The *Official* Book This Tournament Round 1 Thread


King Of The Ring
Just an few things to clear up, and we can get started.

---This is the first match of a Three Match Tournament, as voted on by you, the bookers. It is a Booker's Choice round, as you are free to pick your own wrestlers, and your own stipulations. In other words, you have complete freedom to book it as you please. If you want to do a 16 MITB Ladder Match, that's fine with me.

--- This thread is only to be used to post your match. Any questions, concerns, or needed clarifications that may arise should be either directed to me via PM, or preferably, in the Lounge in the Book This Tournament spam thread. There is to be no spam here please, as its simply for posting your match. Any spam posts will be deleted and receive a warning, in the interest of keeping this thread clean for both the bookers and the judges.

---The First Round will be open as soon as I complete this post. It will remain open until Sunday, August 28th, at 11:59pm(EST), at which point the thread will be closed. There is no "timeliness" factor in play here, as the order in which you post or how soon you post will not affect your score whatsoever. As long as it's up by August 28th at the aforementioned time, you are fine. Ive got a Book This! veteran on board as a judge as well who will remain anonymous.

---Backstories and promos aren't required for your match, but they are encouraged as they could help add to the "epic feel" of the match. Write the match as if it's the main event match of a PPV, Just as a review, here are the 5 criteria on which your match will be based:

A. A match that has a beginning, middle, and an end. Basically the way the match is built to a conclusion.

B. Writing a match description that fits within the time allotted for the match. Its tricky, and theres leeway. If its close, it will get graded well. Going too short or WAY too long would obviously result in a lesser score.

C. Nailing the performers in the ring. Their moveset, facial expressions, how they play to the crowd, etc.

D. Clearly spelled out. Higher scores would go in this category for those whose writing is the most cohesive and understandable. I dont want to have to guess, I want to read through and understand the flow of the match.

E. Giving the match an epic feel. I want to see one that Id read in a review and say "Damn! I need to see this match!"

These are the five criteria we the judges will be using, based on a 5 star system, scoring each of the criteria Ive given on a 0-5 scale. All are of equal importance, so Ill be averaging the 5 to give you the final score.

The prizes for winning the tournament are as follows:
A. First Place: Daily Rep for a month
B. Second Place: Daily Rep for two weeks
C. Third Place: Daily Rep for a week
D. Fourth-Fifth: Three days of Rep
E. All others: Rep for participation

If any questions that aren't answered here come up, please direct them to me via PM, or in the Book This Tournament thread in the lounge. The first round is now open to begin, and the best of luck to you all.
Backstory: Cody Rhodes's mission is to make the Intercontintal Championship relevant again. He thinks that by beating the WHC Orton, the IC title will be the most prestigous title in the WWE. However Orton is on a role lately and he still treats Cody as if he's a amatuer. Rhodes is out to prove Orton dead wrong by challenging him in a singles match. Champion vs Champion. Master vs Disciple. Who will win?
*Woahohh! Dark Smoke and Broken Mirrors plays as Cody Rhodes walks out slowly receiving some pretty huge heat. Rhodes looks at the crowd with a serious look on his face, walks down the ramp and enters the ring. Rhodes holds his title up in the air then gives it to the ref*

*Voices play as Randy Orton walks out to a huge pop. Orton looks at Rhodes and smiles. Orton walks down the ramp then enters the ring. He then hands his title to the ref*

Randy Orton(World Heavyweight Champion) vs Cody Rhodes(Intercontinetal Champions).
*Ding ding! Orton and Rhodes lock up. Orton gets Rhodes in a headlock and Rhodes pushes him into the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and turns it into a clothesline, but Rhodes ducks it and hits a back suplex on Orton. Orton holds his back in pain. Rhodes stands Orton up. Orton delivers 5 of his signature punches and Rhodes backs up. Orton irish whips Rhodes into the ropes and hits his scoop slam. Orton pins. 1...2..Kickout! Rhodes uses the corner to get up. Orton charges at Rhodes shoulder first, but Rhodes moves out of the way and Orton hits the metal pole in the corner. Oooohs sound through the crowd. Orton slowly moves out of the area and tries to stand up, but Rhodes jumps on the top rope and hits a moonsault and follows through with a pin. 1...2..Kickout! Orton chants fill the arena. Rhodes stomps on Orton's head 6 times. Rhodes then runs bounces off the ropes and goes for a knee drop, but Orton moves out of the way. Rhodes hits the mat and holds his knee in pain. Orton throws Rhodes out the ring....
And Rhodes hits the floor. Orton exits the ring and grabs Rhodes, but Rhodes irish whips Orton into the steps. Orton crashes into the steps in pain. Rhodes enters the ring. 1...2...3...4...5...6..7...8...9..Orton quickly enters the ring as he almost gets counted out. Orton slowly gets up. Rhodes springs off the ropes and goes for the Beautiful Diaster, but Orton reverses it into his signature scoop slam! The crowd is hot. Orton pins Rhodes and the crowd counts with the ref. 1...2...Kickout! Orton can't believe it. Orton pounds the mat for Rhodes to get up. Rhodes gets up. The crowd is on fire. Orton goes for a RKO, but Rhodes reverses it into a inverted necklock position and hits the Cross Rhodes! Rhodes pins Orton. 1...2...Kickout! And the crowd goes wild. Rhodes stands up Orton for his signature moonsault. Rhodes jumps to the top tb for the moonsault, but Orton jumps on the top tb as well. Orton goes for a german superflex, but Rhodes turns it into a backflip and lands safely as Orton hits the mat hard.....
Rhodes goes for the pin. 1...2...Kickout! Rhodes is frustrated and complains to the ref. Orton however gets up and RKO's Rhodes. The crowd cheers at it's loudest. Orton goes for the pin and the crowd counts with the ref again. 1...2...Kickout!Awww's sound the crowd as Orton couldn't believe that Rhodes kicked out. Orton goes to the corner to set up the punt! The crowd gets hot. Rhodes his on his knees and Orton charges for the punt, but Rhodes turns it into a spinebuster as the faces on the crowd look shocked. Rhodes goes for the pin. 1...2...Kickout! Rhodes is frustrated , but Orton gets up and goes for another RKO, but Rhodes pushes Orton into the ropes however Orton bounces off the ropes to hit his clothesline into a backbreaker, but Rhodes ducks it, springs off the ropes and hits the Beautiful Disaster on Orton! Rhodes pins! 1..2...3! Rhodes celebrates as the crowd boos the loudest any crowd can boo. Rhodes yells at Orton"I am the master, your now my bitch!".Orton lays out as Rhodes holds up his IC title
*BACKSTORY- The miz is out to regain his WWE championship all that stands in his way is john cena. but this is the miz's last chance at the title

*ENTRANCES- miz comes out to some cheers that are overshadowed by high pitched boos. Cena enters to a massive pop with a small portion of the crowd booing him. Justin roberts does his job and anounces them after there entrances with his trademark joohhhhhhhhhn Cennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna! cena throws his shirt into the crowd as the bell is rung.

*ding ding! cena and miz lock up. cena overpowers miz into the corner and begins and begins to hammer him. the ref breaks it up and scolds cena who turns around onto a clothesline by miz. miz applies a grounded sleeper on cena for a while. as cena begins to power out the crowd begins to clap clap clap. right as cena is about to power out he is hit with a boot to the back by miz who tosses cena out of the ring. miz again kicks on the floor outside as he goes to the top rope. cena is up and miz goes for a top rope axe handle but cena moves out of the way and nails miz with a clothesline. the ref is at 6 now and cena throws miz but as john is about to reneter the ring he is hit by a boot to shoulder. miz tosses cena into the ring steps as the referee begins his count. the crowd is chanting Cena Cena Cena! as the referee reaches 9 cena does his jump up straight into the ring. miz lookes like he just craped his pants as cena hits him with a shoulder block. (end of part 1)
part 2: as soon as miz reaches his feet as cena hits him with another flying shoulder block sending miz to the mat. as he goes for a third miz hits him with a big boot straight to the head! Oww says the crowd. miz picks him up and hits that side effect varation and goes for the cover 1...2..kickout! the crowd cheers! miz looks a little upset. he picks up cena and throws him into the corner. Miz goes for that corner clothesline but mises cena. as miz feet are still between the second rope and his front to the corner cena nails a neckbreaker and goes for the cover 1.....2... kickout. cena not yet bothered hits another flying shoulder block as well as the spinout powerbomb and goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle as the crowd gets going! but miz counters with a backdrop and turns cena over drags him to the apron. miz hits a knee to the head on the apron and goes for a cover 1...2...kickout! miz looks angry now pciks cena up goes for his backbreaker/neckbreaker combo but cena reverses miz's neckbreaker into a right hand to the stomach and a ddt while miz is on his knees ( as miz normally does). cena goes to the top rope and goes for his legdrop but miz counters into a slingshot powerbomb! 1......2........kickout! (final part next

sorry double post!
part 2: as soon as miz reaches his feet as cena hits him with another flying shoulder block sending miz to the mat. as he goes for a third miz hits him with a big boot straight to the head! Oww says the crowd. miz picks him up and hits that side effect varation and goes for the cover 1...2..kickout! the crowd cheers! miz looks a little upset. he picks up cena and throws him into the corner. Miz goes for that corner clothesline but mises cena. as miz feet are still between the second rope and his front to the corner cena nails a neckbreaker and goes for the cover 1.....2... kickout. cena not yet bothered hits another flying shoulder block as well as the spinout powerbomb and goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle as the crowd gets going! but miz counters with a backdrop and turns cena over drags him to the apron. miz hits a knee to the head on the apron and goes for a cover 1...2...kickout! miz looks angry now picks cena up goes for his backbreaker/neckbreaker combo but cena reverses miz's neckbreaker into a right hand to the stomach and a ddt while miz is on his knees ( as miz normally does). cena goes to the top rope and goes for his legdrop but miz counters into a slingshot powerbomb! 1......2........kickout! (final part next)
Final part: miz is now going for the skull crushing finale as cena is still rising to his feet. he locks cena in and hits it. 1...2...kickout! frustrated miz goes for another one but cena irish whips him to the ropres and hits another spinout powerbomb followed by a 5 knuckle shuffle. the crowd is roaring as cena hits the atitiude adjustment and covers 1...2....kickout! cena now takes miz to the top and teases a top rope atitude adjustment until miz counter and teases a top rope skull crushing finale. cena pulls him over his shoulders and does a top rope powerslam. he covers him 1...2...kickout! cena waits as miz gets up the crowd is on fire! cena hits a spnning atitude adjestment and goes for the cover 1....2....3! Cena retains the title as he poses to the crowd now very tired.
GrandSword presents:

Bound For Glory
Main Event
TNA World Champion Bryan Danielson vs. Senshi​

After three months of videos and hype the American Dragon, the man who many call the best in the world walked out into the Impact Zone and challenged Kurt Angle to see who really is, the best wrestler in the world.

Angle, the TNA World Champion couldn’t believe the disrespect he had received from this man. But he knew who he was. He was the man who was rated too violent for WWE television. A man who was fired because during an attack from the group calling itself the Nexus that beat up WWE wrestlers and staff, and destroyed the ring, it was Danielson who was seen as too vicious to be on TV.

As he walked into Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling he was no longer Daniel Bryan, but the very best in the business, Bryan Danielson. In a classic match Danielson defeated Angle and became the TNA World Heavyweight Champion!!!

But as Danielson continued to defeat opponent after opponent, the Warrior Senshi saw the American Dragon as a man trying to take his spot. A spot he had earned but management not giving him any opportunity.

Over the last year, Senshi had defeated many of the top stars in TNA. He defeated Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and even broke Sting’s ribs. He was unstoppable but had not yet been able to get a shot at the World Championship. As the American Dragon continued to rack up wins and cement his legacy as TNA Champion, Senshi grew tired of being over looked and decided it was his time to be Champion and almost kicked the head off the undefeated Danielson during an episode of Impact.

A blood feud was born as these two men are set on a collision course. Who is the very best? Will either man survive? The American Dragon versus the Warrior, both men are Bound For Glory!!!

Bound For Glory
Main Event
TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
© The American Dragon Bryan Danielson vs. The Warrior Senshi


The lights dim and a spotlight appears on the stage, smoke shoots out of the stage floor and from all different parts of the staging area appears in black outfits, men dressed as ninjas! With the entrance video screen able to change its colours they seemed to appear from nowhere and they line the entrance ramp. Senshi’s music hits as the video screen comes alive with his entrance video and music. Laser lights shoot out over the crowd as he walks out and roars. The Warrior then almost crab crawls to the ringside area.

The huge video screen stage then completely lights on fire as the fans erupt as the flames transform into an American Flag and then into a Dragon. It breathes fire and pyro and flames shoot up the sides of the 300 foot ramp all the way to the top 40 feet in the air as Dragon’s music hits and out walks Bryan Danielson. He emerges from smoke and flames wearing his blood red hooded robe, the big gold belt around his waist. Fire burns so hot the fans step back from the guard rails as they shoot continuously into the air. He gets into the ring and stands on the top turnbuckle acknowledging the huge sold out crowd’s support. He jumps down and grabs his wrists and cracks his neck readying himself for battle.

Danielson doesn’t take his eyes off of the most vicious wrestler in all of TNA. Senshi scowls as he gets in the ring, ignoring the huge heat he is getting from the fans. He stretches his legs and lifts his knees to the sky as official introductions are made to for the biggest match of the year, the Main Event of TNA Bound For Glory 2010. Dragon removes his jacket as the referee checks both men. He then asks for the title belt, and Danielson removes it and then hands it to the man in stripes. The fan go up as the referee first shows it to the challenger who looks like he’s about to explode out of his skin. Senshi smacks the gold hard, and the referee lifts it high into the air and shows it to four different parts of the arena! The fans are anticipating an absolute war…. And the bell sounds…

Senshi with a kick to the thigh of Dragon to start off the match. Danielson’s leg stings and the skin seems to bubble up almost immediately as if a blowtorch had been applied to his flesh. But he knows he has no time worry about the pain, because there will be more of it, much, much more… Dragon comes back with a kick of his own and takes Senshi down. Dragon mounts Senshi and locks in a cross arm breaker but Senshi rolls over and is almost in a triangle choke. Dragon switches to a modified headlock but Senshi rolls over and begins to deliver a series of right hands on Dragon while mounting him! Danielson covers up and due to viciousness of the blows makes a huge mistake and turns his back for protection. Senshi now has Dragon’s back and begins to deliver a few shots as the crowd gets behind Dragon. Senshi with a series of head butts to the spine and locks in a sleeper hold. The Warrior reaches back to try and finish early by applying the Dragon’s Bite. But Danielson quickly counters showing his technical genius by reversing the move into a bow and arrow!

Danielson quickly transitions to his feet and puts his feet in behind Senshi’s knees while still holding the wrists of his opponent. The crowd is amazed at how quickly he places Senshi in the move as he begins to rock back and fourth before dropping down into a sleeper hold of his own! Senshi’s spine is bent backwards as Dragon yanks back on the neck trying to get the submission. The crowd cheers as Dragon roars pulling down. The flexibility of Senshi amazes even the pro Danielson crowd as he is able to slip out of the hold and then using his leg strength kick away escaping!

Dragon rolls onto his back trying to get to his feet but Senshi is already up and launches himself with a brutal leaping knee strike knocking Dragon down. Senshi mounts again with a series of right hands but Dragon manages to rollover with a headlock. Dragon yanks on the nose of Senshi and delivers a series of stiff Crossface shots. Dragon then looks get some distance and stands up only for Senshi to deliver a series of knee strikes to the head of Dragon and he is then backed up against the ropes.

Dragon blocks a kick from Senshi and Senshi hobbles away. Senshi with lightning speed takes Dragon down with a flying armbar, but can’t lock it in all the way so resorts to some mat wrestling by delivering a few knees to the side of the body. Dragon tries to block a few right hands and goes for a triangle choke and locks in a cross arm breaker of his own! Senshi seems to be trapped in the move but kicks Danielson in the face and controls the back of Dragon looking for a submission until Dragon reaches the bottom rope. The referee goes for the 5 count on Senshi who releases the hold at 4, but gets in the face of the referee who flinches and backs away in fear, but this has lead to a distraction and Danielson kips up and as Senshi turns back to his “prey” he is hit by several furious elbow strikes to the face.
Dragon then follows these blows up with a series of head butts but Senshi looks for an arm breaker. Dragon steadies his feet and with a huge show of power lifts Senshi up and slams him down to the mat! Cover!!! 1…2… Kickout!!!

