The Final Four: Pool C

Pick One of the Final Four

  • Blue Demon

  • Rikidozan

  • Gorgeous George

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I'm voting Gorgeous George based solely on the impact he had on the business. He paved the way for the likes of Ric Flair and such. He made wrestling cool back in the day and had influences on popular figures such as Muhammad Ali. That is saying something.
I will also go with Gorgeous George, He Made a big Impact in pro Wrestling, Like Theo said he actually made wrestling cool and entertaining, He brought life to pro wrestling.
Gorgeous George. He paved the way for the entertainment aspect of professional wrestling. He took it to a new level in his era, and based on my research was one of the first real mega superstars. He could go far in this tournament if he gets the right match ups.
Wow, I did not expect such a push for Gorgeous George, I sort of wish Blue Demon was going into the hall of fame to get the WWE Push in this:).

I don't really care who wins here, Think they will all go out, but I picked Blue Demon as I think Mexico needs more representation.
This is bullshit.

Rikidozan is twice the worker any of these men are, yet Geroge get's the push from being on TV the most recent. Riki's the father of Puro. Know how much the IWC raves about Kenta and co.? Or you remember how great Chris Benoit used to be, or how Jushin Liger became a star in so many countries? Thank Rikidozan for that. When Japan needed a hero, Rikidozan brought professiona wrestling to Japan. We now have Puro as we see it.

That, plus the man drew like no other. His matches with Thesz regularly drew massive ratings. The guy drew with Thesz, Bockwinkel, and the like. He trained Inoki, Baba, and all the pioneers of Japanese wrestling. I know I reek of smarkiness right now, but dear God, this is absolute bullshit. I'll give my vote to Rikidozan, and pray for the best.
Jesus. All of you that have said "Gorgeous George made an impact on pro wrestling" and used that as your basis are quite naïve to say the least. Blue Demon is the number 2 man in Lucha Libre history, and his feud with Santo is pretty much the benchmark for drawing in that country. Imagine Rock and Austin. Well, he's The Rock.

However, despite wishing Mexico to be better represented, I'm voting for Rikidozan. Rikidozan wrestled some of the biggest names of George's era, and actually won. One of his matches against Lou Thesz drew a TV rating of 87.0. People may say "well, there was less choice then", which is true, but it doesn't explain why two of the most watched television broadcasts of all time in Japan are his matches. Rikidozan deserves to be in this tournament. Without Blue Demon and Gorgeous George, professional wrestling in their respective markets would be different. Without Rikidozan, there might not even be a professional wrestling market in his region. He deserves in.
I think Tenta and Tasty are right. George is getting pushed here because of T.V. reasons (AKA Angelo Dundee's stories about him etc...). I honestly believe that Rikidozan is the most deserving.
Rikidōzan is of similar professional wrestling fame in Japan as Santo in Mexico, Bret Hart in Canada, Enfermero in Peru or Hulk Hogan in the United States.

That's the quote from Wiki and it's right. Lou Thesz had so much respect for this man that he put his own reputation at stake to put him over. That is why you should vote for him.
Yeah, alot of people are voting for George solely based on him being on TV recently. And George was very influential to alot of the guys in the business that became legends (Ric Flair is a prime example), but Rikidozan had a much larger impact on the pro wrestling business. He was the catalyst that caused it's birth and surge in popularity in Japan after WWII. Considering what Japanese wrestling has done to influence the working style of the business today, I think Rikidozan is the most important name on this list.

(By the way, truth be told, I am only 25 and have never heard of Rikidozan until today, but when voting for something like this, a quick Google search can give you all of the information you need. Rather then just choose who you know, why not put in the 2 minutes of research and read up on each man's career.)
Uh, Rikidozan, obviously, for you know, inventing that puroresu thing.

Shit, he got blown out. A shame for one of the biggest drawing wrestlers in Japan ever, if not the biggest. If not for his tragic death, one could only guess his further legacy.
Was going to vote for Demon, but he's getting smashed. So is Rikidozan, but at least he's still somewhat within striking distance. Definetly better than Gorgeous fucking George.
I'd be lying if I said that I really cared about who wins this one. However, I'm going with Gorgeous George. Believe it or not, my choice doesn't have anything to do with his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. I've known about him for a long time and GG really was decades ahead of his time. He introduced showmanship into wrestling and transformed it, some say for the better and some say for the worst.

I can't blame someone for voting Blue Demon or Rikidozan. Both men are wrestling gods in their respective countries and I respect that. But I'm giving my vote to GG because I think that he's someone that's really underappreciated when compared to many of these older legends.
I'm well aware of the contributions of both Demons and Rikidozan, but I went with a personal favorite of mine. I understand the argument that both of these men may have done more for the business as a whole than Goerge. I have a soft spot for him what can I say.
Rikidozan. Basically because I hate Mexican wrestling and early, early retro American wrestling. Because I'm xenophobic and ageist like that. Swear.

Gorgeous George did a lot for the entertainment aspect of wrestling, sure. He was a "eccentric" (to put it as the WWE did) gimmick in the very early days of TV. But I have a feeling that American wrestling wouldn't even be going without Japanese wrestling getting a start. Just a hunch.

Blue Demon....uhhh....he did some shit in Mexico. Some important shit, apparently. But I won't vote for him unless you can prove that Mexico wrestling had any impact beyond the cruiser weight division in WCW. Mysterio doesn't count, but he's shit and I hate him.

Rikidozan basically built Japanese wrestling. You know, that place that Hulk Hogan went to before starting Hulkamania in the States. The place that Hulk Hogan garnered most of his first massive success in. If not for Riki, as I will affectionately call him for the rest of my post, would there be a New Japan Pro Wrestling for Hogan to excel in? Answer me that while you vote for Gorgeous George for any reason other than "He was a gay man during a time that he wasn't supposed to be!??!?!?!" Which is a fine heel gimmick for the 1950s, but still. To vote based solely on that is being blind to the contributions of Riki to the world of wrestling.
Had to go with George. Not sure we would see the kind of entertainers we do today if it hadn't been for him. He had a character, and that was rare during his era. I'm not going to pretend to be an expert when it comes to his career, because I'm not. He stopped wrestling over 20 years before I was even born. But from the things I have watched, he was something different for his entire generation.
I do understand that Rikidozan and Blue Demon really helped wrestling get on the map in their country's but I had to vote for George. He was one of the men who brought wrestling mainstream in North America, and really made an impact on the sport back in his time.
Gorgeous George is in the hall of fame the others are not. Thus he must be better than them. That's why Im picking Gorgeous George.
Koko B. Ware is obviously better than Randy Savage.

Oh i don't know according to Matt Striker, Michelle McCool is more deserving of a Hall of Fame spot than Wendi Reichter.


The More you know!

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