The Most Over Person In The WWE – Vince McMahon?


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Seriously, he has to be! Ever since I started watching wrestling I have been a huge Vince mark. With every promo he cuts, I am hanging on every single word. It could be that he is writing all the best parts for himself like a crazed dictator but I think it is more than that. Vince McMahon is a great tactician. He schedules himself to be the heel of the face that the company needs and no matter what the alignment, he always, ALWAYS, gets a rise out of people.

Looking back at his feud with Stone Cold, first of all. He was pretty much the most hated man in Sports Entertainment during this feud and every word he was said was drowned out by thousands of boos reigning down upon him. I recall seeing him “fire” Stone Cold and Stone Cold telling him that he couldn’t make him out because “12,000 people were calling him an asshole”. Now that, is what the WWE superstars should be aiming for. In my eyes, Vince is the upper-echelon of what a heel should be. The feud with Austin just cemented his Mr. McMahon character and he has never slowed his roll since that day. The swagger just keep getting bigger.

Then you can look at his face run with the Million Dollar Mania every week and you can see that is Vince wants you to cheer for him, he has various ways to work a crowd to make sure that you do. However, the question arises, are we just happy following Vince into alignments because we know it is for the best, or is it because he can work us like no other person, outside of Hulk Hogan can?

Then, that brings me nicely, onto last night. Vince McMahon came out at the beginning of the show to a massive pop that John Cena can only dream of. He delivered his awesome announcements and at the end of the show, he claimed to be the mastermind of the Nexus angle. However, we all know that this is a little wide of the mark and we all suspect that something bigger is definitely going on. Like I said before, Vince is the only logical step for the Nexus to take as it continues to grow. However, Vince McMahon took the flak for the angle and was booed continually for it. You know, until he was savagely beaten.

So the question arises, is Vince McMahon the greatest on screen talker in the history of the WWE? Also, is he the most over person to work both alignments?
I would say he was equal almost to Stone Cold during their feud in terms of being over, but otherwise no. The likes of Cena, Orton, Triple H, The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio are all more over than Vince, at least. He is over for an authority figure though but that's what happens when you've been around for ages and were at one point a quality character.
So the question arises, is Vince McMahon the greatest on screen talker in the history of the WWE? Also, is he the most over person to work both alignments?

Aha, good call!!

There is no doubt that McMahon is over in a big way, and he knows how to work a crowd really well but I would say there are some better than him such as the Undertaker at being great at pulling off bothj Heel/Face.

But Vince has been in the business a long long time and knows the psycology of the ring very well. For example when he plays up the heel persona, he usualy attacks the citys football team or whatever to pull off some good heat and when he interacts with the audience he is obviously gonna pull off good heat.

And when he plays a face, he can do that very well too. As you said at Million Dollar Maina, he great cheers .etc. because he was the face of the whole thing, I recall his face being on the dollar which again shows his veteran psycology skills.

But as I said earlier, for me he isn't the best. But he is definitley up there with the best.
I heard talk a while back that Mr.McMahon losing to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 26 was supposed to be the end of the character, but thankfully that has not turned out to be true because Vince is brilliant at playing the crowd and he always has us in the palm of his hand- if he wants to be booed, then rest assured he has the ability to make himself the most hated man in the building or if he wants to be cheered, he can garner a face reaction rivaling that of WWE's most over performers.

Vince McMahon is so charismatic that he often puts the other wrestlers to shame when it comes to talking and cutting promos, I would say few can do it better in WWE- when Vince is in inspired form he is really entertaining, no doubt about it and that absolutely makes him a candidate for the greatest talker in the game. When I think of great talkers I think of Flair, Hogan, Piper, Stone Cold, The Rock and it could well be that Vince McMahon belongs in that category, as far as working the mic goes...
Vinnie mac is the best there is when it comes to cutting promo's today (2010). Austin made vince the heel he was and the rock also helped. Vince is a legend because of what hes done for the industry, however you cannot compare him to hogan, austin, rock, or cena. When was the last time you bought a vince t-shirt? lol, they are a brand and vince is a great side show. i remember as a kid that bobby heenan in the wwf used to get booed all the time. its all about the face you are feuding with. even vickie gurerro gets booed like crazy and i have no idea what her purpose is, its all about the faces she messed over in the past. Vince is great but not the best
With the exception of Ric Flair, I don't think there's another performer in the business who can so easily and credibly shift between heel and face roles.

