The Miz & Cody Rhodes get the last laugh?

The Miz and Cody Rhodes, have they proven the naysayers wrong?

  • Just The Miz

  • Just Cody Rhodes

  • Yea, both of them!

  • Nope

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The Decrypter

Now I'm goin' to bring up somethin' interestin'. The Miz was part of a team with John Morrison, and when they broke up, nearly everyone (including myself) thought John Morrison was goin' to become the star and The Miz would fade into irrelevance. However, proving many of us wrong, The Miz is ridin' a rocket powered missile to the top, while John Morrison seems to be almost, but not quite... lost in the shuffle.

The Miz continues week in and week out to improve his in-ring game, as his mic skills are already gold. This was the problem with The Miz and Morrison. Miz was all talk and no walk, and Morrison was all walk but no talk. Basically, Miz had the mic skills and Morrison had the ring skills and sculpted physique. But The Miz is trying very hard to improve his physique and ring skills, while Morrison continues to suck on the mic, not improving at all. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Morrison was a film major or somethin in college, so his mic skills shouldn't be as bad as they are. Hell, his mic skills should be on-par with The Miz, but obviously, that's not the case here. Point is, The Miz proved us all wrong by showing he in fact, was the partner of said team, that was goin' to make it to the top.

Now Cody Rhodes, many people figured when his team with Ted DiBiase ended, he would fall into obscurity. Now, this hasn't become as obvious as the outcome of The Miz & John Morrison, but to me, it seems that the same situation is about to happen with Cody Rhodes as with The Miz, with him coming out on top when everybody else expected otherwise. With the new "Dashing" Cody Rhodes gimmick, recent promos, etc., he seems to be on track to surpass his former partner... the partner that most assumed would be breaking into the main event very soon.

Do you guys think that The Miz and Cody Rhodes have proven many wrong (including the IWC), are doin' better than their former partners, and are here to stay in the long run? Discuss.
I've noticed this trend as well. I think a lot of people thought of Cody and The Miz as the "Marty Jannety" of their tag teams but I admit I am digging the new "Dashing Cody Rhodes." While before Cody never got a reaction out of me, positive or otherwise, I am enjoying his new gimmick. It's something fresh and unlike his former partner Cody isn't trying to relive an old fantastic character in the Million Dollar Man. What The Miz has been able to do speaks for itsself.
very much so, the miz just exploded into awesomeness after the break up. i guess he knew that it was him getting better, or falling into jobber status. it also helped that wwe gave him the win over morrison in their post break up feud.

cody rhodes is also doing extremely well in my opinion. wwe was smart to repackage him a bit. i have to admit i absolutely love the dashing cody rhodes gimmick. simple changes that rejuvenate a superstar are the best. like when brian kendrick added "the" to his name... it was genius, and somehow added character to him. its amazing how ted dibiase was actually in the main event scene a bit while with orton. being in the elimination chamber and all. it seemed like the implosion of legacy was leaning more towards ted's character. and somehow someway, cody is shoting up the ladder quicker; is proving his in ring skills and is finally showing entertaining promos. it also helps that he's on smackdown, where at the moment, it kind of looks like anybody with a memorable name can be in the main event.
I Belive The Miz Has Proved Everyone Wrong, Becoming The US Champ for a good amount of the time and becoming on of the top stars on raw. It would not surprise me if he win the world Championship soon, (Most likly threw a MITB Type win) and he is ridin High now that he is no longer in a tag team and has clearly Left Morrison in the dust.

Cody Rhodes however, Is a much diffrent story While Tedd Jr. is building him self up in the mid cards with the million dollar belt or what not he is layin in wait for a chance to break out. tho he hasent shot up to that top he is done alot more then Cody,witch is nothing cody rhodes has not done anything other then getting a nickname and a gimmick that people dont really understand and now he is on NXT simply because they have no other plans for him at the time.

Simply put: The Miz > Cody Rhodes
Ya i beleive the same thing, Miz has really turned into a true superstar after his breakup with Morrison, i mean think about it he has one the U.S. title twice and the Unified Tag Titles, while Morrison had a short IC title and hasn't been very impressive on the mic. And Rhodes and DiBiase, after there breakup the only thing that made DiBiase look good was a gimmic that had already been used with his father, while Rhodes is actually making his own name on Smackdown with the whole "Dashing" Cody Rhodes gimmic and he is better on the mic, and flat out has far better skills than DiBiase, which is why they were the dark horses of their tag teams.
The Miz goes without saying at this point cause everyone else has already said it 100 times over, that he is not the Jannety of himself and John Morrison.

