The Greatest Matches That We Never Got to See


The Phenom of WZ
I'm curious to know: What is the greatest match up in professinal wrestling that we haven't ever seen and will(in all likelyhood) never get to see?

For me it's simple. The Rock vs. HBK. This could have been one of the greatest feuds of all time and could have made a hell of a WM match, but we will probably never know.

What's your opinion?
wow good queston i can think of so many. here are the top 3

3)tripl h vs brock lesnar. they where on seprate brands nd lesnar had a short carrer. i would of much rather see lesnar battle the game at wm 20 instead we got a crappy match with him nd goldberg

2) hbk vs eddie guerrero. hbk mentioned that during eddie's tribute that would of been a wm classic

1) bret hart vs kurt angle. prob the best feud pro wrestling could of offered. imagine 2 of the best tech wrestlers going at it in a classic iron man match. this would of been one that people would talk about 4 ever
Fantasy match threads are always fun and entertaining to think about the what ifs... So I am going to include 5 dream matches I would like to see and also who I feel would have dominated the feud should it have happened…. Also the best way to see these matches would have been when all stars were in their primes…

1) The Road Warriors vs. The Dudley Boys--- Arguably the 2 best teams in history… The Dudleys were good; however there would be no Dudley Boys if it had not been for Hawk & Animal… Also in their prime the Warriors were so brutal, big, & strong not even Bubba & Devon could handle them… The Road Warriors win this…
2) John Cena vs. Sting--- The leader of WWE today vs. the leader of WCW in the 90s… Cena is good and he is so over with the fans… But Sting is his prime would have owned John Cena… Side note I used the Sting of old who wore bright tights and paint, not the Crow Sting
3) AJ Styles vs. Shawn Michaels--- I love the idea of this match, just the pure athleticism and the match would be a wrestlemania classic if it would have happened…The promo work would be pretty solid also… I would love to call AJ winner, but I honestly think Shawn in his prime has this…
4) Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. Randy Orton--- I know this match wouldn’t have a lot of athletics and actually would be very stale, but the storyline and promos would sell it easy… Jake the original master of ring physcology vs. Randy the new nut case of modern wrestling…. Jake was good, but in the end he would be punted to the moon…
5) Chris Beniot vs. Dynamite Kid--- Arguably 2 of the best technicians in history, the promos would be weak, hell in fact probably terrible, but the matches would be among the best history would ever see… The 2 guys are mirror images of each other, size, build, hell they even looked somewhat alike and if you put a mask on them you couldn’t tell them apart… Dynamite was good, but Chris was better….

There are my thoughts… There are so many dream matches out there possible, so it becomes impossible to list all combinations… These are just some that popped into my head while responding to a quick thread…
I got two...

1. Game vs Brock. That would have been in instant classic in my book.

But if you ask me, dueling egos would prevent this match from being as great as it could be. By the time the rumble came around brock and game would be the last two in the ring punching back and forth for hours, both unwilling to go over the top rope. Vince would then come out and award triple H the victory based on punches landed.

2. Wrestlemania Triple threat between Angle vs Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit... nuff said.
I am sure I could think of a bunch of them if I thought long and hard, but off the top of my head I would like to have seen the following three matches:

1. Demolition vs. The Brothers of Destruction. At their peak both of these teams were dominant and made tag team wrestling exciting. Demolition was always my favorite tag team, and I would love to have seen them go at it with a team that was just as dominating.

2. Triple Threat Survivor Series Match: DX (HBK, HHH, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn) vs. NWO (Hogan, Savage, Hall, Nash, Giant), vs. Ministry (Undertaker, Gangrel, Edge, Christian, Viscera)

3. Sting vs. Undertaker - this would have to be when the Undertaker was a heel and was destroying everyone. When he would constantly sit up, and never get hurt. Sting would have to come from the time when the Crow character first showed up and started destroying the NWO. Sting was capable of taking down an entire group of guys single handedly that the rest of the locker room couldn't seem to beat. These two were indestructible and it would have been like Gorilla Monsoon always said..."the irresistible force meeting the immovable object"
Rock/HBK would have to get top honors. While I would love to see Hart/Angle, Shawn and Rock would have a more dramatic Rock/Hogan type of match. And that is what I would prefer to see over the Hart/Angle pro slash amateur style match sort of like HBK/Hart or Angle/Benoit. It would be great, but we have seen a lot of big matches like that. HBK/Rock just has a good feel to it.