The last we saw of Vince was at the end of a very long fifteen minutes at Wrestlemania, after playing the hard heel for Bret Hart. We see him last night for the first time in two months- holy comeback, wrestling fans- and the pop he received was one of the biggest of the night.

And then, effortlessly, he turns it around on the crowd. For maybe the two dozenth time, but it works, every single time. He can come out to Raw and play a face role next week, and everyone would go along and cheer him lustily.
With the exception of Ric Flair, I don't think there's another performer in the business who can so easily and credibly shift between heel and face roles.

The last we saw of Vince was at the end of a very long fifteen minutes at Wrestlemania, after playing the hard heel for Bret Hart. We see him last night for the first time in two months- holy comeback, wrestling fans- and the pop he received was one of the biggest of the night.

And then, effortlessly, he turns it around on the crowd. For maybe the two dozenth time, but it works, every single time. He can come out to Raw and play a face role next week, and everyone would go along and cheer him lustily.

No it does not work. Vince McMahon is an asshole, he has built that character so well that you could bring out a group of orphan children give them a million dollars and I would still wonder when he is going to kick them in the head, or make them kiss his ass.

His heel is so ingrained, that I wouldn't even care to see a full face McMahon, it would almost be unbelievable, so fake.

Part of it is because I believe Vince to actually be an egomaniac off screen, sure not as evil as portrayed but I feel like he puts a bit more of himself into his character than most.
If John Cena owned WWE i bet he could come across as just a big heel..he'd have control over the whole company, he'd have complete control over his script, he'd have vested interest in his character. Vince isn't really all that special, just lucky enough to own WWE.

If you smarks want to see a real heel, go look at Hollywood Hogan's work in WCW.
It blows Vince McMahon's greatest moments out of the water.
I think the reason why Vince is the most over person in WWE is beacause he IS the WWE. So many guys come in and Vince tells them what his big plan is for them and some guys get it and can do it and others simply never do. Vince doesn't have that problem with himself. The man is a wrestling genius and I don't believe anyone could deny that. and a big part of his genius is with his own character. He has put over SO many wrestlers (as well as burying a few along the way too) with his stories and promos that to even consider him as not being the most over guy in WWE is absurd.

Plus his character is the ultimate relatable heel: The Boss. Who doesn't want to see their boss get their arse kicked?
Other than the likes of Ric Flair and hulk Hogan, I think that Vince is one of the select few people in the wrestling business who can work the crowd into the palm of his hand whenever he wants, depending on whether he wants to play heel or face. I can honestly say that i've genuinely hated the persona that Vince has tried to play in the past because thats exactly what he was trying to do, which is something that all heels should try to get the fans to feel. Also, when he tries to go face, he's able to turn in no time and the crowd loves him, hence the Million Dollar Mania.
Vince may be the most over person not named Austin or Hogan in company history. He's always worked for me for one reason: he's playing himself. If a person does anything to legitimately piss Vince off during a segment, he can indeed fire them. With guys like Bischoff or any other authority figure, it came off as intriguing, but there was always a little thing in the back of my mind where I knew it was fake. With Vince, he's the owner of the company. He can fire these people and he can do whatever he wants more or less. ALso, he has a passion for wrestling that I don't think has ever been approached. He's been doing this over 30 years now. No national company has lasted that long under a single owner. The fans respond to that and it shows on TV. Also, he's a great heel with that voice of his, so it works really well.
Vince McMahon is not the greatest on-screen talker of all time, he does great and that's mostly due to the fact that he knows where he brings his limits, he is probably one of the single unscripted things going on in WWE right now, when it comes to in-ring promos.