But Senshi quickly looks for a leg lock of some kind, but Dragon slips out of it turns his body and the two men lock up in the centre of the ring. The crowd can’t believe how fast paced this opening contest is, as both men are looking submissions frequently while bashing the other with stiff shots. Senshi with another takedown and goes for an arm breaker but Dragon is blocking it by clutching his fingers. Dragon rolls through and locks in a modified STF! Senshi manages to reach the bottom rope as the ref counts for the release. Dragon breaks the hold at 4 stands up and holds his hand out as the 56,000 fans sing along... “I HAVE TILL 5 REFEREE”.

Dragon smirks and unloads deadly kicks to the shoulder and then the chest of the slowly standing Warrior. He backs into the ropes as Dragon moves in with some elbow shots and then whips Senshi off the ropes. But the Warrior explodes off the ropes and hits a flying leg lariat knocking Dragon to the mat. Senshi then stalks Danielson and unloads with some of the most brutal kicks ever seen on pay per view!

Dragon is blasted right in the eye and he has been cut open! Dragon falls to the floor as Senshi wants to go out after him but the ref stops him. The ref looks to count but Dragon wiping the blow from above his eye ushers the referee back as if to tell the ref to shut up and that he was getting back in. Senshi pushes the ref out of the way and blasts Dragon again in the face with a back elbow! Dragon hits the apron and then crashes to the floor. Senshi climbs the top turnbuckle and then flies off the top with a huge Double Stomp-The Warriors Way!!!

Dragon is smashed and then back of his head hits the guard rail. He looks out of it as Senshi stalks him. He roars to the fans at ringside who boo him relentlessly as he lines up Dragon as he staggers around. Senshi sprints and then unleashes a double bicycle kick sending Dragon off his feet several feet in the air and he crashes into the far guard rail and slumps in the corner. Senshi looks down at the damage he has caused as the referee starts to count. The Warrior peppers Dragon with some kicks to the cut above his eye and then throws Dragon into the ring.

Dragon stumbles to his feet, Senshi with a go behind and takes Dragon down to the mat. He looks again to submit Danielson with an Indian death lock and transitions into a float over submission. Dragon twists the leg of Senshi to try and escape but it is answered with a kick to the back a couple of times. Danielson’s back bows up as he tries to grab it in agony. Senshi has slowed the match down to his methodical pace as he now looks to punish Dragon for what he sees as him coming and trying to steal the Warrior’s spot here in TNA.

Dragon quickly sees an opening and applies an ankle lock on Senshi but is met with several kicks that break the hold. Senshi with a series of stiff kicks to the face and the busted open eye. Dragon regroups and rolls to the floor and takes a few moments as Senshi rolls out after him. Dragon has lured him in and in a desperate surge of energy charges at Senshi with several right hands and unloads with a series of big time European uppercuts, lifting Senshi off his feet with every shot. Senshi crashes into the guard rail at ringside as the fans cheer. Dragon then roars as he hits kicks of his own to Senshi’s body and then a final Euro uppercut sends Senshi crashing over the top and into the fans…

Dragon drops to a knee as the fans chant ‘Dragon, Dragon, Dragon”. He gets up with fists clenched and roars. He sees where Senshi is and quickly rolls into the ring and holds the top rope wiping his feet. He zeroes in on his enemy and in a big time Bound For Glory moment, slingshots himself with a crowd dive somersault blasting Senshi who is only just getting to his feet. The sold out crowd erupts as both men are down.

The referee on the other side of the guard rail screams at both men to get back in the ring or he’ll count them out. Dragon roars to the fans as he gets up and they roar back as the fans are now on their feet. Dragon tosses Senshi back into ringside and wipes the blood off his face. Senshi is sitting on the mat very dazed with his back to the ring and Dragon delivers a knee to the face! Senshi flails around on the floor grabbing his face as Danielson drops knees on him from a standing position. Dragon rolls in breaking the count that had reached a seven.

Dragon rolls in after the Warrior and locks in an arm breaker but Senshi reaches the ropes. 1..2..3..4.. “I STILL HAVE TILL FIVE REFEREE!” But this time Danielson is in the moment and Senshi with a knee strike to the face puts Danielson down. He quickly covers him ….1… Dragon rolls the shoulder and counters with a roll up of his own…1…2… kickout!!!

Danielson gets a near fall. Dragon looks for a full nelson, a struggle goes on before he finally locks it in and then drives Senshi down with a back suplex! Dragon with a couple kicks and chops to the chest…cover!!! 1…..2…..

Senshi kicks out and then catches Dragon with a kick of nowhere hitting Dragon right in the face. Senshi gets to his feet and he looks livid. He shakes off the last minutes and attacks with a series of chops and a hard kick to the back of Dragon. Senshi with a loud chop to the back and then drops a knee following it up with a cover…1…2…

Dragon kicks out only for Senshi to deliver a kick to the back again! Danielson is in real trouble now as Senshi has a lot of momentum. He launches himself onto Danielson and locks in a dragon sleeper. Dragon tries to counter so Senshi transitions into a cobra clutch! Dragon desperately tries to fight out of it and shifts his weight to one side. Trying to get to the ropes, both men tumble through them and onto the floor but Senshi keeps the cobra clutch on! Dragon holds out his hand desperately reaching for the ropes as the referee counts to ten. Senshi yanks back on the hold and Dragon starts to go out. 1…2…3…4…5… Dragon is out and Senshi releases the hold ..6…7…8.. Senshi jumps into the ring breaking the count.

In exhaustion Senshi sits on the mat and waves his arm motioning for the referee to count out Danielson. The referee looks down and sees Dragon is flat on his face on the floor. He begins to count. 1..2..3..4..5…The fans chant Dragon over and over again trying to get him to wake up…6…7… he stirs and looks up seeing double, but Senshi knows he can’t win the title on the floor and flies over the top and hits a double sledge right between the Champion’s eyes!!!

Senshi rolls Dragon back into the ring. Sprawled on the mat Danielson feels the chants from the crowd and he tries to get to his feet, he grabs at Senshi’s leg as blood pours from the cut above his eye.. Senshi looks out to the crowd “Looks like he wants some more…alright…. I’ll give him more”.

Senshi hoists Dragon up onto his shoulder and looks to finish but Danielson blocks the Ki Krusher, drops down and delivers a big roaring elbow! He then connects with a dragon suplex!!! 1…2… kickout! Kick out! No one in the arena is sitting as they thought Dragon had won it there but the match goes on. Dragon with a double under hook suplex! Senshi crashes to the mat as Danielson goes to the top turnbuckle.

Dragon leaps off and hit’s the head butt but Senshi gets the knees up!!! Dragon has driven his own head into the Warriors knees! Dragon looks out!!
Cover..1…2… Dragon out of instinct kicks out! The crowd erupt again out of relief more than anything as Senshi roars at them. He even loses his focus to smack a fist at them, which riles up the crowd and boo him as he looks to deliver a knockout blow. Senshi with a handspring spinning kick and a dragon suplex of his own. Senshi looks to humiliate Dragon with his own finishing move the Cattle Mutilation, but Dragon amazingly slides through with the dragon sleeper! Dragon drops down on the move but Senshi reaches the bottom rope. Dragon quickly transitions Senshi into a neck vice suplex!

Cover 1…2… Senshi pops his shoulder up! Dragon slams the mat in frustration and wipes the blood from his face. He gets up roars with his fists clenched as the fans roar with him. He stands in the corner and waits for the Warrior to get up.

Dragon with a running forearm shot and a northern lights suplex with a bridge..1…2.. Senshi again kicks out. Danielson and Senshi get to their feet exhausted. They look into each other’s eyes in complete contempt and proceed to trade a series of chops and strikes! Dragon controls Senshi with a series of elbows but Senshi hits the ropes and springboards off the middle rope. But is met with a dropkick in mid-air!

Dragon looks to finish and climbs the turnbuckles. He gets to the top but Senshi pulls his leg from underneath him and Dragon crotches himself. Senshi then moves Danielson around and locks him into the tree of woe. Senshi climbs the turnbuckle as Dragon is trapped. He reaches up trying to free his leg only to have the Warrior’s Way unleashed onto him!!! The fifty thousand people grown as one as Danielson is smashed by the brutal finisher. This one is over as Senshi hooks the leg.


Noooooooo! leg on the ropes!!! The ref stops the count due to a rope break. Senshi gets in the ref’s face. He argues and argues, but the ref tells him to get back to “work”. Senshi climbs the turnbuckles again to hit the Warriors Way again.

He roars as he launches himself high in the air and comes down with both feet targeted for Danielson’s heart. But AmDrag rolls out of the way at the very last second, and in one smooth sequence, he kips up and quickly synches in a half nelson. He brings Senshi to his knees and hammers Senshi with the Dragon Elbow Strikes!

One after the other he pummels the side of the Warrior’s head. Little “mouses” appear on Senshi’s face, as trickles of blood flow down his face. Senshi roars and explodes with a snap mare on Bryan to escape the finishing move. With a burst of energy Senshi hits a kick to the thigh and spikes Dragon with a brain buster!!!!! But drops to the mat, both men are down! The ref counts to ten …1…2…3…4…5…6….7…8… Senshi slides over and covers 1…2…Dragon kicks out! The arena is electric as the opening contest is an absolute war!

Senshi with more stiff kicks to the face of Dragon. Dragon falls back and Senshi signals for the end of the contest. KI Krusher!!!!!!!



Dragon kicks out!!!

Senshi can’t believe it and the fans are still standing on their feet! Senshi with a backbreaker and goes to the top rope. Springboard 450 splash!!!!
But Dragon gets his knees up! Senshi’s ribs smash onto the knees and all the wind spews out of his body! He spits up blood as he tries to get on the balls of his feet, but is hit with a dragon suplex, then a back suplex.

An exhausted Danielson lifts Senshi onto the tope rope and goes for a back super-plex but Senshi battles back with chops and back elbows. Senshi with a head butt on the top rope. They jockey for position and suddenly … Ki Krusher off the top rope!!!!

Both men are knocked out on the mat and Dragon rolls out of the ring. Senshi goes to the floor and rolls Dragon back in the ring..



Dragon kicks out!!!. A livid Senshi hits a stiff kick and chops in the corner. He walks to the other side of the ring and attacks with a handspring back elbow but Dragon blocks it and connects with a bridging back suplex…



Senshi kicks out but Dragon expected the move and quickly counters the kickout into the Cattle Mutilation! Senshi lashes out looking to get a foot on the ropes. Dragon lets go of the hold and drags Senshi further away from the ropes to the centre of the six sided ring! The Full Windsor Knot (La Bell Lock) applied!!! Senshi screams in pain as Dragon wrenches back Senshi’s eyes widen, he looks for an escape, but there is none. A noise is heard in his shoulder, and the referee sees Senshi’s arm move, the Warrior refuses to tap, but the referee calls an end to the match!!!

Winner via referee stoppage at 17:21 The American Dragon Bryan Danielson

The fans go crazy, Danielson releases the hold and slumps to the mat in utter exhaustion and complete agony as the left side of his face is covered in blood. He finally gets to his knees and the referee raises his hand in victory as the crowd chants his name. Jeff Jarrett, TNA Founder is out and places the World title around his waist He steps up onto the ropes and lifts his finger to the sky stating he is number one, he is the best in the world! His win streak continues in TNA as he drops back down and rolls out of the ring.

EMTs check on Senshi’s shoulder. The Warrior spits at the referee for stomping the match, but his right arm hangs horribly low as he sits on the mat. Senshi glances at Danielson as if to say that it isn’t over between the two of them. Dragon nods in agreement as he backs up the ramp as the fans cheer him one more time!!!
Chris Jericho: I am the best in the world at what I do. I am the greatest champion in wrestling history, no one else comes near me. You hypocritical parasites boo me yet cheer these so called superstars of a lesser talent. What you see here is the greatest Intercontinental Champion, I was the first undisputed champion in professional wrestling history, I was…

“Pomp and Circumstance” hits and Chris Jericho is absolutely shocked as the Madison Square Garden crowd absolutely loses it.

Jim Ross: My God! It’s Randy Savage! I don’t believe it. Chris Jericho doesn’t believe it. I don’t think these people believe it. Randy Macho Man Savage is back!

Randy Savage: Ooohh Yeah! Chris Jericho, yeah. I’ve been listening to you run your mouth far too long now and it’s time to put it to an end. You say you’re the best in the world, the best WWF Champion, and the best Intercontinental champion, yeah. Well you’re looking at the man who is truly the best. I’m the cream of the crop, the king of the mountain, the best champion this industry has ever laid on eyes on.

Chris Jericho: What gives you the right to interrupt me Savage? You aren’t even relevant anymore and you come out your and run me down. If anything I should be the one running you into the ground. You have burned more bridges in this industry than.

Randy Savage: Whoah, hold the phone Jericho. Don’t you make the mistake of speaking ill of the Macho Man Randy Savage. If you truly think you are the best, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is. You and me in the greatest arena in the world Madison Square Garden, ooohhh yeah!!!

The crowd goes ballistic as Jericho drops the mic and tells Savage to bring it on. Savage unties his trademark cloak and throws his sunglasses and bandana to the ground as he runs to the ring. Savage slides in and Jericho ducks out of the ring. Savage holds the ropes and invites Jericho back into the ring, but Jericho insists he’ll be in when he is ready.

Jim Ross: Unbelieveable! This is a dream match in the making and what an honor it will be to call this and these great fans at Madison Square Garden get to witness history.

Earl Hebner pulls Savage away from the ring and this allows Jericho to enter back into the ring. Both men are set in opposite corners and Hebner rings the bell and this dream match is underway. Savage and Jericho both circle the ring methodically. Jericho holds his right hand up challenging Savage to a test of strength. Randy looks around the arena in vintage Savage form and the crowd pops insinuating they want Savage to test strength with Jericho. Savage goes to lock hands but Jericho pulls his away and points to his brain as if he has out smarted Savage. Macho Man is a bit hot headed over the matter. Jericho paces around as Savage patiently waits. Jericho puts his hand back up and wants to test strength yet again. Savage goes for the lock up and this time Jericho allows for it to go down. Jericho raises his other hand and the two lock up again. Jericho looks to have the advantage as he shouts to the crowd, but Savage out of nowhere gains the edge and Jericho screams as it is clear Macho Man is the stronger of the two. Jericho bounces up and down as Savage continues to add strength to the attack. This doesn’t last much longer as Jericho sneaks in a kick to the gut and then grabs Savage by the hair and drops him to the mat. Hebner yells at Jericho to watch the hair and Jericho blows him off. Jericho isn’t no spring chicken and he puts his focus on the leg and knee of Randy Savage. Jericho drives his knee into Savage’s three times as Savage tries to reach for the rope, but is nowhere close. Jericho wraps around Savage’s left leg and falls back, wrenching the body part. Jericho comes back up and repeats the process. Savage crawls away holding at the damaged knee as Jericho again points to his brain and yells at the crowd. This generates some major heat for Jericho as he walks around the ring with a smug look on his face. Jericho goes to lift Savage off the mat, but Savage pushes away which only triggers Jericho to kick Savage in the face. Jericho is successful in lifting Savage up and grabs hold of his left knee. Jericho drops Savage’s knee atop of his and Macho Man flies back and rolls out of the ring. Savage lays on the outside and he pulls down his knee pad to check on the severity of his knee. Hebner holds Jericho back from assaulting Savage on the outside. Savage tries to stand up, but falls back and clutches onto the ringside barrier. Jericho shoves Hebner out of his way and heads out of the ring. Savage limps around, but Jericho kicks out Savage’s knee and Macho Man falls back to the mat. A fan yells “you suck” at Jericho in which Jericho replies with “shut up you, ass clown”. That gets a small reaction from the crowd as they chuckle, but Jericho doesn’t seem to care. Jericho lifts the ailing Savage up and rolls him into the ring, but leaves Savage’s leg outside the ropes. Jericho lifts the injured knee and slams it down upon the apron. Savage screams in agony and scoots back into the ring. Jericho scurries back in and quickly covers Randy.


Jericho shouts “come on” at Hebner as he believes the count was slow. Hebner holds up two fingers at Jericho, but it doesn’t seem like Jericho cares enough to acknowledge Hebner. Jericho goes back to the leg of Savage as he tries to pull it out of the joint. Jericho follows up by walking around Savage and pulls Randy’s leg back towards his head. Savage screams as Jericho again covers him.