On the other hand, I am not quit convinced if a couple weeks of a new gimmick where Cody talks about how good looking he is, merits enough to say he is doing better then Ted Dibiase. I have always been a bigger Rhodes fan since day one though. The verdict for me on the better of that old parring will have to wait awhile, as I would say between Codys new gimmick and the Ted/Maryse parring, they are just now in their niches.
The Miz no doubt, but Cody? IDK. I see good things for Ted though, love the guy. I dont get the new cody angle its confusing me to be honest, is he going to be a metrosexual or a homosexual because im shrugging here, i know WWE wouldnt promote homosexuality but its just not manly to talk about how good you look. Maybe if Cody got a new finisher, and a look perhaps, i wish we can see Goldust and Cody team up in a match.
Miz/Morrison- I do agree that the miz is definitely becoming the shawn micheals ouy of the two. Every since westlemania the miz has pinned morrison all but once in every type of match they been in whether its a single, tag or other and dropped him two weeks ago with the skull crushing finale in the 8 man tag. He is our us champ and JoMo is jobbin right now a lot, so yes the miz has definitely prove the critics wrong.

Rhodes/Teddy - I agree that of late cody is getting a little bit of a push a head of teddy but you have to factor in that they are on different brands. There are different writers and for the exception of Mr. Macmahon ( thats right I called him Mr. Macmahon!) there are different people running the show.
if Dibiase was on smackdown he be a ME'er for the simple fact that there are a lack of ME heel stars right now and he would be a great draw with the right momentum. But since raw is so star jammed its hard for any one to shine when you have cena, orton, edge, jericho, shemus, promo heavy segments, and the nexus storyline crammed in a two hour show. Both Cody and Teddy are doing ok right now but if cody was on raw he wouldnt get that much exposure. I believe that dibiase is getting the raw swagger treatment right now, meaning hes going to do nothing for the time being and then out of no were become world champ......wink wink.... can you say money in the bank! (it probably wouldn't happen........or will it? lol)
Great topic. It's true that many counted Miz out when his tag team with Morrison broke up, but he was always blessed with incredible verbal skills, something that can take anyone far. It was inevitable in my eyes that Miz would do great things after I saw ONE promo on Raw. You can tell when a guy oozes charisma.

As far as Cody Rhodes, I have also stated that I believe he will succeed faster than Ted Dibiase. My reasoning was that he possessed a skill that can take you far in the WWE, pure wrestling ability. This kid has been wrestling his whole life, won high school tournaments and such, so his in ring work is stellar. All he needed was a chance to become a character and I believed he would go far. This new character is giving him that chance.

I think the main problem is that everyone feels that every tag team that comes along must be compared to the Rockers and that one person must break out while the other fade into obscurity. It seems that more often than not, both members of a popular tag team are given the chance to succeed if nothing else. While Miz has taken the bull by the horns, Morrison has been content to stay in the midcard, have decent matches, but have no upward mobility. It is still too early to judge Rhodes and Dibiase, but I feel that Rhodes is making the most of his segments, while Dibiase has already flopped a major opportunity when his match with R-Truth on Pay Per View was lackluster at best. They are trying everything to get him over, but he still sits behind Miz and about even with Zack Ryder on the Raw heel ladder. Cody Rhodes has gone from superstars wrestler to possibly the #3 heel on Smackdown behind Punk and Swagger in short order.

I think the thing most important to remember is that it is ridiculous to count anyone out before giving them a chance. Both Rhodes and Miz were counted out by some because they felt "they were the weak link of their teams". Even if that was totally wrong on so many levels, give them a chance as a singles competitor before making a judgment or the bold "Jannetty" statement.
With The Miz appearing better than Morrison, I think it's just because Morrison had a shot to do it big, but he never ran with it. Miz however, took his win over Cena by forfeit and made it something synonomous with him. After that, he just kept bringing more to the table with his mic skills and that's the thing that has cemented in our heads as why he's so much better than Morrison. Morrison has the ring skills but hasn't shown prowess on the mic and obviously in the WWE you need the complete package. Morrison sounds like he's reading off a card every promo, but I'm pretty sure you can take the gist of your promo and make it yours. Something that Miz excels at.

