The Greatest Wrestlers Of All-Time

Hitman_03 said:
Top five "wrestler" (not entertainer's) of all time:

1) Kurt Angle
2) Brett Hart
3) Shawn Michaels
4) Chris Benoit
5) Rey Mysterio

I created this list based on the typ of matches, who they faced, and their ability to never have a bad match with anyone. If you dont' agree, ask yourself when have you ever seen a bad match out of any of these people, ever? I would also probably include Ricky Steamboat, Eddie Guerrero, Undertaker, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham, and some others.

All I want to know is where is Ric Flair and why is mysterio on that list of greatest wrestlers.
Kurt Angle
Bret Hart
Chris Benoit
Shawn Michaels
Late Great Eddie Guerrero
Randy Legend Killer Orton said:
Ok i have nothing against Shawn Micheals but i just dont believe that he is in the top 5, in the top 10 most definitley just not in the top 5.

Look at all the matches he been in. Ladder Matches, Hell In THe Cell, Elimination chambers, First man in the rumble and won it. The first grand slam champion. He could do technical moves or ariel moves. Faboulous heel, great face. According to I think Pro Wrestling he had the top matches of the year repeatly since 1993 except for the period of 1999-2002.
With that said My Five are.
1. Shawn Michaels
2. The Undertaker
3. Bret Hart( Just like Michaels just not as exciting)
4. The Nature Boy Ric Flair
5. Kurt Angle
1.Shawn Michaels(Probably the most dedicated wrestler that the business has ever seen)
2.Stone Cold Steve Austin(set the standards in the later 90's Loved the man before most even relized what he was capable of)
3.Undertaker(Not much u can say but 14-0)
4.Yokozuna(In his day he was the biggest s.o.b out there and he was almost unbeatable)
5.Triple H(His in ring skills are great and his ability to play to the crowd is terrific)

runners up
6.Ric Flair(Most of his title runs were not televised so not as a big deal)
7.Hulk Hogan(Put wrestling in to mainstream just not a terrific wrestler)
8.Kurt Angle(Absolutley one of the best technical wrestlers out there, past or present)
9.The Rock(persoanlity wise possibly the best, just not a big fan)
10.Faboulus Moolah(Held women's title for almost 30 years)
1. Hulk Hogan - How can you argue against a guy who made 2 different companies so huge. He launched WWF and made WCW top WWF when he was there.

2. Triple H - Correct me if i'm wrong...but i BELIEVE that HHH is the only person to ever have won the World Title, WWE Title, Intercontinental Title, European Title, Tag Team Titles, King of the Ring, and the Royal Rumble.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Put WWF back on top when WCW got so strong. Best storyline character in the history of the business.

4. The Undertaker - Who hasn't this guy beaten? there probobly has never been such a dominating wrestler.

5. Big Show - I know this is a shocker...and i dont really like him, but he is the only person to win WCW, WWE, and ECW titles, and has been hugely underused in the WWE.
For me its simple

1. Hulk hogan ( if it wasn't for him and his popularity wwe would not be what it is today period end of story)

2. Sting ( i can't believe nobody put sting on the top 5 list)

3. Ric flair ( 16 times champ )

4. Andre the giant ( undefeated for 16 years)

5. Tie between brett hart or The Undertaker
Ok Ray, I really hate to burst your bubble on this one, but I gotta do it. Hogan's popularity did not make the WWE what it is today. Guys like The Rock, Austin, Foley, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, HHH, and even Kurt Angle made the WWE what it is today. Hogan wasn't even apart of it all when it really took off in the late 90's. I agree with you to put Sting, Flair, Andre, and Taker on there, but you gotta look further than the current and late 80's/90's stars. Sammartino, Lou Thez, Pedro Morales, Antonino Rocca, Killer Kowalski, and Buddy Rogers laid the ground work for all these guys to get their starts.
sluggo69420 said:
Ok Ray, I really hate to burst your bubble on this one, but I gotta do it. Hogan's popularity did not make the WWE what it is today. Guys like The Rock, Austin, Foley, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, HHH, and even Kurt Angle made the WWE what it is today. Hogan wasn't even apart of it all when it really took off in the late 90's. I agree with you to put Sting, Flair, Andre, and Taker on there, but you gotta look further than the current and late 80's/90's stars. Sammartino, Lou Thez, Pedro Morales, Antonino Rocca, Killer Kowalski, and Buddy Rogers laid the ground work for all these guys to get their starts.

