, but if hes gonna lose to anybody then it might as well be HBK...
i'm back (and better than ever, got a knack for making things better... continue Eric Bischoff theme song for as long as desired)

But, i can sum up the last 8 in just 3 letters.


Kane is beaten by Raven? Eddie Guerrero beats Triple H? Gillberg didn't make it either? DAMN! (Maybe Simmons should have been here too... LOL)

Seriously, total shock on Kane losing to Raven. Kane would have eaten Raven alive (Bigshow may very well have eaten Rick Rude alive after 24 hours of no food) even in a violent match. Did no-one here see WM17's triple threat match? Kane threw Raven through a window, through doors, through a wall, he ran him over with a golf cart, he sent Raven and Bigshow off the stage through some platform thing, then leg-dropped onto then both! But no, as soon as barbed wire turns up, suddenly Raven's better than Kane? You people disgust me. I'm sorry if i sould like xfearbefore on a John Cena rant, but come on, for the love of God people. And, just to cap it off, Eddie Guerrero, God rest his soul, he was a fantastic athlete and superb wrestler, but The Game would have won that. The Sledgehammer to the ribs while EG tries to climb across to the X in the middle of the ropes, and it's over, Trips pulls Eddie to the corner, sits on the ropes, then sits on Eddie's shoulders, and just uses him as an aid to climb across the ropes and win!

By The Way, Shockmaster, forgot to say earlier, would love a Tag Team tournament in Summerslam-time. Imagine that man. LAX, Hardyz, Team 3D, Styles & Daniels, The Rockers, The Hart Foundation, The Wild Samoans, The Andersons, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Game Triple H. Oh, and maybe a few teams made up of the various Guerreros. Chavo Sr and Hector, Gory & Mondo, Eddie & Chavo.

And that was my :twocents:. Jeff Hardy to win MITB III.
Apparently it was because the post was to short. I have the definition of the word spam and what I did and said doesn't fit it at all. Here it is straight from
Spam /spæm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spam] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, spammed, spam·ming.

–noun 2. (lowercase) a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.

Anyway, back to the tourney.
Ric Flair vs. Steve Austin - Flair is back in his element. A regular wrestling match. After going back and forth, Flair hits that trademark low blow and locks in the figure four for the win.
Winner: Ric Flair

The Big Show vs. Eddie Guerrero
Big size disadvantage for Guererro but he can make it up with his speed. Thinking about it though, I don't know if anyone can take down Show but Guerrero sure gives it a valiant effort. I think after 10 or 15 minutes he gets Show down on the mat and goes crazy and just starts kicking him and beating him and runs to the ropes and jumps off with the frog splash to finally get The Big Show out of the tourney.
Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Terry Funk vs. The Undertaker
Pleasantly surprised the Funk made it this far. Good to see atleast one of the ECW stars through to the Quarter-finals. With that said, since this isn't a hardcore match, there's nothing Funk can really do. Against anyone else I'd give Funk a fighting chance but not with The Undertaker. The Undertaker wins this one relatively easily. Lucky him.
Winner: The Undertaker

Raven vs. Shawn Michales
See above post. It'll be the same. Raven is out of his element but I will give him this. I think he'll make it more competitive because he has had experience in regular matches. He wasn't always an ECW guy. HBK his sweet chin music around the 15 min. mark to move on to the Semi-finals.
Winner: Shawn Michaels
Tag team tourny is in the works, but I'll need a lot of help. That won't be till summerslam time though.

Fear, you stole my thunder. Just for shits and giggles when this thing is over, i was going to go back to round 3 and just have straight wrestling matches, and see how this thing would have been different. Think of it as an alternate ending on a DVD.

Anyways, here's some vids I'd put on here to feed the appetite until tonight. I like some of the vids, but damn, everyone has a version of that stupid my sacrifice song.

Ric Flair Tribute

Steve Austin Tribute

Big Show Tribute

Eddie Guerrero Tribute

Terry Funk Tribute

Undertaker Tribute

Raven Tribute

Shawn Michaels Tribute
I like the stips as it makes it more intersting the only ones I dont really like are ones that completely hose people like Ultimate X or Chokeslam challenge but one slike Steel cage of First Blood are definetly worth consideration as thats how wrestling really is. Things like Promoters outside interfernce and stoips do decide how matches turn out just ask Bret Hart (duck and cover). Yeah I admit that Raven or Show may not desrve to have made it this far but it is no diffenrt than people who voted for favorits liek Hogan or Andre who had very littel talent
And one refute to the Knae destrpyed Raven theory at Wrestelmania that was not Raven at the top of his game while Kane still was. (sadly Raven was at the top of his game very little due to his vices) But I have always seen him as a poor mans Ric Flair. That is ot an insult but merley that Flair should have gotten hsi butt kicked by lots of the big brusiers like Sid, Vader, Rhodes etc but he won because he wasd the dirtiest player in the game and half his battels with people were psychological.

