The Movie Reboot Thread

Hollywood's favourite word nowadays is reboot, and it seems to be paying off big time, at least for now. We have seen numerous classic films or film franchises get the reboot treatment, with the characters and settings being updated for modern audiences and the practical effects being replaced with gratuitous CGI. There seems to be no end in sight for this trend so I decided to make this thread.

The purpose of this thread is to name a film/franchise that you either predict will be rebooted or that you want to see rebooted. Give your casting choices for the main characters in the film, and if you want, explain how you would like the see the film modernized or updated.

I guess I'll start with the inevitable reboot of the Batman franchise. The Dark Knight Rises was a perfect ending to an incredible movie trilogy that will be a nearly impossible act to follow, but an act that will be followed nonetheless. My casting choice for the new Batman is Michael Fassbender. Not only does he look like Bruce Wayne, but even more importantly, he has the range necessary to play the character. He can be both the suave billionaire playboy and the badass masked vigilante.

As for the how the movie would be done, it would have to remain dark in tone (because that's the essence of Batman), but not be as grounded in realism as Christopher Nolan's Batman movies. It would be much more similar/faithful to the comic book version of Batman and would allow for the use of more fantastical villains such as Clayface, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze, etc. that perhaps would not fit in very well to Nolan's universe. It would also allow for the use of Batman's extended family of allies such as Robin, Nightwing and Oracle. The first movie in this new series wouldn't be an origin story and would pick up with Batman already established as a superhero in Gotham City.
The Terminator franchise will probably be rebooted someday; it's inevitable. The future of Terminator 5 (and possibly another film) has been in up air for so long, and I just don't give a shit anymore. Arnold is said to have a part in T5, but nothing is guaranteed.

It'll be hard to replace Arnold's presence as the lead man. Christian Bale was a solid lead in Salvation, and he's probably the best John Connor, but a CGI version of Arnold almost stole the show during the final battle.

And speaking of Connor, Thomas Dekker would be an ideal choice for a replacement. Bale is unrealistic, because he is an Oscar winner and a bigger star now. Dekker portrayed Connor on The Sarah Connor Chronicles TV show, and he really nailed a mature version of this character.

The 1984 original and T2 are classics, but Rise Of The Machines and Salvation aren't exactly five star films. There is some room for improvement, and I would give a new series of Terminator films a chance.
For a new batman reboot I'd give the role of Bruce Wayne to a young guy so the new film can deal with Bruce's first enemies. Someone like Josh Pence. For his first villains I'd use Hush and Black Mask. With both of these guys being childhood friends of Bruce Wayne's then it creates that element that this is personal to Bruce. Hush would be played by someone like Clive Owen and i think Fassbender could play Black Mask.

I agree that the film has to be dark in accordance with the comics. The realism was good but then again it sort of annoyed me. I hated seeing people like Scarecrow getting taken care of so easily in the movies(A tazer!?). I've never thought that Batgirl, Robin, or Nightwing unless they incorporate Jason Todd for the sake of including the Red Hood arc.
I think Blade could use a reboot, especially after that horrible TV series with Sticky Fingahz or whatever the hell his name is, playing Blade. Wesley Snipes isn't gonna get out of prison anytime soon, and even after he is released, I don't think his ego will allow him to make a Blade 4 unless it's all about him. Blade is one of my favourite comic-book characters, and I have been itching to see him back on the big screen for years. For the role of Blade, I'd give that to Michael Jai White. He's just as kickass, if not more kickass than Snipes is (see Blood & Bone), and he has that same deep, smooth talking voice that Snipes had in the movies, so he'd be a terrific replacement especially as he's got some history in comic book movies/television shows (Spawn, Dark Knight, Justice League & Batman cartoons). If not Michael Jai then Idris Elba is another name that comes to mind but Michael Jai imo is PERFECT for the role. For the role of Whistler, maybe Nick Nolte, I've always thought he & Kris Kristopherson looked alike with the grey long hair & grey beards. And for the villian in the first Blade of the reboot, I'd have another Marvel great in that role, Morbius. Morbius is the reason why Blade becomes a daywalker. He was supposed to be in Blade 2 until they scrapped him for the reaper storyline. He'd be a great villian to start a new series of Blade films off, Deacon Frost could come in the second.

I think I'd also be interested in seeing another reboot/remake with Jason Statham or Vin Diesel in the lead role, but I just don't know what movie I'd like to see them reboot/remake. Few movies that I can think of...

Hitman - Either man would be good for the role. Diesel was originally supposed to play Agent 47, and just watch The Transporter to see how well Statham would fit in the role.