Cena/Rock gets honorable mention though only because of "The Marines" latest shit talking.
Triple Threat Survivor Series Match: DX (HBK, HHH, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn) vs. NWO (Hogan, Savage, Hall, Nash, Giant), vs. Ministry (Undertaker, Gangrel, Edge, Christian, Viscera)

got a few problems with this one
1. Has there ever been a triple threat survivor series elimination match, watching that would kinda be weird
2. DX & nWo are 2 of the best stables in wrestling history for what they each did to their respective companies but the Ministry??? I dont know what they contributed to wrestling & i dont know if they really put anyone over (Maybe the Acolytes but not E & C, their ladder match with the Hardys the Fall of '99 did that)
I'd probably replace them with the 4 Horsemen- Flair, Arn Anderson, Blanchard, Ole Anderson, & Benoit (please dont make any negative comments on Benoit)
3. If you are gonna use the Ministry, I'd replace Gangrel with Bradshaw & maybe even Viscera with Faarooq cuz remember the Acolytes were with the Ministry also

ok anyways the greatest matches we never got to see

i want to say Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan (they fought each other on Monday Nitro in 99 or 00 dont remember but that ended in a no contest) & IMO i pretend that match never existed but since it did (we can thank wcw for dropping the ball on that one).....

i guess i will go with the rock-john cena because everyone wants to see that, cena had made some remarks a few months back about the rock choosing the movie industry over WWE, and because i would love to see the rock just beat the fuck outta cena
)tripl h vs brock lesnar. they where on seprate brands nd lesnar had a short carrer. i would of much rather see lesnar battle the game at wm 20 instead we got a crappy match with him nd goldberg
. Game vs Brock. That would have been in instant classic in my book

i got too see these 2 wrestle in sioux falls, SD and it was so awesome. really a once in a lifetime match and by the way brock won.
Hogan v.s Austin- 1 and 2 best wrestlers of all time

Hart v.s Angle- He said he would have loved to be able to wrestle him if he had one more match. I'd like to see this as a Iron man match.

Dynamite Kid v.s Benoit- Good pick earlier. Be like watching Dynamite wrestle his shadow. Id love to see a ton of reversals..this would be an amazing match.

Goldberg v.s Austin- When they were both white hot. I used to day dream of this match..I'd always have Austin with a clean win.

Guerrero V.s Owen Hart- Because these were my favoirte two wrestlers to watch wrestle of all time.
all of these matches would have to take place at wrestlemania.

1. hbk vs the rock.- 2 of the most talent in ring workers ever and when has hbk not stolen wresltemania ? oh yeah never

2. the hardys vs. the rockers.- it would just be cool to see the two most innovative tag teams ever tearing down the house.

3. undertaker vs. sting.- i think the story and darkness would be awesome. sting should come to wwe to have this match at mania 26
People have chimed in with some good matches, but nothing beats not being able to see Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair at their peak. I don't remember which WM it was, but it should have been Hogan v/s Flair. Instead, neither Flair or Hogan could come up with a comparable finish. Although Flair's match with Savage was still great and Hogan's match with Sid was...well...a wrestling match, it still begs to question how epic a Hogan/Flair match at WM would have been. Especially when both wrestlers were near their peaks.
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Greatest Possible Matches and why...............

1. John Cena / The Rock - Im going to tell you right now that I am definetely not a Cena fan. However, there is no denying he is the TOP draw in the WWE today, and im assuming younger viewers love this guy. Pit him against the most charismatic entertainer in wrestling history and you got your self A HUGE MATCH that will make an astronomical amount of money.

2. Sting / Stone Cold - im surprised no one has said this. Well you basically have WCW top draw and the "WWF" top draw when the Monday Night Wars were really harsh. There both legends in their own right and pitting these two guys who create a legendary match.

3. NWO (Hogan, Nash, Hall) / DX (Triple H, HBK, Xpac) - Everyone knows these guys are "the clique" but why not have them in a match. NWO made WCW and DX made WWF. I remember dreaming for a DX vs NWO match.

4. Bret Hart / Kurt Angle - this would be a great match because both are known for their wrestling abilities. They also have huge amounts of respect in the wrestling community.
I might be the only person on the planet, but I would have loved to have seen Kevin Nash versus Brock Lesnar. Lesnar very rarely had to face any kind of power wrestlers at all. The closest thing he came to that was a watered down Deadman, Inc and then Goldberg on his way out.
1. Cena/Rock
2. Austin/Hogan
3. Sting/Undertaker
4. DX (HHH, HbK, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X Pac) vs. nWo (Hogan, Nash, Hall, Savage, The Giant)

And Ironically enough, those could all still happen. I don't think that any of them will, but hey, anything is possible.