Fear, you stole my thunder. Just for shits and giggles when this thing is over, i was going to go back to round 3 and just have straight wrestling matches, and see how this thing would have been different. Think of it as an alternate ending on a DVD.
Just got home from TMNT, very interesting movie. It's akids movie, but not too bad.

Onto why we're all here.

Since there are only 4 matches, I had to come up with some fun ones to add to this bad boy.

Match 1: Fatal Fourway elimination Match
The Great Khali vs. The Giant Gonzalez vs. The Giant Silva vs. Kurgan

Match 2: Rescue Sting from a Cage Match
The Shockmaster vs. ArachnaMan vs. The Yeti vs. the Gobbeldy Gooker vs. Robocop vs. the Zombie

Match 3: Bikini Contest
Joel Gertner vs. Bastion Booger vs. George the Animal Steele, vs. Albert vs. Kamala vs. Trevor Murdoch

Now onto why we're all here. All of these matches take place in Detroit Michigan. These matches are the competitors first match of the evening. All matchups are regular matchups with no outside interference. Enjoy

Match 4: WCW Finals
The Nature Boy Ric Flair vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Match 5: TNA Finals
The Big Show vs. Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero

Match 6: WWE Finals
The Hardcore Legend Terry Funk vs. the Undertaker

Match 7: ECW Finals
Raven vs. the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

The poll is now closed
I know you can, that's why I changed it, just for you ;-)

haha thanks :p

Seriously though I'm happy how this has turned out, it's been amazing amounts of fun. Would've been nice to see a couple different people in the final 8 or even the final 16 but I guess the people have spoken!

It's all good. There's always next time when I can try to make a better case for my guys.

Right now I'm going to predict a Flair vs. HBK final... we'll see.
I like the stips as it makes it more intersting the only ones I dont really like are ones that completely hose people like Ultimate X or Chokeslam challenge but one slike Steel cage of First Blood are definetly worth consideration as thats how wrestling really is. Things like Promoters outside interfernce and stoips do decide how matches turn out just ask Bret Hart (duck and cover). Yeah I admit that Raven or Show may not desrve to have made it this far but it is no diffenrt than people who voted for favorits liek Hogan or Andre who had very littel talent
And one refute to the Knae destrpyed Raven theory at Wrestelmania that was not Raven at the top of his game while Kane still was. (sadly Raven was at the top of his game very little due to his vices) But I have always seen him as a poor mans Ric Flair. That is ot an insult but merley that Flair should have gotten hsi butt kicked by lots of the big brusiers like Sid, Vader, Rhodes etc but he won because he wasd the dirtiest player in the game and half his battels with people were psychological.

I see where your coming from... and whether you like certain stips or not that's just how it is in pro wrestling. The point of a stipulation is to try and get the upper hand over an opponent you're afraid will beat you in a regular match. Considering the rules of this tournament, if a given participant can choose the stipulation it's only fair that a guy like Big Show can choose a chokeslam challenge. It's in the same category as say Styles drawing a Ladder match over Hogan. A chokeslam challenge is unfair to Big Show's opponent, but so is a ladder match to Hogan. Catch my drift?

As for Raven... you know what you could be right... personally I can't respect someone to that point who's finisher is a drop-toe hold (albeit it into a chair) (and albeit he has the DDT too), but I can see where you're coming from. HOWEVER, you state that Raven was seldom really at the top of his game... and that's the ticket. We'll never know what he was really like at the top of his game for an extended period of time. And that's what made Flair so great. He was durable, and he still is. He's still going strong, and I don't think one person would have a negative thing to say if he even won another world championship!

