The James Gang Qutting?

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Dark Match Jobber
So it looks as if The James Gang has quit TNA wrestling. Do you guys think it was a work or was that straight up real. To me it was borderline iffy, but then again it was taped, so that had to be a work. Where the heck would the James Gang go if they quit TNA. WWE?
I have No Idea I have been thinking about it all day, It really seems to point in both directions. 1. James Gang seemed really mad, and I guess they have been mad for awhile now. (if that is for real) 2. TNA said on their site that the Gang was under contract and they will hold them too it. 3. My freind pointed out that HBK was not on RAW last week and my freind who is a conspicay nut (not crazy tho) Seems to think the reason was HBK might have been doing soom recruteing Personaly I dont know if that is why he was gone it just dose not seem to fit with the "new" HBK. So I really have no idea what is going to happen. But I can tell ya if on this comming RAW we hear "Ohhhh you did'nt Know!" I will be craping my pants.
I will be 101% surprised if it's not a work. In fact I'd probably bet my life on it. You don't allow somoen who's quitting your company, especially when you are makign major strides to do that -- and then not cut it out fo the taped show.

Coem on now, let's be serious.
I think TNA has laid a trap for Vince to see if he would attempt to make a deal with BG and Kip to join the new DX in WWE. If Vince takes the bait and fines out it was a work all along TNA would have this hanging above Vince's head for a very long time.LOL jk that happening is very unlikely but it would be interesting. I seriously think that this is going to be a storyline where TNA management gives the James Gang whatever they want(tag team title shot, etc.) so they do not go to the "other wrestling company" and it could end up with alot of crazy things happening(similar to DX).
It is without a doubt a work, they would have cut it off the broadcast if it wasn't. They're just going to take some time off then come back.

It is not a setup because Vince and HHH would not take the bait after seeing that shoot interview BG and Kip did where they said they would punch HHH in the face if they ever met again. I promise, if Vince wanted those 2 he could have them. Money talks and he is willing to throw a lot at whatever gets DX over because of all the stuff to sell.
I think their probably going to take them off TV for awile until they have something for them, because right now they don't really got any one to feud with, AMW is busy with LAX and the tag titleas, and they"ve already feuded with 3D so the only team thats left is the Naturals and I don't think TNA wants to have the James Gang feuding with another face team(unless they're turning them heel which is a possiability)

though I gotta admit the James Gang is playing this perfectly, they're making people beleive it's real just take this thread for example.
It's not a work it's just an angle to get them of t.v because they've got nothing for them to do.
Y 2 Jake said:
It's not a work it's just an angle to get them of t.v because they've got nothing for them to do.

That's a work u dumb ass.

Any ways, the reason TNA did this is because it is interesting. It makes ppl actually want to hear what the JG has to say. Lets be honest if they were not talking about quit'n n goin to WWE we wouldnt give a shit wat they have to say. The segment was only for entertainment purposes only.
just thought of this, does anyone else think that they may have gotten the I dea for this angle from the title of Bischoffs book, Contraversy Creates Cash?

i just find the timeing of the book relaese and this storyline occureing shortly after it's release a little interesting, it's as I said before being done perfectly so far

side note: an angle is the same thing as a work

I'm watching the repeat of this weeks Impact and a thought just came to me as I was watching the James Gangs segment, maybe the reason they came down at the end of Truths match is because their going to feud with him and Primetime when this whiole BET thing gets started
amboy said:
That's a work u dumb ass.

Any ways, the reason TNA did this is because it is interesting. It makes ppl actually want to hear what the JG has to say. Lets be honest if they were not talking about quit'n n goin to WWE we wouldnt give a shit wat they have to say. The segment was only for entertainment purposes only.