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes has an advantage in that he's not trying to be like his father. Rhodes is going down his own road with this new gimmick. This is the same thing that made Randy Orton better than his dad because he wasn't trying to be the next Bob Orton, he was trying to be the first Randy Orton. Ted Dibiase is still trying to recreate the Million Dollar Man. While it does pretty good for the nostalgia, it's never gonna be as good as the original. Yeah instead of having some backup in Virgil, he's got arm candy in Maryse Monroe. That's a start, but there's a lot more to deal with. He still has the Million Dollar Championship, he still uses the Million Dollar Dream in some form. Dibiase Jr. should be carving his own path instead of clinging to the legacy his father created. "It's a new day, it's a new generation, it's a new day, I'm never looking back, no I'm never looking back..." The song says it, now go do it.
I think that the Miz is a no brainer as he has well exceeded everyones expectations. I know when the split happened, I figured he would job to Cena and fade into oblivion. He was able to prove me wrong because he has done far more than Morrison. Now, I cant say the verdict is in yet on Cody/Ted on who is the "Jannetty" of the team. I would love to say sometime down the road that there was no "Jannetty" in this team. Cody is starting to find a niche and Ted/Maryse may build steam.
Yeh, when you said miz mic skills I only remembered his 2 raps on r-truth. He raped better than r-truth i don't care what anyone says.

Back to topic, as the case for the miz yeah, I think he turned out great and potentially a future champ for at least 1 run. I think WWE are trying to develop him as long awaited champion type so it doesn't burn out on his face like what is happening to jack swagger. As for morrison, I thought with his feud agaisnt McyIntire he began becoming better on the mic, but it came out as it was only for the feud.

However for cody, Ive always seen him better than dibiase in legacy. However, what he needs is a gimmick. I thought he'd run to the ground, but his dashing gimmick is quite well. Do I expect it to suceed? I wish im wrong, but No. I still feel there is something missing with his gimmick and I don't know what, maybe not too characterstic (well compared to miz.) In my opinion, after breaking up with orton legacy shoudve had thier tag run for each character to develop some set of moves. What ruined it I belive was Ted dibiase movie nothing else, as WWE thought he'd rise after acting in a film.
Yeh, when you said miz mic skills I only remembered his 2 raps on r-truth. He raped better than r-truth i don't care what anyone says.

I know you were saying Miz rap-ed better than R-truth but raped LOL.

Anyway Miz has defintely passed Morrison. If Morrison was still heel they would probably be at the same level because I think Morrison's mic skills are better twhen he is a heel. But Miz has the cockyness the charisma, the mic skills and improving ring skills and has proved everybody wrong.

As for Ted and Cody like people has said Ted is basically doing the same thing his father did but Cody is becomin his own man. Cody proved that his promos can be better if he has cockiness with it. When Cody was in legacy his promos were bland because he didn't have that cockiness but now he does and that's what I believe was missing.
I think it's quite so clear that The Miz is doing better than John Morrison. Mostly because The Miz actually has everything going for him to become a main event talent right now. As opposed to John Morrison who is nowhere near in terms of microphone skills.

John Morrison is decent in the ring don't get me wrong. But he needs more charisma. He lacks it for the most of times. And a main event talent can't be lacking charisma and consistency in his promos.

But The Miz has the promos in hold. And he's pretty decent in the ring himself. He just needs the final bit of a push to make it to the main event scene. It will come eventually.

Cody Rhodes on the other hand, compared to Ted DiBiase I feel that they're rather equal. Ted DiBiase is doing something but he's not getting the biggest of pushes. But neither is Cody Rhodes. He's doing something but has only had one main event fight. And so has Ted DiBiase.

So these two talents are definitely no far from each other. At least not compared to the distance between John Morrison and The Miz.

The Miz is definitely better than John Morrison. And he is gonna be going places there's no doubt in that. But I wouldn't say Cody is better than Ted DiBiase. They both have incredible potential to go places. And I could definitely see them some years in the future as the main event of Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase.
I voted that it was only The Miz that was doing better than his partner and I feel that that is the correct answer right now.

The Miz has been a breath of fresh air through the WWE and he shows no signs of slowing down in the near future. He is brilliantly entertaining on the mic and can really work a crowd like no other. Look at his mic work on Monday for example. He started out by rapping and then turned into a chillingly devastating entity after he destroyed R-Truth. Seriously, that was not what I was expecting from The Miz and he pulled it off to perfection. He has also been the Unites States Champion (On and Off) for as long as I care to remember and again, he shows no signs of wanting to stop that any time soon. He is almost in the main event and is right on the cusp of getting there. A year ago, I would never have said that but he has managed to sway me over his side with great performances in every feud he has had and brilliant mic work. Morrison just has not had the same effect and he has lost all the momentum he had from the Morrison/Miz tag team, which is a little bit of a shame.

