The Miz Future Return


Pre-Show Stalwart
the miz was wrote out of the script was kayfabed injured by randy orton,
it was actually very interesting to see that his parents played a major role in this segment match thing. but was this to build up the moment? or was this to make another family angry at wwe? which could lead to a mizanin family vs mcmahons aswell as rhodes are comming. the miz finace is the former divas champion and wwe diva maryse. and she could very well return and face off with stephanie mcmahon. so where do you see miz returning? will he come back a loner? with the rhodes? or with his finace maryse? or maybe with his tag team partner john morrison what would u prefer. i would prefer maryse myself!
I don't see much happening for The Miz when he comes back. The attack was to get heat on Randy for brutally attacking The Miz in front of his family in his hometown. He might try to get some revenge when he comes back but I doubt it's going to lead anywhere. He's just a bit player in a bigger storyline.
I think it's a way to get the miz of tv so when he comes back he will go back to a heel there was a lot of talk within the wwe that he is not getting over as a face
I see this as a way for Miz to make a successful return to being a heel and joining the Triple H regime, I mean he's the perfect company man that does more PR than maybe anyone bar Cena and he dresses well and presents the image that WWE are supposed to want. The best thing is Miz has a genuine reason to turn, where were the locker-room that raced out to save Bryan when Orton tried to break his neck earlier in the night?
I'm all for a Miz heel turn. Hopefully, he returns with his classic look: The faux hawk, sweatervest sporting, annoying, smartalec. Miz TV would be a better segment and Smackdown needs a Top Heel. Time to shift ADR into another feud away from the WHC. I was hoping RVD's pairing w/Ricardo would lead to a feud away from the title. There's also enough faces for Miz to work with now: Ziggler, Rhodes, Bryan, Christian, Kofi, Mysterio, etc. I'd like to see Y2J vs. the Miz at WM 30.
I think Miz is better as a face.

In-ring wise, he's better at doing the babyface comeback than he is at wearing down an opponent for the majority of the match. I actually liked his little feud with Fandango recently. Character-wise, Miz is best when he's laid back and goofy, although it's nice watching him turn up the aggression and fire every once in awhile when the situation calls for it, like his recent match with Orton.

Daniel Bryan can't be in the WWE Title picture forever. Maybe Miz can return and chase Randy Orton for the belt for a month or two before sliding back into the upper midcard. Miz is pretty good as a tag team guy, having excellent chemistry with everyone he teams with. Maybe he can reunite with Alex Riley and they can join the fight against the Corporation.
He's a bit player but he's involved somewhat. Bryan's the main character and they seem to be looking to make Rhodes another major player. Miz will be alongside Ziggler and Christian as bit part players.
Miz wasn't getting over as a face. This attack from orton in his hometown was to draw heat for orton and it worked. Miz needs to be a heel. His gimmick and move set are perfect for a heel and then insert him into the whc picture since he's clearly not getting a chance at the wwe title anytime soon
There are so many different ways this could go. I don't really know how I want Miz to come back. If Miz comes back as a heel then I'd want him to take over Del Rio's spot on Smackdown as the top heel over there and be the World Heavyweight Champion.

If he came back as a face I'd like him to feud with the corporation, specifically Orton.

WWE always messes up when it comes to Miz. Miz could be a top player in the WWE but they always miss-book him. I'll say my ideas for a return both as a face and a heel.

Face return:
If The Miz returned as a face, I'd like to see him return at Battleground. Just as it looks like Orton is about to win, Miz runs down and destroys him. Daniel Bryan ends up winning and faces HHH at Hell in a Cell for the WWE title while Miz faces Orton. Miz gets very close to winning the match but The Shield come out and attack him while Orton has the ref distracted. Orton hits the RKO and picks up the victory. Miz and Orton continue feuding to Survivor Series. I'm not completely sure what happens here. Either it'll be a singles match that Miz wins or It'll be a 5-on-5 Elimination match which Team Miz wins. If it's a 5 on 5, Team Miz will be The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Christian and ???. Team Orton would be Randy Orton, The Shield and Big Show as Show has officially gone heel now. The final 2 are Miz and Orton where Miz gets the clean win.
Miz would then go on and become a top face for the Smackdown brand.