Savage kicks out quickly as he tries to avoid Jericho’s methodical offense. Jericho gets right back at Savage and locks him in a headlock. Savage tries to fight it off, but he has no luck. Jericho shouts “ask him” at Hebner as he believes Savage is ready to quit. Hebner asks Randy, but Savage says no. The MSG crowd starts getting behind Macho as they chant “Randy Savage”. Savage bounces his right leg up and down on the mat as he seems to be generating energy from the MSG crowd. Macho Man gets to one knee and rams his elbow into the sternum of Jericho. Jericho loosens his grip and Savage nails another elbow forcing the hold to be broken. Savage gets himself up and limps around the ring. Jericho runs at him, but Savage nails him with an axe handle. Jericho hops right back up and goes for another attack, but again Savage nails him with an axe handle. Savage is feeling it. Jericho comes right back at him and this time Savage takes him down with a back body drop. Savage knee buckles during the back body drop and the Macho Man crawls to cover Jericho.


Jericho rolls out of the ring after kicking out and waves his hand as if he is finished with the match. Hebner begins the count as Jericho is getting some immense heat for abandoning this dream contest. Savage yells at Hebner, demanding he not count as this isn’t how it isn’t going to end. Savage exits the ring and gingerly chases after Jericho. Chris is mouthing off something at the crowd before Savage nails him from behind with an axe handle. Savage waves his finger in the air and the crowd eats it up as Macho lifts Jericho up and starts to drag him to the ring. On the way to the ring Savage bashes Jericho’s head into the barriers separating the crowd from the aisle way. The two men finally return to the ring and Savage immediately goes for the cover.


Savage lifts Jericho up and throws him into the corner. Jericho slams into the corner and Savage follows suit, but Jericho gets his boot up and connects right to Savage’s face. Jericho pulls himself to the middle rope and dives at Savage, but Macho nails Jericho with a fist to the midsection that sends Jericho flipping onto the mat. Jericho rolls around holding his midsection after the counter by Savage. Macho is now climbing up to the top rope and he throws his hands in the air. The crowd is expecting Savage’s trademark elbow drop, but Jericho begins to get to his feet. Savage doesn’t seem to care as he drops an axe handle from the top to the back of Jericho. Savage spins around the ring with his arms in the air and the crowd loves it. Jericho is up and staggers back and turns right into a Savage clothesline. Savage bounces off the ropes and Jericho hops back up, but again is taken down. This time by a high knee from Savage, connecting Jericho square in the nose. Savage screams out an Oh Yeah as the camera zooms in on Jericho, who has some blood trickling from the Savage knee. Savage lifts Jericho up off the mat, but Jericho nails Savage with a low blow. Hebner threatens to DQ Jericho, but he lets it go. Jericho gets up and grabs Hebner by the shirt and yells at him. Hebner shoves Jericho back and drives his finger into Jericho’s chest and showed him his stripes. From behind Savage sneaks up and rolls Jericho up.


Savage nearly had it but Jericho kicked out at the last second. Both men are up and Savage is quick to catch Jericho in a small package for yet another pinfall.


Savage and Jericho are right up and both charge at each other and nail a double clothesline. Hebner checks the conditions of both men before issuing his ten count.


Jim Ross: Don’t let this end like this! You can’t let it end like this. Damn it.

EIGHT… (Both Savage and Jericho roll over and are in a crawling position)

NO!!! Just in time both Savage and Jericho are up and drape themselves on the ropes. Jericho suddenly gets a burst of energy and charges Savage, but Macho sends him flying over the top rope. Jericho manages to land on the apron and nails Savage with a huge kick to the back of the head. Savage falls to the mat and Jericho performs at Tope Atomico and crashes right on top of Savage, nearly crushing his ribs. Jericho wipes his hands signaling it is over as he makes a cover.


Jericho gives Hebner a death stare as he pulls Savage away from the ropes and attempts his patented Lionsault. Jericho bounces off the middle rope and moonsaults back, but Savage rolls out of the way and Jericho crashes face first on the canvas. Savage pulls himself up and waits for Jericho to get to his feet. Jericho is up and turns right into a boot to the midsection courtesy of Macho Man. Savage sets up Jericho for a suplex and drops him onto the mat and goes right for a cover.


Savage gets up and looks at the top rope and back down at Jericho. Savage points at the top and the crowd goes bonkers as Macho Man looks poised to connect on the Macho Elbow. Savage climbs to the top and holds his hands in the air. The MSG crowd is on their feet anticipating the finish. Savage flies and lands the point of his elbow directly into the chest of Chris Jericho. Savage crawls over and drapes his arm over Jericho’s motionless body.


Jim Ross: Unbelieveable! How the hell did Jericho kick out? Say what you want about Chris Jericho, but when he wants to compete there may be nobody better. He is taking Savage to the limit here tonight at Madison Square Garden and this crowd is loving every second of it.

Savage, just like the MSG audience can’t believe that Jericho kicked out. Savage heads to the apron and climbs back to the top hoping to connect with another devastating elbow. Savage flies again, but this time Jericho gets his knees up and Savage lands right on top of them. Jericho quickly positions Savage into a pinning predicament.


Jericho rolls off Savage and stalks Macho. Jericho walks around the ring, waiting for Savage to get back to his feet. The crowd breaks into another chant, this time chanting “Macho Man”. Jericho doesn’t seem to care one bit as he is in the zone. Savage pulls himself up and gingerly turns around where Jericho is waiting and drops the Macho one with a jaw shattering Codebreaker. Jericho quickly rolls up Savage as the MSG crowd is expecting the end.


Jim Ross: I don’t believe it. How did Savage kick out of that. The look on Jericho’s face says it all as Savage is more of an opponent than Jericho anticipated.

Jericho is in utter shock as he wipes some blood from his potentially broken nose. Jericho tries to convince Hebner that it was a three count, but Hebner holds up two fingers as Jericho slams down on the mat. Savage is still laying on the mat and Jericho goes for a second attempt at the Lionsault. Jericho bounces off the ropes and flips back and lands directly on the chest of Savage and goes right for the cover.


Savage barely gets his shoulder up as Jericho was for sure he had it. Jericho is getting angrier each and every second. Jericho now stomps away at the previously injured left leg of Savage. Jericho is just going nonstop before finally breaking away and waving his arms, signaling the end. Jericho lifts up Savage’s legs and goes old school with a vintage Lion Tamer. Jericho has his knee planted right on the skull of Savage, who is trying to squirm to the ropes. Savage screams in agony as Jericho keeps applying more and more pressure each and every time he leans back. Savage won’t give as Hebner keeps a close eye on the Macho one. Savage starts crawling towards the ropes and this cause Jericho to remove his knee from Savages head. Savage is nearly there and the crowd is feeling it, but Jericho drags back Macho to the middle of the ring. The crowd seems defeated and expecting the end of Savage. Savage throws his hand up and goes to tap, but stops his hand before giving in. Savage clenches his fist and pushes up to relieve the tension. This allows Macho to start a crawl towards the ropes, but his energy seems drained. Savage again pushes up and tries to roll out of the Walls of Jericho. Jericho realizes Savage isn’t going to tap so he falls on Savage who is rolled under Jericho.


Savage throws Jericho off and crawls towards the ropes to aid him to his feet. Jericho is up first and he lifts Savage up and slaps him in the face. Savage goes for a right hand but Jericho backs away, taunting the Macho Man. Jericho goes back to Savage for another slap, but this time Savage blocks and knocks Jericho down with a huge right hand. Jericho pops right back up and Savage takes him down with another right. Jericho gets up again and charges Savage, but this time Savage raises his right boot and connects with Jericho straight in the jaw, knocking Chris down to the mat. Savage’s eyes grow wide and the crowd is back in this as Savage limps his way to the apron and up the top rope. Savage plants himself at the top and raises his hands. The MSG crowd is feeling it, but Jericho was playing possum and he jumps to his feet and pushes on the ropes. Macho falls from the ropes and is now straddled over the top turnbuckle. Jericho climbs up and joins Savage on the ropes. Jericho goes for a Superplex, but Savage grabs the ropes to block the hold. Jericho goes for another attempt, but Savage blocks again. Jericho now hits Savage with some rights and goes for another attempt. Savage blocks again. Jericho goes for another round of rights, but Savage blocks them and hits Jericho with some rights of his own. Jericho is teetering on the ropes and Savage nails with a headbutt and Jericho goes flying off the top ropes. The crowd in New York City goes nuts when Jericho bounces off the mat. Savage regains his composure and stands on the top rope with his arms in the air. Savage takes the dive and drops the elbow atop of Chris Jericho. After the landing Savage grasps at his knee and slowly drapes his arm over Jericho and Hebner makes the count.


Winner by Pinfall: Randy "Macho Man" Savage (17:12)

Jim Ross: Listen to this ovation! We have just witnessed history here at Madison Square Garden and this is sure to be an instant classic.

The crowd goes absolutely insane as Savage hobbles to his feet as “Pomp and Circumstance” blares through the MSG speakers. Hebner raises Savage’s arm in victory as you can see he is still in serious pain from this battle with Jericho. Savage limps around the ring as Jericho sits up. Savage holds out his hand as Jericho stares. Jericho blows off the hand and helps himself up. Jericho hangs his arms over the ropes as he is clearly disappointed about his defeat. Jericho goes to leave the ring but Savage stops him. Jericho yells at Savage, but Savage again sticks his hand out. Jericho tells Savage that he won’t shake his hand. Savage seems shocked, but Jericho comes in and embraces Savage in a hug and the two men raise each other’s arms as both are victorious after this epic battle.

Jim Ross: That right there is the biggest sign of respect you can get in this industry. These two men gave it their all tonight and both men are truly the victors.
LSN evaluation of Arcade's Match:

Here are your scores based upon the 5 criteria that were provided as needed criteria to determine the scores:

1.A match that has a beginning, middle, and an end:

--I didnt see much of that during this match, to be honest. I saw alot of faced past action, but this seemed like they were rushing to get through a 7-8 minute Smackdown Main Event. This certainly wasn't long enough to tell a true story in the ring. The action was there while the match lasted, but it never settled into "storytelling" mode. This was all action, some ring psychology, but little storytelling. You'ld expect more from a PPV Main event, which is what I had asked for. **

2. A match that fits within the fifteen to seventeen minute range:

-- As I said before, the non-stop action here made this seem like a 7-9 minute, Smackdown main event match. I like the backstory and all, but ti would have been much more effective and believable had this been title vs title, which I could see main-eventing a PPV. As I said before, this felt like SD main event material, which is fine. Since no time was listed for me to compare this too, ill be generous and say this was a twelve minute SD main event. Still, this fell far short of the time limits I asked for, so I'm going with *** here.

3. Nailing the performers in the ring:

---I dont have many complaints here. Both men got in their signature moves, at the appropriate time, and their entrances, while not a spectacle, certainly played to their characters. There were issues with both wrestlers who didn't play to the crowd when their opponent was downed, which didnt happen here due to the faced past action. The most important thing was you nailed their actions in the ring, and those were all done very well. ****

4. Clearly and correctly spelled out, so that I don't have to guess or read between the lines as to how the match plays out. A well-written, easy to follow match.

---- The writing here was sorely missing several things. There were times when misspellings and cut-offs where the match didnt pick up exactly where it left off that left me scratching my head in wondering as to what truly was going on. There was no spacing or paragraphs whatsoever, so this came across as incredibly thrown together without a good feel for any differences in any way in this match.

Something that is well written is spaced out; instead, this was crammed together in one large paragraph with only new pages to cut them off. Several misspellings hurt this as well. **1.2

5. Giving the match an epic feel- one Id say I truly would want to go off my way to see.

---- Ive stated this earlier, and Ill say it again. The problem is this: This was a match where you were going mentor vs mentee, which is fine. That has their place, but generally, only for a championship. Neither the IC or WHC were on the line here, so that hardly makes for an epic PPV main event in any sense. Seeing Cody go over is original and the like, but seeing Cody Rhodes main event a PPV surely wouldn't draw my attention as a match I needed to get the PPV, or find a way to see. Without promos and a very medicore, quickly written backstory, there was very little of an epic feel here for this match in any way. It would be great to main event SD!, where none of the large buildup would be essentially needed. But as a PPV main event, much more is needed here. *1/5.

Looking at the scores above, what we hve is this:

1. A well-told story with a beginning middle and end: ** stars.
2.A match that falls within the 15 to 17 minute range: *** stars.
3. Nailing the performers in the ring: **** stars.
4. A well written match, clearly and properly spelled out:**.5 stars.
5. Giving the match an epic feel: *.5 stars.

All in all, this is 13 stars in five criteria. When divided by that five, this match adds up to 2.6 stars averaged.

Ill have ZRise's post scored next. Im still waiting for scores from the other two judges.
LSNs Evaluation of Zrise's Match:

Here are the scores and review based upon the 5 criteria I laid out at the beginning:

1. A match that has a beginning, middle, and an end:

What should be picked up on here is that what I'm looking for is storytelling, as match builds to the finish. The first and first parts of the match told the story very well. It did fill like it was missing that definitely middle, with counters and no real feel that this match was waiting for anything but the end. I never felt like this match got into second gear, as it went straight from first into third and the finishing sequence. The first and final sequences were well done, but the missing middle hurts the final score. ***.5

2. A match that fits within the 15-17 minute range:

Again, ultimately, a match with a given time is the easiest to evaluate, as all I have to do is decide whether or not that match fits into that time frame. Instead, I have to guess as to the time Id assign to this. As a PPV main event, this works in that this very well could be a PPV main event. But it did feel short to me and if I were to give it an arbitrary grade, Id say about 13 minutes, which does fall short of the time asked for. ***.5

3. Nailing the performers in the ring:

A decent job of nailing the performers in the ring. U got the movesets of both down very well, but there was little in terms of playing to the crowd or even attempting to describe facial expressions or feelings of frustrations. I did like the actual incorporation of crowd reactions and the like, but you did little to define the characters, per se, from the entrances, throughout the match, to at the end. ****

4. Clearly and correctly spelling out the match, making it easy to understand:

I didn't feel s if this was well spelled out. The typos were numerous, there was no capitilization for sentences, and none of the matches were broken down into paragraphs, making for a very confusing read. I cn understand the match, but part of what makes for a captivating one is the flow, which this didn't have in an above average way. **

5. Epic feel:

Again, as stated earlier, I was looking for a match Id want to go out of my way to see, a major PPV main event. This could be a PPV main event, but only because John Cena was in it. The match itself did nothing through the backstory to get me to the point where I wanted to truly see the match. A "last chance" match doesn't work with a one sentence backstory, a backstory tends to tell us how we got there. They generally involve a stipulation match of some kind, or a description as to why we got there. There was no PPV noted as to where this was taking place either, lessening the epic feel part of it. *

Giving the final score, based on the 5 criteria listed above, is as follows:

1. A match with a beginning, middle, and end: 3.5 stars

2. A match within the 15-17 minute range: 3.5 stars

3. Nailing the performers in the ring: 4 stars

4. Clearly spelling out the match, a well written match: 2 stars

5. Giving the match an epic feel: 1 star

With a total of 14 stars within the five criteria, the final average in terms of this match is 2.8 stars.
LSNs Evaluation of GrandSwords Match:
Here are the scores and review based upon the 5 criteria I laid out at the beginning:

1. A match that has a beginning, middle, and an end:

---This match built beautifully within the context of having a beginning, middle, and an end. From the introductions to the final bell, this was a beautifully written match. There was little in terms of a feeling out process, as it was go time from the beginning. Even though the entire match was pretty fast paced, it was stopped with great collisions, near falls, and possible submissions. Im not the biggest fan of a major match PPV not ending with a decisive finish per se, but the way the two went at it made perfect sense with both men throwing everything they had at the other. It made sense that Senshi refused to submit. ****1/2.

2. A match that fits within the 15-17 minute range:
---You wrote in the timing of the match, so all I had to do was evalute whether or not this match fit into that criteria. It sure as hell did, just about perfectly written in that regards. I have nothing bad to say here about this.