And now some dream matches:

1. Bret vs. Angle
2. Lesnar vs. Cena
3. Corporation (Rock, Shamrock, Bossman, Test, Big Show) vs. nWo (Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage,Syxx)
4. Kofi vs. Bourne as a feud.
5. Swagger vs. Steamboat.
6. Trish Stratus vs. Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. Mickie James
7. Dudleyz vs. E&C vs. Hardyz- One more time?
8. Jericho vs. Undertaker

That would be a spectactular PPV.
1)john morrison vs aj styles
2)the rock vs ric flair in his prime would of been amazing!!!
3)ricky steamboat vs hbk these men in their prime could of easily had the greatest match ever
4)kurt angle vs ric flair
Said it once and I'll say it everytime this thread is made, I would pay anything to see Bret Hart wrestle an Iron Man match, or a last man standing, or a submission, or a cage match, or a ladder match, or well any gimmick match against Kurt Angle. I think Angles amateur background and Brets amateur background would create magic. Pair that with both of their techincality and you have one of the greatest matches of all time.
Loads of matches.

Any combo of The Rock/Austin v Orton/Cena - The top guys from each era squaring off, instant money.

The Rock v HBK - If HBK had not hurt his back and was around in 1999, then that could of replaced The Rock v Billy Gunn at SummerSlam. Two of the most charasmatic wrestlers ever, two of thw biggest names ever, would of been awesome.

Stone Cold v Triple H v The Rock - Man I wish this had happened at Survivor Series. I have stated before that they should of done this at No Mercy the month before rather than having The Rock face The Bulldog (which did nothing for either man). The two biggest faces of all time against the best heel of all time (when they were in their prime's). Add the WWF title to the mix and their history with one another intertwined and that is one hell of a main event.

Sting V Undertaker - Both dark characters, both huge names, would of been interesting to see the match and who the crowd would of rooted for.

Sting v Ultimate Warrior - both with the same face paint, I may be mistaken but I am sure they both trained together and teamed together wearing the face paint. When I was younger I really wanted to see this match.

Goldberg v Austin - Both marquee names, similar look, immensley popular, would of been amazing.
as said The Rock/HBK The Rock/Macho Man Randy Savage

the promos from these two would of been golden

also Bret Hart/ Kurt Angle would of been a technical dream match
1)john morrison vs aj styles

you bastard i was gonna put that. haha.

But Yeah Rock Vs HBK would be Great
AJ Styles Vs HBK would be amazing also

another Interesting one i'd like to see would be AByss in his destructive time Vs Kane when he was an actuall monster
DX(HBK and HHH)vs Legacy,I mean,COME ON.Who DOESN'T want to see DiBiase or Rhode's face up Orton's ass?
HBK vs Batista vs HHH vs Cena Fatal Fourway,Top 4 superstars of RAW today.
Y2J vs Edge vs Christian WHC Match,Who doesn't want to see this match? The participants itself is telling you it will be a good match,Canadian vs Canadian vs Canadian.
Bret Hart vs Edge vs Y2J,Again the top Canadians triple threat match.
In terms of matches we never got to see that were supposed to be, only one in recent memory stands out. i mean, HBK vs The Rock is still a tiny, ridiculously minute possibility in the unpredictable world of wrestling. As is a feud with Cena. What I thought you meant by this was matches that could have happened, matches that wouldn't need time machines to transport people past their prime or past injuries. A Match like Hogan/Flair that Lariat suggested was a good example.

But the true match that never was, CM Punk vs Chris Benoit for the ECW title at Vengeance 2007. This was supposed to happen, yet due to circumstances that later became horribly apparent, Benoit did not appear at the show. That is a match we never got to see. And I'm not sure how I would feel if we had seen it, and Benoit had turned up.
Bret Hart vs. Chris Jericho

Steiner Bros vs. The British Bulldog- I have seen on Youtube Bret and Owen Hart wrestle with the Steiner Brother in great and technical tag team match.

Lance Storm vs. Chris Benoit- this would have been a masterpiece.

Taz vs. Samoa Joe-I bought into Taz's character 100% but I buy into Joe 0%. I'd loved to have seen Joe choked out by the Human Suplex Machine.

Jerry Lynn vs. Eddie Guerrero

Dr. Death and Terry Gordy vs. Road Warriors- Two great teams.
In addition to what everyone else has mentioned:
1) Road Warriors vs Brothers of Destruction. Think of the physical nature of this match. Power moves galore.

2) DX (HHH, X-Pac, NAO) vs Four Horsemen (Ric, Tully, Arn & Barry Windham). I give this one to the Horsemen on sheer brutality.
I'm gonna say something no one has said yet Sting vs Abyss vs Kane vs Undertaker vs Mankind in a monsters Ball match... This match would be intense
I see a lot of HBK VS AJ Styles or AJ Styles VS Morrison but I got to say RVD VS AJ Styles....when I look at AJ in TNA today he reminds me of RVD back in the old ECW.

Bret Hart VS Kurt Angle of 2 fav. of all time and the 2 best of all time.

Rock VS I can just see how will the girls react since most of them today love Cena.

Undertaker VS Jericho I am hoping to happen at WM but I am not sure if it would.

Austin VS Austin can whoop Hogan

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