My point is that considering he never really "made it" (and yes "making it" is being a star in WWE or to a lesser extent WcW, which he never was), I really can't consider him in even the same paragraph as Ric Flair. You could say that he was that good but underrated or underused... but if he was THAT good (and lest not forget you're comparing him to Ric F'N Flair), he would have at least made it to a certain extent... which he didn't. So sorry, I gotta disagree with you there in the end.
Match 1: Fatal Fourway elimination Match
The Great Khali vs. The Giant Gonzalez vs. The Giant Silva vs. Kurgan

Let's go with Khali just for shits.
Winner: Khali

Match 2: Rescue Sting from a Cage Match
The Shockmaster vs. ArachnaMan vs. The Yeti vs. the Gobbeldy Gooker vs. Robocop vs. the Zombie

DUDE. Robocop has guns!
Winner: Robocop

Match 3: Bikini Contest
Joel Gertner vs. Bastion Booger vs. George the Animal Steele, vs. Albert vs. Kamala vs. Trevor Murdoch

Always wonders what Murdoch would look like in a bikini, so I'm gonna go that way :p
Winner: Trevor Murdoch.


Match 4: WCW Finals
The Nature Boy Ric Flair vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Oi! Here we go. Hardest decision I had to make all tournament, and I probaby would have to make here until the end. Here you have arguably the best wrestler of all time vs. arguably the best entertainer of all time. Ric Flair drew for 30 years on a regional basis. Austin drew HUGE on an international basis for several years. Flair did everything you could imagine in a ring. Austin did everything you could imagine outside and around the ring. Both were among the best promo guys ever, and had the crowds eating out of the palm of their hands. Flair represents everything that's classy in this world. Austin represents everything that's trailer trash and had to work to get success. They're both equally deserving of winning this match. But in the end... Flair just has more prime years. Flair in 1998 could arguably beat Austin in 1998, in his prime, whereas Flair was essentially in his downfall, if you even want to call it that, by then (yeah he went through some tough years though). In the end I can't deny what Flair did for this business, how much he sacrificed and how much crap he took for the love of the business.
Winner: Ric Flair in the greatest match of all time.

Match 5: TNA Finals
The Big Show vs. Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero

I have a feeling Eddie is going to take this one, but I'm going to go in a different direction here. Eddie's made a career out of overcoming the odds and beating people who were bigger than him. But Big Show's not an ordinary big man. He has a move set that's comparable to Eddie's in terms of versatility, when you factor in weight and height, which is pretty impressive. He's a champion of champions. There's a reason why he's the only person to hold the WWE title, the WCW title AND the ECW title in his career, and I think it's deserving. He's arguably the best big man in the history of the business, and people say he's been lucky getting this far because of easy draws and good stipulations... however I don't buy it. I know there's a lot of people out there who would've voted for Show anyway. He deserves to be here. Eddie does as well,and I don't deny anything he's done in his career, I've always felt like he didn't have what it takes mentally to truly be considered amongst the elite, like Flair and HBK, etc. He wasn't calm, cool and collected. So I can't vote for him to get to the final 4. It's a matter of personal opinion maybe... but I just see Big Show taking this one. Great match though.
Winner: The Big Show Paul Wight.

Match 6: WWE Finals
The Hardcore Legend Terry Funk vs. the Undertaker

This one becomes a little easier now. Again, no denying what Funk has done in his career and what he's capable of. But I feel like he never really "made it". Undertaker is simply a legend, and arguably the best gimmick in the history of wrestling. 15-0 at wrestlemania, numerous title reigns and the innovator of so many classic gimmick matches it's ridiculous. Funk, although a great wrestler in his prime, will only be remembered in the end as a Hardcore Legend, unfortunately. That being said, I can't vote for him this deep in the tournament where there are no stips. Undertaker would wear him down and control the match throughout.
Winner: The Dead Man

Match 7: ECW Finals
Raven vs. the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

Ok so I'm going to assume this is under regular wrestling rules despite being the ECW finals. That being said, I think this is the easiest decision I've had to make in a while. Although I said I'd accept Raven's participation this late, I DON'T think he should be here and he should have never beaten Kane. Regardless, he's here... and he's facing the Heartbreak Kid, the Showstopper, the Icon. For I think obvious reasons this match is HBK's. I don't even think i need to explain myself here. Frankly if Shawn gets anything less than 90% here I'm going to puke.
Winner: The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

Semi-Finals !!!!

The Nature Boy Ric Flair vs. The Big Show Paul Wight.
Does this remind you of something similar to what happened at WrestleMania III Ladies and Gentlemen?

The Undertaker vs. The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels
Is anyone else extremely excited for this? We've seen this in the past... In fact it was one of the best HIACs if you ask me. We were close to seeing it again this year I would imagine, possibly at WM 23.. I have a feeling it's going to happen at SummerSlam. This is probably the second biggest match in the tournament... I CAN'T WAIT
You people disgust me. I'm sorry if i sould like xfearbefore on a John Cena rant, but come on. Cena rants do get a bit out of hand...