Vince has always been a great character, he is definitely one of the greatest, but he's not the greatest, to me the greatest on-screen talker is Ric Flair or Roddy Piper, but that's not a bad group for Vince to be paired with when it comes to being called a great one.

I do believe that Vince is one of, if not the greatest heel of all time, he is the most hated one and easily gathers heat because all he has to do is screw someone, cut a heel promo, act as if he's trying to be funny through insulting, which is what makes Vince great, he does it so naturally.

Vince has always struck me as the greatest enhancement talent of all time in terms that he doesn't even need to wrestle his opponent to make him look great, a feud means automatically stardom, Bobby Lashley got over through feuding somewhat with Vince, Stone Cold got over, Triple H got over (mostly Stephanie feuding with him, but nonetheless Triple H was involved) etc.

Vince as well is not the most over face, he was never an incredibly over face, Vince is one of the ultimate heels, not a face, and that is solely due to his position in the company and his history of on-screen acts that appeals more to the heel side of him than anything he could ever do as a face.
Vince will always be the king. Agreed that if he is in the ring with Undertaker or Stone Cold, he will get the boos, but the ones who are booing him also know that he created the business and he created the Undertaker and he created Stone Cold and all the others. But whenever you see too much of him on TV, you know its because the product is not doing well and the ratings are not high (maybe because some superstars are due to injury, etc) and he has to single-handedly cope up for their absence. For example, if DX were there, you would never have the NXT story coming up.
Vince McMahon is not the greatest on-screen talker of all time, he does great and that's mostly due to the fact that he knows where he brings his limits, he is probably one of the single unscripted things going on in WWE right now, when it comes to in-ring promos.

Vince has always been a great character, he is definitely one of the greatest, but he's not the greatest, to me the greatest on-screen talker is Ric Flair or Roddy Piper, but that's not a bad group for Vince to be paired with when it comes to being called a great one.

I do believe that Vince is one of, if not the greatest heel of all time, he is the most hated one and easily gathers heat because all he has to do is screw someone, cut a heel promo, act as if he's trying to be funny through insulting, which is what makes Vince great, he does it so naturally.

Vince has always struck me as the greatest enhancement talent of all time in terms that he doesn't even need to wrestle his opponent to make him look great, a feud means automatically stardom, Bobby Lashley got over through feuding somewhat with Vince, Stone Cold got over, Triple H got over (mostly Stephanie feuding with him, but nonetheless Triple H was involved) etc.

Vince as well is not the most over face, he was never an incredibly over face, Vince is one of the ultimate heels, not a face, and that is solely due to his position in the company and his history of on-screen acts that appeals more to the heel side of him than anything he could ever do as a face.

I actually would go so far as to say that by NXT taking out Vince on Raw Monday night that he did as much to put those 7 guys over as Cena did by engaging in the promo's/run in/beatdown segments over the last few weeks.
Beating down the boss=instant cred.
I actually would go so far as to say that by NXT taking out Vince on Raw Monday night that he did as much to put those 7 guys over as Cena did by engaging in the promo's/run in/beatdown segments over the last few weeks.
Beating down the boss=instant cred.

That is exactly my point, anything Vince McMahon has been thrown together with, has come out great, especially for the wrestler involved in it.

The history is all over that fact, as I already mentioned, everybody somewhat associated on-screen with Vince, be it through alliances, or through feuding, gets over in some manner.

Mostly I do believe although that feuding / fighting Vince is the superior way of getting over, there has been people associated with Vince through The Corporation or other things alike that didn't get as over as some of the other people did.