Oceans Eleven - Clooney & co. won't continue their series, not after Bernie Mac's death (RIP). I could see Statham working as Danny Ocean. Statham is slick and has swag. He also has a history of movies where's he playing a thief that's actually the good guy (Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, The Bank Job).

Daredevil - I was actually thinking about Statham playing Daredevil a few weeks ago, and just today on wikipedia, I read that Statham was interested in playing Daredevil and that Vin Diesel was interested in playing the Kingpin. Statham could work as Daredevil imo, but for Kingpin they should stay true to the comics and get a fat, bald guy for the role.

Rambo - Doubt many people would be in favor of rebooting Rambo but I see Hollywood rebooting it one day, and bringing the story forward a couple of decades to a more modern conflict. They could use the Gulf War or Afghanistan to produce a modern day Rambo, and I could see Vin Diesel as John Rambo.

Die Hard - Not saying it should be rebooted, not as long as Bruce Willis is still acting anyway. I'm just saying that like Rambo, I could see this being rebooted after Bruce Willis is done with the film forever, and if it does, I think Jason Statham could play a good John McClane.
I think that Gremlins could work as a re-boot. It has elements that could definately carry over to a new film(s). For what it was back in the day, the effects\puppets were pretty good. With all the great FX teams today, we could easily get a great movie without alot of CGI. Keep the formula the same and there are a few ways the story could go without destroying the originals.

Also, Im surprised they havent redone the Poltergeist series. With all the things they can do now versus back then, that franchise could be pretty good. We have seen a great deal of horror movies in the past 20\25 years and I think there is potential. I wouldnt mind seeing what could be done there. Definately a few creepy moments that would have to stay in, but as a whole there is room to play around story wise. Instead of giving us another Paranormal Activity or Saw film, why not try a Poltergeist re-boot?
I know George Lucas will never do it, but they could, and should IMO, reboot Star Wars, especially if they release it in 2017 when the original is 40 years old.
I'll start off with Batman as it will be inevitable - Batman to be played by Shane Brolly (Kraven from Underworld) and would be much like the 1989 Batman where his origin would be in flashbacks. I would love to see if Ridley Scott would have a go at Directing. Man that would be something. I think that you woud have to bring in the Joker again also maybe Vince Gallo, he is a freaky looking guy and could play a psycho well.

I also would love to see a Predator movie starring the Rock. He would be the perfect guy to be "hunted"...

Reboot the horrible Transformers trilogy - this time with designs more closer to G1, more robots, less humans and stupid side stories. Just good vs evil where you can actually identify which Transformer is which. Something like the Autobots and Decepticons spaceships crashland on earth wiping out the dinosaurs. Millions of years later Spike and his Dad Sparkplug stumble across one of the ships and reactivates Bumblebee but in doing so reactivates all of them. Megatron wants to suck the planet dry of it's natural resources so he can return to Cybertron, Optimus and the Autobots fight them and eventually win the day... pretty simple stuff
The Terminator franchise will probably be rebooted someday; it's inevitable. The future of Terminator 5 (and possibly another film) has been in up air for so long, and I just don't give a shit anymore. Arnold is said to have a part in T5, but nothing is guaranteed.

It'll be hard to replace Arnold's presence as the lead man. Christian Bale was a solid lead in Salvation, and he's probably the best John Connor, but a CGI version of Arnold almost stole the show during the final battle.

And speaking of Connor, Thomas Dekker would be an ideal choice for a replacement. Bale is unrealistic, because he is an Oscar winner and a bigger star now. Dekker portrayed Connor on The Sarah Connor Chronicles TV show, and he really nailed a mature version of this character.

The 1984 original and T2 are classics, but Rise Of The Machines and Salvation aren't exactly five star films. There is some room for improvement, and I would give a new series of Terminator films a chance.

The problem with Rise of the Machines and Terminator Salvation was that it's just not Terminator without Arnold Schwarzenneger IMO, and at the time he was too busy being the Governor of California.

That and the fact Christian Bale should stick to being Bruce Wayne/Batman.
I know George Lucas will never do it, but they could, and should IMO, reboot Star Wars, especially if they release it in 2017 when the original is 40 years old.

I'm keen to hear the reasons as to why Star Wars should be re-booted. It's a brave suggestion and I'm very curious as to why you feel this way.

As far as a reboot idea, how about The Hustler? Normally reboots/remakes aren't something I greet with enthusiasm, but there's a lot about this film that I really enjoyed and think can be modernised without a lot of compromise to the original. Few actors will be able to top Paul Newman's performance but the role of Fast Eddie allows enough leeway for a young upstart to have fun with the role.

Should it happen? Probably not. I needed a suggestion to stop this being a spam post though and there have been a sad lack of pool based dramas.
I'm keen to hear the reasons as to why Star Wars should be re-booted. It's a brave suggestion and I'm very curious as to why you feel this way.

