the NWO now?!

even if this dosnt happen to say it couldnt at least be a possability is ******ed. vince has done a lot dumber things to try to get ratings so why wouldnt he try to have a fued between two of the most dominant forces in wrestling history. i would love to see it happen and think that it will happen but if im wrong so what at least i was able to think about it and dream. but i think it is very possible for this to happen and some of you shouldnt be so critical, even if it dosnt happen at least let people who want to discuss it without you disrespecting them
seinfeld83 said:
even if this dosnt happen to say it couldnt at least be a possability is ******ed. vince has done a lot dumber things to try to get ratings so why wouldnt he try to have a fued between two of the most dominant forces in wrestling history. i would love to see it happen and think that it will happen but if im wrong so what at least i was able to think about it and dream. but i think it is very possible for this to happen and some of you shouldnt be so critical, even if it dosnt happen at least let people who want to discuss it without you disrespecting them
I don't doubt Vince would bring back the nWo(or the bWo or the lWo for that matter), but this all started with someone posting a FAKE poster, not from someone leaking spoilers from WWE headquarters. Shit, I could make a fake poster of a Sting logo colliding with an Austin 3:16 logo, then we could have discussions about Sting facing Austin at Wrestlemania.
but even if it is fake, which i have no idea if it is or not, if people want to talk about it why not just let them have fun and talk about, you can disagree but don't call people morons if they want to discuss and believe that it may happen that is their buisness thats all im saying, everyone can disagree but be respectful and if you dont like the topic or want to discuss it then dont
Nash is old (******ed by the way)
Hall is a friggin Tard why doesnt WWE get that
X-pac is gay and worthless
HBK well is like the only superstar worth talkin bout but no his days with Hogan are over Same with Nash
Hogan well doesnt know when to hang the boots
Booker T is in his own little world right now
NO nWo Is not Coming back if it does well read my Avatar
hothead25 said:
I don't doubt Vince would bring back the nWo(or the bWo or the lWo for that matter), but this all started with someone posting a FAKE poster, not from someone leaking spoilers from WWE headquarters. Shit, I could make a fake poster of a Sting logo colliding with an Austin 3:16 logo, then we could have discussions about Sting facing Austin at Wrestlemania.

Sting vs Austin at wrestlemania now that sounds like a good match.
I have heard that Nash and the big Show are going to be NWO at Unforgiven. I don't know how true it is , but I would appreciate it If you would stop the name calling. I thought that was against the rules. :farttorch:
yeah a couple of months ago the same people preached DX isnt ever coming back, and that ECW wouldnt relaunch, remember the ole saying
"anything can happen in the WWE"
interesting to note that wwe had been asked about if nwo would come back to feud with dx
wwe denied it somewhat but also said the idea has been put on the table
saying they were thinking of bringing back hall & nash to feud with dx
and it would only esculate from there
interesting also that nash didnt re-sign with tna when his contract expired a couple of weeks back
I don't think it's a terrible idea at all. I think if they could maybe get X-Pac to come in as well, he could do alot of the ring work and have Hall and Nash just kinda look dominant. I think it would be a complete mark out moment if they did bring the nWo back as Hall, Nash & X-Pac and have them in a match w/ HBK & HHH. Then when the match came around they would all be in the ring and just all hug and have the whole Kliq as a stable in the WWE. How awesome would that be? God, I would love that.
i dont dont think they would bring back nwo right now cause hbk needs sugery and plus nash is like hogan if not worse
I have a feeling X-Pac will be back in the WWE. It could be at Unforgiven or it could be at Survivor Series. I hope he comes back to join DX, DX only had 5 male members (6 including Rick Rude) and the nWo had hundreds. So if that was going to happen it would more likely be X-Pac/HHH/HBK vs Hogan Hall and Nash or replace one of the nWo members with The Big Show.
It seems like a lot of newbz are taking over??

As for the topic... I just read something on and it said theres a good chance of the NWO coming back... But I dont see it being more then Triple H, Hbk, X-Pac vs Nash, Hall, Hogan.... I doubt Show is going to get involved due to him being ECW Champ..
King Rolex said:
i cannot believe the wwe is bringing them back, why does vince do this, what's next DX?... first off, Hogan just isn't what he used to be, and Scott Hall has proven countless times before how unreliable he is out there... the guy needs to focus on his drinking problem. Then there's Kevin Nash... he was never the best ring worker to begin with, and someone who is that tall and old is an injury prone worker waiting to happen... i hope he doesn't pull a HHH out there...

sorry to rant, but why does vince treat the wwe as the wcw 2 sometimes...


YeaH! King Rolex is in the house, the dude from the past!

Otherwise, D-X is back, NWO are rumoured to be back and thats pretty much it.
vince is starting to trn the wheels

first there was the fake poster which i believe was put out by wwe to get the reaction

next nash's contract was up and he hasnt re-signed with tna yet

next vince approached the outlaws to come back to wwe still havnt heard the outlaws talk about this which menas its possible

now xpac shows up at a show with DX

and now scott hall has been training and wants back into wrestling with either company and rumours are it was he who came up with the angle

they are all friends remember that and HHH has big pulling power as he is pretty much a Mc Mahon

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