3. Nailing the performers in the ring:

--- I could envision both men, from their entrances to the end of the match doing the exact things that were on display during this match. Both Senshi and Danielson's characters wee fleshed out well, from their movements, the way they played to the crowd, and their moveset within the ring. It's incredibly tough to nail either better then this. *****

4. Clearly and correctly spelling out the match, making it easy to understand:

Very well written, and easy to understand. The nearfalls were palpable and held my attention because of the way they were laid out. This was very well written in pretty much every way, and was a pleasure to read something so exciting filled with so much detail. Kudos. ****1/2

5. Epic feel:

Some of what Ill say isn't an indictment on you, its personal preference. Having Senshi and Danielson main event the biggest PPV of the year in TNA doesn't feel epic in and of itself, but that's just my opinion. You made this match as a "must see" based upon your vivid description of the backstory leading up to this, as well as the description of the performers in the ring. If this were a re-written match that I had truly never seen, I would go out of my eay to see it. The only problem I hve with this is the lack of a decisive finish for a PPV main event, as it ended due to referee stoppage. Otherwise, this was a great match with an epic feel to it. ****1/2

Giving the final score, based on the 5 criteria listed above, is as follows:

1. A match with a beginning, middle, and end: 4.5 stars

2. A match within the 15-17 minute range: 4.5 stars

3. Nailing the performers in the ring: 5 stars

4. Clearly spelling out the match, a well written match: 4.5 stars

5. Giving the match an epic feel: 4.5 stars

With a total of 23 stars within the five criteria, this averages out to 4.6 stars in all.
LSNs Evaluation of Theo'sMatch:

Here are the scores and review based upon the 5 criteria I laid out at the beginning:

1. A match that has a beginning, middle, and an end:

---Even though this was an impromptu match, it was built well through the promo work at the beginning. This match is the definition of what Im looking for in a beginning, middle, and end. Jericho's methodical offense to start the match coupled by the comeback by Savage along with the counters and reversals that lead to the ending did make for a wonderfully built match, with a great ending. Another pleasure of a match to read. *****

2. A match that fits within the 15-17 minute range:

---Another match where you listed the match time, so it makes it quite simple for me. All I have to do is identify whether or not this match fit within the parameters of the time, and it did. I could see this playing out to the match time given, so well done here as well.


3. Nailing the performers in the ring:

--- You nailed the movesets of both pretty well. Jericho and his facial expressions along with how he plyed to the crowd waas spot on, but I felt at times you dropped the ball in that sense with Savage. You got his moveset down well, but he didn't play to the crowd or demonstrate much in the facial expression part. In the ring, you absolutely nailed him, so no complaints there, I just wish you would have played to his mannerisms and how he interacts with the crowd slightly more. ***3/4

4. Clearly and correctly spelling out the match, making it easy to understand:

Wonderfully written, from the backstory to the ending scenario. It doesn't get much better then this when it comes to making a match readable nd easy to understand. Even the way each move was described with great impact wasn't something I missed, it was hard to. This made it stand out above the rest in this department. Describing the impact on both men's bodies was done perfectly here, and i can't imagine you doing it better. *****

5. Epic feel:

I love the old school-new school clash, as well as the atmosphere of MSG combined with the call by JIm Ross. All of those things added to the epic feel of the match. Detracting from the match was that it was impromptu. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but as the main event of a PPV? I can't see it there. It was a match Id want to go out of my way to see, but there are a few things here that drag it down. ****

Giving the final score, based on the 5 criteria listed above, is as follows:

1. A match with a beginning, middle, and end: 5 stars

2. A match within the 15-17 minute range: 4.75 stars

3. Nailing the performers in the ring: 3.75 stars

4. Clearly spelling out the match, a well written match: 5 stars

5. Giving the match an epic feel: 4 stars

With a total of 22.5 stars within the five criteria, this averages out to 4.5 stars in all.

Initial standings thusfar. Again, final deadline for this is Sunday the 4th.

Grandsword: 4.6 stars
Theo: 4.5 stars
Zrise: 2.8 stars
Arcade: 2.6 stars

Im still awaiting the scores from the other judges.
Seeing as I have permission to copy and paste a match from one of my shows rather than write one new - quite busy right now as well as wanting to write my next PPV - I have decided to go with my '3 Stages of Hell' match from Survivor Series between Triple H and Sheamus. If you missed it in my BT, Triple H returned to the WWE at No Mercy and cost Sheamus the WWE Championship as he looked to win it back from Randy Orton after he lost it at Night of Champions in 2010. At the next PPV, Cyber Sunday, Sheamus and Triple H were in an Ambulance Match chosen by the WWE fans and just as Triple H was set to win, he was smashed in the head with a steel pipe. It turned out to be Hornswoggle joining forces with Sheamus and the Irish fella' won the match. Triple H wanted another match and won the right to choose the match type - '3 Stages of Hell' was chosen: a straight up wrestling match for the first fall, a 'Table Match' for the second fall and a 'Cage Match' for the final fall if needed. Here is the match:

* * * * * * * * * * *​

JIM ROSS: Well, folks, it is time for Triple H and Sheamus to enter hell itself ...

A video plays to hype up the next match. It starts with highlights from Triple H’s glittering career from his early feuds with The Rock for the Intercontinental Championship, his time with Stephanie McMahon and his first WWE Championships, his return at the 2002 Royal Rumble and his elimination of Kurt Angle, his feuds with Shawn Michaels and John Cena and Randy Orton and Batista ... These clips are played with sound bites from JR and Michael Cole describing Triple H in glowing terms ... the ‘Cerebral Assassin’ ... the ‘Game’ ... the ‘13-time World Champion’ ... the ‘King of Kings’ ...

Then the screen goes fuzzy and lightning strikes before we see Sheamus winning the WWE Championship early in his career by slamming John Cena through a table ... we see clips from the build up to Sheamus’ match with Triple H last year ... we hear sound bites that describe Sheamus in a positive light ... the ‘First Ever Irish Born WWE Champion’ ... the ‘most dominant young star in the WWE’ ... the ‘Celtic Warrior’ ...

Triple H’s final Pedigree at WrestleMania 26 is shown and we see his hand being raised in victory. Then, the screen goes wild as we see Sheamus’ attack on Triple H the night after WrestleMania with a steel pipe. We hear Sheamus claiming to have ended the career of Triple H as the clip of the first strike of the steel pipe is played over and over and over ...

The PPV theme song ‘Runaway’ by Hide the Villain plays as we see Sheamus tearing up the WWE and dominating again. We see his second WWE Championship reign before the return of Triple H at No Mercy where Sheamus’ hopes of winning back the WWE Title from Randy Orton were ended. Fast forward to Cyber Sunday and the Ambulance Match that saw Hornswoggle smash Triple H over the head with a steel pipe to hand the victory to the Celtic Warrior ...

As the song continues, we see high impact moves from both men over the length of their feud. We hear Triple H announce that their match at Survivor Series will be a 3 Stages of Hell match and we see clips of Triple H’s past victories over the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels ... As the video ends, we hear the words 3 STAGES OF HELLLLLLLLLL spoken in a spine chilling voice as we see a final clip of the two staring at each other in the ring ...

JIM ROSS: Wow, what an intense rivalry these two men have, King.

JERRY LAWLER: I’m not sure if Sheamus realises what he has gotten himself into here!



JUSTIN ROBERTS: This match is the ‘3 Stages of Hell’ match. The first fall of the match will be a straight wrestling match, the second fall will be a Table Match and the third fall, if needed, will be a Cage Match. Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland ... the Celtic Warrior ... SHEAMUS!

Sheamus comes out on stage with a custom made t-shirt and thumps his chest in defiance. He heads to the ring ignoring the jeers and boos as he does and gets into the ring looking determined to beat Triple H again after his Cyber Sunday victory ...

JIM ROSS: Somebody missing, King?

JERRY LAWLER: Yeah, where is that backstabbing little troll, Hornswoggle?

MICHAEL COLE: I don’t think that this is the best place for little Hornswoggle to be tonight!

JERRY LAWLER: Shame, I was looking forward to seeing Triple H get his hands on him!

*** THE GAME ***


JUSTIN ROBERTS: His opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut ... The Game ... TRIPPPPPLLLLE H!

Out walks Triple H in the spotlight carrying a bottle of water and looking around the arena with a look of revenge in his eyes. He sets off for the ring walking with a purpose and climbs up on the ring apron where he takes a swig of water ... He spits it in the air and then stares into the camera opposite before ducking under the rope to enter the ring ... Suddenly, despite the ring being in darkness still, Sheamus attacks Triple H with a knee to the head as he enters and the lights come back on quickly ... the referee signals for the bell and the match is under way!


Sheamus’ quick start gives him an early advantage as he pummels Triple H with devastating right hands in the corner. Caught completely by surprise, Hunter can only cover up and try to create some space but the Irish star will not allow this as he beats him down to his knees. The crowd boo and jeer but this matter little to Sheamus and he stands back to admire his work as Triple H is down at his feet in the corner. Sheamus moves in to continue the beating but the Game pushes him aside and looks to fight back ... however, Sheamus is too quick and he hits a foot to the shoulder to knock Hunter back into the corner. Sheamus whips Triple H into the ropes now before lifting him into a Sidewalk Slam that crashes him down on the mat. He drags him to his feet again and looks for a second whip into the ropes. Triple H though manages to reverse this and as Sheamus rebounds off the ropes, Triple H lifts him into a huge spinebuster that makes Sheamus scream in pain and he quickly makes his way under the rope to the outside of the ring. Hunter gets to his feet and stares down at the Celtic Warrior with a look of intense hatred etched onto his face and points at him before demanding he gets back into the ring like a man ...

However, Sheamus is not having any part of Triple H right now and he edges away around the ring taunting Triple H and daring him to follow. Hunter finally loses patience and he goes through the ropes to go after Sheamus ... however, Sheamus wheels around and slides under the ropes back into the ring immediately and stands tall in the ring to the annoyance of the Game. He slides back in after Sheamus but this gives him chance to kick Hunter in the head again as he comes into the ring and Sheamus takes control again. Dragging Triple H up so that he is trapped in between the middle and top ropes, Sheamus thumps away at Triple H’s chest with all his might before letting him drop to his knees on the edge of the apron. Sheamus has made an impressive start here ...

JIM ROSS: What a start from Sheamus, he has gotten under Triple H’s skin like nobody I have ever seen, King ...

JERRY LAWLER: Triple H will make him pay, JR, you watch!

Sheamus drags Triple H back into the ring and he uses a double axe handle to smash Triple H in the side of the face ... once, twice, three times Sheamus hits the move that he calls the War Sword and then he drops down on Triple H and makes the first cover of the match ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* Triple H kicks out easily *

As Hunter gets to his feet, Sheamus pulls him in close and hits a short arm clothesline that crashes the Game back down to the mat with a thud. Sheamus has a great advantage early in this match and he taunts the crowd by battering his chest again and telling them that he is the most dominant man in the WWE. However, the time wasting proves not to be a clever move as he turns around and runs at Triple H and is promptly back body dropped over the top rope and down to the floor to the delight of the WWE Universe who are mostly on the side of the Cerebral Assassin here. Hunter stalks after Sheamus and he drags him to the steel steps and crashes his face down into them hard ... the referee recognises that there is a need for a few liberties in this match and allows Triple H to continue. A second shot to Sheamus’ head follows as Triple H drives him into the steel ring post and the referee starts to tell Triple H off ... remember that this is a straight wrestling match and Triple H could be disqualified. Hunter bears this in mind and whips Sheamus hard into the barricades instead and Sheamus groans as he hits his back hard before Triple H clotheslines him over the barricades into the area where the timekeeper sits. Sheamus is down on the floor with the wires and the ring bell and the referee convinces Triple H to return to the ring ... With Sheamus down and out, there is a chance of a countout win here for Triple H ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* 3 *
* 4 *
* 5 *
* 6 *
* 7 *
* Sheamus crawls back into the ring at 8 *

Triple H stares at Sheamus and points to his own chest declaring that tonight is the night where Sheamus pays for his actions in the past. Sheamus gets to his feet and the two go head to head in the centre of the ring before Sheamus throws a punch. The pair trade huge right hands before Sheamus – realising he won’t win that battle – takes Hunter down with a headlock. He hits punches to Hunter on the mat before leaping up and taking a shot at Hunter’s head with his boot before he steps back. Triple H gets up quickly and Sheamus rushes over and goes for the Brogue Kick but his opponent pulls down the top rope and ducks under his boot so Sheamus ends up straddled over the rope. Triple H launches more right hands to his rival before hitting a neckbreaker that brings Sheamus back into the ring the painful way. An elbow drop to the back of Sheamus follows as does a knee to the back of Sheamus’ head as Triple H takes control to the delight of the fans.

Sheamus is beginning to look the worse for the wear as he gets to his feet with the aid of the ropes in the corner ... Hunter whips him hard into the opposite corner and Sheamus clutches at his back as he drops to his knees. He is dragged back up by Triple H who mounts the middle rope and milks the adulation of the crowd before hitting Sheamus with big right hands in the corner. The crowd chant along with ten punches before Trips lets Sheamus stagger out of reach. A kick to Sheamus’ gut is followed by a DDT and Sheamus is down on the mat again ... Triple H looks to win the first fall here ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* Sheamus gets his shoulder up *

Triple H grins as he gets to his feet and looks down on Sheamus on the mat. Hunter drops the elbow twice more to the upper leg of Sheamus as he sets him up for something. Kicks to the leg follow before Hunter looks to lock in the Figure Four Leglock. We’ve seen this recently from Justin Gabriel but Triple H learnt it from the best in Ric Flair ... the crowd ‘Woooooooooo’ as he locks it in to the huge, stocky legs of the Celtic Warrior. As he wrenches back, Sheamus lets out a yell of pain as his ankle and knee crush against each other in a way that they’re not supposed to do! Sheamus tries to punch Triple H to break out but he cannot reach and in the end he realises that he needs to reach the ropes instead. He tries to roll over but he can’t and the ropes are tantalisingly out of his reach at the moment. Sheamus has now been in the hold for 30 seconds and he cannot last much longer as he desperately tries to edge to the ropes. Closer and closer they come as Triple H looks to apply more pressure as he tries to stop Sheamus getting there. Can Sheamus reach the ropes? He looks to be struggling now and the tap-out could be seconds away ... Sheamus makes one last attempt to reach the ropes and ...

... Sheamus gets there! He clutches the bottom rope still locked in the hold and still in agony. Triple H holds on as the referee threatens to disqualify him. The referee begins to count ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... Triple H releases the hold in the nick of time and the referee is not happy. However, the Cerebral Assassin does not care as he looks at Sheamus who is struggling to stand on his right foot after the damage inflicted there. Sheamus, realising he is in danger of losing the first fall, rolls under the rope and hobbles around outside the ring out of the way for a moment. However, Triple H is soon out there too and stalking him around the outside of the ring with a glint in his eye. Suddenly, Sheamus manages to find a clothesline from somewhere that crashes Triple H down and he hits the back of his head on the barricades surrounding the ring. Sheamus gets back to his feet gingerly and – needing more time to recover – he painfully manages to rush over at Triple H as he gets to his feet ... Brogue Kick! Triple H crashes down to the floor and Sheamus has time to recover after the pain inflicted in the Figure Four. After catching his breath for a moment, Sheamus drags Triple H up and rolls him into the ring. He climbs onto the apron and as Triple H gets up, Sheamus slingshots over the top rope to hit a shoulder block ... Sheamus with the cover ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* Triple H kicks out *

Sheamus is looking frustrated as he grabs Hunter and lifts him up for a powerslam back down to the mat. With Hunter rolling to his front, Sheamus grabs an exposed arm and pulls it back hard in a horrible looking Arm Bar. With a knee in the back of Triple H, Sheamus pulls back the left arm of Triple H and demands that he gives it up. However, there is no chance of that happening and Triple H, in pain, starts to edge to the ropes instead. As he gets closer, Sheamus breaks the hold himself and hits a stiff kick to the back of Hunter’s head and stands over him with a look of amusement on his face now. He thumps his chest again and stands over the Game looking out to the crowd with a smirk. Yet again though, Sheamus’ time wasting gets him in trouble as he is suddenly hit with a drop toe hold as he moves back in. Triple H jumps on his back and locks in a Cross Face submission hold and Sheamus is in trouble again here! Will he tap out this time?

Sheamus fights desperately to get out of the hold but Triple H has it locked in perfect so Sheamus has no option but to find another way out ... or to tap. Sheamus tries to use his powerful legs to roll himself over and begins to manage it ... suddenly, Triple H’s shoulders are down and the referee goes for the count ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* Triple H rolls them back over into the Cross Face again! *

Sheamus needs to find a way out of this and he tries the same trick again. This time, Triple H knows it is coming and he tries to keep Sheamus down on the mat. Sheamus manages to get his knees down on the mat and manages to roll over again ... another pinfall ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* Triple H kicks out and release the Cross Face *

A quick War Sword shot from Sheamus sends Hunter spinning down to the mat to buy Sheamus more recovery time. As Hunter gets to his feet, Sheamus hits a clothesline that sends him over the top rope to the outside with a crash as he rolls into the announce table. Sheamus follows and he drives Triple H head first into the announce table top before returning the favour from earlier by running Triple H into the steel ring post. The referee remains lenient but stops Sheamus as he goes for a steel chair and threatens a disqualification. Sheamus pushes him away and picks up the steel chair before trying to go after Triple H. The referee waves his hands at Sheamus and repeats his earlier message and Sheamus heeds the warning and throws the chair down in temper. Sheamus argues with the referee and it allows Triple H time to recover as he kicks him in the gut on his turn round. Triple H then positions Sheamus and hits a PEDIGREE! Triple H with the Pedigree on the outside of the ring!