Here we go. The Regionals....(i'm not even gonna dare list the first four matches of rejects)

WCW Finals
Ric Flair vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - My god what a match up. It took me
a long time to decide in this one. Somebody before me said it best when they said this is the best wrestler for the best entertainer. For sure. But don't count out Austin's wrestling. I'm a mark for Flair as any self respecting wrestling fan is, but whenever I reach deep down inside I always hold onto Stone Cold as being able to beat anyone, ever, at anytime. He was just such a charismatic force that came out of nowhere and swept up wrestling in these rivalries that were seemed like they were so personal between them, when I was a teenager watching television then there was absolutely nothing on the face of the planet like Austin vs. McMahon from like April 1998-July 1999 all the way from after Wrestlemania 14 up to Fully Loaded 1999 (still one of the best PPV's EVER in my opinion) like that. So yeah, to end this rand, Stone Cold wins with his brute force over Flair's amazing skill.
Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

TNA Finals
The Big Show vs. Eddie Guerrero - I'm still trying to figure out how two guys who have never wrestled in TNA are wrestling in the TNA finals here, but lets let that go. Prax made a great argument for Big Show before me, because he truly is one of the best big men in the business, however, in saying that Eddie Guerrero wasn't on the level as the other guys mentally? I'd have to disagree there, because Eddie had passion for wrestling that was endless. Guerrero is honestly one of the most valuable wrestlers of all time simply because every match he's in, you're going to enjoy. Maybe it's too short, too slanted or gimmicked, or some other outside interference comes into play, but you can't deny that Eddie G. always, always put on 110% out there. (Don't start with the drugs talk, plenty of wrestlers' best work comes out of being under the influence, the same is true in all arts like music and film, literature).
Winner: Eddie Guerrero

WWE Finals
Terry Funk vs. The Undertaker - This one was just really easy for me, and that really upsets me because I was hoping it wouldn't have been so easy. Don't take that as disrespect to 'Taker, because the man is a legend and deservedly so, but Funk is TERRY FUCKING FUNK and an advantage like that doesn't come around often. lol, sorry about the mark out, but I mean, if you grew up watchin Funk's old NWA days and then digged into his hardcore history like I did, you've seen what this man is capable of doing. He will defeat the Undertaker.
Winner: Terry Funk

ECW Finals
Raven vs. Shawn Michaels - Raven stands no chance in this one, none at all. He simply just got bad drawing here, he is one of the best in terms of ring psychology and promo cutting, but aside from his acclaimed hardcore matches he hasn't really produced any solid old school wrestling matches. Michaels, however, lived and thrived on old school matches. HBK gets the sweet chin and begins steppin' closer and closer to that final prize.
Winner: Shawn Michaels

So does this mean that we've got...
Stone Cold vs. Eddie Guerrero
Terry Funk vs. Shawn Michaels (Oh my fucking god I'm gasming just thinking about this dream match. Imagine if Vince let 'em go at it in a street fight or something for a good forty minutes or so, it would be absolutely amazing, the two greatest wrestlers IMO, holy HELL will this round be hard to choose)

Match 5: TNA Finals
The Big Show vs. Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero

I have a feeling Eddie is going to take this one, but I'm going to go in a different direction here. Eddie's made a career out of overcoming the odds and beating people who were bigger than him. But Big Show's not an ordinary big man. He has a move set that's comparable to Eddie's in terms of versatility, when you factor in weight and height, which is pretty impressive. He's a champion of champions. There's a reason why he's the only person to hold the WWE title, the WCW title AND the ECW title in his career, and I think it's deserving. He's arguably the best big man in the history of the business, and people say he's been lucky getting this far because of easy draws and good stipulations... however I don't buy it. I know there's a lot of people out there who would've voted for Show anyway. He deserves to be here. Eddie does as well,and I don't deny anything he's done in his career, I've always felt like he didn't have what it takes mentally to truly be considered amongst the elite, like Flair and HBK, etc. He wasn't calm, cool and collected. So I can't vote for him to get to the final 4. It's a matter of personal opinion maybe... but I just see Big Show taking this one. Great match though.
Winner: The Big Show Paul Wight.

I know we've been at each others throats the past few days but I have to give you props on this one. I almost wish I could change my vote for The Big Show. I never thought about it like the way you explained it. I thought about it like your first sentence with how Guerrero has always overcome the odds but you're right in that The Big Show isn't an ordinary big man. He actually had talent.

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