Like I believe I said in here, Vince = The ultimate enhancement talent.
I think he is. they way I see it, in wrestling you are the best at what you do if you can get the fans to do one of two things: chant your name all night long and praise your every move OR hate your guts. VInce certainly has the latter down to a tea, and at times he's even got the fans onside. A lot of people debate who is the best promo man in WWE, and I've gotta agree and say its Vince. He is (in my opinion) one of three guys in WWE who has never cut a bad promo (Austin and Rock being the other two). he is a true pro-wrestling legend.
I'm basing this question on alot of the threads I've seen regarding various incidents and storylines involving the CEO.

It seems that the crowd loves Vince until he opens his mouth. Listen to the reaction he gets when his music hits. They go nuts! Then.......he speaks and the crowd starts changing alliance.

It doesn't seem to matter who is delivering Vince's latest beat down, everyone seems to love it! But that plays into the idea of everyone hates their boss or company's top guy. Everyone wants to see that guy get his ass handed to him in a paper bag.

Normally, if you have a Heel like Randy Orton was recently, he'd get booed from the time his music hit until he left the stadium. Didn't matter, he was the bad guy and we all hate him. But, if another heel comes out, say Edge, and beats the living hell out of him, we start to feel for Orton and support him in this desperate time.

But not Vince. Nope, Vince can get smashed by Cena, Orton, Undertaker, Sheamus, and most recently the Nexus, and the fans still go nuts with joy.

So I ask you, is there another heel in the history of Professional Wrestling that stays on the fans bad side like Vince does?
The thing with Vince is, he can change his character in the blink of an eye based on who he is dealing with. Of course when he's talking about firing Bret Hart, he's going to get boo'ed. I think people just prefer to hate Vince, and I think he likes it that way.

Depending on where he stands in the storyline, he can be heel or face. If he makes a match for a face in a match that the heel doesn't like, of course he's going to get cheers, and vice versa. At the beginning of Raw when he fired Hart, of course he's going to get initial cheers, mainly because people haven't seen him in recent weeks, and any time he makes an appearance, you KNOW something big is bound to happen.

The word "tweener" has been tossed around a lot in forums, and I think that Vince has become one of those based on who or what he's dealing with. Even though he isn't around often, when he does show up, you never know what is going to happen with him or what is going to come out of his mouth.

With him being beaten down by Nexus, I can almost guarantee the next time his music hits (if Nexus is on screen) he is going to get cheered.
I have always credited Vince McMahon as one of, if not the ultimate heel, he is the key to getting heat because first of all, he's the owner of the company, something that automatically gets heat if he makes a heel decision.

As well as the fact that Vince is a down right bastard in terms of on-screen, he has everything going for him in terms of being incredibly pumped to make him seem legitimate, he has that rugged voice that makes those great "Shut up" and "you're FIREED" rants that he sometimes goes on.

The rants is another thing, even when he's trying to be "a face" he's purposely bashing the crowd by making small comments towards their sports clubs etc. and it comes off so naturally.

The naturally part is something that I think very few, and I mean very few can make look legitimate, Vince makes it much easier in terms of having always in some term been a heel, ever since he revealed to the world that he weren't just the announcer (where he was a bit heelish at times as well) but the fact that he was the owner, Vince has portrayed himself in a heel manner.

Vince has feuded with the best of the best in terms of ultimate face, people we all know so there's no need to go into further discussion about that, but he has in that way also put over the talent, and put them over with success in terms of crowd reaction and push.

The crowd reaction that someone feuding with Vince gets shows the fact that Vince feuding with someone, creates an automatic face role, it's the polar opposite of The Undertaker, in terms of "feud with me, you'll be the heel cause I'm simply that over".

Yes Vince is the alpha-heel.
I think that he is such an awesome heel due to the fact that he puts a little more of himself into his characters than others do.

The guy is an egomaniac and it comes across really well on screen. He is the man, and makes sure that everyone knows it. He is also brilliant and knows when to back off, like bringing Brett back and taking the beating at last years Mania.

He knows that the fans like to see him get his ass handed to him. An lets face it how many of us wouldn't love the opportunity to power bomb our boss? I am sure we all have at some point or another.

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