Triple H returns to the ring and the referee follows. The countout begins and this could be the end of Sheamus for the first fall. Hunter rests in the corner as the referee counts Sheamus out ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* 3 *
* 4 *
* 5 *
* 6 *
* 7 *
* 8 *
* Amazingly, Triple H goes out and rolls Sheamus in at 9 *

MICHAEL COLE: What is he playing at? He had Sheamus beaten there!

JERRY LAWLER: He wants to send a message to the Celtic Warrior, Cole, he wants to pin his shoulders down!

MICHAEL COLE: This could be a big mistake!

Triple H whips a bruised Sheamus into the ropes and hits a reverse elbow that sends Sheamus down to the mat again. Triple H has the first fall virtually won it seems and he hits the ropes again before hitting a stunning knee lift to Sheamus. Triple H looks around the arena and then taunts Sheamus with a DX ‘Suck it!’ taunt as his confidence grows. Triple H locks Sheamus head between his knees again and it is time for another Pedigree. He locks the arms up and prepares to hit the finisher ... Back Body Drop from Sheamus! Where did he find the energy to do that? The crowd are shocked and then Sheamus stands back and waits ... we know what is coming here ... BROGUE KICK! Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Triple H! He goes for the cover ...

* 1 *
* 2 *
* Triple H kicks out at the last second! *

The crowd erupt as Sheamus looks devastated in the ring and nearly begins to cry with frustration. He argues with the referee about the count but he won’t signal for the bell and Sheamus gets a determined look in his eyes. He grabs Hunter and lifts him up onto his back for the High Cross ... with Triple H gripped with his arms and resting on Sheamus’ back, the Celtic Warrior is set to drop him down on his back and shoulders. Suddenly, Triple H wriggles out and drops down behind Sheamus ... Kick to the gut from Triple H! Here he goes again ... PEDIGREE! Triple H hits the Pedigree!

* 1 *
* 2 *
* 3 *

WINNER OF FALL 1: Triple H (17:32)

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The winner of the first fall ... TRIPLE H!

In the ring, the referee raises Triple H’s hand to indicate that the Game is now leading by one fall to zero. Triple H retains a focused look on his face as he prepares for the second fall ...

JUSTIN ROBERTS: There will now be a 1 minute break before the second fall, a Table Match.

JIM ROSS: What intensity we are seeing from these two men – this is only going to get worse from here on in as well. What a slobberknocker this is turning into!

JERRY LAWLER: How satisfying that must feel to Triple H though to see the referee’s hand count 3 after all the pain that Sheamus has caused him in the past year!

MICHAEL COLE: Can I remind you both that it is only one fall to Triple H? Sheamus was inches away from claiming the first fall and you know what? He has won Table matches in the past – he won his first WWE Championship when he put John Cena through a table. This match is not over!

JIM ROSS: Sure did, Michael, he sure did!

JERRY LAWLER: For once, I agree with you, Cole. Hang on a minute though, what is Hunter doing here?

Triple H has left the ring and is searching around on the floor for the sledgehammer. When he finds it, he lifts it up and heads back into the ring ready to for the second fall ... The camera focuses on the outside of the ring where several tables have appeared propped up against the barricades ready for the second fall of the match.

JERRY LAWLER: Second fall – no disqualification! I don’t like Sheamus’ chances right now!


The bell rings and Triple H immediately heads over towards Sheamus who is propping himself up with the top rope after the Pedigree that put him down for the first fall. Both men have taken a beating already but they are now heading to hell as they look to survive the match and have their hand raised in victory. However, it is Sheamus who is suffering most ... and the sight of Triple H stood in front of him with a sledgehammer cannot be helpful. Triple H tells Sheamus clearly that there is now ‘no disqualification’ as he holds the hammer ready to destroy Sheamus. Sheamus holds his hands up and looks to be pleading with Triple H now as he eyes the hammer ... but Triple H is in no mood for forgiveness and he suddenly swings the hammer and drives the heavy, steel head right into the pale gut of Sheamus that reduces him to a whimpering mess in the corner of the ring. Hunter smirks and tosses the hammer out of the ring to the floor before heading out of the ring himself to loud cheers. He grabs one of the tables from ringside and slides it into the ring whilst the WWE Universe cheer him wildly.

Triple H looks round at the WWE Universe as he sets the table up in the centre of the ring. Sheamus is still down in the corner holding his gut and coughing; he looks finished here. Triple H looks like he is about to win the match 2-0 as he locks the table in place and then heads back over towards the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus is dragged to his feet and is on his knees in front of the Cerebral Assassin who tries to lift Sheamus up for a Powerslam through the table. Sheamus comes to his senses a little just in time though and he manages to force Triple H back before wriggling free and the pair begin trading big right hands again with the table behind Sheamus if Hunter can find a way to put him through it. Sheamus cannot hang for long with Triple H after the hammer shot he took recently and Hunter gets on top before whipping him into the ropes. As Sheamus heads off the ropes, Triple H looks to hit a spinebuster through the table but the Irish man fights back with desperate elbows to Triple H’s head and again manages to delay the fall. A drop kick to Triple H’s knee allows Sheamus to toss him through the rope to the outside before he flattens the table again and slides it out of the ring so it lands right in front of the announce table.

With Sheamus recovering, he manages to drag Triple H into a Powerslam when they are both back in the ring. More time for Sheamus to recover and get himself back into this match is earned when the Celtic Warrior hits another Brogue Kick. However, with no pinfalls, Sheamus needs the table if he is to capitalise on Triple H’s weakened state. Sheamus heads out of the ring as if he is going for the table but instead he picks up the chair he wanted to use earlier and heads back into the ring where he glares down at Triple H ready for revenge for the hammer to the stomach. Sheamus looks like a man possessed as he begins to slam the chair down into the back of Triple H over and over and over and over again. The referee tries to intervene but a threat from Sheamus sends the referee scuttling out of the ring and the beating to Hunter continues. Sheamus blasts the knees, the lower back, the shoulders of Triple H before dropping the chair which is now seriously bent out of shape. Sheamus lets out a yell of anguish before grabbing Triple H and tossing him out of the ring again. Hunter is in big trouble now and he lands on the floor hard before Sheamus follows him out. Triple H is driven into the barricades twice head first and there is a glazed look in the eyes of the Cerebral Assassin as he lies on the floor looking battered. Sheamus drags him up to his feet again and then up the rampway where the floor is made of steel. A scoop slam is hit on Triple H and he writhes in agony on the floor after the impact on the steel. Sheamus is going crazy though and he drags Hunter up again before running him hard and head first into the screens displaying the Survivor Series logo at the top of the stage. With Triple H in a crumpled heap, Sheamus heads off to locate a table and despite the jeers and boos, he is smiling for the first time since the early stages of the first fall. Sheamus sets up the table in the space between the stage and the crowd, a good six feet below the stage. The crowd realise what Sheamus is planning and an air of unease flows around the arena. With the table ready, Sheamus heads back to Triple H and lifts him onto his shoulders again setting up the High Cross. Triple H looks helpless as Sheamus focuses on the table six feet below his feet and plans to drop him onto and through the table. However, as Sheamus begins his run up, he stumbles with tiredness and ends up losing his footing. Triple H lands heavily on top of him and the two of them lay on the stage in exhaustion already ... and there are still two falls remaining!

JIM ROSS: By god almighty, Sheamus cannot hold himself up no more. These two men are really struggling here ...

Sheamus gets to his feet first but now Triple H is beginning to stir. He lifts Triple H up for a second time, again looking for the High Cross from the stage to the table below. However, this time, Triple H wriggles free and he pushes Sheamus hard off the edge of the stage. Unfortunately for Triple H, Sheamus manages to avoid the table but he lands hard on the concrete floor and both men are now down and struggling for recovery. In the end, Triple H manages to get to his feet first this time and he stalks after Sheamus with a limp and not moving freely no more. Triple H rams Sheamus’ head into the table and then begins the slow and arduous trek back to the ring. A few punches to the stomach of Sheamus keeps him following and Triple H rolls him into the ring. He sets up the Pedigree and the crowd roar their approval ... Can Triple H hit the Pedigree and seal the win? Yes, he can! Pedigree to Sheamus! The crowd are going mad now and Triple H just needs to find a table and set it up. He knows where there is one as well ... It is right in front of the announcers table. Triple H drops out of the ring to fetch it ... but it has gone!

JERRY LAWLER: Where has the table gone, JR?

JIM ROSS: I’ve no idea, King, it was there a moment ago!

Triple H looks around confused and then asks the referee if he has moved it. The referee shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head and Triple H is forced to head around the ring to locate a second table. However, this wastes time and Sheamus is now stirring in the ring. Noticing this, Triple H reaches into the ring and drags Sheamus out of the ring. He uses his shoulder to drive Sheamus back first into the ring apron and then looks underneath the ring trying to locate the missing table. Not there either. Instead, Hunter decides to use the announce table. He tosses Sheamus over the table as the announcers move out of their seats and take cover ... Triple H climbs up onto the table and drags Sheamus’ body up with him. It becomes clear that Triple H is planning to Pedigree Sheamus through the announce table to seal the victory instead. He sets up the big move ... but Sheamus fights out desperately swinging punches to Triple H’s midriff and legs. He manages to get out of Hunter’s reach and off the table where he reaches down and picks something off the floor. Sheamus swings his arm towards Triple H’s knee and knocks him down onto the top of the table clutching his knee in agony. We see that Sheamus is holding a steel pipe – he just smashed it into the knee of Triple H while he was stood on the announce table.

JERRY LAWLER: Where did the steel pipe appear from? It wasn’t there a second ago!

Sheamus throws the steel pipe under the ring out of the way and drags a table from under the ring. The crowd jeer as he does this – why didn’t Triple H see that table a moment ago? Something fishy is going on for sure! Sheamus sets the table up and then turns his attention to Triple H who is still rolling in pain clutching his knee on the announce table. Sheamus drags him up and onto his shoulders ... High Cross coming! Sheamus has Triple H on his back and he prepares to hit the finishing move ... with the table set up in front of him. The crowd rise to their feet as Sheamus breathes deeply ... Sheamus hits the HIGH CROSS!


WINNER: Sheamus (14:53)

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The winner of the second fall ... SHEAMUS!

Triple H is laid spark out amongst the wreckage of the wooden table that Sheamus has just driven him through. Sheamus gets to his feet slowly and smiles as he realises that he has just levelled the match up at one fall each. He looks up at the Cage and smirks ...

JUSTIN ROBERTS: There will now be a 1 minute break before the final fall, a Cage match!

Sheamus calculates and realises that the cage is now being brought down. With just a minute to recover, Sheamus decides that he needs to get Triple H in the ring so the cage can be fixed in place and he can get the third fall. However, Triple H is not moving. Sheamus ignores the protestations of the referee and drags Hunter out of the wooden wreck and rolls him under the bottom rope into the ring before following him. With Triple H inside the ring, Sheamus retreats to the other corner as the cage lowers into place.

JIM ROSS: Triple H is a beaten and battered mess, King, they need to stop this match.

JERRY LAWLER: I don’t know, JR, Triple H has been in matches like this before. But there is something not right about this match. Where did that steel pipe come from? How did that table disappear and then reappear?

MICHAEL COLE: JR, King ... This is what Triple H wanted. He made the match type a ‘3 Stages of Hell’ one. He knew that this could be what happened. There is no way that Sheamus should be denied his rightful victory here!


With the table in place, the bell rings and Sheamus springs into action as he goes after Triple H who is still on the mat in pain after the pipe shot to his knee. The referee pleads with Sheamus to leave him for a moment but Sheamus ignores him and drives him head first into the turnbuckle three times. Sheamus looks down and considers the use of the hammer which is still in the ring or the chair which is also still in the ring. But calmly, Sheamus heads over to the opposite side of the ring and begins the slow climb out. Sheamus climbs the buckles and starts the hardest part – getting over the top. Sheamus is now facing a battle with himself and he is struggling to get over the top no matter how hard he tries. The fatigue he is facing must be incredible and it prevents him making the final push. However, one big effort follows and Sheamus manages to swing his leg over the top part and starts to pull himself up. He is looking set for a victory when all of a sudden his foot and lower legs is smashed with a steel chair ... Triple H is back on his feet! Sheamus desperately tries to get out of the cage but Triple H climbs to the middle rope and he grabs Sheamus’ leg and starts to pull him back slowly. Sheamus has to let gravity take control and his leg is dragged back over so he is stood on the top rope in a precarious situation. Triple H picks up the chair again and smashes Sheamus in the back once, twice, three times ... Sheamus can’t stay up and he falls off the top rope and lands with a crash on the ring apron.

Stunned at how he is managing this and wobbling on the knee where Sheamus struck him before, Triple H does the only thing he can do right now. He wearily lifts the chair up and smashes it down over Sheamus; over and over and over he crashes the bent, battered chair down over the Irish star until he collapses with fatigue as well. There are no pinfalls in this Cage Match and Triple H looks up at the steel cage wall with a look of terror. With the door in the corner, Triple H makes the irrational decision to try and climb out of the ring. He begins to slow ascent up the ropes and the cage wall which gives Sheamus time to recover a little and get to his knees. Sheamus looks up at Triple H and then sideways at the door. He beckons to the referee to open the door and he begins to unlock the door. However, Triple H is almost over the top of the cage when the door is being unlocked. Both men panic and head back towards each other and they fail to make it out of the cage this time. As Triple H jumps down from the top rope onto Sheamus, the two of them collapse in the corner. Triple H smashes right hands down on Sheamus but they don’t contain the force they normally do and they fall apart quickly ...

Both men are down for a while, keeping an eye on each other, but staying down and trying to recover themselves for one last, big effort. Triple H gets to his feet and mounts Sheamus in the corner where he pummels the Celtic Warrior again. However, Sheamus manages to lift Triple H up ... Powerbomb! What a huge move to hit right now! Sheamus finds a second wind and he drags his opponent up and rams him into all four sides of the steel cage shoulder first. Sheamus thumps his chest and poses for the crowd for a second before hitting the Irish Curse backbreaker to Triple H and then crawling for the door. That mini-flurry took a lot out of Sheamus too but he looks like he is going to make it as he gets to his feet ready to climb through the ropes as the door opens. But now, Triple H makes a recovery and finds his second wind as he rushes over and hits a forearm to Sheamus’ back. An Irish whip across the ring sends Sheamus hurtling into the turnbuckles and then Triple H heads over for Sheamus once more. He locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock for the second time and gives it everything he can despite the damage done to his knee. Sheamus taps out desperate to be released but there is no submission ... the only way to win is to escape the cage. Pain is etched over both men’s faces – Sheamus’ knee and ankle is under heavy pressure but Triple H’s knee is also bothering him. Sheamus cannot find a way to escape and he looks round in desperation ... then he spots the solution ...

Sheamus reaches out and manages to get his fingertips to the sledge hammer and edge it towards him out of view of Triple H. Concealing it until the last moment, Sheamus suddenly drives the head of the hammer into the chest and ribs of Hunter and manages to break clear of the Figure Four leaving both men down on the mat in pain. The crowd’s excitement lulls a little as both men lay prone and lifeless on the mat ...

JIM ROSS: Which of these men will get to his feet first?

JERRY LAWLER: Whichever one of them makes it, my money is on them to win it now!

Almost two minutes pass by with little sign of either man making it to his feet. However, they then both start to stir at about the same time and both wearily help themselves up using the ropes to keep their balance. Sheamus looks the stronger now but he attempts to rush over at Triple H ... and he is caught in a Facebreaker by the Game and ends up down on the mat again. Hunter looks around and moves the chair with his foot before dragging Sheamus up once more ... He sets up the Pedigree and positions himself and Sheamus over the steel chair on the mat. The crowd are willing Hunter to hit this move as it will mean almost certain victory! Triple H sets himself and then lifts Sheamus up ... Boom! Pedigree! Sheamus’ face is driven down onto the mat and the crowd are now going wild as Triple H slowly turns his attention to the cage door. He slowly crawls over and beckons for the door to be opened whilst there is no reaction at all from Sheamus who is out for the count with his head on the chair where he landed. Hunter pulls himself under the bottom rope and is now about to leave the cage as his head is out of the door. The crowd cheer louder as he heaves his way through and Sheamus is still not moving ... Hunter’s hands are now dragging him further out of the door when suddenly there is a commotion amongst the fans near the door. They are yelling and shouting and pointing when all of a sudden ... Bam! Triple H is smashed in the face again with a steel pipe. With his head exposed, Triple H slumps down on the mat knocked out ... and then we see who did it.


