Greatest Wrestler Of Today Who Will Never Win A World Title?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Who will be the greatest wrestler of today (this era, attitude to current) that will never win a WWE championship/world heavy weight championship.

Simple question you know that names: Lawler, Piper, Jake "The Snake", Scott Hall, Ted DiBiase, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Mr. Perfect all never won the WWE title, so the question is who is the GREATEST wrestler of today that you feel will NEVER see the WWE championship.

and side question do you think the WWE championship has been given out too loosely? point in case shemus and ADR both of which I hated when they debut but they both have held that belt twice and have been in the WWE for a total of 35 minutes...
Firstly, I understand the problems people had with Sheamus having the world title. I have howeever never quite understood the issues surrounding ADR. He is simply fantastic and fully deserves his rise to the top of the mountain. He may be green in terms of years spent in the WWE, but you would never know it to look at the guy in the ring or on the mic.

Anyway, on to your main question. It's obviously hard to really think of too many guys who will get close to the main event position and not see the world title at some point. Obviously the industry has changed and the belt is moved around far more often than it has been in the past, leading to the likes of Jack Swagger having already had the title.

But, if I had to guess, and despite the fact that he has the near guaramtee of a chaampionship run with the MIB suitcase, I just can't see Daniel Bryan having the WWE or World Heavyweight title. So, I guess, if I had to go for someone, it would be him. Although I say that with the thorough expectation that he will get the belt at some point in the near future.
Well if we're talking about today's superstars then this is probably gonna be a very odd pick, but I'm gonna go with Sin Cara.

Sin Cara is already madly over with the crowd and even with all the things that he has been through in his so far short WWE run I see him sticking around for years to come. I honestly think Sin Cara is gonna make a huge name for himself as one of the greatest highflyers in the history of the WWE. Hell, even went ahead and put Cara in the list of the top 10 masked wrestlers of all time. You can tell they're pushing for him to be something big. I think the reason for Sin Cara having an undercard feud on Smackdown now is that he's a little green when it comes to wrestling in a WWE ring. So Hunico and Epico can help him improve on that and balance his style. Cara is still young, I'm sure he'll improve as he gets more and more comfortable wrestling in a WWE style match.

Sin Cara I can see having a few Tag Team and IC Title runs, but let's face it, he's NEVER gonna be a World Champion. He can't even speak English. But his gimmick gives him natural charisma that I can see keeping him relevant for years to come. And if Rey Rey puts him over in next year's Wrestlemania then I can see that being the ultimate moment that would push Sin Cara to great superstardom.
One could argue whether my choices qualify as "great" wrestlers, but I pick Kofi Kingston and Ted DiBiase. I don't feel either has the charisma or marketability to win the world title.

But then, who knows? With WWE's apparent policy of giving each guy a turn to be pushed and allowing them to rise as high as they can, it might happen for these two in the future. Sometimes, it's the right program that allows someone we thought didn't have the goods to ascend to the top.

But for Kofi and Ted, I just can't see it.
I have howeever never quite understood the issues surrounding ADR. He is simply fantastic and fully deserves his rise to the top of the mountain. He may be green in terms of years spent in the WWE, but you would never know it to look at the guy in the ring or on the mic.

I'm going to keep it short and sweet. ADR is HORRIBLE on the mic. CM Punk said it perfectly monday night. ADR never has anything of any substance to say, and the extremely broken English bit is really annoying.

Probably Kofi would be my pick for biggest wrestler to not win the WWE Championship
Firstly, I understand the problems people had with Sheamus having the world title. I have howeever never quite understood the issues surrounding ADR. He is simply fantastic and fully deserves his rise to the top of the mountain. He may be green in terms of years spent in the WWE, but you would never know it to look at the guy in the ring or on the mic.

Anyway, on to your main question. It's obviously hard to really think of too many guys who will get close to the main event position and not see the world title at some point. Obviously the industry has changed and the belt is moved around far more often than it has been in the past, leading to the likes of Jack Swagger having already had the title.

But, if I had to guess, and despite the fact that he has the near guaramtee of a chaampionship run with the MIB suitcase, I just can't see Daniel Bryan having the WWE or World Heavyweight title. So, I guess, if I had to go for someone, it would be him. Although I say that with the thorough expectation that he will get the belt at some point in the near future.

see with ADR and shemus like I said I may have hated them when they entered but I love them now but the issues isnt with them its the fact that they have been in under 2 years and have had the title twice.

but my choice is gonna be cody rhodes, I think cody COULD be champion, but it looks like either one or two thing will happen, he will hold the IC title for a very long time or drop it and regain many times and never quite get there as far as WHC or WWE titles are concerned
Honestly, I'd say Kofi.

