The Masterpiece

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they should put Chris Masters with Beth Phoenix cuz that is his real girlfriend...they should create a story between them..and wen chris comes back...he should be good and help beth win the title.
RawFan22 said:
they should put Chris Masters with Beth Phoenix cuz that is his real girlfriend...they should create a story between them..and wen chris comes back...he should be good and help beth win the title.

For some reason I think Masters would have to earn his way back to the top, he won't get the title or any title too quickly.
i didnt say anything about a title for him. but he could be put into a story with his girlfriend for some time until he can get a stable story going for him involving a title.
Master's will struggle initially, if the suspension/reasons are accurate, he will be "different" when he returns... I see him going to ECW... There is a gimmick in being the "pampered" WWE boy, who wants to learn, he'd lose a lot, then go on a hot streak.. It really is his best option, the other is for him to go into a tag team with someone like Conway or Dupree...
he should b moved 2 SD,id still like 2 c him work as the masterpiece going vs U.S champs and other faces
Chris Masters vs. Bobby Lashley
has been something i've been wanting to see for awhile
or even a tag team between them would be cool too
does anyone else thing they would look like a great tag team together?
Ebony & Ivory lol
I think they should make him in a tag team.
he wrestlers like a tag wrestler.
Not sure who with though.
He should go to Smackdown and compete for the US title in the mid card division and have awesoem feuds with Lashley and etc. Or he can wrestle in a tag team with Beth as their manager if Masters will be face.
I will not be surprised if he got fired. anyway, Masters will do great on Smackdown if he goes to Smackdown
lol I also think that but smackdown needs more star power so masters will do good in smackdown if he goes there
I think Masters would make a perfect IC Champion. Then, he goes to sd with the ic title, they merge that with the US title. Just think of that match, Lashley vs. Masters to unify the US/IC title! AWSOME IDEA!
I think he is ok. Just needs to improve his skills on the mic. I think making him a tag teamer is a good idea as someone else suggested
he has done that so its nothing new,he was a tag teamer b4 he got suspended he can just do both which iz better
FLUFF said:
I think Masters would make a perfect IC Champion. Then, he goes to sd with the ic title, they merge that with the US title. Just think of that match, Lashley vs. Masters to unify the US/IC title! AWSOME IDEA!

I disagree, both belts used to be combined before and it eliminated the US title which I think has historical value (even though its WCW history) Both belts should remain on their shows to help the midcarders in their brand. Raw will have a lot of guys fighing for NOTHING. IC title should stay where it is.

Masters should finish his Carlito feud and then go to Smackdown. They need somebody like him.
I would like to see Masters on Smackdown, he would be used better there than on Raw and a Masters-Lashley feud would be pretty cool(No IC belt). Lashley Is the only one on the Smackdown Roster that I can see could break the Masterlock
New_Evl_Dr_Doom said:
Batista?Khali?Henry could all break the lock

Batista - maybe but I don't see a mid carder going against Batista, unless Masters recieved a huge push. Khali - Is just size, in Kayfabe I can't see him breaking it if Masters can get Khali to the ground. Henry - Yes he might but thats if Masters could get his arms around Henry's big ass arms and man-boobs. Sorry, I should have said Mid-card level in that post
I kind of like Masters. He's a big guy, but he's one that is fairly agile and seems to have some wrestling skills. Khali and Mark Henry irritate me that way, yes they're huge but their big, slow and have a repetoire you can count on your fingers.

I think they need someone over there that could a) go toe to toe with those guys other than Batista. Given that the Undertaker has been gone, Angle is off to ECW, they've been letting the freaks smack around pretty much everyone and they even made Taker job to Khali whose mic skills made the Zombie look talented. b) Smackdown's roster is a bit thin, having lost Orton they problem need to bring someone over who can do the more important midcard matches and be built up to Main events.
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