Cody Rhodes is no further on that Ted DiBiase is right now. Both of them are feuding over mid-card spots and of the two, I would probably say that the WWE are giving more time to Ted DiBiase. He has been given his father’s Championship belt and is being escorted around by one of the hottest females on the planet. Meanwhile, Cody Rhodes is being trailed by an overweight sack of shit with no talent… I think it is pretty clear who the WWE prefer. Although Cody has recently started a new gimmick, I don’t expect it to get anywhere and right now, he is in second place to DiBiase.
Personally, I think they've both surpassed their partners, though Rhodes has done it a lot less dramatically than The Miz.

There isn't much I can say about Miz that I haven't already said. The man is gifted on the mic, and working his hardest to improve himself in the ring. He has shown a great passion and desire to improve. That desire is exactly what Morrison lacks. Promo skills can be learned. Look at Jericho. Look at Miz himself! Miz used to be abysmal, but he worked his hardest and his promos show it.

Voting for Rhodes was more of a personal choice. I don't find DiBiase very interesting. His voice is bland, his ringwork is bland, and while I'm a mark for the Million Dollar Man, his son I'm afraid to say has nowhere near his talent. I never saw him as a main eventer, even when people were creaming all over him. Rhodes on the other hand is far more entertaining. His voice is better. His promos are better. His ring work is better. And now he has a gimmick he can make all his own. While DiBiase and Rhodes are in similar places on the card, Rhodes is just more entertaining and has more potential to me than DiBiase.
The Miz is in a perfect spot right now. He's not quite ready to main event, but at the same time there are also way too many people in the ME scene. That being said, he will get there, and subsequently have many runs as WWE champ.

Morrison isn't quite there yet. I feel that eventually he might get a WWE championship run, maybe 1 or 2 as WHC if he's traded, but that's about it. Not to beat a dead horse, but people have said it before: his ring work is pretty good, but his mic work sucks. I'd just like to point out though that when Edge debuted, he was silent and it worked, not that he's bad now, but I liked him better when he was still mysterious and "You think you know me" actually meant something. This just doesn't work for Morrison. He has that clean cut good-guy lock, no matter how rock'n'roll he wants to be.

Ted DiBiase. I for one love this guy. Like Miz, he's in a very good place right now; not quite main event, but definitely at the very top of the mid-card. There's been talk of giving him a US title run, but frankly, I feel that he's better than that. The US title needs him more than he needs it. By that I mean that he could easily have his first WWE title by the end of 2011 at the absolute latest. Yes, his gimmick is a rehash of his father and maybe he could be a little bit stronger on the mic.

Rhodes. He has potential. I don't regularly watch SmackDown! so I can't really attest to this one as well as others. He will eventually reach ME status, but not before the others. He just needs a little more "uumph." Give him a run with the IC title, maybe trade him back to Raw for the US, possibly even another tag title run, and then he should be ready.

All in all, from soonest to latest, this is how I see them reaching ME status or WWE/WHC titles : DiBiase, Miz, Morrison, Rhodes. They'll all get there, DiBiase and Miz by 2012 at the latest, Morrison and Rhodes probably 2013 or 2014, assuming they stay on their current paths.
What is there to say about Miz that hasn't been said. Not many people expected this kind of success from Miz. Hell I thought he'd max out as an ECW championship contender and that was it. He has proven the haters wrong and could be looking to move into the main event scene in the coming months, especially if he wins at Money in the Bank.

Now onto one of my personal favorites, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. I've always been a huge fan of Rhodes, but that could be due to the fact that I'm a mark for any member of the Rhodes family. I was always in the minority that felt that Cody had a brighter future than his tag partner DiBiase. Don't get me wrong I think Ted has the tools to be a potential player. He has a great build, decent in the ring and he is decent on the stick. Nothing special, but he gets it done. Now for Cody, the superb build isn't there, but I believe his mic work is better and his in ring work is more believable than Ted's. Cody isn't as defiant a choice as Miz, as Cody has just started to move up the card, but things look bright for Cody.

However I don't really think neither of the two teams have the Jannetty factor. I think both Ted and Cody are going to have successful careers and Miz and Jomo will be successful as well.
The Miz, definitely. I think it's still going to be a little while, but he's getting there. He won't ever be the face of the company or anything, but a WWE title shot should be coming around the bend quite soon for the awesome one.