Heel Return:
Again, Miz returns at Battleground. Everyone thinks he's come back to get revenge on Orton when all of a sudden, he attacks Daniel Bryan. He ends up raising Orton's hand as Orton looks confused. The next night on RAW Miz comes out and explains that the beating Orton gave Miz opened his eyes. Everyone ran to help Daniel Bryan when he needed it but when Miz was getting attacked, no one cared. He stood up to HHH when he should have been aligning with him. He blames Daniel Bryan for getting embarrassed in his home town. Daniel Bryan comes down and eventually a match gets booked between the 2 for Hell in a Cell. I don't really know who would win, but I think Miz should win with after HHH distracts Daniel Bryan. This leads to a 5-on-5 match between Team Bryan VS Team HHH. Team Bryan would be Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Christian and Big Show (he's a face for this scenario) and Team HHH would be HHH, The Miz and The Shield. Randy Orton is off defending his title against some other top face. Eventually, HHH gives Miz a World Heavyweight Title match so he can control more champions. Miz wins the title and goes on to keep it until either Wrestlemania or just after (depending on if WWE want to keep Miz's streak alive).

That's how I would book Miz's return, face or heel. However, WWE will likely bring him back and just have him feud with people like Fandango or Kofi Kingston and will keep burying him.
I think this served two purposes. It helped giving Orton back a much needed vicious edge. The other purpose is to write Miz off TV for the time being. His babyface run failed miserably (pun not intended). Time to disappear for a bit and then come back with something new. The Miz is an arrogant schmuck. Great and natural for heels. For babyfaces it's extremely difficult to pull off. He should definitely come back as a bad guy.
I preferred The Miz as a heel. His work as WWE champion and just before was very good and he doesn't get enough credit. I would definitely consider turning The Miz because quite frankly him as a face is very poor. The dancing segment on Smackdown was not worthy of someone who has wrestled the main-event of Wrestlemania, it wasn't even funny or ironic just awful.

The Maryse thing was interesting and I never thought of that. I wonder if they would ever bring her back, heel or face, to the WWE in conjunction with this storyline. They could be a face couple fighting against the corporation, a heel couple that are good faces of the company. Maybe she could even "leave" him and feud against him. There are some good options if the ever wanted to bring her back.

Anyway, the future of The Miz should be as a heel but will probably be as a face. He will be one of the team that feuds with the corporation. I suppose a problem is that with Bryan, Rhodes, Ziggler and eventually Sheamus/Cena, The Miz is behind the in the pecking order. He will barely get a mention and will be there for the inevitable multi-man match and to be powerbomed. Turn him heel, side him with HHH and even put the WHC on him. Then they begin to use The Miz to his potential.
The Miz needs work. The face experiment for him should be over for now. They have tried and tried to get him over as failed miserably. He is just boring in his current gimmick as a face and being an undersized guy who is not really a great in ring wrestler, he needs to be a heel. A music change and a tweak on his heel persona would do him wonders getting him over as a heel. The talk show gimmick also works a lot better when a heel is conducting the interview.
I was all on the "turn Miz heel" bandwagon until recently when he started getting decent pops from live crowds and especially in his hometown. His Feud with Fandango was great and it's just a shame he can't have Flair in his corner consistently because WWE feels Flair's been around too long to be taken seriously as a heel anymore. I just want him back in the Main Event picture and a righteous fury beatdown of Orton would be great, especially if it was to help his former NXT protege overcome the corporation and screw Orton over.
Miz could use the time to hit the gym. It's not as if the guy is flabby but I believe he'd be more menacing with some musculature. There's no reason not to do it.

I'm enjoying him as a face more than I thought I would. Really, he's not far different from the way he was as a heel, but his gift of gab and ring presence seems to translate better as a guy fighting on the side of justice.

But, work on that physique, Mike. You're always going to be known mostly for your mouth, but an impressive bod will add a dimension to your persona.

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