He can cut a terrific promo but is rarely given the time or the fued to do so.
He is a phenomenal spot wrestler, with a move set that attracts big crowds (two finishers for example, for false finishes to matches etc.) and his current run as a tag champ is teaching him a lot about ring psychology imo.

But his character is a bit too generically "babyface" to have an interesting reasons to get involved with big name, big idea fueds. And if you can't do that, then you won't get the opportunity.

The way the titles have been booked this year though with like 50,000 changes and even Mark bleedin' Henry being promoted like a champ- I wouldn't rule out some no hoper like Heath Slater or David Otunga.

Also your og post is a misnomer. When Steamboat beat Flair for the NWA title, it was arguably a bigger or more prestigous thing than winning the (then) WWF title and Lawler at the height of his fame was pre-Hulkamania. He won his first title to make him 'the King of Wrestling' in 79, and the Andy Kaufman fued was still 4 years before the first Wrestlemania.
William Regal, he's coming to the end of his career and sadly I think his time has passed, but the guy had it all. Fantastic wrestler, you just have to look at the amount of folk he's trained and how good they are to see this, good on the mic and has the ability to be the evil heel, the goofball or just funny. If you haven't seen his raps go look them up on youtube their brilliant. It's a shame that he'll never hold the title because I'm sure they could have given him it once during his time, even if it was just as an transitional champ.
Hornswaggle (Haha), Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, McIntyre, and John Morrison! Easily said most likely Morrison is gone, McIntyre is buried in the rubble of WWE Superstars (Should be on Smack Down), The three others just are not fit to hold the world title obviously. You could add Santino Marrella to that list as well. I hope to god Brutus Clay never holds a title. He's worthless.
My thought while i was reading this was William Regal.
He is great in the ring, good on the mic. But he is running out of time. Im all for giving Regal a run with either World title, but i just cant see it happening.
Also, if you would have asked this prior to june, i would have said Mark Henry.
Who will be the greatest wrestler of today (this era, attitude to current) that will never win a WWE championship/world heavy weight championship.

Simple question you know that names: Lawler, Piper, Jake "The Snake", Scott Hall, Ted DiBiase, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Mr. Perfect all never won the WWE title, so the question is who is the GREATEST wrestler of today that you feel will NEVER see the WWE championship.

and side question do you think the WWE championship has been given out too loosely? point in case shemus and ADR both of which I hated when they debut but they both have held that belt twice and have been in the WWE for a total of 35 minutes...

Who the fuck is Shemus? Did I miss something in the past two years Ive never heard or seen this person.

I know there was a Sheamus that won the WWE Title, and the only way to build up future stars is to test the waters. Total of 35 minutes? He's the 2nd largest face on Smackdown, right below if not on the same level as Randy Orton. Did he win the WWE Title too soon, possibly but again the WWE booked him incorrectly as a champion to justify his two runs. One clean win over Cena or Orton and Sheamus would have skyrocketed as the heel champion on Raw.

If not for Edge being injured going into WM27, Del Rio would have walked out champion, bank on that. Having him go the MITB route was kind of dumb on the WWE's part because they built him up to be a bad ass. Moving him to Raw also slowed down his progress, because the WWE put him back into a feud with Rey Mysterio, a feud that has already taken place on Smackdown for the better part of 2010.

As for the topic on hand, there are plenty of people in the WWE now, who will never see a WHC or WWE Title run. You may say that some people who are great wrestlers never get a run with the main event title, but theres another reason... They don't have the support or don't feel they can handle it.

Some may feel that wrestler X has future world champion written all over them, but it could come down to the fact that the fans don't latch on and support that person, or wrestler x doesn't feel as if he can be the backbone of the show and pull in the views others can.

Or they give a person a shot with the title like Christian, as a reward for hard work, and to justify his career or create a true moment (Edge and Christian hugging after Christian won the title) only to immediately take the title of Christian and put it on Orton. Christian as champion, Christian as the face of Smackdown, Christian as the #1 guy on Smackdown vs Orton a tried and true WWE production, Orton who's been attached to every PPV over the past 4 years in the WWE, Orton who's headlined WM's and various other PPVs, Orton who sales, Orton who the fans connect to.