The little Irish troll who turned on DX at Cyber Sunday has crawled from under the ring and has smashed Triple H in the head again. It dawns on the WWE Universe and the announcers where the steel pipe came from earlier and how the table disappeared and then reappeared – Hornswoggle was under the ring through the match. Hornswoggle runs round to the other side of the ring and he rattles the cage and urges Sheamus to make his move. The Celtic Warrior is now stirring and he hears the advice of the little fella and starts to make his move. Pulling himself towards the door, Sheamus clambers over the unconscious Triple H, closer and closer ... and falls out of the door and down to the floor!


WINNER OF FALL 3: Sheamus (13:05)

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The winner of the third fall and the match ... SHEAMUS!

Boos echo around the arena as Hornswoggle rushes over to congratulate Sheamus on beating Triple H for the second straight time! As ‘Written in my face’ begins again, Sheamus looks amazed at himself for winning the match and he stumbles away to the ramp with Hornswoggle holding him up as best he can. However, Triple H remains lifeless with his head and shoulders slumped over the edge of the ring apron ...

JIM ROSS: Sheamus has won it, goddamnit! For the second month in a row, Sheamus has won thanks to that little troll, Hornswoggle!
I decided to enter this match as I felt it had the most 'epic' feel to it, and despite that some say this feud may be over done, it's over done in Book This/fantasy booking not in the real WWE, I think I have made this feud my own.

*Start Video*

Edge walks out to the ring in jeans and a leather jacket, a solemn look on his face.

Edge: Before I reveal why I did what I did last week I would like to give everyone a quick history lesson.

Complete silence as all focus on Edge’s words.

Edge: Five years ago I completed my lifelong dream to finally become the best in the world by capturing the WWE Championship.

Edge hands over a briefcase holding the most exclusive contract in the WWE to Mr. McMahon, walks down the ramp and hits a bloodied Cena with a vicious spear.

Edge: Many called that win a fluke.

He now celebrates on that same night with his newly won title, Lita cheering alongside him.

Edge: But after I piled on a number of impressive victories and won championship after championship, no-one ever mentioned the words ‘fluke’ and ‘Edge’ in the same breath let alone the same sentence.

The Rated R Superstar spearing and beating down a number of the WWE’s top stars (Cena, ‘Taker, Orton), then holding up every title he has ever won, the titles going by in a rush of gold.

Edge: But the moment I began investing myself in others it all went wrong.

Edge standing alone in the ring.

Edge: The WWE Universe...

A crowd absorbing Edge in a huge hug as he clutches the World Heavyweight Championship.

Edge: Christian...

Captain Charisma shakes hands with his former tag team partner on his return at Elimination Chamber 2011 after fending off an attack from Alberto Del Rio.

Edge: They brought me nothing but pain and failure.

Christian forces Del Rio’s shoulders to the mat and the special guest referee, Edge, counts the pinfall.

Edge: Christian wouldn’t have even gone to Wrestlemania if it wasn’t for me.

All the title wins shown earlier flash backwards, the screen going dark and growing smaller until the screen is black.

Edge: I need to start looking after the most important man in the world once again; myself.

Christian tries to question Edge in the ring but receives nothing but a combination of punches and stomps to the face and chest respectively. Past shots of Edge as a champion, looking happy before a shot of Christian backstage-

Christian: Am I surprised? No. Cheap shots and short cuts tell me one thing; the real Edge is back.

Edge taking out Christian from all angles, a blur of cheap shots and spears since Wrestlemania.

Christian: The coward.

Edge backstage, Matt Striker sulking in the background.

I have captured every single championship that’s possible for me to win, my career out shines most Hall of Famers!

A fresh faced Rated R Superstar holds the Intercontinental Championship high above his head.

Jim Ross: Our new Intercontinental Champion...

Edge and Randy Orton, Rated RKO, stand tall over a fallen DX, the tag team titles in their hands.

Jerry Lawler: Edge has captured the tag team straps for an unprecedented time...

Cena goes sprawling over the top rope; the crowd goes mental as Edge raises his hands in victory.

Michael Cole: Your 2010 Royal Rumble winner is Edge; the Rated R Superstar is going to Wrestlemania once again!

Edge looks overjoyed as confetti flies down from the sky and he places the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder.

Josh Matthews:
Edge, now an eleven time world champion!


Edge: So what chance does Christian have against me?

Christian pacing in a locker room.

Christian: I have worked my ass off to entertain these fans night in and night out; my peeps are the most important thing in the world to me.

In the ring, running a hand through his long blonde hair.

Edge: I don’t care what anybody thinks of me, I am going back to my winning ways – I will be World Heavyweight Champion very, very soon. Christian has his ‘peep’s, well I have the most illustrious resume in sports entertainment history.

Roaming backstage, Christian looks angry to say the least.

Christian: Edge is nothing more than a coward, I am going to make him pay for every vile thing he has ever done in his career and prove that I am the better man.

Edge: My match at Extreme Rules is going to end up the same way it always does...

Edge clubs Christian with a boot then jars him with a spear.

Christian: Cheap.

...with the most important man in the world...

Christian is beaten to the ground with fists then after a small break he is cracked in the forehead with a sharp kick.

Christian: Weak.

Edge: ...having his hand raised in victory...

A giant slideshow of Edge and Christian brawling, after their initial break up, several rare matches over the years and finally during their encounters recently in 2011.

Christian: Coward.

Edge: ME!

Both men clench their teeth as they are held back by security, wanting to rip a piece out of the other. The audio goes silent before it comes back with a bang as Edge sprints at his rival and spears him to the ground, the security wrapping him up the moment the act is complete. Complete silence as the package begins to wrap up; the words of the two men being focused upon just as it did during the start of the video.

Edge: Even though I shouldn’t have to prove it once again, at Extreme Rules the whole world will be reminded why I am...

Both: The better man.

*End Video*

We cut back to a silent arena, where Justin Roberts is about to announce the next match and its participants. The three commentators at the announce desk mutter excitably about the next match, but they cut off by a very familiar entrance theme.



An explosion of heat for Edge as he stumbles out through a sheet of smoke and looks around grimly at the WWE Universe, hate plastered across his features. Edge throws up his rock horns into the sky and a shower of dark pyro goes off behind him as he poses, the Rated R Superstar then takes a deep breath before he makes his start down the ramp.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is an Extreme Rules Match! Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 241 pounds, he is the Rated R Superstar...EDGE!

The Canadian waltzes down the first part of the ramp before sprinting down the remainder of it and sliding under the bottom rope. Edge spends a couple of seconds belly down on the canvas before pushing himself up and climbing a turnbuckle in order to pose to the crowd.

Michael Cole: It’s hard to say which of the two men competing is going to have the advantage tonight; they have both had their fair share of extreme encounters.

Booker T: I’m not a betting man but if I was I’d have my money on the Canadian.

The boos die down as Edge saunters into the middle of the ring and, thanks to the great camera work, it can be seen that his cold, grey eyes are focused on the titantron in anticipation for the arrival of his rival.


*Just Close Your Eyes*

Christian receives quite the opposite reaction than his former tag team partner, as he walks out from behind the curtain to a nice ovation, wearing black tights fitted with a red and white cut. The Canadian raises a hand over his brow, searching for his beloved Peeps, before tapping his chest which is covered by a singlet. Captain Charisma slowly makes his way down the ramp, his eyes now set on Edge’s and the two rival’s eyes remain set for the remainder of Christian’s journey towards the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds... CHRISTIAN!

Captain Charisma walks slowly up the steel ring steps, taking each one slowly and methodically. Christian eventually makes his way into the middle of the ring and he faces off against his former tag team partner with both men now standing in their ring gear alone, ‘Rated R’ t-shirt and ‘Peep’ singlet now long gone.

Josh Matthews: Just thirteen pounds and three inches separate these two men, I cannot wait for this and judging by the crowd’s reaction neither can the WWE Universe here in Tampa.

Michael Cole: Don’t forget they’re also separated by about eleven world title reigns...

Edge and Christian go nose-to-nose in the centre of the squared circle, neither man giving an inch. Steely expressions are on each man’s face as the crowd throw a wild reaction, filled with both cheers and boos, at the two Canadians. Edge mouths something, something that might not have been terribly kind as Christian strikes the Rated R Superstar in the jaw with a right hand; the referee rings the bell...


Match #6
Extreme Rules Match
Edge vs. Christian

Both men exchange a number of punches to the mug but it is Christian who takes control, hitting a number of shots to the Rated R Superstar without any reply. Christian hits one final shot to Edge’s cheek which sends him sprawling to the mat before sprinting back against the ropes and clothes lining his adversary over the top rope! Over on commentary, Matthews comments that the two men competing at the moment are not wasting time laying into each other and his words sing true as Christian waits patiently for Edge to rise to his feet before grabbing the top rope with both of his hands in order to sling himself out of the ring and on to his opponent! Out on the floor, Captain Charisma roughly drags Edge to his feet by his hair and cracks him in the mouth once more before slamming his face off the announce desk, causing Cole to jump back in fright. The crowd can only give their support as Christian continues his onslaught, throwing Edge back first into the barricade and following that up with a range of stomps to the abdomen. Christian then turns to the crowd and slaps his chest a number of times as well as roaring his approval of what he has achieved so far before turning back to the job at hand. Edge wanders right into Christian’s grip who sets up for a vertical suplex on the outside padding, Captain Charisma goes to lift his adversary but Edge sticks his leg out and blocks it. The Rated R Superstar suddenly comes back to life and reverses the manoeuvre, powering Christian into the air and then slamming him stomach first onto the top of the barricade. Edge takes a quick breather as he walks away from his opponent but suddenly charges forward and rocks Christian, still lying over the barricade, in the side of the skull with a boot! The crowd groan loudly at the impact Edge’s boot had on Christian’s head as Captain Charisma slides to the ground with a vacant look in his eyes, the Rated R Superstar hurling Christian under the bottom rope and into the squared circle.

Edge follows his former tag partner into the ring and swings a clothesline as Christian rises to his feet, the Canadian ducking just in time and tripping Edge into the second rope, neck first, as he turns to face him. Christian takes a quick run-up in order to leap on to Edge’s neck and begins choking him on the ring rope, Edge grasps for air for what seems to be around ten seconds of pure pain, pure pleasure for Christian and the fans, before Christian releases the hold. Captain Charisma promptly leaps over the top rope to the outside and cracks Edge, who is still wedged on the second rope, in the chin with a swift right hand. Now with both men in the ring, Christian with the slight advantage, Captain Charisma appeared as if he was going to go for a pin but after pondering the matter for just a few moments he chooses to continue the assault by lifting Edge up and whipping him into a turnbuckle. Christian goes sprinting after his opponent but Edge lifts the elbow up and catches Captain Charisma in the mouth, sending him sprawling, and the heelish Canadian looks to take advantage by charging at – but he is sent high into the air and soon comes crashing back to earth face first thanks to a flapjack. Again Christian doesn’t go for a pin attempt and instead charges off the ropes, has his attack ducked by Edge, another clothesline from Christian avoided by Edge as Captain Charisma rebounds off the ropes and as Christian goes for a dropkick he is caught mid-air, his head snapping off the canvas. Edge lines Christian up with the corner and with a sick grin to the crowd he catapults Christian face first into the turnbuckle. The crowd urge Christian to move as Edge stumbles forward to start his usual methodical technique but Captain Charisma slips into the second rope – pendulum kick – no! Once again, Edge catches Christian’s leg and proceeds to drape his foot on his adversary’s neck and drive the head of Christian into the canvas.

Under massive heat from the WWE Universe in Tampa, Edge begins to stamp away at the upper body and head of Christian with complete and utter contempt for his adversary. With Christian struggling in pain on the mat, Edge throws up the rock horns and absorbs the boos and jeers he receives from the crowd. Captain Charisma receives a sharp kick to the gut on his way to his feet, followed by a right hand to the cheek, then a clubbing blow to Christian’s spine before Edge scoops his opponent up in his arms. But the agile Canadian doesn’t remain in Edge’s clutches for more than a second as he slides out the back, Christian now attempting to hit his patented inverted DDT but it is to no avail as Edge swivels on his ankles and pushes Christian off of him. A big boot is ducked by Christian and Captain Charisma tries to lock in the Killswitch! Christian turns Edge on to his stomach, could the Killswitch hit at this moment in time?! NO! Edge now has Christian in an inverted headlock position and he drops Christian spine first on to his knee and then clubs him hard in the back soon after, Captain Charisma hitting the mat sharply. It is Edge now who rolls Christian on to his back and tries for the first pinfall attempt of the match, hooking a single leg...



The Rated R Superstar doesn’t seem riled that he couldn’t put his former tag team partner away and instead slips through the ropes to the outside, lifting up the apron and searching for something in particular. After several moments of rummaging, Edge appears over the ring; with a Singapore cane in hand! The satisfaction that Edge received from picking up the weapon doesn’t last long as he is blasted away from the apron towards the ramp by a giant baseball slide dropkick, Christian’s boots meeting the mouth of the Rated R Superstar with incredible force. Christian, still in the ring, watches Edge slowly rise to a stable base and as he does Captain Charisma runs at the ropes and springboards off of them in a triangle fashion, launching himself plancha style over the top rope, out of the ring and into the air – flying at his nemesis! Christian looks to crash into Edge and knock him down but the Rated R Superstar has other options as he sidesteps slightly out of the way and cracks Captain Charisma in the side with the Singapore cane that he was clutching to his chest. Christian goes crashing to the ground, clutching his ribs and as he stumbles to his feet he receives another stinging shot to the midsection, doubling him over. Edge takes great pleasure in smashing the cane over Captain Charisma’s back and watching him scream out in pain as the wood strikes his spine, the Rated R Superstar now looking to strike his opponent square in the face... no! Christian just avoided that shot and fires back with two sharp right hands to Edge’s mug, a kick to the gut before making a grab for the cane and he manages to successfully get it in his possession.

Edge, now without a weapon in hand, backs off and sprints away from Christian, turning around the ring post and diving into the ring. Christian is quick to follow, shadowing Edge’s movements but instead of blindly diving under the bottom rope, where the Rated R Superstar was waiting with an elbow drop, he feints and causes Edge to hit nothing but canvas. Christian instead leaps on to the apron and cracks Edge in the shoulder with the cane, throws it down to the outside and starts to ascend the outside of the corner. The Rated R Superstar stumbles around the centre of the ring and then turns blindly towards the corner where he is taken out with a magnificent missile dropkick courtesy of Captain Charisma. Christian rolls over his opponent, shoots the half...



Both men rise together as one and Christian takes the opportunity to swipe Edge across the mouth with a punch before scooping him up and slamming him down to the mat, Captain Charisma immediately going to work with a side headlock – taking care to grab a wad of Edge’s hair as he does so, trying to inflict as much pain as possible. Edge’s eyes begin to pop out of his head but a lull in Christian’s concentration allows the Rated R Superstar to fight his way on to a stable base and lift Christian up for a back suplex. This time it is Christian who fights out and floats over his opponent’s shoulder, dropkicking Edge in the square of the back and sending the heelish Canadian head first into a top turnbuckle. Captain Charisma follows this attack with another dropkick, causing Edge to bounce off the corner and stumble out to the middle of the ring, allowing Christian to jump straight to the second rope, turn to his adversary and leap forward and connect with a spinning elbow – the Flashpoint hits! Captain Charisma grabs Edge by his long, blonde hair and begins to make a beeline for the ropes, seemingly to hurl his opponent over the top rope, but Edge puts on the breaks by ducking down and grabbing the second rope. This shift in weight causes Christian to be rocketed jugular first into the tope rope, Captain Charisma grasps at his neck and steps slowly backwards only to be stopped dead by a big boot from Edge! Christian is lying very still on the mat after that vicious boot to the skull and it seems Edge may finish it right now...



Edge quickly goes from the pinfall into a half nelson, headlock combination in an attempt to wear down Christian even further. The crowd’s voice seems to have been lost as they watch Christian fader further and further under Edge’s grip, his eyes flickering and his arms losing their fight. Several moments go by before the crowd begins an audible ‘Christian’ chant and Captain Charisma takes that as a sign to start his escape from the submission hold. Christian shakes his arms wildly as he stands to his feet and then drops Edge down on to the top of his head, rattling the Rated R Superstar’s jaw, the crowd going nuts as the popular Canadian breaks free. Still feeling the effects of the hold, Christian stumbles back and leans on the ropes for a couple of seconds before charging back into the fight, right at Edge – but his arm is caught by the Rated R Superstar, Edge swivelling his body and dropping Christian face first to the canvas, his arm locked in a half nelson. Edge transitions from that move straight back in to the submission manoeuvre he was using just a minute ago, Christian looking worn down the moment he goes back into the hold. After around thirty seconds in the hold, Christian looks ready to pass out and the referee is on the scene, raising the left arm of Christian, the only free arm, into the air...