Now, Cody Rhodes...I don't think so. His "Dashing" gimmick is just annoying. He said "dashing" like 22 times in the ring last week, and I thought I was going to throw up. It's not cool, or bad, it's just annoying. Now, if it's just a nickname and he stops saying it a hundred times a night, I can get over it. But I still don't think he's getting as big as you say he is. I like Ted DiBiase, and the simple fac that he's on Raw, is carrying around the Million Dollar Championship, has his own manager, and won in a good match with John Morrison this last week should tell you that he's the bigger of the two. He's got more personality, his gimmick is getting over better and is believable, and his ring and mic skills are better. Cody isn't going to fade into obscurity or anything, but he's not Ted DiBiase, and he's not main event. Just because he wrested in a main event match last week doesn't mean anything. He's a part of the Money in the Bank, and WWE likes to throw random guys in the main event just to see how the crowd reacts to them in matches of that caliber. Remember that Eugene was in the main event for a good amount of time. Hornswaggle has been in main event matches. Guest hosts have been... It's all about testing out the waters. We'll see what's to come for Dashing Cody Rhodes, but I don't think the future is quite as bright as you think it is for him.
Well, I think while Morrison has put on great matches in the past since the split, he's just not good enough on the mic to get to the level that Miz is at. Miz wrestles decent matches, but he is amazing on the mic. So, looking at the two now, as opposed to a year ago, I say Morrison is the Jannetty, and as proved everybody wrong when they said he'd be future endeavored within a few months.

Now Cody Rhodes, on the other hand, hasn't done much since the split besides become "Dashing". Ted is banging Maryse, and has the million dollar title belt. I'd say it's become a little two early to determine who the Jannetty is there, but like Miz and Morrison, it will become apparent within a few months or maybe a year. I think this time next year, both will be doing well for themselves, but Cody will probably be better off than Ted, seeing as he is better on the mic than him.
The Miz has definitely proved everybody wrong. A year ago everybody and myself included thought John Morrison was a future world champion and The Miz would just be in the midcard and eventually fade out. However, Miz's feud with John Cena really got him and his gimmick over, and we found out the truth between Morrison and Miz, as Morrison couldn't handle the microphone in the big time, as the WWE was ready to push him to the moon. The Miz is a future world champ and now Morrison is stuck in the midcard.

However I disagree with Cody Rhodes, as I am glad they are pushing him but he is not better then DiBiase. Both are worthy of a push and I am glad they are both receiving one and I love the Dashing gimmick.
Yes, both of them.

The Miz is/was pushed to super stardom after the tag team with Morrison. I thought after attacking Morrison, Miz was going to be the face, and then going to be released weeks later. However, he remained heel, and is currently the top heel on RAW besides Sheamus (to me.) This was partially due to the fact that he was pushed right away, and put into a feud with Cena.

Cody Rhodes, on the other hand, was not pushed right away, at all. He spent the past 3 months on Superstars, and NXT is what is really pushing him onward. His rookie, Husky Harris, is a perfect fit for Cody for some reason. After being put in a feud with Mark Henry and Lucky Cannon, he has finally returned to TV on Friday nights, and started calling himself "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. I don't see this as a permanent gimmick, but it'll work for a year or two.
I definitely think Miz is ahead of Morrison, much to a lot of people`s surprise. It`s safe to say most thought that JoMo would end up being the bigger star, but Miz is proving the haters wrong. He`s really taken the opportunities he`s been given and run with them. He`s already has mic skills and he`s shown improvement in the ring too. That being said, I don`t think all is lost for Morrison. I agree his mic skills are his weak point and that`s probably what`s holding him back, but I think it`s a bit hasty to call him the Marty Janetty of this team.

As far as Ted and Cody, I don`t think the answer is as clear. To be honest I always slightly preferred Cody for some reason, but I think right now they are actually on pretty equal footing. Cody now his this "Dashing" thing going on which I think has potential and I also wanna see where this new coupling of Ted and Maryse goes.
I believe that only The Miz has proven the naysayers wrong. The Miz is a 2-time United States Champion and is surely on his way to the Main Event scene. Cody Rhodes on the other hand just had a gimmick change and I don't think that we've seen enough of him to really make a judgement. Sure, the promos he's made as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes are great, and I think he will go a long way, but do I know anything yet, has he even wrestled yet, the answer is no. If we come back to this topic in 6 months I think we will have a concrete answer, but at the moment The Miz is the only one who has done a thing.
Miz/Morrison- THis one is obvious. Miz is clearlyy superior to Morrison. He has the Mic skills, the look, the in ring skills. He can talk a good game and back it up in the ring. Morrison, on the other hand, bores me when he talks. In the ring he is great, but he doesn't have the mic skills

Pricless/Legacy/Whatever Cody and Ted were called-TO me, they are pretty even. Cody's new "Dashing" gimmick is getting me to start hating him. Ted is also stating to get up there

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