Swagger was given a run with the WHC, and look how big of a disaster that proved to be.
Well i think all the great wrestlers on the roster will become WWE or WHC at 1 point in there carears. Look at ark Henry... He was never veiewed as 1 of the GREAT ONES on the WWE roster EVER. But he was good and givin a monster push he has been very good 2 or 3 times in his tenure. That being said i think William Regal is a very good 1 who has most likely passed any chance of him holdong the top title.

Also when Kofi was feuding with Orton i thought for sure by the start of 2011 he would of been a world champ. But who is to say that Kofi wont stay inb the mid card for another 12-15 years and break records for mid card title runs, then all the sudden in his last days like Henry is now that they could throw Kofi a bone and give him a WWE or WHC run.
The same could be said for John Morrison...Some think he may be out, but i think he might stay in the dog house ala HHH in 97 and maybe by 2014 JoMo could end up being a top dog after many years in the mid card. I think John might of been close to getting a chance to be WHC than any of us will ever know...

Besides them i dont think there is to many GREAT wrestlers on the roster that wont get the belt. Do i think Heath Slater or David Otunga will ever get the belt? HELL NO... But i dont think they are great or ever will be.... But who knows. in 2008 would you of ever pictured Miz as a WHC. And at times earlier in his carear me and others might of thought Mark Henry had a little but of championship material in him... but in 2011 EVERY1 thought his glory days were over. Nobody thought he could do the work he is doing. So who knows maybe one day Primo or Ricardo Rodriguez could be the next Miz...(probably not)
I'd go with Kofi or Evan Bourne. Not that I am confused if whether either of the two guys would get a title but because I am a bit confused as to who is the better of the two. I'd say Bourne is a bit better than Kofi as he is a bit better in the ring. His selling is especially top notch. Kofi is better than him on the microphone and plays a bit more to the crowd thereby connecting better.

But anyways I do not think that either guy will win a world championship. Both are good but just not good enough. They just are not very interesting as characters to be given the world championship reign though Kofi did show some promise in his feud with Orton. Though I must say that that was more of a case of good booking. I mean Kofi was put in two great sequences when he destroyed Orton's car and when he gave him the huge boom drop at MSG. But he lost steam as the feud progressed.

Evan and Kofi both lack the mic skills, the intensity and the neccesary charisma to be main event champions. They will always be very good midcarders in the mould of a Ricky Steamboat but I cannot see them as world champions.
William Regal is the obvious answer to the OP question.
I don't think there's any chance that he'll still get any kind of championship run, and I don't think his talent can be seriously questioned.

Goldust is another good wrestler nearing the final years of his carrer, and I can't see him winning a WWE ou WHC belt. Even if most people couldn't see past his gimmick, he was actually very talented on the ring.
Has everyone forgotten who Shelton Benjamin was? Seriously that guy is amazing, he was in the ring with some of the greatest of all time (ala HHH, HBK, Angle, Lesnar...) and he was able to hold his ground and put on amazing matches! the guy not only could make the best looking spots but could also be a technical wrestler! this guy will sadly never win a world title in WWE or TNA! I consider those the only real world titles! Sorry if you are offended by that but its true. Anyways Benjamin could of been a HUGE success but his mic skills were not the best but he wasn't awful!
Never say never, specially in wrestling, but from the current guys, maybe KOFI KINGSTON doesn't have a future as world champion, bad on the mic and no psycology of a main eventer, but is a solid mid card performer that's for sure.
I would have to say William Regal, the rest of the guys on the roster still have a chance even if it's a small one, but Regal is on his way out and he will sadly never hold that belt. Guys that have been mentioned to Kofi, Bourne and Dibiase, I'm not sure why people are thinking about them. I definitely see Kofi becoming a world champion and a damn good one, Bourne and Dibiase honestly wouldn't deserve it. Bourne is talented but he'll never be on that level, and Dibiase pretty much blows and can't get a reaction to save his life. But William Regal is the easy pick here, he's been around for years and is a fantastic wrestler but at this point in his career I don't think he has the time nor the ability to have a good world title reign. I have always been a fan of Regal and his style but his time has passed and we barely see him at all let alone enough for him to get a title match and win the championship. Also one that I would have said had he not recently been released is Chris Masters, sooo much wasted potential it's a goddamn crime.
Honestly, I'd say Kofi.

