The Musician/Band Tournament? (Just an idea...)

That would be appreciated! I dunno if it could warrant its own subsection in the MH while it goes on, like WZT & BZT get.

But yeah, I would be posting it in the media hug so it forces people to post non-spam.

Probably a sub-forum within The Media Hub, I believe the movie tournament last year was like that. With the relaxed spamming rules in there it should see more traffic than the movie tournament did. (No offense to Crock and Killam. I still say you guys made an awesome effort with that one!) That's up to the admins. I'll let them know you're wanting to do this.
Probably a sub-forum within The Media Hub, I believe the movie tournament last year was like that. With the relaxed spamming rules in there it should see more traffic than the movie tournament did. (No offense to Crock and Killam. I still say you guys made an awesome effort with that one!) That's up to the admins. I'll let them know you're wanting to do this.

Cheers man.

If I get the ok, PM me down the line, myself, you & possibly Macios can go about running this.
I'm up for this but I say we do it by musicians.

Misc (keyboardist, trumpeter etc)
If we're going that way, I propose a one-instrument-per-person restriction. No sense in Flea taking best trumpet AND bass :p
Seriously? I'm more worried about the Muse fans killing it.
I also think a band's more than it's members. For example, I think Dragonforce has some great individual skill, but I wouldn't listen to their stuff more than once every few months, even by accident.

Incidentally, ex-member, something Theart is South-African.
Right, here's what I'm going to try & go for with it;

16 in each category;
00's to present.

Each category will have 4 "genre sections", so we can only have 4 of each kind in each category, to allow diversity. They are;
Solo Artist
Waaay too much already...

The best way to do something like this would be 4 bands from 4 decades (total of 16 bands). If you want to include more bands, have your first "round" be a poll which includes 10-15 bands from each decade, with the idea only the top 4 vote getters move on.

That way no legitimate possibilities get left out, but you don't lose interest by putting bands with no chance of winning against bands that do.

I still don't think the tournament will do well, but if you keep it short and sweet, it'll have a much better chance than the massive undertaking you seem to want it to be.
IC, one of if not the best poster/thread starter we've ever had here tried this a few years back and it was a disaster. This is next to impossible to make work for anyone.
IC, one of if not the best poster/thread starter we've ever had here tried this a few years back and it was a disaster. This is next to impossible to make work for anyone.

I was actually talking to him about this on Sunday and he told me that the first one they did was a big success. The second one was a failure, but it was too big, and IC didn't have enough time to devote to it.

That said, I know how much work goes into tournament running, and it only gets more complicated when you make groups and brackets and what not. A music tournament would be fun, but it would need someone with dedication and know how to run it.
I was actually talking to him about this on Sunday and he told me that the first one they did was a big success. The second one was a failure, but it was too big, and IC didn't have enough time to devote to it.

That said, I know how much work goes into tournament running, and it only gets more complicated when you make groups and brackets and what not. A music tournament would be fun, but it would need someone with dedication and know how to run it.

There was still a lot of subjectivity on the first one though; and that's something to be prepared for in a tournament like this.

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