1... DOWN!

2... DOWN!


Edge thought he had the match in the bag and isn’t prepared as Christian tries to fight his way out for the second time. With his free arm, Christian unloads a pair of elbows and then, quick as a flash, snapmares Edge over his head and frees himself from the manoeuvre. A big elbow meets Edge as he gets to his feet before Christian sprints back off the ropes and connects with a forearm smash, followed by another identical shot and, after avoiding a right hand, he connects with his patented falling inverted DDT. Christian doesn’t make an attempt to put away Edge but he does lift the Rated R Superstar’s arm up, alongside his entire body, in order to expose his ribs so that he can lift a knee into his adversary’s side before shotting him face first into the canvas. Christian ignores the pinfall once more and instead waits on baited breath for Edge to rise up, Captain Charisma bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation – the crowd knows what is coming up next, the Killswitch! The heelish Canadian rise right into it, Christian twisting his opponent’s arms behind his back and is about to drop do- no! Edge breaks his limbs free and latches on to Christian’s neck, dropping down his weight in an Edge-O-Matic! Christian’s shoulders are down...



The Canadian pair both stumble into one another near a corner and Christian is the first to react, lashing out with a mule kick to the stomach of Edge before proceeding to springboard out of the corner, into a sunset flip. Before the referee has a chance to begin a count Edge rolls through the predicament but his own momentum is used against him as he continues to roll and soon Christian has the advantage, grabbing a hold of Edge’s ankles, stepping begin the gap he just created and locking the legs before twisting the Rated R Superstar on to his stomach... Christian has the Sharpshooter locked in! The crowd roar as Edge screeches in pain, his nails clawing against the canvas as more time passes by being trapped in the hold. Edge’s right hand shakes dangerously just inches above the mat, he looks close to submitting but after several more nervous moments the Rated R Superstar is able to manoeuvre his body weight to relieve the pain and get on to his back, Edge now grabbing one each of Christian’s arm and leg, small package...



Both men scramble up, trying to gain an advantage but Edge remained a hold of one of Christian’s ankles and he uses this to lock in a hold of his own, the Edgecator! The tides have certainly been turned as it is now Captain Charisma who is scrambling to escape a potentially match ending submission hold, Christian tries to drag himself towards reprieve but it’s not an easy task with Edge driving him into the ground. The crowd urge Christian not to give in to the pain but as he raises his hand precariously over the canvas it appears he just might be about to, but instead of tapping the popular Canadian clenches his hand around the bottom rope. It does anything but break the hold, considering the rules, but Christian is able to lift himself up, turn on to his back, grab a hold of the second rope and yank himself through the ropes, bringing Edge along for the ring. Both men hit the outside with a dull thud and Edge is first up, scrambling away from his adversary towards the time keeper and with a look of ecstasy he grabs a steel chair and raises it in the air for the entire WWE Universe to view. Edge charges at his adversary with the chair in hand, hate evident in his eyes, and lifts the steel weapon int- WHAT IMPACT, a dropkick from Christian sends the chair crashing into Edge’s face! Both men stay still on the outside for a few moments more but eventually Christian throws both Edge and the steel chair back into the squared circle, jumping on to the apron himself. Edge gingerly tries to lung at Captain Charisma but it is all in vain as Christian hot shots his adversary off the top rope, the Rated R Superstar crumpling backwards onto his back. Christian is now perched on the top turnbuckle after ascending the corner and, after a quick glance at his supporters in Tampa, he leaps out at his opponent. The diving headbutt hits nothing but canvas and Christian groggily rises up, Edge clutches on to his neck and spikes him with an Edgecution! This must be it, both legs hooked...



Despite kicking out of the cover Christian seems dead to the world, his eyelids flickering and his breathing slow and ragged. To an extreme amount of hate, Edge screams abuse at his former tag team partner, urging him to get up. Reminiscent of a number weeks ago on Smackdown, Christian raises his head groggily off the mat and blinks slowly, Edge taking this time to strike, sprinting at Christian with the intention of booting him in the skull. Christian ducks just in time to avoid the strike and rolls Edge up, bundling him into a cover. Edge powers out just before a three count and as soon as he is out of the predicament, the Rated R Superstar moves in to attack, hitting a quick rolling wheel kick to keep Christian grounded once again. Edge now glances around the ring and within moments he has the steel chair in hand, having only to go a few feet to retrieve it. The WWE Universe anxiously await as Edge begins to pound the canvas in anticipation for Christian to get to his feet, Edge licking his lips as Christian stumbles to an unstable base, Edge swings with all his might... but Christian avoids the steel and clasps his hands around the waist of the Rated R Superstar before lifting him over head, an amazing bridging German suplex...



With both men now up, Edge lodges the steel chair between the ribs of his adversary and before Christian even has a chance to gasp for air he is cracked over the back with another vicious shot. Now back in control, Edge slams the chair down to the mat and lifts Christian up and brutally brings him back down onto the steel with a back suplex. Over on commentary, Booker mentions that despite being a big Christian fan he can’t see him pulling out the victory now, meanwhile Edge laughs manically over the body of a wailing Christian, Captain Charisma clutching his back as his opponent grabs him up to inflict some more damage. Edge attempts to mimic the body the manoeuvre he just completed moments ago and lifts Christian into the air, back suplex style, once more – the popular Canadian hovering precariously over the chair. But as a last ditch effort Christian pushes off his nemesis and falls forwards before suddenly turning back, kicking Edge in the midsection and dropping his adversary head first onto the steel with a standard DDT! Both competitors stay on the canvas for a large amount of time but Christian gains his footing first and unleashes a barrage of punches on a woozy Rated R Superstar, Christian’s hands going by in a whirl of hate until Edge wobbles uncontrollably on his feet. Christian roars towards the crowd and then drops Edge with a clothesline, another quickly follows and Captain Charisma follows Edge fall into the turnbuckle, hitting a devastating shoulder block to the gut of the heelish Canadian as he tries to recover. The long blonde hair of Edge is grabbed by Christian, who ascends on to the second rope and pulls the Rated R Superstar’s head under his arm pit – pushing off the ropes and twisting 180 degrees, looking for a tornado DDT. But, incredibly, Edge is able to counter mid-move and drop the turning Christian with a sit-down powerbomb! Edge goes straight into the pin, hardly having to move to be in that position...




Holy shit, Edge cannot believe that Christian isn’t finished after that powerbomb and in his desperation he grabs the steel chair, now slightly out of shape, and places it in the corner between the gap in the top and second rope. Christian is grabbed by the scruff and Edge begins to sprints at the well placed weapon in the corner of the ring, but with inches to spare Christian ducks out of his adversary’s grip and slips behind the Rated R Superstar. The crowd go wild as Christian grabs both of his opponent’s arms and twists them behind his back, Killswitch, can Christian flip the switch? No, Edge drives his weight forward all the way to the opposite corner and trips Christian’s legs up so he lands neck first on to the bottom rope! Christian flops back up but Edge is there waiting, grabbing his outstretched arm and tripping his opponent face first into the canvas, the Rated R Superstar backing away to the opposite corner, leaning his back on the steel chair. Although there is no ‘spear’ chant of old, the fans know it is coming as Edge kneels in the corner, wrenches at his greasy hair and he begins panting furiously like an incensed jungle animal. Christian rises up with help from the ropes and turns to see a sprinting Edge launching himself in his direction – Christian just gets a foot up and deflects the spear, Edge stumbles backwards and Christian takes the time to springboard off the corner, looking for another sunset flip... SPEAR! SPEAR! Edge was able to catch Christian in mid-air with his signature move and the Rated R Superstar crawls to make the cover... but the impact of the move caused Christian to fall under the bottom rope and to the outside! It takes a few moments but eventually Edge drags the dead weight of Christian back into the squared circle, slowly crawls towards his former tag team partner and drape an arm over the shoulder...



Edge, with what little strength he has left, almost begins to tear his hair out in frustration! After throwing Christian towards the opposite corner, Edge sets up for the spear again but without his usual routine, no hair pulling, heavy breathing – just eyes focused intently on Christian trying to get to his feet. Christian pulls himself up, relying fully on the ropes this time, and Edge takes that as his queue to begin his charge but as he draws nearer, Christian loses his grip on the ropes and falls flat on his face; conveniently avoiding the attack all in one motion. To a huge positive reaction Edge runs head first into the chair he placed in the corner earlier in the contest, the steel rattling the Canadian’s brain and he stumbles backwards, Christian rolling him up, bundling him into a cover...




The moment the referee hits the canvas for a third successive time the arena explodes with cheers for Captain Charisma, Christian then helped to his feet by the official.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner... CHRISTIAN!

Christian gingerly attempts to walk towards the ropes in order to exit up the ramp – BUT HE HAS A STEEL CHAIR RAPPED OVER HIS SPINE - BY EDGE! Edge has gone insane here, unleashing a range of shots to Christian’s upper and lower back, only stopping once he has run out of juice to lift the chair any more. After around five shots with the steel chair, Edge leaves Christian to wallow in his pain and sets up the chair in the middle of the ring as if he is about to sit down on it. But it isn’t Edge who takes a seat as the Rated R Superstar drags a limp Christian up and places him in a sitting position on to the cold, black steel of the chair. Edge walks slowly back towards the ropes and stares at his former tag team, mouthing the question ‘are you really the better man?’ before charging at Captain Charisma and spearing the holy hell out of him!

Josh Matthews: Christian earned his victory here tonight but Edge, the jealous psychopath that he is just couldn’t accept that.

Booker T: That right ‘dere was just plain sick. What an incredible back and forth encounter that was and Edge goes and ruins it, a real shame.

Michael Cole:
I don’t exactly encourage this, what did you really expect?

By this time Edge has made it up to the top of the ramp and before feinting as if he was about to post to the crowd he doesn’t, instead turning his back and throwing up the rock horns to a dangerous level of heat. The Rated R Superstar slips behind the curtain with a grim look on his face while Christian struggles to even raise his chest off the canvas.

***Video Package***

Main Event
WWE Championship
Triple H vs Justice

- Triple H wins the WWE Championship at Summerslam against Chris Jericho
- Celebrations with his family
- The Church debut and Justice appears with the WWE Championship around his waist
- Triple H lays his hands on James Mitchell on RAW
- The Church kidnaps Stephanie McMahon
- Triple H goes crazy about his wife being kidnapped
- Justice wins the WWE Championship at Unforgiven
- The wedding is stopped by Triple H
- Hell in a Cell is made for Survivor Series
- Triple H vs Justice

***End Video***

The camera goes on the three announcers for this event tonight.

Ross: The most personal match of the night, it’s about the hatred between the two men. The love for Stephanie from Triple H and the WWE Championship. Everything is on the line tonight, if Justice wins The Church will be stronger than ever. If Triple H wins, than The Church are at a point of weakness. Nothing could be more important than this match tonight.

Lawler: So much could change, Triple H has waited for this since Unforgiven it is now or never for Triple H.

Taz: Hell in a Cell could become heaven on earth for the winner tonight.

Ross: Two men one title, it will be decided now!

The cell has been lowered during the speaking of the announcers.

“The Game” hits and we get the biggest pop of the night by far. The people go crazy for Triple H who is hell bent on vengeance tonight. Here he comes with his water bottle in hand. Before Triple H enters the cell he takes one last sip and then throws the bottle out into the crowd.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WWE Championship. However it will take place inside HELL IN A CELL! The first man to gain a pinfall or submission will be the winner and thus the WWE Champion! Introducing first he is the challenger……TRIPLE H!

“Slow Chemical” hits and the crowd go up in boo’s. With James Mitchell by his side Justice makes his way out to the ring. With the title on his shoulder this monster was born for Hell in a Cell.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing at this time making his way to the ring with James Mitchell, the WWE Champion……JUSTICE!


Main Event
WWE Championship
Hell in a Cell

Justice © vs Triple H

The door is shut with James Mitchell watching for outside the cell. The title is held up by the ref who rings the bell, opening hells flood gates. A very loud TRI-PLE-H chant breaks out, with the man himself ready for battle. The stakes are high, everything is on the line tonight. Here we go baby! Triple H comes forward staring into the eyes of Justice. The two stand up to each other, as we see the size different and how Justice towers over Triple H. The cell above them will keep everyone out and these two men inside. Ross mentions how long we have waited to see this rematch.

Slowly Triple H goes to take a step back, only to fire a right hand. Justice stumbles back, he tries a clothesline on Triple H who ducks. Here comes Triple H who fires right hands to the skull of the champion. Hammering away, fighting from underneath here. Justice is rocked early, he is sent into the ropes, and then hit with a high knee. Down goes Justice to the roar of this crowd here tonight.

Triple H tries to go into the mount position but is pushed away by Justice. Quickly Triple H goes back on the attack striking Justice in the back. His strong shots connect as James Mitchell watches on from the outside of the ring. A chop to the chest by Triple H, passed down by the living legend Ric Flair. He backs Justice into the corner, and blasts him again with a chop. While holding onto the rope Triple H drives his foot into the stomach of Justice. Using everything he has learned over the years. Several kicks connect with Triple H keeping the offence turning to his sledgehammer like right hands.

A strong push by Justice sends Triple H flying back. He can’t believe it, the crowd is stunted. After all the offence by Triple H, Justice is still able to just push the challenger away. The Game charges forward only to be hit with a huge clothesline. The words “Get Him” can be heard with James Mitchell yelling at Justice. A huge elbow drop by Justice crushes Triple H with all his weight. Up to his feet again is Justice who looks down at his wounded opponent. A quick glance over to James Mitchell by Justice, who then goes down to one knee. With Triple H by the hair Justice hammers away with strong strikes.

The hands are up by Triple H, who is trying to cover up. He is able to block a few, but the power of Justice breaks the barrier blocking him. Up on his feet now is Justice who lifts Triple H to his feet. This doesn’t look good for Triple H as Justice has him on his shoulder. Justice runs forward toward the turnbuckle and goes for snake eyes. He gets it and then Justice connects with a big boot which sends Triple H to the outside of the ring.

This is where the fight really begins as Justice steps to the outside. Taking his time is Justice, wondering what he is going to do next. Slowly Triple H is making his way up using the steel mess to do so. From behind Justice shoves Triple H into the ring post, with his head cracking off it. Triple H is leaning against the ring apron, trying to make it to his feet. Once again Justice grabs Triple H by the head, this time however he throws him back against the cell. The people can’t believe this, as Justice connects with a quick right hand.

The cell is used again with Justice grinding the forehead of Triple H against it. The cell is like a cheese grater, it just rips the skin apart. Blood begins to run down the face of Triple H, as Justice is finding his home inside the cell tonight. In a sick spot Justice grabs Triple H by the arm, twisting it to give him control. And swings him against not only the cell by the ring apron. The people in the front row turn back and forth. It’s like a car crash that you can’t look away from. Back and forth, the cell and the ring apron. With James Mitchell cheering him on, screaming for more blood.

The challenger is down with our monster of a champion stepping over his body. The cover of the ring apron goes flying up, with Justice looking for a weapon. Wondering what he can use, thinking about the punishment he can inflict. From under the ring Justice pulls a trash can, made of steel. He holds it up with James Mitchell nodding in approval. We watch as Triple H is fighting to his feet, with blood running down his face. He has no idea what is coming, as Triple H tries to keep his blood out of his eyes. Justice runs forward with the trash can in hand……SPINEBUSTER! Out of nowhere Triple H pulls out one of his famous spinebusters on the outside.

The crowd pop as Triple H is standing. Blood on his face, his back hurting like hell. But nothing is going to stop Triple H on this night. The trash can now in his hands, unlike Justice he does wait for the opponent to get up. Triple H slams the can into the head of Justice, each time the bin changes shape. In another sick spot, Triple H grabs the bin and with one of the dents cuts Justice open. The holes in the mask now have blood flowing from them. Justice screams out as he is being cut open for all to see.

The bin is dropped with both men now bleeding. Like a machine Triple H explodes with right hands, using everything he has right now. Nothing his stopping him, as Triple H brings the champion over to the cell. He leans Justice against the cell, taking a few steps back. Here comes Triple H who runs forward and drives his shoulder into the stomach of Justice. The cell playing a major part tonight as Triple H sends Justice over and into the steel steps.

Down goes our champion with Triple H going after him. The steps have been broken, with Triple H grabbing the top set. The crowd cheer as Triple H is holding the steps up. Yelling at Justice to get his arse ready. The steps are rammed into the head of Justice who may be out after that. The crowd love this with James Mitchell screaming for his monster to get up and fight. The title is on the line, and right now it is all Triple H. The champion is rocked but is still able to get up. With his fingers in the holes in the cell wall. He is making it to his feet, with Triple H going under the ring quickly. To a huge cheer Triple H pulls out a steel chair. Holding it for everyone to see.