He can cut a terrific promo but is rarely given the time or the fued to do so.
He is a phenomenal spot wrestler, with a move set that attracts big crowds (two finishers for example, for false finishes to matches etc.) and his current run as a tag champ is teaching him a lot about ring psychology imo.

But his character is a bit too generically "babyface" to have an interesting reasons to get involved with big name, big idea fueds. And if you can't do that, then you won't get the opportunity.

The way the titles have been booked this year though with like 50,000 changes and even Mark bleedin' Henry being promoted like a champ- I wouldn't rule out some no hoper like Heath Slater or David Otunga.

Also your og post is a misnomer. When Steamboat beat Flair for the NWA title, it was arguably a bigger or more prestigous thing than winning the (then) WWF title and Lawler at the height of his fame was pre-Hulkamania. He won his first title to make him 'the King of Wrestling' in 79, and the Andy Kaufman fued was still 4 years before the first Wrestlemania.

I can honestly say you may have swayed my opinion (at least on kofi and his mic skills) now i still feel he is terrible but your post makes me think of the brief promos he had with orton maybe a year and a half 2 years ago and they were brilliant...I dunno what happened after that, he seems nervous now.

But if Otunga ever gets a singles belt he will go on to be champ for some reason they like him
but for folks that said...Evan Bourne, McIntyre, and John Morrison... do you REALLY think there great? like will be HOF worthy ??
My thought while i was reading this was William Regal.
He is great in the ring, good on the mic. But he is running out of time. Im all for giving Regal a run with either World title, but i just cant see it happening.

This was my pick he's great talent, good with the mic.

HOwever if rumors are right he was supposed to win the title back not long after he won KOTR but when he failed the drug test that never happened.
One word.....Goldust. Great athlete with just the wrong gimmick. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE the Goldust character, one of my all time favs, but with his gimmick there was just no way he'd ever be a world champion. Out of todays guys id say its a damn shame John Morrison doesnt win one before he leaves WWE. I hated the guy big time when he was Nitro, but Morrison has really grown on me.
The most common two would be Regal and Goldust, although both could still get a run. With someone like Regal, they could do a run up to the Rumble with Regal doing a whole retirement angle (bit like the Dreamer plot but on a bigger scale) and with Goldust, they could just do an angle where he is possessed with the champion but in fact after the gold (basically stealing his first run in the WWF under that gimmick).

In terms of those who are currently active and not sidelined, I can see Morrison getting a run he is stays with the company and keeps his head down. So there isn't much left in terms of who to chose from, if just in WWE terms then R-Truth, if not including other World Titles from other companies then Cody Rhodes.
In my opinion it's JoMo, Drew McIntyre or R-truth there all great in there own way but they all have one problem,R-truth's is different to JoMo's and Drew's, JoMo and Drew's is there relationship.Look drew has a relationship with a diva she gets released he's on superstars.Morrison isn't on superstars but he's jobbing a bit so he could be on superstars more and truth he's on raw while he's on raw he has to compete with:
Miz(after they split)
maybe Ziggler soon
maybe Ray when/if he returns
Although he doesn't wrestle under the WWE banner I'm going to say AJ Styles. Just don't ever see him jumping ship to WWE. Then again who knows? Even if that was to happen, I don't see him winning WWE's top prize due to him being homegrown in Impact Wrestling.
My thought while i was reading this was William Regal.
He is great in the ring, good on the mic. But he is running out of time. Im all for giving Regal a run with either World title, but i just cant see it happening.
Also, if you would have asked this prior to june, i would have said Mark Henry.

But Henry has the champion "Look" More than Regal does, i mean i love Regal, and i have since his days in WCW but Henry is more of a dominant character and at this age Regal should be used to put over young talent, which is why its too late for a "Thank You" Reign for Regal, although they could at least give him some minor title in the future to hold onto, oh and quick fact, Regal only needs one major title to become a triple crown champion, *Fingers Crossed*
when I read the headline 2 names came to mind, william regal, and tyson kidd. I say william for obvious reasons he is one of the best in the business today however he isn't ever used except on NXT and superstars. however with the right push he would be a real possibility for world champ it would even be belive able. also tyson kidd has every thing except size and abiity on the mic but look at other superstars that team up with vickie they get shot to the moon because they have her speaking for them and they back it up in the ring IMO the wrestler who would benefit from being with her the most is tyson he already has great matches fighting over an action figures leg why not a world title

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