As far as a reboot idea, how about The Hustler? Normally reboots/remakes aren't something I greet with enthusiasm, but there's a lot about this film that I really enjoyed and think can be modernised without a lot of compromise to the original. Few actors will be able to top Paul Newman's performance but the role of Fast Eddie allows enough leeway for a young upstart to have fun with the role.

Should it happen? Probably not. I needed a suggestion to stop this being a spam post though and there have been a sad lack of pool based dramas.

I think Star Wars would work with new actors, the likes of Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford are too old nowadays to reprise their roles Luke Skywalker and Han Solo respectively, and there's been rumours on and other sites of a third trilogy anyway.
I know George Lucas will never do it, but they could, and should IMO, reboot Star Wars, especially if they release it in 2017 when the original is 40 years old.

I made a point on another forum that, technically, the sequels could be remade with a complete graphical overhaul and some script changes. The whole thing was blue-screened so it'd pretty easy to make changes. Lucas has even said himself that he views his films as never finished, so here's to a JarJar free Phantom Menace in 2020.
And the Gremlins reboot is happening, for whoever mentioned it.
I made a point on another forum that, technically, the sequels could be remade with a complete graphical overhaul and some script changes. The whole thing was blue-screened so it'd pretty easy to make changes. Lucas has even said himself that he views his films as never finished, so here's to a JarJar free Phantom Menace in 2020.
And the Gremlins reboot is happening, for whoever mentioned it.

Gremlins reboot? Link please, or it never happened.
For a new batman reboot I'd give the role of Bruce Wayne to a young guy so the new film can deal with Bruce's first enemies. Someone like Josh Pence. For his first villains I'd use Hush and Black Mask. With both of these guys being childhood friends of Bruce Wayne's then it creates that element that this is personal to Bruce. Hush would be played by someone like Clive Owen and i think Fassbender could play Black Mask.

If they use Hush as a villain I think the best choice in terms of casting would be Michael C. Hall. Hush/Thomas Elliot is highly calculated and manipulative and I think hall definitely has the capacity to deliver. Plus, he looks a lot like Thomas Elliot.


I think Star Wars would work with new actors, the likes of Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford are too old nowadays to reprise their roles Luke Skywalker and Han Solo respectively, and there's been rumours on and other sites of a third trilogy anyway. is a known hoax. The guy who runs that site is trolling hard.
I would love to see a Star Wars reboot as I am a huge fan but I don't see it happening. Terminator and Blade reboots would be awesome too. Don't know who'd play as Blade. Batman is probably the one that's set in stone although I can't see anyone but Bale playing Bruce/Batman right now.

I'm actually in the minority that enjoyed the Michael Bay Transformers although I'm not against a reboot I think it was pretty well done. Although my biggest disappointment was the lack of Megan Fox in the third one even though her replacement was pretty hot too.
I want a Batman movie that introduces Robin and Batgirl, the George Clooney Batman movie with Batgirl wasn't bad, it just had Arnold "can't act for toffee" Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze.

I am aware that I will get flamed for dissing Arnie, and he was good in Terminator and Terminator 2, but his recent movies suck (IMO).
I was just thinking about this the other day and decided that I wouldn't be totally against an Indiana Jones reboot. Indiana Jones is similar in a lot of ways to James Bond, and I think the franchise could continue in a way much like the Bond franchise. As for who would be in the role of Indiana Jones, I think Chris Pine would make an excellent choice. He was great as Captain Kirk in Star Trek, and I think he'd definitely fit the part of Indy. In that role he showed great versatility, he can be brash, arrogant, witty, charming and intelligent, all traits needed to portray Indiana Jones effectively.

In terms of the story, they could update it and have it take place in a modern setting, perhaps with the Chinese serving as the villains. They could have a new version of Lao Che (the evil Chinese businessman from the beginning of Temple of Doom) as one of the main villains, and they could have a new version of Short Round as Indy's sidekick. Part of the story could show how Indy first met Short Round during his adventures in East Asia. Asian culture and mythology is rich with various artefacts for Indy to find, or mysteries for him to uncover. For example, he could be looking for the Staff of Sun Wukong or the lost tomb of the Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan.

The second route they could take with the reboot would be to simply have it set in the time or World War II, with the Nazis as the villains once again. The Nazis are classic Indiana Jones villains, so this is a relatively safer approach. The story could have Indy going after some other kind of Christian artefact such as the Holy Lance, which the Nazis would be planning on using for some nefarious purpose.

Just a few ideas I had and I thought I'd post. If you think it's cool let me know, if not, that's fine too. Thanks for reading either way.

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