And what you said was uncalled for. Don't flame people ok? This is not an official warning but a warning before a warning.
It is obvious a work its the same type of thing they done when matt hardy was rehired but vince tried to get us to believe that he sneaked into the backstage area and attacked edge. I would luv to see the JG back on raw with DX but then I would also like to be richand at the moment i got more chance of being rich than hearing ohh you didnt know on raw again
eddieuk said:
It is obvious a work its the same type of thing they done when matt hardy was rehired but vince tried to get us to believe that he sneaked into the backstage area and attacked edge. I would luv to see the JG back on raw with DX but then I would also like to be richand at the moment i got more chance of being rich than hearing ohh you didnt know on raw again
You never know, they may just have DX in the ring cutting a promo then out of nowhere,"Oh you didn't know" would come on and the fans would think it's The New Age Outlaws(much better name than James Gang), but then nobody would come out, they did the same thing heading into SummerSlam 05, HBK was cutting a promo then Bret Harts music came on and the arena erupted and nobody came out
I think it is all going to come together. Remember the little promo hyping Sting vs. Jarrett where BG called Kip a dumbass or whatever, then the interview where BG said Jarrett was a damn good man no matter what anyone says? I think that the TNA booking committee is going to use that to put them in a little stable or whatever. Now whether they will be heel or face is a completely different question altogether.
justinsayne said:
You never know, they may just have DX in the ring cutting a promo then out of nowhere,"Oh you didn't know" would come on and the fans would think it's The New Age Outlaws(much better name than James Gang), but then nobody would come out, they did the same thing heading into SummerSlam 05, HBK was cutting a promo then Bret Harts music came on and the arena erupted and nobody came out
Oh god, I laughed my ass off when Shawn did that going into Summerslam, almost as hard as I did when Matt's music played during Edge and Lita's wedding on RAW. Holy hell, if DX pulled that off again I would probably piss myself laughing so hard.


"Holy crap Shawn...did someone give day passes from drug rehab again?"

LMAO, that'd be friggin priceless!
ktownsfinest424 said:
So it looks as if The James Gang has quit TNA wrestling. Do you guys think it was a work or was that straight up real. To me it was borderline iffy, but then again it was taped, so that had to be a work. Where the heck would the James Gang go if they quit TNA. WWE?
Don't worry, it was just a storyline. That was awesome. I love this idea. This will reignite their DX type characters. Instead of just cracking jokes all the time like they used to, now they're the type of people who just don't care and are trying to take down TNA management by breaking all the rules. I love this.
I feel like it is a TV shoot. I am sure they will be back later, but it would be nice to see them back at WWE as the New Age Outlaws in DX stable once again.
*** Spoilers****

It was revealed at last nights taping that it is just an Angle and they have renamed themselves the Voodoo Kin Mafia (VKM). They called out Trips and HBK by their real names and said they are starting a war. Totally sounds like a good idea but I hope they have thought it out past this first promo. I forsee "invading" a Raw or something but really we are just going to end up seeing BG and Kip face other TNA teams and cut nasty promo's at Vince in the meantime. I hiope it works out because at least it is unique.
I think its a kayfabe for maybe boasting James Gang up to a shot at the tag titles later down the line or they could be just taking time off or it could of been there just to roast on DX.
I am pretty sure that its a work, if this was for real, then TNA would want to keep it quiet rather than having everyone know thier business
Definitely a work. What I've always liked about Russo's style is that he sets up angles that are made to pry at people who post on these boards. I mean, hell, we're discussing this recent angle for that very reason. I still remember the episode of Nitro when he and Bischoff got in a lengthy exchange that drew tremendous pops and heat because it was a worked shoot. Those are some of the coolest types of angles I like to see because it's more realistic (and easier for the talent to get into) than a forced angle with a completely fabricated storyline. Case in point: Hardy/Edge. The whole crowd was apeshit over that whole thing, but yet again, a wasted opportunity came to pass.
Any "shoots" you see on a wrestling company is just a work. But man I too would love the"Oh you didn't know? Roaddogg was a lot better in WWE.
Well now...

Doesn't this whole recent video post with The James Gang make their current angle obsolete. First they said they were quitting and knew "where to get work" and then they are making fun of WWE and talking about how they were supposed to wrestle that night. You could still use it, but I think it negates the angle.
noone911 said:
Well now...

Doesn't this whole recent video post with The James Gang make their current angle obsolete. First they said they were quitting and knew "where to get work" and then they are making fun of WWE and talking about how they were supposed to wrestle that night. You could still use it, but I think it negates the angle.
Yeah, complete break on their storyline. It's funny how the creative team was too worried on shooting on the WWE instead of their own product, which broked the James Gang's storyline. Not only that, the police report indicates Vince McMahon did not have anything to do with this and hell, they (the officers) didn't even know who Vince McMahon was, and yes this was NOT in Stamford CT.

So now with the video, I guess it has little purposes of existing now. Plus, if the WWE wants to, they could have the video taken down for exposer of a logo/design they have copyrighted being used in a not appropiate way without permission. That's why many, including people that has home videos exposing the WWE logo have their videos removed on Youtube. So, time to fix the video and a storyline they broked and move on in your own business.
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