The steel hits the back of Justice who goes down to one knee. The face of Triple H is a crimson mask right now, but is finding something inside him. Another chair shot connects as Justice goes down again. He can’t get up, and is trapped against the steel cell right now. In a scene much like Mania 17 Triple H explodes with chair shots, connecting with at least eleven even twelve.

The chair has several dents in it, all from the body of Justice. The announcers mention we have yet to see a cover in this match. Possibly because of the hatred that both men have for each other. The hand of Triple H grabs Justice by the mask which has turned a red colour from the blood. Triple H drives Justice spine first against the ring post, with the champion letting out a huge scream. The crowd can’t believe what we are seeing; this was called Hell in a Cell. This is really Hell on earth tonight. Triple H sends Justice into the ring, and for the first time we have a cover.




Usually the first fall isn’t a surprise to only get one but this time we are surprised. Justice has taken a hell of a lot of punishment tonight and it really shows how good he really is. Triple H grabs the leg of Justice and pulls him to the centre of the ring. He turns the leg around and applies the figure four leg lock. The crowd go up with joy as Justice is in huge trouble tonight. The Game has learned from the best and is using everything in his bag. The figure four has been passed down from Ric Flair, and Triple H looks to gain another title by using it.

The blood is rushing down the face of Justice, the mask now red. The hands are flying around, with James Mitchell pleading with Triple H to stop. He can sense that Justice is in trouble here. Triple H using all the leverage he can get, yelling at Justice to give it up. To the credit of our champion Justice will not stop. He fights pushing himself to the ropes, looking for the break here. Could Justice tap out here or will the reign of dominance continue. Justice has managed to move toward the ropes here, only being a few inches away.

The ref is checking here asking if Justice will give up, but the answer is no. Triple H can’t believe what he is seeing, Justice sits up with blood rushing down his face. Shaking is our champion, who looks directly into the eyes of Triple H. In disbelief is Triple H pounds on the knee, trying to add more pressure on the hold. A loud yell by Justice echoes over the arena, with James Mitchell holding the WWE Championship on the outside. He holds it up, yelling this is what we want. In a last ditch effort Justice pushes and is able to get to the ropes, forcing the break.

The strength on show tonight from both men is amazing as Triple H unhooks his legs. Justice has to use the ropes to get up, showing how much of a toll this match is taking. The Game grabs Justice by the hair, and slings him into the ropes. A clothesline his ducked by Justice who instantly stops and lifts Triple H up, dropping him down with a back suplex. Both men are down here with Justice slowly turning Triple H over for the cover.




No luck for Justice as Triple H gets the shoulder off the mat. Justice has trouble getting to his feet, but is able to in the end. He looks down are Triple H before dropping an elbow. Something so simple takes a lot out of Triple H. Our champion goes to the outside and looks under the ring. He brings not one but to things. The first thing is a bag, with the contents unknown. The second is a table! The crowd pop at the sight of the table, as the eyes of Triple H widen. The fight is nowhere near over. The table is pushed into the ring, with Triple H in a fighting stance. The bag is placed in the corner, as Justice steps over the ropes.

Triple H has his hands up, calling on the champion to bring it. These two men hate each other more than anything. This is all about ending their feuding which has last two months. If either men is going to go out tonight, they’ll go out with style. Both men charge forward, with the classic boo vs yay chant begins. These hard shots are amazing, with nobody going down. The blood is over the face of both men here, the sacrifice being seen by all. Justice gets the better of the fist fight and sends Triple H over to the turnbuckle. He comes running forward and delivers a splash.

Both men are leaning against each other with Justice finding the energy to lift Triple H onto the top turnbuckle. A strike to the head by Justice rocks Triple H, who nearly falls off the top. Slowly Justice climbs to the second rope, hooking the head of Triple H. The crowd stand up, with the camera on a wide shot. With a hold of Triple H now Justice brings The Game down with a superplex from the top rope and down to the mat. The crowd pop like crazy chanting holy shit!

Down are both men with Justice showing some signs of life. Slowly Justice crawls over to Triple H. Turning him over on his back. The arm goes over the chest as the ref begins to count.




Amazingly Triple H gets the shoulder off the mat before the three count. Justice now sits up removing some of the blood from his face. The table is in his focus now as Justice sets it up in the ring. He moves it into position for whatever he wants to do. Slowly Justice moves over to Triple H who is trying to push himself of the mat. A stiff kick to the head by Justice, taking down The Game. Justice goes to grab Triple H but stops. He turns his head and looks at the bag which he found under the ring.

The champion moves over to the corner, grabbing the bag. He holds it up high before untying it. Slowly Justice turns it upside down as……THUMBTACKS rush out! The crowd pop at the sight of the tacks with Justice throwing the bag to the outside. He spreads the tacks over the ring with his foot. Thinking about the possible moves he could do. The large hand of Justice grabs Triple H by the throat, and lifts him up. The champion sends Triple H into the ropes, going for a back body drop. The veteran instincts of Triple H help him out here, with The Game countering with a facebuster with the knee.

Justice stumbles back, leaning back near the thumbtacks. Quickly Triple H charges forward, hitting a forearm but Justice is still standing. A right hand by Triple H connects, but still our champion stands. Triple H runs off the ropes and goes to knock Justice down. Only to be set high up with a back drop and then come crashing down onto the thumbtacks! Hundreds of tacks are sticking into the body of Triple H. Over his arms, legs, his back. Everywhere that is exposed has a tack in it. The crowd are in shock as Triple H gets to his feet.

Pure shock may be causing him to stand as Justice comes running at Triple H. Never count out Triple H who with hundreds of thumbtacks in his body delivers a spinebuster to Justice onto the table. The table breaks into several pieces with the crowd once again cheering here. They can’t believe this as Triple H covers our champion.




No, this match is still going. The tacks in the body of Triple H now have small lines of blood coming from them. This isn’t going to stop Triple H who grabs Justice by the head. A delivers a huge boot to the stomach. The arms are hooked as Triple H nails the pedigree inside the ring. A huge cheer from the crowd as we have another cover.




The hand was nearly there but Justice kicks out with everything he has left. Triple H pulls a few tacks out of his arm, wondering what is going to end this war. Then it hits him, Triple H goes to the outside and grabs the one thing that may end this. The Game grabs his favourite weapon……THE SLEDGEHAMMER!

The crowd go APESHIT here as Triple H is bleeding badly. Nobody is sitting down as Triple H watches Justice slowly get to his feet. Having to use the ropes does Justice with James Mitchell watching on. The hammer is raised above his head as Triple H nails a huge shot to the stomach. That is only the start as Triple H follows Justice who stumbles away from Triple H. Another shot by Triple H who connects with a shot to leg.

Down goes Justice with Triple H holding his weapon above his head. Calling for the end. A suck it taunt by Triple H who grabs Justice by the head. He hooks the arms again, going for another pedigree. The people are up watching as Justice is able to counter with a back body drop. This time Triple H doesn't go into the tacks however just missing them. The Game is up to his feet quickly here. But in what may be poetic justice, the sledgehammer connects with the skull of Triple H.

The Game is rocked here as Justice sends him over into the ropes. On the rebound Justice nails the black hole slam with Triple H being crushed here. The fans are silent as Justice now grabs Triple H by the throat. He lifts him up and nails a huge chokeslam on Triple H. We can only watch on as Justice covers Triple H.




Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman the winner of the match and STILL WWE CHAMPION……JUSTICE!

“Slow Chemical” hits as Justice slowly makes it to his feet. With blood rushing down his face. The door is opened for James Mitchell to enter the cell. He brings with him the WWE Champion, handing it to Justice. James Mitchell cleans the face of our champion, saying he did it. Finally he has ended this. The ref is checking on Triple H as Justice holds the title above his head. On top of the ramp we see The Church standing clapping in support of Justice.

Ross: In one of the toughest matches I’ve ever seen before, Justice has retained the WWE Championship.

Lawler: We all knew it was going to be a fight but these two ripped each other to shreds.

Taz: This match could have turned at any point but in the end it all came down to one thing. How much each guy had left, who could go that little bit further.

Ross: Tonight we found out that this is in short reign for Justice. He will remain at the top of Monday Night RAW. He will stay as the WWE Champion, but Triple H will not.

Lawler: Triple H will not receive another shot at the WWE Championship as long as it is in the hands of Justice.

Ross: Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining us here tonight. We leave you with this, tomorrow is the WWE draft. And we know one thing, Justice will not be leaving Monday Night RAW.

We end Survivor Series with Justice and The Church walking up the ramp. As the crowd watch on with Triple H down in the ring surrounded by blood.
LSN's evaluation of GCB's match:

1. A match with a clear beginning, middle, and end:

The Three Stages of Hell match lends itself to having a beginning, middle, and end. The key here is whether these three matches in one combined to tell a story with a good flow to it. This match did for the most part, although it's difficult to tell a story that's consistent for 45 minutes. Each match took its own form at times, instead of feeling like a continuation necessarily of the last. This disrupted the psychology at times, but overall this was very well done. ****1/2

2. A match that fits within the 15-17 minute range:

As stated in the rules, there is leewaay here when it comes to the time, but this one went almost 45 minutes. I understand that running a 17 minute 3 Stages of Hell match would be nearly impossible, so there's also some leeway for that. But the fact remains that the match went over double the initial stated time, although it did feel more like a 30 minute match then it did 43, at least to me. Not terrible here, but too long by the standards that were set.

3. Nailing the performers in the ring:
This couldn't have been done better here. The characters set in the 2010 version of each were exactly the way they played their roles in both their characters and their movesets alike. Both men played to the crowd well at times, as was explicitly stated out during the match at times with HHH smirking and grinning, to Sheamus pleading with his hands when HHH broke out the sledgehammer. This was written so well that these things were easy to pick up and I didnt have to go looking for them. ****3/4

4. Well written, a clearly spelled out match:

This is exactly what I was looking for in terms of a well written match. This match was written in a way that I followed the match easily and was able to understand everything that was said without any issues. The commentary in the match fit in nicely and flowed along with the pace of the match. Punctuation and spelling were top notch here as well. *****

5. A match with an epic feel to it:

I liked the build to this match, and the commetary that explained it as well. This as a long, grudge match that I was on the fence about regarding whether it could headline a PPV. But the grudge aspect of Sheamus almost ending HHH's career mde me believe this was a borderline main event. I also liked the intrigue that was brought into the second fall with Sheamus "mysteriously" getting help to aid him in his win. For the most part, this match had the epic feel to it that I was looking for, even if I wasn't the biggest an of the outside interference. They fell within the rules and context of the match, however, so not alot more can be said. ****1/4

Final Score, as averaged through the five categories, is as follows:

1. A match with a clear beginning, middle, and end: 4.5 stars

2.A match within or close to the alotted time limit: 3 stars

3. Nailing the performers in the ring: 4.75 stars

4. Well written, clearly spelled out match: 5 stars

5. A match with an epic feel to it: 4.25 stars

This levels out to a total of 21.5 stars, which when averaged out over 5 categories, which averages out to a total of 4.3 stars.
LSN's evaluation of No.1 Peep's match:​

1. A match that has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

The match between Edge and Christian is outstanding in this department. The build to the match with the pre-match backstory where both men talk about their achievements and their history with one another. The "built-in" clips with Lawler, Ross, and Cole noting said achievements made this feel even more special. The commentary at the beginning did a nice job of establishing Edge as the more successful of the two, and played off their history as partners, as did the beginning of the match itself. The match flowed nicely after a quick flurry from Christian settling in to the more accomplished Edge taking over. The match also did a great job of using the ER stipulation without overkilling it. I would think as a stand alone match, it would have been better for Christian to get the decisive victory rather then with a rollup, but the post-match attack indicated that the feud would likely continue. ****3/4

2. A match that fits within the alloted time range of 15-17 minutes:

The match was labeled as a 15 minute match, so all I had to do in essence was determine whether or not this match fit that time sample. It felt like it went slightly longer then that, within the 18-20 minute range or so, but that's perfectly fine within the leeway. It held my attention throughout the entire time range, so it was well done under this criteria as well. ****3/4

3. A match that nails the performers in the ring:

I evaluate this category based upon three things, as Ive stated before. I look at the proper usage of movesets, the way the performers mannerisms and facial expressions are used, and the way they played to the crowd. A grudge match like this doesn't really lend itself to playing toward the crowd much, nor was there much evidence of that here. For the most part, both Edge and Christian's movesets were nailed here, and the use of the stipulation was done well here. I picked up on some very good mannerisms, facial expressions, and the hatred between the two demonstrated in both expression and speech. I would have liked to see the hatred played up a little more, and it was, after the match. For the most part, very well done here.

4.Clearly Spelled Out, Easy to Read:

Pretty well written. There wasn't a spelling or error within this match that I could find. The match was easy to read, the paragraphs were spaced out well, and the nearfalls were all very well written. The only issue I found were that some sentences were too long, as instead of periods, there were commas that felt like rambling at times. It would made for a more cohesive match in that sense if the sentences had been kept shorter. ****1/4

5. A match with an Epic Feel

Im so-so on this one. As I mentioned earlier, the backstory was told well in a way that made this match feel important. But there was something about this match that I just couldn't buy into as the main event of a PPV. It would make for a great secondary main event sandwiched in between title matches, and there wouldn't be a better match for that slot. But I dont see this as being a main event worthy match, even with the great backstory. With the match ending on a surprise rollup, there was no closure here either, especially with the post-match attack. There's nothing wrong with that, but this felt like the first chapter to a feud, not the "main event" last encounter.

The final score, as averaged through the 5 categories, is as follows:

1. A match with a clear beginning, middle, and end: 4.75 stars

2. A match that fits within the alotted time frame: 4.75 stars

3. A match that nails the performers in the ring: 4.25 stars

4. Clearly spelled out, easy to read: 4.25 stars

5. A match with an epic feel: 3.5 stars

The total between the five categories adds up to 21.5 stars, which averages out to 4.3 stars total.
LSN's review of Da Prophet's match:

1. A match with a clear beginning, middle, and end:

This match had a pretty clear beginning, middle, and end. It was slow in parts, but it got the point across of HhH getting in alot of offense, and Justice not backing down or being terribly affected by it. It took awhile to get to the first cover of the match, but within the context of the match, it worked. The cell was used well, with both describing the action to the affect on the performer being done well. It was all Justice at the end, with him hitting three decisive moves to put away HHH, which took a little bit of the steam out of the ending. Overall though, this was well-written within the context asked for. ****1/4

2. A match that fits within the 15-17 minute time range:

No time was given for this match, so i had to decipher how long this match truly went for. It seemed to me that the first cover took place about 8 minutes into the match, and came out to be about 20-22 minutes in all. It was close all in all, as I said there would be leeway given here. This seemed like a PPV main event, as it was written to be, so the time makes sense within the context of the match. ****3/4

3. A match that nails the performers in the ring:

The movesets of both men were written out extremely well for the most part. I assumed that Justice was playing the role of Abyss in this match, so that's the moveset I used to take into account. Neither man played to the crowd terribly much, but that's difficult to do within the context of HIAC. Both men reacted appropriately to the Cell environment in terms of delivering and receiving punishment, so this for the most part was also well-done. ****1/4

4. Clearly Written, Easy to Understand match:

This match was truly average in this category. There were misspellings aplenty, several instances where sentences displayed a lack of proper punctuation, and times when the match was hard to follow because words weren't used in their proper sense. There were also times in the match where what was being said should have logically come from the announcers, but it was just written into the match instead. This wasn't terrible, as there were places that flowed nicely. But there were also parts where I had to re-read the match in order to fully grasp what was going on. **3/4.

5. A match with an EPic Feel:

Nailed it on this one. Hell in a Cell, based on the history between the two, seemed like the perfect place to not only settle their feud, but also to fight for the WWE championship. The lack of nearfalls made each one feel more important, and I found myself honestly cheering for HHH to win this match. It was given a major feel for the most part, and it delivered just that. The backstory was summarized very quickly, but it got us to how we got here. It just felt rushed in that aspect, but was very good overall. ****1/2.

Taking into account the five criteria listed, the breakdown is as follows:

1.A match with a solid beginning, middle, and end: 4.25 stars

2. A match that fits within the allotted time range: 4.75 stars

3. A match that nails the performers in the ring: 4.25 stars

4. Clearly written, easy to understand: 2.75 stars

5. A match with an epic feel to it: 4.5 stars

The total score was 20.5, which averages out to 4.1 stars.

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