You got a good arguement but let me ask you something? if hogan didn't do nothing in the 80's, do you think the wwe would still be around with out hogan involved in the 80's?. Austin, the rock guys like that just making sure the wcw won't in anyway shape or form run the wwe out of business and i give you another examble slug. Didn't wcw beat the ratings better then wwe when nitro started and hogan was in it as either babyface and heel? see what i mean?
sluggo69420 said:
Ok Ray, I really hate to burst your bubble on this one, but I gotta do it. Hogan's popularity did not make the WWE what it is today. Guys like The Rock, Austin, Foley, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, HHH, and even Kurt Angle made the WWE what it is today. Hogan wasn't even apart of it all when it really took off in the late 90's. I agree with you to put Sting, Flair, Andre, and Taker on there, but you gotta look further than the current and late 80's/90's stars. Sammartino, Lou Thez, Pedro Morales, Antonino Rocca, Killer Kowalski, and Buddy Rogers laid the ground work for all these guys to get their starts.

Slug its obvious you watch wrestling on the early 80's like i do but why disagree with me though? i didn't put hhh, hbk, rvd, orton in the top 5, the rest of the ppl mostly some put those guys. argue with them not me lol but again you got a good arguement and i respect that. I'm new to this wrestlezone forum i ain't here to insult ppl thats for teenagers. I'm 27 so i act like an adult i could tell you got to be over 21 cause if you watch the wrestling from the early 80's late 70's you got to be over 21.
Ray, you infact are a wise man. Yes, I am over 21 (infact I'm 24)and I too am new to the forum. I consider myself a wrestling historian. I like to see people test my knowledge of the industry in all aspects. Now, you are right in the fact that Hogan had the ball in the 80's, but he had some help along the way from Andre, Randy Savage, Warrior (as much as I hate to say that) Demolition, The Hart Foundation, and The Honky Tonk Man. But starting around '92 or '93, people grew tired of Vince and his lame gimmicks. Hogan wasn't quite the draw he once was and WCW was gaining more popularity. When Hogan jumped ship and later started the nWo, he put WCW on the map for good, which lead to the guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK and countless others to try and keep up with that. WCW did beat Raw in the ratings for 84 straight weeks, but it was the title win by Mick Foley that started the downfall of WCW.
3:Benoit/Angle(cant choose between the 2 for my third spot)
4:Kane/Hogan (or my fourth)lol
5:Austin,Rock,HBK,Bret Hart (all great just not my personal faves)
ok the top five are this
1.hulk hogan-enough said
2.shawn michaels-absolutely one of the best
3.ric flair-great.16 time world champion
4.stone cold and the rock-stuperstars of the lae 90's
5.triple h,taker,savage-all electrifying
1.Hulk Hogan
2.Ric Flair
3.Bret "The Hitman" Hart
4.Shawn Michaels
5.Mick Foley

Can't really think right now.
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin
3. The Rock
4. Tripe H (yes I know he is banging in Steph but he is also a very very good sports entitainer!)
5. Id love to say JBL or Randy Orton but its gotta be the Undertake for what he has given the WWE?

The 1st 3 are in stone they are the top 3 guys of all time!
1. HBK
2. The Rock
3. Undertaker
4. Kane
5. Triple H
In no particular order (Top 5 Greatest of all time):

1. Bret Hart
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin
3. The Undertaker
4. Hulk Hogan
5. Triple H
1. The UnderTaker

2. Kurt Angle

3. The Rock

4. Chris Jericho

5. Shawn Michaels

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